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"Wedding? Woah, woah, no-- no, I'm not marrying you. God, I don't love you that much yet. I love you, sure, but marrying you? I don't think-- I can't do that," she whispered, her expression immediately altering. She wasn't that naive that she thought she could live as his girlfriend and that alone, but she just thought marriage wouldn't be on the table for a few years. Dating Apophis while he had other wives was hard, but she wasn't tied to him. theoretically, he could dump her and she could move on

However, marrying him tied her to the family completely and that terrified her. She didn't want to be around the other wives. It obviously made her jealous, even if she knew he didn't... love them.

"...You should know by now, Apophis, that I'm not like the other women around here. I'm not going to gush about marrying you. I'm sure lots of girls dream of it, but it terrifies me, so... there's no rush. Totally no rush. Take your time, pal," she casually laughed, though there was no hiding the terror on her face. "And... yeah, three months-- and it's not a dragon. It's a rabbit. I can tell. Mother's intuition and all that shit. Trust me, it'll be an adorable, small rabbit hybrid I can gush over."
"....Hope. Do you think I'm giving you the choice? I'm not. You're are pregnant with my child. And in order for that child to have its birth title as Prince of Princess, you will need to marry me. And I never said I loved you. Do you think I love my other wives? No, but I'm married to them, right?" Laughed the King humorlessly. "I'd like for my kid to have its proper titles. So yes, marriage. Now back to the wedding. I'll have everything handled. I'll have a friend of mine handle the dress. He'll make sure your wedding kimono looks beautiful. I'll get someone to make fake documents stating you are from royalty.."

Apophis didn't know what Hope expected but...Having his child meant she'd be tied to him forever. So yes, she'd be married to him whether she liked it or not. He didn't want a scandal to happen just because she didn't want to get married. That'd ruin his chances of uniting his Kingdom with Escaflowne. Uniting these two Kingdoms met he'd soon have control of...Well the whole world, and that's what he wanted. And like hell would he let this little rabbit get in the way of that. Sure he liked her a lot, but not more than he loved power.
"Wait, you don't... you don't love me? I thought-- I just assumed you-- Oh. Oh right. Okay then. That's... fine." Hope smiled, managing to faintly nod at whatever else he babbled on about, because nothing really went in after he landed the revelation that he only cared for her in a small sense compared to the way she had genuinely fallen for him, and it almost instantaneously reignited that burning hatred for him. Expecting Apophis to change his ways was like asking the sun to come out at night instead of the moon. It was impossible and just wasn't going to happen. Why she thought she was special made her feel... ridiculous. She wasn't special, not at all, not to him or to anyone in this kingdom-- besides Sandra and the children. They were legitimately the only people she liked now.

Apophis had very quickly, but very certainly, wiped his name off that list. And now, she wasn't going to marry him. Not at all. She didn't know how she was going to get out of it, and out of this whole mess... but she was going to find a way. Marrying someone who didn't love her wasn't the way she wanted to live her life. She naively believed that he... loved her. Learning he didn't was like taking a dagger to the heart.

"I'm going to bed, you can just-- you can sort it all out then. All this wedding stuff. I'm... not in the mood to do all that girly crap."
"And you think I'm in the mood for that girly crap?" Asked the dragon with a playful cackle. "Alright, I'll see you in the morning I suppose. You should join me for breakfast...Or why don't you sleep in my chambers, I've missed waking up to you. You always twitch your nose when you're sleeping." Smiling the King.

Sure Apophis didn't love her. He once did, before she tried to kill him. But her trying to kill his kind of wiped away the love. He didn't love her anymore but was still fond of her. If she hadn't tried killing him, he would have still been madly in love with her. However, before she could answer him, his right-hand man came, telling him that there was an emergency meeting. "...You can sleep in my room tomorrow night love. I have something to handle. Go and get some rest." And with that, he kneeled down, kissing her belly before heading out.

The next morning, a wedding dress designer had come to Hope's bedroom. "You see I drew this one up last night...But I hadn't realized how...Pregnant you were." Mumbled the woman, looking down at the drawing she made for the bunny. "...I can alter it! How do you like it?" Asked the dragon with a grin.
Hope hadn't slept a wink last night, for various reasons. She was stressing out over this wedding, even if she was determined to somehow get out of it-- which brought along a whole abundance of new issues when she had to somehow discover a way to get out of a marriage to a King like Apophis. She was equally worried about Alfred. As cute as he seemed with Incy, she didn't think it was right to cut off his childhood and have him be engaged this young. And when she finally cut off her thoughts and somehow allowed herself to relax, she just felt like throwing up.

Apparently, morning sickness for her happened at night, too.

By morning, it was fair to say she wasn't in the best of moods. Being overtired, sick and already this pregnant was a trifecta of shit she'd rather not deal with. When the designer entered without even knocking, she shot her a glare in annoyance, struggling to put on her fluffy slippers. Not being able to do the simplest of things was something she was starting to absolutely detest.

"...It's alright," she shrugged, not allowing herself to say anything more. "I don't like weddings. I don't like dresses. Therefore, I don't like this-- whatever this is. But it's fine. Can you go now?"
The woman blinked, before taking her drawings and leaving the miserable bunny to her lonesome. Not long after she left did a young blonde headed dragon peek his head into the room. It was Felix, holding his baby brother, Dax, hand. Grinning at his Nanny, he pulled Dax in, who was still learning to waddle. "Hope~!" Giggled Felix as he ran and hugged her legs, looking up at her with big golden eyes. "I've missed you bunches!" He giggled. He didn't get to see her yesterday because she was too busy with Alfred and his fiancee. And a day to a six-year-old feels like a week.

"I was so lonely yesterday. My sisters couldn't play because of stupid dance classes...And Ally was with his stupid boyfriend, and Dax had check-ups yesterday so I was all alone. I'm so happy you're free today~! Aren't you happy Dax?" He asked his one-year-old brother, despite the fact the baby still couldn't talk.
"Now, why are your sisters even still in dance class? Avery hates it, she's always mumbling-- her mother's still forcing her, isn't she? Honestly, that woman-- I ought to give her a piece of my mind, she's such a bitc-- naughty adult word you don't need to know yet," she laughed, physically lighting up as soon as the two little ones came into her room. While she got angry at everyone who refused to even knock her door, like her confirmation meant nothing to them, she'd gladly allow the children to come and go as they pleased, however old they got.

"I know I was away a lot, but... well, Alfred needed me yesterday. Poor thing was so angry and nervous in the morning, but that other Prince is such a cutie pie, and they're adorable together, I think. Ally seems happy and that's all I care about-- well, not all I care about. I care about my adorable little Felix too, and you too, Dax," she cooed, swooping the baby into her arms and quietly began to play with his blonde hair, whilst the little one curiously began to play with her ears-- much like his father seemed to constantly do.

"I... have some news for you too, hon. I... I'm going to marry your father. I mean, I... I think I have to marry him. He sort of sprung it on me and I can't refuse. He's the King. Besides, it means I can be around you kids a lot more."
Blinking, Felix grinned and clapped happily. "You'll be another mommy~! That's wonderful~!" Giggled the toddler as he hugged her legs. He obviously didn't understand that her marrying his father would cause trouble with the other wives. In his mind, everything was bright and wonderful. And that meant that Hope would be around more, and he obviously loved her. She was more of a mother than his mother was. Nadia was barely ever around him. She'd rather shop, get her hair and nails done than to be around him. It was sad how little his mother paid attention to him, but he didn't care anymore. He had Hope, and he saw her more as a mother than he would probably ever see his own mother.

"We can play every day together now~! I bet Ally, Azula, and Avery will be super happy~! They love you so much~!" Giggled the little boy and on cute, the twin girls entered Hope's room. They often entered her room in the mornings. It was the one time where they were forced to do anything. Azula looked at Hope and grinned brightly at her.

"Hope! Morning, morning Felix, and hi Dax~!" She blew kisses to her baby brother who was in Hope's arms. Pushing her black hair from her face she went to sit on Hope's bed yawning. "I saw Ally yesterday with his fiancee. Guess what, they kissed." She giggled deviously. "I'm going to tease him~"

"He didn't kiss him, they were fighting all yesterday!" Huffed Felix.
That was news to Hope, her smile vanishing in record time. She wasn't at all lying when she told Felix she thought the young couple were cute; they were, incredibly so. However, the operative word was 'young'. They were far too young to be thrust into this engagement when Apophis wasn't even doing it for his son; he was doing it to consolidate his own power. He was effectively being selfish and using his son for his own gains. That was the issue Hope had with it all - she didn't want Alfred being the victim of his father's selfish desires.

But she didn't have a say. All she could do was protect Alfred as much as possible-- and she did that better than both his parents combined. It was a sad fact that all the children had mothers who barely noticed them, and a father who couldn't care less about them unless they were his heir-- and even then he only cared for Alfred because he could bring the two richest kingdoms together.

Hope was glad she had them; but she knew they were glad to have her too.

"...Look, if they kissed... then at least they seem happy with this arrangement--"

"It's dumb. It's so dumb. I hate Apophis a-and I hate... hate them all," sighed Avery, the little girl -with a far older, wiser head on her shoulders- clambering onto the bed with her dark, curly locks wild - Raven barely cared enough to organise her daughters' hair to be done. "I... I don't want to... to have breakfast with them. I hate A-Apophis lots. And Raven. I won't call her Mom. S-She's not a Mom, Azula."
Azula looked at her, before crossing her arms. "Shush. She is so a mom. Don't be mean, that's not cool. And stop saying mean stuff about daddy." She huffed crossing her arms and looking away from her. "Anyway, we should all play a game~"

Alfred walked into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him, looking at his siblings. "Why are all of you here?" He asked, arching his perfectly arched brows. Yup, at this age his eyebrows were to be arched. All of the kids, expect Dax had to have their eyebrows done, and manicures. They were royalty and had to look a certain way. And that way was perfection.

"I saw you kiss your fiancee!" Giggled Azula, sticking out her tongue.

"What?! No, I didn't! You're a liar!" Hissed Ally, his cheeks flaming red. "He barely even let me hug him!"
"Oh hush, you kissed him, didn't you? Now, come and sit down with your sisters and brothers and tell me about it. I want to know all about you and Incy, we didn't get to talk about it much yesterday. He... seems lovely, sweetie. A little temperamental, a little mean to you, but if you two kissed, you must be getting on great," grinned Hope, adjusting Dax on her lap when the boy seemed to acknowledge that it wasn't so easy to cuddle into her right now, but he also seemed to find a position to cuddle sleepily into her nonetheless. She did notice just how angry Avery was, of course, but she would mention it to her in private; bringing it up in front of her siblings would only anger her further.

"When are you meeting him next?" She asked with genuine curiosity. "And when's this... wedding? I'm sure your father's organising it all, isn't he?"
Alfred angrily huffed, his cheeks red as he refused to look at her. Crossing his arms, he bit the inside of his cheek, not saying anything. Obviously, he was embarrassed. Finally, he spoke up. "I kissed him, for like only a second. So it's not that big of a deal...He slapped me after" Mumbled the little boy, obviously confused. Because, yeah he kissed Innocencio, and he didn't push him away or anything. But after he pulled away the boy slapped him and said he was an idiot. "I don't get him, he...he sometimes likes me, then he hates me...I like him though, like a lot, he's really cute. But he needs to know who the boss is." Huffed the boy.

"He probably slapped you because you're a terrible kisser~" Taunted the little girl, sticking out her tongue. Azula was obviously the troublemaker and loved to start fights. She was like her father in that way.

"Oh shut up, Azula! You're ugly, Avery's prettier than you!" Hissed the boy with scarlet red cheeks. "And...And I know he likes it because his tail was swaying!"
"Stop teasing your brother, this is a big deal for him, Azula. Now, Ally, I think you and Incy will be just fine. He clearly likes you-- but maybe this is just a scary experience for him? I don't think you realise just how daunting you dragons can be. You're a sweetheart, Ally, but the poor boy must have been a little daunted by you. You're so much taller than he is and stronger and... well, your kingdom's the best," she murmured slowly, a smile creeping on her lips nonetheless. She knew that if there was one way to win Ally around again and lead him away from his aggravation with his sister, it was to compliment and boast about him. Most dragons liked a little self-esteem boost-- and in Ally's case, it was at least mostly all true.

"I assume he'll be back on... your wedding day, hm? I assume that'll be when you're older. Gosh, I... I can't believe that. You'll be so dashing as a young man, you know. All tall and strong, and he'll be cute in his traditional outfit-- I'm over-emotional right now, but still, it's exciting for you!"
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"...But...That's six years from now...I...I have to see him again before that." He whispered, now mortified at not seeing him for so long. "What...What if he forgets me and falls in love with someone else? I...I'd cry, he...He has to see me before then!" Whined the dragon, huffing as he crossed his arm

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if he fell for someone else. cat hybrids adore attention~ And if you aren't there giving it to him, then he'll find someone else~" Taunted the little girl with a giggle.
"Oh, will you stop teasing him? I'm sure he'll be just in love with you as you are with him when you see him again, no matter how much time goes by," smiled Hope, setting Dax down just to be able to pull Ally in close. The boy needed his slice of affection right now, especially with Azula's less than sympathetic remarks about his engagement. Sure, cat hybrids loved affection from what Hope knew about them, but it didn't mean the other Prince would grow up and find comfort in other people. Generalisation could be dangerous.

"If it helps, Incy didn't seem to like affection from anyone but you," she pointed out, pushing his hair back from his forehead. "Look, let's not talk about it. I'm jealous that you have such a cute little relationship and I don't~"
Alfred moved to cuddle Hope, whining a bit. "I miss him though...I still love you Hope, but I love him so much." He mumbled, moving to cuddle her chest. He then jumped before moving to look down at her tummy. "...It just moved...How far are you? They're moving so soon." He mumbled, moving to hold her belly, giggling a bit.
"You don't-- You don't need to worry about me, okay? I've gone through a lot worse than carrying a kid, however irritating it is that I can't even tie a damn shoelace these days." Hope replied, biting back the shock of feeling the little movements. In her head, she was doing her best not to even acknowledge the pregnancy, because it just reminded her of who the father was, and how Apophis didn't love her the way she loved her. It then prompted her hatred of him, and it just soured her mood completely-- but it was hard pretending the kicks didn't affect her. They did. It reminded her that she actually had lives inside her that were reliant upon her. It was hard not to smile at that.

Avery didn't smile though. The girl was smart, far smarter than children her age were. That was mostly because she spent so much time by herself, ignoring her mother and step-mothers as much as she could. Hope, though, was someone she loved; someone she saw as her own mother... so knowing who the father was only made Avery grimace. She worked it out in seconds, and she didn't like it. She loved Hope, but she loved her so much that she wanted her away from Apophis - Avery hated her father and she didn't want Hope tied to him in this way. She'd rather Hope leave and be happy than be stuck to Apophis, where he could be an asshole to her and make anyone's lives miserable.

"This isn't good, I... you should leave, Hope. G-Go home, a-and... and see your parents and siblings 'cos Apophis isn't... he's a h-horrible father and he won't care for the babies a-and... and he doesn't love a-anyone and... and I love you too much t-to see you u-upset!"
Alfred looked at his younger sister and grimace. "Avery...She's not leaving, shut up. If she leaves we'll be alone, so just be quiet." He hissed angrily, moving to hold Hope. Avery always was so miserable, so bitter, she could never just smile. While he loved his sister and played with her often he didn't like what she was saying. He didn't want Hope to leave. "And Dad loves us. Remember, he stayed up all night with Dax making sure he'd be okay. Stop talking like that, you're so annoying."

"Don't call her annoying." Hissed Azula, moving to hold her twin's hand. She wasn't going to let anyone talk down to her twin. Her twin was her best friend. "Leave her alone." She moved to hug her twin tightly, nuzzling her cheek. "You're not annoying Avery."

Felix grimaced at the bickering and moved to cuddle into Hope. "...I don't want Hope to leave."
"What about the time he called you Alex for a whole year because he didn't know your name? W-What about the time he... he told me to get away from him because I had a cold? He's not... a good man. I hate him. He's not how a Dad should be. H-He marries horrible w-women who aren't nice to us and... and I love Hope, and he'll just hurt her like he hurts everyone a-and I... I don't..."

"...He's not going to hurt me. I'm capable of defending myself, sweetheart. I... wouldn't allow him to hurt me," began Hope, frowning at just how passionate Avery seemed to be. No child should have their parents like this, but Hope couldn't blame her. Raven was a horrid mother, the step-mothers were dreadful, and Apophis cared more about himself. Hope was the only real one who cared for them, so escaping, like she planned to do, didn't seem like an option right now. If she had to stay and put up with hating Apophis and dealing with his selfish, jealous wives... then so be it. It was worth it. "Oh, this is miserable and boring. You lot haven't had breakfast yet, have you?"
"No...I think that's why Avery is just being miserable. You should eat...And don't talk about Daddy like that. I love Daddy, okay? He loves me too." Alfred stood up and left the room upset. He didn't like being reminded that his parents...Didn't love him. What child liked to be told that? But Avery just kept bringing up, kept being miserable. He hated being around her when she acted like this. It made him and made him feel unwanted.