Cross Academy Reborn

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Nice post, though I thought Kazue would be singing one of the openings or endings of the VK anime. Though, Angel Beats song was a good choice as well.
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Aye aye well done ^^
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And actually it's from the GirlDeMo Albums, this song wasn't used in Angel Beats! though it is closely associated with it.
Excited to get my post in. Everyone should be making their ways to the front gates for class to begin. I'll get my post in on about an hour when I get out of classes.
I'm gonna wait for your post @EpitaphQueen before posting again :)
I'll wait for Ritual Lobotomy before posting again.
Ah! So sorry I'm a terrible GM! I got caught up in homework D: blame my professors! They hate us!
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It's finals and I'm getting my butt kicked in class right now and college is really important to me. I'm trying to keep up with my GM duties but if you guys could be patient with me like you have been I promise the posts will get better soon.
It's finals and I'm getting my butt kicked in class right now and college is really important to me. I'm trying to keep up with my GM duties but if you guys could be patient with me like you have been I promise the posts will get better soon.
Like I said in SAO, take your time :)
Name: Hajime (First/Beginning/Start) Ichijo

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Class: Aristocrat

Powers: Exploding inanimate objects(lights, glass, and things with an electrical currents), igniting things on fire

Height: 5'3

Weight: 112

Appearance: SazanamiShione600461951RESIZED.jpg

Bio: Hajime is a few hours younger than her twin brother Saigo. Unlike her brother, Hajime is more open and able to interact with people. She is seen to always have a kind smile, but truthfully; her smile hides how she really feels and makes people think she's fine when she's actually not. Although having a slight difference in their personalities, Hajime and Saigo have a habit of speaking simultaneously. Because Hajime is the youngest, her parents had put more pressure on her brother about finding a pure blood and always having high expectations of him. Seeing this, Hajime decided to try her hardest on whatever she could do and always smiled. Knowing that her brother had been through more troubles with her parent's high expectations, she believed that it was her fault and blames herself for her older brothers hardships. Currently, their parents are deceased because some vampire hunters killed their parents and destroyed their home. Having nowhere to go, they stumbled upon the Cross Academy and decided to enroll, knowing that it was the school their parents wanted them to go to.

Most people who know the twins always wonder why Hajime was named Hajime meaning "beginning" when she was actually born last and is the youngest. Because of this, there were times when people who didn't know them, thought Hajime was the oldest twin.

In the past, Hajime and Saigo were known to be mischievous and would switch places to trick people or mess with them. This method was also used so that Hajime could take Saigo's place and do his work/attend his classes when he wasn't feeling well so that their parents wouldn't scold him for having a slow pace.

Name: Saigo (Last/End) Ichijo

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Class: Aristocrat

Powers: Disintegration: Disintegrate atoms(objects) to a molecular level similar to his close relative Takuma Ichijo

Height: 5'4

Weight: 118

Appearance: SazanamiShione600461951RESIZED.jpg

Bio: Saigo is a few hours older than his sister Hajime. Unlike his sister, he is reserved and less social, avoiding the chances of interacting with people. Saigo is known to be unemotional because he never smiled and if he did, it would usually be for sister when no one is around. Though if he ever did talk it would sound harsh because he tends to be blunt and straightforward unlike his sister who sugar coats her words. Ever since he was young, his parents always pushed their high expectations and responsibilities all on him despite only being a few hours older than his sister. Because of this, he never had time to interact with people his own age besides his sister and shut himself away from others. Even though he had a hard time, he never blamed Hajime and knows that she blames herself enough for his sake. Although, anti-social as he is, Saigo is actually caring and hates it when someone close to him is upset. After their parents died along with their home because of vampire hunters, Saigo and Hajime decide to attend Cross Academy.

Some people who have known the twins usually wonder why Saigo was named Saigo meaning "last" when he was the first born and oldest twin. Because of this, people who were unfamiliar with them, think that Saigo is the youngest twin. The real reason behind his name, was because of his ability to disintegrate things like plants and objects.
You're accepted dear :)
Yay! \(^o^)/ now all I gotta do left, is to read and catch up on what's currently going on.
Glad to have you onboard Kuroshi :)
Post? :cry: Please?
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