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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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fabulous and Destructive chaos! no one would be safe! :]
  • Love
Reactions: Sans
that'd be coolio! though I don't wanna leave Gothicbeauty's character.. is it okay for Korin to come to Gladius's office? that way I can interact and still not leave beauty behind :]
great, thanks! please bare with me, I shall be a little slow since I'm multi tasking with posts and plots :]
Ahh… not to step on toes, but just a reminder...

@Quiet Musician , There's nothing wrong with having a nympho character, but a lot of what goes along with that can't be in this thread. Anything that goes beyond a PG13 level will need to be taken elsewhere.

And while that was directed at one particular player, it should be something we all keep in mind, what with the nature of the rp…

*goes to hide under a rock*
that's why I put in the rules to fade to black/fast forward or move to PM such.. moments.. at least.. I think I put those in the rules :] I..might need to check.. :]
It's probably in there… Somewhere… But that brings up another thing. If it does get to a sexy moment during the rp, and both parties are interested in PMing it out, try to make sure who you're PMing with is of the same age group as you. It's just as legally complicated to PM these things out with adults/minors as it would be in the mature forums.
*nods* okay! thanks for the advice and heads up Lucian Ravenscar :]

sorry for the extra post, guys :] I just wanted to get Dio done and out the way :]
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yay Yuu is being helpful :,D

...in his own way...
Gah! Slow down with the responses... I'm still typing mine !! XD
okies okies X,3
*tries to keep up with all the responses* @_@ In the same boat as Leucothea
*ish sorry* ; 3 ;"

I got a liiiitttttttlllllleeeee excited o - o"

*ties my hands up* :,D there, no more typing for a bit <3
Sorry to everyone who has to read my shoddy replies. I was trying to get them out before anyone else responded and I had to edit them to work.
Same. But now I am done!
Oh my gracionious, you people and your posting speeds.

I got so much to catch up on ^^;;
lol I'm just glad we're not letting this RP die!
lol right, everyone all up in Aiden's business... XD
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