Dark of Night OOC (Still Accepting)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Thanks shinakawolf! I've just gotta PM PheonixXeno about one thing before I actually post a CS, but I'm definitely going to have a character or two here if I can >:D
Yea, you're good to go!
id love to join if your still taking characters
I believe we still are. Here are a few Character choices you can play around with that Phoenix had mentioned she would like to have. Other than that, create your own.

Other Charries Available (Possibly will become NPC's.)

Dwarven King Fir of Kai-Pyro

Queen Natalia of Kai-Pyro

King Lionel of Dorrie

Contender for the Human Throne of Dorrie.

Contender for the Hawk Coven of the Vampires

Orc Ambassador of Gaahalo

A Noble Elf fighting against the Dwarf Ambassador for Princess Meria's Hand.
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We could also use someone to RP as the elf who is fighting with Kaic for Meria's affection
Okay, I'mma have to say sorry, and walk away from this one (for now). I'm having a bit of a "Cant be arsed to write" period at the moment. V_V

I'll get over it at some point, and if you're still looking for people then, I'd probably be up for this! :O
Understandable... We'll see ya, when we see ya, Dedtoo!

I'm hoping to have a working summary of the entire RP as it runs, so anyone can keep up without reading Everything All The Time! But, we shall see.
thats actually a good idea for when people want to join while we are in the middle of the role play. If i can help with anything let me know, i can keep up with the characters statuses, like if they are deceased, off some where or MIA

(Didn't wanna use an anime picture, but this was the closest thing to what I see in my head)
Name: Vycera
Race: Dhampir (Half Vampire Half Elf)
Dhampir are a rare race, created when a mortal female is bitten during her pregnancy and lives to give birth. Not very often are they born, and most when they are die during infancy. They have some of the powers their vampiric blood would grant them, but not at full strength. Dhampir are still sensitive to the sun but can stay under it, albeit uncomfortably. They do not require drinking blood to survive, but still have an instinct and lust for it. They are slightly colder to the touch than most mortal races, and have slightly elongated "fangs."
Hair/Eyes: Shorter black hair and extremely blue eyes with a small bit of silver surrounding her pupils
Personality: She often feels extremely lonely due to elves looking down on her for what she is. It's often because of fear that they call her a monster and want nothing to do with her, but she developed a dislike for most elves. She's easily annoyed by most mortal races, and tries to seem cold and uncaring about everything, even if it does affect her.
Bio: Vycera, although feeling lonely, almost always tries to keep to herself. Her father walked out on her mother when Vycera was born, but her mother gave everything she had to keep Vycera alive and make sure they both survived. When Vycera hit however, her mother suddenly disappeared. Since then Vycera had been alone. After trying to find somewhere to fit in and being called a monster by many elves she learned to survive on her own. Now she tries keeping to herself as much as she can. Vycera isn't extremely strong as a vampire would be, but between being an elf and half-vampire she is extremely acrobatic. Lately, she's been wondering if staying with the elves is really the best thing for her...
Weapon(s) of Choice: Her "father" (the one who bit her mother) was a Hark vampire, and some of their ability to use blood magic was given to Vycera, although much less powerful than a full vampire. She also wields a rapier that had belonged to her mother before she disappeared.
:D I will join! Give me a while.~
Known name.

True name - hidden due to nature.
Explain later on in CS.



Natural form

Sealed/child form.

Fox/true form.

-Red eyes in natural form, blue in sealed.
-White hair/fur.
-Pale skin.
-Six tails.


Robin is a cheerful character, up beat and mostly positive. Due to her presence in her sealed form she often comes off as hyper or child like, for she has over time adapted to this due to the form she holds. Like most foxes, Robin is extremely mischievous and devious, constantly planning and plotting out her actions and pranks if she is conducting. Similar to this, Robin is extremely loyal due to some of the animal instincts she holds and the 'way of the foxes' as she will regularly call it. She can be overly secretive and in some cases quiet. While she often appears as if a child, Robin is far older than one would believe ignoring the form she is in. It is the years behind her and the tails that prove her age as she is quite knowledgeable. However, this mostly applies to when she is in her home land. Due to being in a new environment, Robin is quite clueless. Robin is more in tune with her animal side than anything else, mostly because she has constantly chose to rely more on the animalistic and instinctive side of her.


Born just over six hundred years ago, Robin was once known as Fuyumi. Of course, as a Kitsune she was bound to not speak of her true name and so she later became Robin after being called similar to one due to the small size of her sealed form. For most of her life she was observing humans, uninterested in their affairs but intrigued by their misfortune and choices. So she became prone to interfering in their lives, be it small matters such as appearing to play pranks or even to out right ruin their day. Of course, at this point she was scolded by her teacher. This did not stop the child like Kitsune as she continued her sequence of interference and pranks in an attempt to satisfy years of boredom. During her most recent years, Robin decided to take a trip out of the eastern countries and into a new area to allow her to gain more experience outside of her comfort zone. Upon reaching the lands of Gaahalo she had decided to keep to her sealed form to avoid attention along with keeping a less odd name by continuing to call herself Robin. Recently she has become familiar with a small section of a forest that she resides in, occasionally in her fox form to try and scare people who appear within her 'territory'.

Weapon(s) of Choice:

-Fox Fire.
-Kitsune Magic.

Species information:
-Sphere : A condensed and seal of her power. It is created to contain and allow her power to grow. This sphere is the source of a large majority of her power as she with continue to allow it to flow into the sphere in case she would need such a large amount in an emergency. Also, the sphere is what gives her the 'sealed' form and allow her to appear weaker and smaller than her true form. To the Kitsune's, this sphere is important as they are almost defenseless without it. If taken, Kitsunes will do anything to regain possession of this.

-The true name : Like the sphere, the true name is another way of controlling the fox as if can be used to weak and control them. Of course, this leads most to never revealing their true name so discovering what the fox was named at birth is a hard and near impossible task.

-Tails: Every century she lives she gains another tail. Being just over six hundred, she now adorns six white tails. The show the growth in power and the increase in age. The most known to have is nine and is rare. The more tails the larger the fox form is.

About her:
-Loves meat above all food.

-Often napping during the day, awake during the night to be active.
-Loves all colours except green, brown and orange.
-An anklet around her right ankle, the small blue sphere at the front is her seal/sphere.

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Reactions: IceChateau777
Yaaaay!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I'm in two with you right? Or is it more? o.o and nope!~ ^^ I wouldn't stalk anyone. This role play just seemed really interesting!~
lol yeah i think two or at least three, the soul eater roleplay which i think died, the secret acadamy, this one now and....... umm........... i think thats it.
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