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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Plot points to get discuss:


Mover's and shakers?

Technology limit?
Okay lets us reiterate out plot. Do we want real life world or complete sci fi fantasy?
Before the server went down: Discussing Megacorps

My idea with megacorps having their own governments was that if you steal something valuable (like a prototype computer), you can escape onto a different megacorp's property and not be followed without causing what amounts to an international incident
I was thinking Leverage / Burn notice with more flexible ethics.
hhmmm will our characters be working in tangent?
Yes, I was thinking of our characters being a team of freelance criminals who work for the highest bidder. Our characters would basically be deniable assets, the people hiring them could disavow any knowledge of our actions if we are caught.
Pretty much, with less white knighting and more cybernetic implants
Sounds good! So future steam punk mercs :) ill start working on a character
What kind of character do you want to play? Hacker? Gunbunny? Driver? or something else?
I havent decided yet but I will let you know by Sat, I am having a hard time starting new rps cause its final week
What kind of character were you thinking? for you
I was thinking hacker/driver with a few combat drones