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Dark of Night (IC)

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White tails swayed behind her as she stepped around Shin, walking over to the Dhampir as she clasped her hands behind her back, looking over her carefully as the six tails occasionally wrapped around her own waist. The smile remained upon her lips as she tilted her head, red eyes glimmering due to the reflected light as she hummed. "Well, to tell you what I am....well, in my lands I would be called a Kitsune." She told her, standing up properly as her ears perked up happily. "However, I think towards most of this land I would call myself a Fox, In more detail a spirit fox." She mumbled, confusion lacing her tone as she huffed.

After a moment or two she shook her head violently, pouting."We are basically spiritual foxes who have a connection with the realm of spirits!~" She cheered, finally finding a way to explain what she was without using words native to her home. Vycera explained about what she was, causing her to listen intently, her eyes settled on the girl as she nodded occasionally. "Oh~ So you are both? Thats amazing." She told her, still keeping the smile on her face. After all, few creatures in her home would ever be able to survive such a thing be it the effects of it or a pure blood killing them off.

Yawning softly the Kitsune walked over towards her, throwing her arms over the girls shoulders as she smiled. She hugged her for a moment before releasing, letting her tails sway behind her as she watched Vycera."I'm sure you will be a great adviser." She whispered, bringing her finger up to her lips in a secretive motion. Vycera exclaimed her desire to leave and the fox simply gave her a soft smile before walking back over to Shin, poking his arm lazily as she brushed her hair behind her.

Erlan opened the door and walked into the room.

"I was checking to see if you were ready," he said, trying to hide his rosy cheeks. "Um... y-you look lovely." He felt his cheeks heat up more.
"Well..." Vladimir rose from his seat and looked at his faithful elven servant. "I was wondering if someone would lure her here and I keep her here until the Blade is located."

"Oh, Master have a wicked, wicked mind!" exclaimed D'shial before smirking. "I loves that plan!"

"And who better to send than an innocent, harmless little elven vampire that serves my every need."

The elf's gray irises began to sparkle. "Ooh...! I wills get the princess, Master! I shalls not fail you!"

"Good. And if by chance she is not here..." He wrapped his hand around D'shial's neck and squeezed it. "You know what will happen."

"Y-Yes Master. I shalls not fail!"

Vladimir released his grip on the elf's neck and stroked her fiery red hair. "Good. Now go."

D'shial only nodded and ran off to the main doors of the castle.

Xenard could tell just by the scenery when he woke up that it was probably going to be one of those dull days. He had fallen asleep in a tree after a few gambling games last night. He won most of them, but departed before the alcohol he drank affected his judgement too much and found himself curling up in a forestry canopy of the Nyad forest. He yawned and stretched, then stood up listening to a group of voices under him. He did not fear being discovered as his clothes were alchemically enchanted to shift color and style at his whim.

It sounded like a scout party of elves. "We have to clear this perimeter and make sure there are no hostile forces about for the princesses birthday." The elven princess is having her birthday today? Perhaps I'll swing by and see if I can crash the party..not too much though. Just enough to get some food and maybe a jewelry piece or two for some cash.
He waited for the scouts to depart and then took off deeper into the forest, keeping his eyes and ears alert for the sounds of more patrols. He had no idea what he would see once inside or even if he would be able to get in the castle without a struggle, but he wouldn't know until he got there.

The slight sounds of drunkards, laughing and cheering caught his ears just enough for him to slow down. That way? He took off towards the ruckus, seeing the castle in the trees. Not bad..if I hadn't heard the sounds of a party, I would have passed it completely. He stayed close enough to see, but far enough to stay hidden. You learn these skills relatively quick when you do mercenary work. He spotted a few guards at the front gate checking in guests and a few open doors and windows higher up.

He sighed. "Guess I'm going up then." He waited for the perfect break when all of the guards were distracted with guests and leap from the tree he hid in onto the castle wall and begin climbing. He had to do this swiftly, but silently as well. Pulling himself into the room just as the guards looked around again, he sighed. "Thank you gods for being nice to me today."
Shin would look at Robin and smile. "You will be perfect for the party my dear Robin, and Vycera, i will bring you to a land of dragons after this." Shin would let out a large smile. "Lets go shall we everyone." Shin bowed to them and backed away. He would quickly, jump up into air releasing his human form and changing into his might dragonic form.

The large dragon form of shin would move his wings down to allow both of them to climb up onto this great figure. "Everyone are you ready?" Shin let out in a loud roar. He then took up flight swinging his mighty wings.

It did not take long for them to make it to the palace balcony. He quickly let them off of his back and changed back to his human form. "Now we must meet the Queen and meet My father." Shin told them.

Shin lead them both towards the hall. It was not long before Shin pushed the doors upon and saw the conflict between Mikal and Dalton. "What the Hell are you two doing!!!" Shin let out and roared his mighty voice letting the voice of his dragon show. Sadly this would show both the girls his angry side.
Seeing the fox girl's interest as she explained exactly what she was, Vycera mentions "Oh, and I'm not like vampires, where they were turned at some point in their lives and never age again. I grew up as most elves would, although as I hit adulthood it just stopped. I haven't physically aged since then." Hearing of Robin's race, she nods in understanding. "So a Kitsune is like a fox with a connection to a realm of spirits, I get it!" she says reassuringly after seeing her confusion.

Vycera was actually surprised when Robin put her arm around her and continued to hug her. Her silver-blue eyes seem to almost be glowing ever so slightly, and her face seemed to light up as she hugged the fox girl back. She hadn't actually made a friend in a long time, so it felt good to have someone seem like they care. Hearing Robin's reassurance of being a good adviser, the half vampire smiled even larger, exposing a sign of her vampirism in her fangs, and nodded back at her.

She followed the Kitsune towards Shin, still smiling. Her mood brightened even more as she heard the dragon promise to take her back to his homeland. She had finally found a way to leave this place, and hoped that many of the people she would meet there would also be as accepting as Shin and Robin. Seeing Shin bow, she replies
"I'm ready to go to the celebration!" and she watches carefully as he simply jumps into the air and suddenly takes his form of a dragon. Her amazement seemed to show in both her face and her eyes, having never seen anything similar to this while living with the elves. As Shin puts his wings down to allow Robin and Vycera to climb on, she takes a moment to realize he had meant we were going to fly there. She was slightly afraid, but much more excited as she quickly climbed onto his back, almost in a single jump. "I've never gotten to fly before!" she says, barely able to contain her excitement at the idea.

After both she and Robin were ready and Shin began flying Vycera almost yells out in delight
"This is sooo much fun!!", showing a side of her even she hadn't seen much before. She hadn't ever had this much fun before, being able to look down at the elven city she would soon be leaving from above, with the wind rushing through her hair, upon the back of a dragon with her new friends. Never before was the half vampire able to feel this happy!

As the palace approached her excitement faded slightly. She knew she would have to be careful inside and attempt to hide her vampiric side, knowing that the queen wouldn't be pleased to know of a vampire inside her palace. As Shin allowed Vycera and Robin off of his back, she nervously looks to see if anyone else was around. She followed behind Shin as he lead her through the halls. Before reaching the doors, she reaches out and grabs Shin's shoulder, nearly whispering she asks
"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here Shin..? I may be half elf.. but I'm not entirely sure the people here would be so welcoming if they realize my other half?"
Robin nodded over at her before smiling softly, her hands buried within her sleeves as she kept a eye on the half creature, not out of cautious but curiousity. After all, she had made a friend who seemed to have enemies. However, being the loyal creature she was she already had a strong hatred to those who had hurt or will hurt Vycera. A soft mumbled of incoherent words escaped her lips before she turned over to Shin, raising a brow before she nodded. "Departure. Finally" She added quietly, a smile curling onto her lips as she followed the other two.

Shin transformed, taking the large form of a dragon. It caused her eyes to wide before glimmering in intrigue as she studied the form carefully before snapping from her daze moments later. Wings settled down the fox nodded as she headed over to the now massive form where she climbed onto his back using his wing to get up. Although she contemplated jumping, her long kimono decided otherwise. Once settled on seemed to crease her brow, her concentration focused as Shin took off.

Having enjoyed being in the sky, Robin pouted slightly when they landed, her form momentarily in the air before she landed safely on the ground, only the tap of the sandals upon the ground showing her presence. Robin eagerly sorted out the creased folds in her traditional eastern garbs before she turned to Shin the second the shout escaped his throat. Shook, the girl snapped her eyes to the cause as white ears flattened against her skull, teeth poking from her lips as she narrowed her eyes at all of them. Well, mostly Mikal and Dalton. It took her a second before she regained her composure, only to turn her gaze towards Vycera. "Would you like me to cast an illusion over you?" She asked quietly, leaning closer to her so only the girl and possibly Shin would hear.

After asking her new friend she turned back to Shin, curiousity on her features as she hummed softly, looking between the woman and the man before the two who caused Shin to shout. "Ne...who are they?" She asked softly, pointing towards the Queen and King of separate lands before pointing over towards Dalton and towards Mikal. "And why are you angry at them...are they bad?" She asked, a darker tone coming to her words as they dripped like poison from her tongue.

Xenard stood up, the room he was in looked like a small dressing room. A small assortment of dresses were hung about. Probably for the maids and medium class citizens. Not fancy enough for most royalty tastes. As he opened the door, he heard a shout just a little ways down the hall. "What the hell are you two doing!?" He softly and quickly closed the door, wondering what that person was upset about.

Still, him exposing his position right now was unwise. He didn't know who that person was or how angry they'd be to see him and he didn't know if the commotion would bring any guards. He decided to wait it out and listen in if he could until the hussle out there diminished and settled down. Only then would he try and get out of the room and mingle with people.
In the Queen's Private Chambers

"My name is Dalton your highness, I am Shin royal adviser and guard. Also off record I am his friend."
Hadaio smiled at the young man and caught a wink of color in his eyes. Now, most dragons carried a speck of color in their eyes that related to the color of their scales, but Lycans' eye colors remain to be a glowing golden yellow that reflects light in the dark. Hadaio wasn't sure if what she saw was of a dragon or a lycan, but she will find out in due time.

"It is rather rude to focus more on a adviser to my son then to the father of one of your children."

Queen Haidao rolled her eyes playfully, "Oh Lord Sarthath, I merely asked of his name and no more. Are you playing jealous today?" Mikal would bow his head to the queen pulling out her a chair so she could take a seat with the King. "Please, sit. Anyone approved by Lord Sarthath, is approved by me."

"Is there anything you wish I get for you, my highness?" Mikal asked humbly.

"No, thank you Mikal." As Mikal moved towards the door where one of the palace guards had entered and was standing in wait, Haidao began to ask of Lord Sarthath's household, how has things in his kingdom been since the dangers of Vladimir began to darken it, but Master Mikal returned with message.

"Your majesties, if I may interrupt, It seems Prince Shin has taken flight and wandered into the woods, Should I send…….."

Sarthath let out a loud laugh of amusement. "Do not worry about my son, he is like this. If his dragon nose spells a new creature he will go out and fill his curiosity. That's why he has a Lycan like Dalton as an adviser and friend."

Hadaio was shocked, but not alarmed, not as much as Mikal was. He opened his book of spells in defense. "How dare you bring a dark creature into this holy place?"


Dalton stood in defense himself, letting out a large growl to prove to Hadaio's ears the truth to Sarthath's accidental confession. "How do you bare your holy books towards me! I am a guest, a friend to the Shin and Sarthath. I own my life to them."

Lord Sarthath gave her an apologetic expression before turning towards the town men, letting out a breath of crimson fire that caught their attention instantly. "My Queen, I trust this man with my son's life and you know we are allied with you. So why would you distrust my decision in letting a friend join us?"

"I haven't given any distrust about any decision as we stand," the Queen stood from her chair and glanced towards Mikal. "Stand down, Master Mage, there is no need for defense here."

Returning her attention to Sarthath, she nodded her head calmly, "I believe you have your reasons for allowing a Lycan to reside in your kingdom and hold title within your court. But, just as you felt it rude for me to focus my attention on Sir. Dalton rather than you, I also feel it rude that someone whom I hold a great love and respect for would hold such secrets from me, knowing the situation my household stands against. We've known each other far too long to do such." She tilted her head with a light grin, reaching up to touch Sarthath's forearm, "I trust your judgement, Sarthath, no matter how much I dislike it."

Queen Hadaio then turned to Dalton, feeling his discomfort from the misunderstanding crowding the room. Stepping towards him, her long gown trailing behind, she reached out to take hold of his forearm as well - a warrior's sign of respect. "You, like all others, know why I feel slightly uncomfortable about learning your race, but Lord Sarthath - I trust with my life. Therefore, I know there's a reason as to why he trust you. You are welcome here, upon my word. I do not foreseeing this changing anytime soon?" She glanced at the young man with eyes darkening in warning; yet, still warm and welcoming, as if almost cheery. Queen Hadaio is a very fair and just Queen, but can be extremely dangerous when her family or her people are involved.

"What the Hell are you two doing!!!"

Shin entered with several others at tow. Hadaio turned in alarm, wondering now that her guards must be out to lunch, for they're allowing the entire village to visit her private suite. Good thing she's dressed for the evening. But no more nonsense, she raised a calming hand towards Shin and his friends, "It's quite alright, Prince Shin. There is no conflict here - just a slight misunderstanding, now understood. Please, join us... and introduce your friends."


In Nahra's Private Chambers
Erlan opened the door and walked into the room. "I was checking to see if you were ready," he said, trying to hide his rosy cheeks. "Um... y-you look lovely."

"Thank you, Erlan...," Nahra wasn't sure what to say with him staring at her so strangely. She wasn't embarrassed, but she could feel her face flushing as if she caught the flu. She looked down at her hands before her to avoid his eyes. Her maids began to collect her things, and the hem of her dress. "I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be."
Suddenly, Nahra felt nervous and anxious all at the same time. She has plenty of birthdays and elaborate parties that go with them, but this was such a big moment for any Elven - 100 summers was a big thing. But somehow, her mother was making this birthday event bigger and better than ever - a week's worth of celebrating, all the allied kingdoms are invited, and all of Gaaholo's kingdoms small and minor. Nahra's never been to anything like it! Mainly because her mother Hadaio rarely allows her out of the castle unless with her, Celesta, and Sir. Erlan.

Celesta crossed her arms as she watched the two, wondering just when they'll get over themselves and speak their hearts. But, instead of embarrassing them both with speaking the truth for them, she just stepped behind Erlan and grabbed Nahra's hand. "Will you two quit all the goggling and just come on! We're not late, which is good, but if you two keep this up we will be!" Celesta began to drag them to the door.

"Where are we suppose to go?" Nahra pulled herself from her sister's control and began to follow her with her free will. "I don't really know what I'm suppose to do or where I should stand? Mother didn't explain a lot to me about large parties like this... I don't feel so good about all of this."
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Erlan snapped out of it a little when Celesta came up behind him and grabbed Nahra's hand. Did they have to go so soon?

"You'll be fine," reassured Erlan. "If you need anything, I'm right beside you."

His cheeks resumed a tan look even though they were still a little pink.
Meria skipped down the hall, letting her hair fall over her back, and giving total disregard to the maids chasing after her with hairbrushes and ribbons.

"I don't need them," she laughed. "My suitors only care if they get a glimpse of me!"

When he heard the Queen ask if he was jealous he just let out a small cough, knowing he was caught in the act. After he saw the Elf and Dalton getting ready to fight he was rather intrigued at how the Queen took action first. "This is why I like you." Sarthath told the Queen. Then he walked his son walk with in the door.


Would calm down and bow his head in respect to her majesty. "My apologize your highness." Shin told her. Then shin held out his hand showing that it was ok, "don't worry I just over reacted that is all." Shin told Robin and also Vycera. "Your highness, these are two people I would like to introduce as part of my….. Welcoming party, Robin and Vycera. Vycera she will be one of my advisers and Robin here….. She is my date." Shin said smiling grabbing onto Robins hand smiling. "I know I have over stepped my bounds in bringing them here into your private chambers but if you would please forgive me this once." Shin said bowing his head once again crossing his free arm across his chest.


"Hahahaha, So my boy has finally caught a girl to spark his interest." Sarthath let out with a great applause his son's great accomplishment. Shin would have rather if his father would of kept quiet. Sarthath then looked and stood next to the Queen. "I think we should let these kids out, and have sometime alone." Sarthath suggested to the Queen.


Dalton at this time was more at ease, his battle stance pulled back to a more casual stand. His stand didn't stay long when he walked up in front of shin and put his hands on his shoulders. Dalton said nothing but, gave shin a good wink and a thumbs up. One of the most cliché things Dalton could of done and he did it.


He let himself go at ease but he was still rather tense. He didn't like the fact there was a Lycan but when Mikal saw Vycera, he just walked out. He didn't even get permission to take his leave. Once outside he ordered the guard to pass the word around to keep a sharp eye out towards, Dalton and Vycera.

Shin and Datlon

"Well father since, you already want to be alone lets all give them some time alone." Shin stated leading both Vycera and Robin out still holding onto her hand. "I guess I will take my leave along with them, your highness and my king I thank you and god bye." Dalton stated bowing down and following after Shin and his new friends. Once outside Dalton crossed his arms and looked upon both Shins new friends. "The name is Dalton, I am shin's personal friend and body guard, and I guess I will be working with you Vycera and you Robin if you date my friend shin then I will protect you, but Shin probably has already got this." Dalton stated holding out his hand to shake there's. Shin nodded and let out a large smile to Robin and then them all.


"Now that everyone has left, what I wanted to speak with you was about Vladimir. I have caught several spies in my land, coming and going through out the outskirts. As if Vladimir had an ally with in my ranks." Sarthath stated sitting back down at the table with a stern and serious look coming across his face. "So I need to know if this is happening with your land as well." Sarthath let out rather quickly.

Xenard sighed as the chaos in the other room finally died down. He heard the entrance and exit of multiple people from that room next door. They weren't the footsteps of guards, but not of one that was familiar of the palace either. Guests more than likely...high ranking if they are allowed to be in the queens chambers. He continued to listen in..gathering what information he could hear among the varied voices.

His ears caught the names of various people. Robin, Vycera, Dalton, Lord Sarthath, Mikal, And Shin. Mikal sounded like he was the master mage mentioned, Sarthath and Shin sounded like a father and son or at least close as ones can and Dalton sounded very protective over Shin and those related to him. He then barely heard Sarthath talking with someone about spies and someone named Vladimir in the other room.
Sounds like something I could use, but unfortunately I best not stay here too much longer. Knowing my luck, a guard will check in here anytime now.

Taking a breath and slowly opening the door a crack, he saw the hallway was empty and he quickly slipped into the hall, closing the door behind him. Waiting until his clothing changed to something more fashionable, he made his way to the stairs and headed for the main lobby. The guests would be there and he could pick up a few necklaces and rings from people before he left. If he was lucky, maybe he could even get a glimpse of the elven birthday girl. The clicking of the bottled potions under his clothes made him smile as he headed downstairs.


Vyra was on the farthest southern town on the outskirts of the Nyad forest, sitting in a local tavern enjoying her drink. She had heard the rumors and word traveling around that the nearby elven princess was having a birthday. Apparently it was her 100th and alot of important people were invited..not like she cared. She doubted she was important enough to get access and would probably get turned away. Just like the clan. She took a big gulp and set the glass on the table.

Still, that thought nagged at the back of her mind. What did the princess look like? Was she nice? Was she pretty? Maybe she should try and get in..if nothing else, if she really wanted to get in she could sneak in somehow. With that, she finished the drink and left the tavern heading into town to try and get directions to the location of the party.
In the Queen's Chambers

When all the testosterone in the room drained down to a low hum, Prince Shin introduced his new friends, showing the Queen that the young little showboater she's watch growing up from a far all those summers was still inside the shining face of the young man before her now. She saw a lot of Lord Sarthath in him, as well as his mother of whom the Queen knew little of. All in all, Shin looked to be a handful and obviously managed by his mother. Lord Sarthath was far too good to his children, and even still would allow them to get away with anything.

Hadaio grinned and nodded as the two young ladies he escorted there gave their respects. She could feel Mikal's tension grow harsh once again, knowing her trusted adviser was already planning to check up on these two women before the festivities begin. He had already silently slipped away before all others realized it. She'll gain his report soon enough.

When Shin suggested his group's departure, and Sarthath practically pushed the young ones out the door, Hadaio had a sneaking suspicion that he was about to answer several of her inner questions before she had a chance to ask them. The others left, bowing and curtsying as they did. When the room was clear, the Dragon Lord she's come to adored and feared returned. No more silly antics or high spirited chuckles between distant friends. It was back to business.

"Now that everyone has left, what I wanted to speak with you was about Vladimir. I have caught several spies in my land, coming and going through out the outskirts. As if Vladimir had an ally with in my ranks." Sarthath stated sitting back down at the table with a stern and serious look coming across his face. "So I need to know if this is happening with your land as well."

Hadaio settled down in her seat again, giving a long winded sigh as she did. The weight of the dangers of Vlad was just as heavy on her heart as the golden encrusted crown on her head. "One moment, Sarthath." Taking a deep breath, Hadaio mumbled a single spell that sealed off her chamber from the outside world. The room was sealed from sight and sound; all that can enter are those who can detect her shield, as well as know the counter spell to unlock it. Once she felt comfortable about their privacy, she leaned back against her chair.

"Gaahalo has had many spies entering into our kingdom, and many have been caught due to the information we've been collecting from our spies within Vladimir's boarders. They're keeping us one step ahead of his men, but that's not good enough; they're still learning of things that Vlad should never know. It's almost as if, as you say, an mole is among us." Hadaio leaned forward and placed her gloved hands upon the table, stretching her hands as if she's reaching helplessly for some sort of breakthrough against Lord Vladimir - anything to keep her daughter safe.
"But, we haven't found who that might be, and if that person is here in Gaahalo, or elsewhere within the ranks of our trusted allies. In some ways, that's why I've extended Nahra's birthday event for a full week. That allows a full week for us to throw off our enemy. They'll believe we're celebrating all this time, when in fact, we're pressing more of our troops forward within his lands. That's the least we can do for now - secretively - for everything else has been compromised."


Princess Nahra

"You'll be fine," reassured Erlan. "If you need anything, I'm right beside you."

Nahra smiled and confidently nodded her head. Erlan has always kept his word to her, even when physically it was utterly impossible. Some how, he's never let her down.

With a deep breath, she followed her big sister to the waiting chambers across the hallway from the huge ballroom where her party will take place. There were still tons of assistance running back and forth making sure all was in order in the ballroom, as well as outside on the large terrace over looking the southern landscape. The atrium area where the large fountain and miniature gardens were located, there were jugglers and acrobats preparing for the night, and roaming musicians warming up their instruments. Further out into the yard was a stage and several chairs for the outdoor entertainment. And even the living maze was decorated with flowers and lights throughout for more party games.

"Mother said we're suppose to wait here until all the guests have arrived." Celesta began to open the door of the room, but stopped at the commotion coming down the hallway.

"Princess Meria! We've got to finish your styling. The party will be starting soon!" Their older sister was skipping down the hallway, completely unkempt, while her staff chased her like field workers chasing a unruling animal.
"I don't need them," she laughed. "My suitors only care if they get a glimpse of me!"

Celesta moved to the center of the hall, completely upset that Meria would be so immature - especially now! "And you're not ready! This is what we're going to present to our people? Meria, we don't have all day to play, and you're suppose to be behaving like a Crown Princess, not a two year old spoiled infantem!" She tried to get in her way to stop her skipping, "I'll put you under a sleeping spell if you don't stop!"

Nahra only giggled under her breath as she stood in the doorway watching her older sisters bounce around in the hallway as assistance holding trays of food or vases of flowers attempt to pass them by without dropping something. It was a good thing that the guards hadn't open the gates for the guest to enter the castle. This would have been a very horrible introduction from the royal family. Regardless, all Nahra could do was laugh - her sisters were silly!
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*Seeing how everyone else is using colors for characters, I might as well start too*

"I MUST see my suitors!"
complained Meria. "I'm not letting a younger sister tell me what to do!"

"I'll put you under a sleeping spell if you don't stop!"

"Oh, really?" challenged Meria, trying to skip past Celesta. "Well I'll shrink you down! How about that? That's fitting for a commander of the army, no?"

Erlan had a face palm moment. "Please, ladies. I'm about to open the door!" He unconsciously reached for Nahra's hand.

Meria paused for a moment. "Oh, well..." She brushed the skirt of her dress. "I'm ready!" She looked over and smirked at Celesta.
D'shial crawled among the thicket of bushes as she inched toward the castle grounds. "Master wills be so pleased when I finds the princess!" She exclaimed. "Then he wills loves me forever!"

"You know what will happen," Vladimir's voice echoed in her mind.

The elven vampire shivered. She didn't want to think about what would happen. Pushing herself forward, she snickered to herself as she got closer to one of the castle walls. She stopped when Vladimir's voice reentered her head.

"Oh, and before you go, take this vial. Once you consume it, all the mortals will think that you're nothing more than a harmless mortal elf. But you will only have three hours before it wears off!"

"Oh, I almost forgots!" D'shial pulled out a vial of reddish-blue liquid from her shirt and uncorked it.
Vycera, quickly looking towards Robin as Shin enters the room and shakes her head no at her question of illusions. She was feeling nervous about entering into the queen's chambers, but using an illusion and somehow being found out would make her entire situation much worse. Doubting that an illusion could completely cover up the way she smelled to the other dragons, she decided to keep her mouth closed to hide the fangs she had developed and hope that no one could identify her simply through her unusual eyes and pale skin. Her hope that being half elf would be enough to hide her other half calmed her slightly, but she was still on edge. Seeing Shin make a motion to come in, she takes a deep breath and enters the queen's chambers.

As she and Robin were introduced to the queen Vycera stood and bowed nervously in the queen's direction as her name was mentioned. She tried avoiding making eye contact with anyone in the room, keeping her eyes moving around the room to take in the elegance of the elf queen's private room. Vycera sees the two men who seemed to have caused Shin's yelling earlier and wonders why they would've been fighting, especially here of all places. She notices one of them look towards her and seem to walk out angrily as the dragon king exclaimed about Shin finding a date. His leaving cause Vycera to become even more nervous, and she exhales in relief as Shin's father asked for a private conversation with the queen.

Vycera quickly follows behind Shin as they leave, feeling slightly safer to not be within the queen's room. She quickly looks around for the man who walked out tensely after noticing her, and then her attention shifts to Dalton as he introduces himself. "As Shin has already said, my name is Vycera," she says, reaching out to shake his hand, "and I assume you are the friend Shin had mentioned before?" Her eyes look back towards Shin. "Shin, who was the one who walked out before us? He seemed... almost upset I was there."
((No color code this time... In a rush!))

"I MUST see my suitors!" complained Meria. "I'm not letting a younger sister tell me what to do!"

"I'll put you under a sleeping spell if you don't stop!"

"Oh, really?" challenged Meria, trying to skip past Celesta. "Well I'll shrink you down! How about that? That's fitting for a commander of the army, no?"

Celesta reared towards her older sister with a cocked fist, but Erlan's alert stopped her in mid throw.

"Please, ladies. I'm about to open the door!"

Nahra giggled uncontrollably until she felt someone take her hand.

Meria paused for a moment, "Oh, well..." She brushed the skirt of her dress. "I'm ready!" She looked over and smirked at Celesta.

"Not quite, sister. You're still missing a nice black eye to go with your blackened soul," she snared at her sister, understanding more and more why their late father chose her to rule his kingdom in his earthly absence.

Nahra didn't notice her sisters going through their fuss, slipping past her to enter the royal waiting room. Instead, she continued to stare at Erlan's hand still holding onto hers. She realized that even in the lightest of fancies, he was still watching over her. It felt nice to have a personal savior. Since she had lost her father's presence in her life, she always tend to look up to the older male figures around her. But she didn't consider Erlan like a big brother, or uncle, or even her personal guard. He was her closest friend and confidant...

Celesta entered the waiting room and stood at the door; too irritated with her immature big sister and far too alert for her baby sister's care to sit down with peace. Tapping her foot she waited for the others to enter, watching Meria as if she was just waiting for the perfect nincompoop to trip over her own dress hem. She caught a glance at Erlan and Nahra and smirked, "Will you two hurry up before they allow the guest to enter. They can't see the birthday girl just yet!"
"Will you two hurry up before they allow the guest to enter. They can't see the birthday girl just yet!"

Erlan always felt embarrassed by Celesta. He knew that she knew about his feelings for her half-sister. But did Nahra know? "Celesta, the guests are going to be in the throne room. I don't remember them..." He sighed. "Never mind."

Meria came into the waiting room and glanced at Erlan's hand holding Nahra's. She cleared her throat but stopped herself from saying anything about them holding hands. "Erlan, where did you say Kaic was?"

"He's waiting outside of the throne room."

"He can still wait, I think I'm supposed to come out with you." She stepped over to Celesta and leaned toward her pointed ear. "How long has this been going on between Erlan and Nahra?" she whispered. "Is it even allowed? Does Mother know about it?"
Xenard saw a giant multitude of guests roaming the halls laughing and chatting with each other. Some were even sitting on couches getting into mild debates with each other. Politicians, royalty, local elven blacksmiths and tailors. Seemed there were all kinds of people here for the princesses birthday celebration. He'd have to be careful. Not only of not getting caught, but on the potions on his person. Someone were to bump him and knock one loose, he'd definitely be exposed and set the palace on high security.

He walked into the crowd, smiling and taking a glass of wine from a passing waiter and taking a sip. Elven wine..haven't had this in a couple years. Still fresh. He set the glass down on a empty table and then began to make his way to various targets who had either loose hanging jewelry or had rings or bracelets that did not fit tightly enough. A kiss on the hand and slip of the ring into his pocket. Shake of another and the loss of a bracelet in his other pocket. These nobles were too stuck up with themselves to notice the disappearance of a few random trinkets and probably wouldn't notice till he was long gone from here.

He had a decent amount by the time he finished his rounds, hearing a small jungle in his pocket. He could leave now, but wanted to stick it out and see this birthday girl. How old was she? What would she wear? Could he get close enough to pick something from the royal family? That thinking in itself was dangerous, but his profession was filled with danger all the time. He sat down at a empty table with another glass of wine. The one thing he didn't think about was what if someone recognized him?

He didn't think about that before. He had done work for plenty of shady people. Vampires, leaders of nations, slumlords and bandits, slave traders, peace negotiators and noble warriors. His name and face were somewhat recognizable to those who had dealt with him or associates of those who had. His cover could be blown and yet, he sighed. No use getting paranoid. Just deal with it when it comes...if it comes.
D'shial glanced at her reflection in one of the mirrors as she snuck into the palace through an open window.

She no longer looked like a hobbling, straggly-haired, deranged vampire. She looked as if she was never turned and...normal. The elf almost wanted to burst into tears of happiness as she felt that she regained her appearance: luscious, curly red hair. Tall, athletic build. Bright, shining gray eyes.

"Oh, if only Master cans sees me now!"

She clasped a hand over her mouth. Why does I speak this way?!

Running out into the hallway, she accidentally bumped into a dwarf who was too drunk to notice.
It eventually clicked in her mind who these people were. The queen, Dalton, Shin's father and some other person that she failed to work out who was. A small hum of acknowledgement before she paused before glancing over towards Shin who was in the process of calling her his date. A small sound passed her lips as her eyes widened as she heard his fathers response. Blushing madly, red eyes were poised open as she was dragged out of the room by Shin who was holding onto her hand. When she was dragged out of the room she was stuck in her shock, still trying to work out what the hell had just happened. When she did she gasped loudly.

She sighed softly her hands reaching up to pull the hair from her face as she shook her head. "Your father seems...nice." She added, cocking her head to one side as she pouted slightly. "Although are you sure it was a good Idea to even announce that Shin?" asking quietly she shrugged her shoulders softly before her gaze switched over towards Vycera and Dalton. "Ah, Pleasure to meet you Dalton." Bowing her head slightly she smiled brightly. After all, this man held a similar scent to some of the other animal clans within her lands. "But you nor Shin will need to protect me. I've survived well enough up until now."

Robin's gaze was now on Vycera, a smile upon her features before she nodded. She understood if the girl chose not to. When she brought up the other male, white ears flattened agaisnt white hair as she frowned. "He seemed odd...he seemed to dislike Dalton as well." She brought up before turning her gaze to Shin, eyes narrowed slightly. "Should I be concerned about him? He seems overly cautious." Her eyes were back on Vycera for a moment. "If so I will avoid him...I do not need people of these lands understanding what I am...we have to many weaknesses."
Since leaving Dorrie, the human woman had done one-of-many jobs. She'd ranged from a maid, to an inn-keeper and hunter assistant. She didn't like that. Neither had the hunter. He'd attempted to kill a dear and the young human had attempted to take him down for it. The job she had now though was much more fitting for her. It was something she was comfortable doing and kept her away from any kind of life loss.

Namine was a maid for the royal palace at the moment, and that fitted her just well. These were some of the fanciest clothes she'd ever worn and she caught herself eyeing her reflection when she had the chance. As one of the lower maids should be, her pass times were cleaning and helping many other maids. At this time though; she was sweeping hallways. Word of mouth had been that there were many guests coming, and why wouldn't they? She believe it was the princesse's birthday all that meant to her though was a busy work day.

The scarlet haired maid then heard something-- something that rather caught her attention because she'd heard something similar before. From a quick encounter with a vampire soon after leaving Dorre. Her broom stopped and she looked up, a few of her blood coloured locks swaying over her shoulder and she put a bigger effort into listening.

"Oh, if only Master cans sees me now!"

Her eyes widened and she stepped backwards before the person past the door came out and slammed into a drunken dwarf. By then, Namine was back to sweeping, acting as though she'd never heard anything. What had that been? Master? That man hadn't seemed like a slave of any sort. Her lips pulled into a small frown as her brow furrowed in thought. For some reason though, goosebumps had popped upon her flesh; she'd got a strange chill from him. One she felt she'd felt once before. From Vampires. Who she knew were not in good standing with this Elven country. Who should she tell? What would she tell them? He gaze remained on the bills of her broom as she cleaned nothing for now. She knew where the queens private quarters were so... well, she wasn't allowed there but... the situation should allow it, right? After a moment, her broom ceased and she left the hall, completely natural. Before long, she was in the private area-- still holding her broom and dust pan-- and heading towards the private quarters, not really sure how this would pan out. Although she held a calm demeanor, her thoughts were running wild.

"What if it's nothing? What if they were a... good vampire? Hell, Namine, what if they just had an odd way of talking?"

Her thoughts cleared and she shook her head. Because what if they weren't? What if they weren't good?
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