Crimson Wing

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He looked back at Raven as she said they weren't going to tell them anything. He sighed, she really should just stand there and looked tough... he needed information and if he was going to get it he would need to trade with them. Of course he would give away some information to get what he needed. "We use something called technology powered by different sources that we don't really need to get into... unless you want me to spend time naming them all. The main one we use daily is call electricity. Lightning is a version of electricity that you might know about. As for the portal, its extremely unstable right now and unfortunately I was not given any information about it."
After that he turned to the one he assumed was Miku, the one Nova just call out to. "From observation I think it would be safe to assume mana is used differently by different people, such as Miku?" He gestured at her, "I hope I said it right, can use it for invisibility? Seems like she can turn objects invisible too, like that spear you used." He looked back at Nova, "I'm Engy by the way." After finishing writing everything he knew for a fact was true and his observations down on the pad, he had been writing while he spoke and the others spoke, he outstretched a hand, "You do have handshakes here right? I just want to make sure our culture is about the same."
Miku noticed the smoke coming from the stangers mouth and gets closer. "hey thats cool how did you do that?" She circles him trying to figure it out her tail swaying, After a few minutes she loses interest, she then heads over to the mech and looks up at it. "hey whats that thing its really big?" Her child like curiosity kicks in and she walks around it looking it up and down.
Nova walked toward Engy, step by step. When he reached him he looked at him and his hand for a moment. He looked serious at him and made sure there was no trap in his actions.
Just so you know: I still don't trust you.
He suddenly took his hand though. In case they were saying the truth, this was just a misunderstanding, and nova knew that admitting a mistake was a good first step.
But i apologize for attacking you. That was a mistake of me, and will not happen again unless i have a good reason.
My name is Nova.
Raven rolled her eyes. Did Engy have no sense? They still didn't know whether these natives were friendly or hostile. Sure,it might seem like a misunderstanding, but she'd dealt with far too many "misunderstandings" to trust that word anymore. Sighing, she decided introductions wouldn't hurt anyone. "My name is Raven," she said simply. "And what Engy has said is true."
The squirrel seemed hyperactive, asking questions and running around like it'd drowned its mind in uppers. He gave no answer to the question of how he blew smoke, the answer seemed obvious to him of course, the cigarette, inhaling burning tobacco. 'Suppose it was too much to ask for....Having the techies drop us somewhere a little less populated......' He thought, shooting a mean look at another approaching guard who almost immediately backed off.

He gave a sigh and turned to Isaac, "S'fun and all..." He growled a puff of smoke escaping his lungs with his words. "But, I'm tired of shooting the shit with the civis." He looked over at the one called Nova. "What makes you think you need to know dick about what we're doing here? You above the lawmen here? Pretty sure they don't deem you more than a stain on their underwear, so let the lawmen ask us what we're doin, go annoy some other inter-dimensional explorers." He barked, taking another drag off of his cigarette the paper and tobacco burning to the edge of the filter, which he flicked in an indiscriminate fashion heading off far to his right.
Nova let go of Engy's hand and looked over to the man who talked to him.
This one was ether in a bad mood, or a jerk to begin with.
You're right. I am not above those who rule here, but unlike them i DO something.
I know that those people are needed to maintain peace, but i also know that they can't do much for the world.
Since a while strange things have happened. Unusual weather, floods in places that barely have water, a few areas drying up completely. And what did they do about it?
They tried to hide it all with a festival.

Let me warn you. If you follow these guards orders, your Quest here is about to end.
He didn't look like he was joking. Nova was trying to warn them about what they should choose to do next.
Issac could see that this was getting way out of hand. The moment they set foot in this place, they were immediately caught. First, by the guards, with many inhuman features and a weird aura to all of them. Even the ones that were human were somehow different than them. Despite their underdeveloped technology, they possessed something that none of the crimson wings had. It's been stated twice by his crew. "Mana" it was called, and Charolette was the first to notice.

If that wasn't enough, a group of, what appeared to be guerrilla forces, charged straight out of the group. One of them had jumped from out of the thicket and seemingly pulled a spear out of nowhere. He had instinctively reached for his gun, ready to fire on a moment's notice. For some reason the man called Nova had stopped his assault. He maintained a somewhat hostile exterior, but began to try and reason with Issac and his crew. He pried for information and the crimson wings seemed to have different views on what information they should let them know.

The guards however couldn't let this go on. The moment Nova had decided to enter the fray, the guards had entered a battle ready stance. It was more out of instinct, suspecting a surprise attack during the investigation. They couldn't tolerate the third party interference regardless.

"Halt! You are intruding in an official investigation. Civilians were supposed to remain in the city for the duration of our investigation of...these travelers. Whatever they were doing here, it caused a large disturbance in the mana fields," the captain of the guard had said in her cool, yet commanding tone. "If you civilians won't clear out, we will be forced to take you in. As for you travelers, you have to come with us to the palace for questioning."

Issac had observed as more and more strange things kept happening. A squirrel had appeared from the trees, and assumed to have provided Nova with the spear, and another human that accompanied Nova. He wasn't sure if he would follow the advice of the guards, or Nova and his groups. Being the newcomers, he wasn't able to pick out the truth in the people's words.

The portal behind them fluctuated and flickered incessantly. The power was decreasing infinitesimally, but now was when it had made it known. It started to fade, losing it's purple hue and becoming transparent. No longer would you be able to see back into their own world. Slowly, but surely it started to fade from existence, leaving the Crimson Wings to finish their mission.

For the first time in awhile, Issac spoke up, "What's been going on in this world. It seems like this world is going through some changes." He couldn't help feeling that it might have been caused by their tampering with time and space. Or if it was something beyond that, something confined to this world that is causing the changes to the world. He didn't have enough data to tell.
Nova turned to the guards, but only for a moment. He then turned to the visitors again.
Use some logic for a moment.
Your actions caused a disturbance in the mana field. Something that is not overlooked so easily. What do you think will happen with you if you go with them now?
He held his hand to them now.
I offer you, as my apology, to take you out of here.
It's your choice.
At this point, Raven didn't really know what to think. She had no trust in the officials or the civilians. Though, right now, going with the civilian seemed like a better option. They were less-armed and, if Nova spoke correctly, they had no reason to attack or harm them. Still, she waited for Isaac's decision. There was still no way to fully trust these natives, and he was leader for a reason.

Her fingers wrapped around the handle of her gun, the familiar weight giving her a sense of calm. No need to freak out. She'd seen far worse things than semi-human creatures that could create spears out of thin air and control what seemed to be like fairytale magic. Except it seemed to be real, actual magic called "mana."
Charlotte sent an instant message to Isaac's pager via short-range com frequency which was comprised of "request permission to disarm - can be used as a sign of peace and diplomacy, but may be taken as a sign of weakness - or even something to be afraid of. Their actions when I withdraw from the mech are unforeseeable, but it's possible they will loosen up."

She sent the message and waited for a response - either verbal, or via text response. Her optic remained centered on the hostile civilian, but her mind strayed to focus on the officials and their actions. Confrontation was likely, but not inevitable at this point. What's done is done, but hopefully the recent disruption would cease quickly.
This was probably a good time to vanish. Ryan wasn't one to get involved with politics and it seems the interference of their little group was going to cause a bigger problem than the arrival of these apparently extra dimensional travelers. He had never wanted to actually get directly involved in this, he just wanted to know what was going on. the only reason he had jumped in was because Nova was too dam impulsive. and had nearly ruined the chances of any peaceful negotiation.
But now that these strangers were talking, and the city guards wanted their hides for interfering it was time for Ryan to quietly exit stage right.

With a quick back step he was traveling backwards at nearly the speed he had arrived. when his foot touched the ground a good ten feet later he spun on his toes and made a speedy but nearly silent dash for the tree line. hopefully they wouldn't notice immediately, despite his rather dramatic entrance it seemed that most of the attention had immediately shifted to Nova and Miku and their strange combination of indignant and innocent interrogation tactics.
as he reached the tree line Ryan snatched a leaf of one of the low hanging branches and expelled his excess forward velocity into it stopping his forward momentum with nothing a silently fluttering leaf. he should of been out of sight now but just because he didn't want to be directly caught in between the traveler's and city guard's conflict did not mean he wasn't still interested.

With a carefully calculated power assisted leap he ascended into a nearby tree and made his way the short distance back to the tree line of the clearing through the upper branches that could support him. There, his hunkered down close to the trunk of a particularly thick tree to observe, and perhaps assist Nova or Miku in escaping custody of one group or another. He had burned through a good quarter of the velocity he had saved up over the last week with his little attention grab so he took out a small polished pebble from his coat pocket and began tossing it up into the air next to him, arresting its velocity with his power every time it fell back in to his hand. slowly but surely building up more power.
Miku blinked as the guards had demanded them to leave or be taken in and giggles. "hey im only here for the fun and these travalers are cool unique and no doubtly fun, this ones the best though what is it how does it work." Mindfull of the weapons and sharp metal Miku climbed on top of the mech and looked around on it for its eyes then knocks on it. "hey cool thing can you see me?"
Having a creature climbing all over the mech she was connected to by a neural interface was like being felt up by some creep with rough and hairy hands. Not a good feeling. Charlotte accidentally uttered an expletive under her breath and made a nervous noise as she quickly considered her next action. The one disadvantage to having a mech with the ordnance away from the optic is that you couldn't shoot off any living things that got onto it. She could withdraw from the hull, but she hadn't received the order yet, so she resorted to spinning around the mech's upper body in an attempt to throw the offender off.
Miku held on tight as the giant began to spin, Barely holding on she starts to laugh lots. " weee!" she smiles and then lets go and lands on her feet and looks at everyone, looking at the guards she look back and nova. "well they look mad if we are going it should be soon."
- Some time earlier -

Ayanna may have looked calm on the exterior, but on the inside she was roiling. To be faced with such incompetence in the face of what very well could be conceived to be an international emergency . . . if one of the nitwits in charge had been stupid enough to share a room with her at the moment she would not be biting her tongue.

"They are, continuing to waist time and money improving the festival?" she clarified with the man who stood in front of her narrowly avoiding piercing him with an icy-blue glare. It wasn't his fault the news was bad. Ayanna made a point of never shooting the messenger. Good messengers were so hard to find. And if hers knew they would be treated well regardless of the news they brought, well her information would always be precise wouldn't it

"Yes, guild mistress." The man confirmed. Ayanna gave him a once over. He wasn't a handsome man, certainly nothing comparable to and elf or fae, but he was intelligent. To be able to stand here in her main office surrounded by examples of the wealth she had amassed and still be able to look her in the eye with out being too bold, yes he was very intelligent. "If I may, guild mistress, it seems as though the Elders believe that by using distraction tactics such as improving the festival they can keep the public's eye on the here and the now, in short keep panic at bay and . . ."

"Avoid a mob." Ayanna finished for him, "yes, it does make sense when put that way. But still to do so without a plan for the other, to not even attempt to seek out proper answers, instead to act like a group of nothing better then headless chickens . . ." oh yes, inside she was roiling. Turning her back on the man, and pulling her silver white hair over her shoulder where it would be out of the way, Ayanna picked up a small box of pins and faced the giant world map mounted on the back wall of her office. There was a disheartening amount of pins already pushed into it, each one marking a different event, each color indicating a different month. This month's color was green.

"Repeat for me, please, the latest list of strange . . . events. You said the Odel spring is dry? Completely dry, not just slow?"

"Yes, Ma'am, completely dry." The man nodded opening a small black logbook and flipping through several pages. Ayanna sighed and pushed the small green pin into the map on the village marked as Odel.

"We'll have to find our wheat from another source this year. With that spring dry the crops won't last."

"Leroyas fishermen have being bringing up catches of freshwater fish." He continued noting down her responses in the little book.

"I was informed of that two days ago." Ayanna muttered touching the marking pin lightly, "and they are not the only coastal city with that problem. Continue."

"Treeknot was covered in three feet of snow several days ago. Usually they're lucky to get frost." Another pen went on the map.

"Their orchards?" she asked.

"Salvageable," was the answer.

"Set aside funds to buy up as much of the surviving crop as possible. Any of their fruit to survive the snow will be considered rare and that will drive up the price. It with be good for us at market. Perhaps even enough to offset the loss on the wheat."

"As you say, Guild Mistress. The farmers of Abardon have reported various animals taking up refuge in their barns, as if those animals are afraid to live in their natural habitats." Another pin was placed and the list went on. Strange occurrence after strange occurrence, one odd event after another.

When she finished placing the pins she stepped back from the map and sighed. "Do you see what I see?" she asked the messenger. He stepped forward and gasped.

"That pattern, it's like something I read about once . . . a chaos eye!" While the pins themselves were scattered all over the map, the color-coding made it clear. A large swirling form had taken shape, the pins more dispersed and sporadic on the outer perimeters of the form, but growing more concentrated as they spiraled in. The green was the most prominent color on the map now. There seemed to be more oddities in the past couple weeks, their timing closer together. But what sent a chill down her spin every time she looked at it was the fact that the very center of the spiral seemed to be set over the woods just to the west of Krenh. The thing was so close she could almost feel its disruptive force influencing her abilities even when she wasn't trying to use magic.

Outside lighting flashed filling the room with an eerie light as both Ayanna and her messenger rushed for the window.

"Guild mistress," the messenger gasped, "look at the sky!" Outside the weather had turned in an instant. The clouds darkening and swirling, forming a great storm, the formation of it's eye seeming to correspond with the center point of the pushpin shape on Ayanna's map.
Things were getting out of hand, the purple furred squirrel looked curiously at the Crimson Wing. She approached the crew with no concern for her self safety, being fascinated by the simplest things such as cigarettes. Abandoning the observations of the cigarette, she goes to the more interesting piece of machinery, which Issac wondered how she missed that in the first place. She climbed nimbly atop the clear cockpit making Charlotte frustrated and forcing her to spin around in circles. It was a flaw of the Mech, it wasn't made for close quarters.

Charlotte's upper half spun around in an attempt to get the squirrel off, which was quite comical, but he he couldn't let it go on. Suddenly, he received a transmission from inside the mech, asking permission to eject from the cockpit. He thought about it for a bit, and decided that she should not get out. They would need to travel in a little bit. They needed more information and being taken to the city, though under escort of the guards who will probably try and detain them, may not be the worst choice. It was better than romping around unfamiliar territory and wandering for God knows how long.

He put his hand up to his earpiece and spoke softly into it, "Charlotte, don't eject, we'll be traveling soon. We need to make peace with the city and gather information. You'll have to get out later." He let go of the button and faced the locals. "Alright, we'll comply. Take us to your city. But if you try to harm me or my team, we will not hesitate to defend ourselves." Still, he kept the civilians words in mind. There really might be something sinister going on. Although it really isn't their job to help or hinder them. For now they'd remain neutral. In any case, most of them seemed to want to head back to the safety of the city.

The captain of the Guard nodded and gestured back to her troops. They lowered their weapons, but still looked cautious. Most of them still eyed the heavy piece of machinery. Reluctant to turn their backs around, they tell the Crimson Wings to march ahead of them with a few soldiers in front to guide them out of the forest. The captain gave also gave a menacing glare to the civilians that loomed with the threat of punishment in her gaze. It was a signal for them to start moving out.
Relieved to be rid of the squirrel (as her mind processed the civilian), Charlotte complied with the ambassador's orders and filed up with the others as per instruction of the guard captain. The captain had a privileged look about her - as she was likely the daughter of a wealthy family, with such a high position - but still seemed overly aged and hardened. It was likely she was a veteran, and had led a guard squad for quite some time now. Her brow was ridged with the weight of many decisions, this one likely adding another wrinkle to her forehead. She felt she could depend on this woman to make a fair decision, simply based on what she had gathered from her look. Hopefully, a fair decision would be a peaceful and diplomatic one.

"Roger. I assure you, madame, that I will not inflict any transgressions upon you, and will work to prevent any further transgressions from my comrades." Her words to the general were sincere, but it was hard to tell with the samey and mechanical tone she seemed to be stuck in.
As the guards began to escort them back to the city, the Crimson Wings reluctantly complied. Issac took the head of the group, following closely behind the captain. The guards walked at a hurried pace, seeming to want to leave the forest, as if something sinister was watching them. Issac, was oblivious to the feeling, and speculated that the guards were stressed. Eventually they would make it out of the forest and they beheld the Capitol City of Krenh.

With towering spires, turrets, and walls, it was a fortress city. This was a city that had held out in numerous assaults from warring cities and countries. Fortunately, the realm was in a state of peace... relatively. Most people were still wary of each other, especially with the peculiar happenings that are going on throughout the land. Regardless of the peace, the town guard was placed on high alert.

As the group approached the towering gate, a guard atop the wall recognized the captain and signaled for the opening of the gate. It was then that the Crimson Wings got their first peak into a Magicae Campi civilization. The same was true for the inhabitants. The mech alone had attracted many stares and comments from the city-dwellers. Issac didn't really appreciate all the attention. He didn't want to draw attention to him or the Crimson Wings, but that was no longer an option.

The Crimson Wings were being escorted to a castle-like structure towards the center of the town, presumably to be interrogated. As they approached the steps of the castle, they were taken around and into a bigger, yet more secluded back entrance to accommodate the mech. The passage took them deeper into the earth into a poorly lit room where they would be interrogated.
Sometime later Ayanna sat in her office alone. She had positioned her chair so that she could watch out her window, both the sky and the street below. The Nivue Merchant Guild headquarters were located on the main boulevard of the capitol city. The street in question lead from the main gates to the castle, a perfect position from which to run a trade business. She would know when the guards that had been sent to investigate the source of the disturbance returned. They'd have to walk right past. Then perhaps she'd be able to get some answers . . . if her messenger didn't return before that.

She had sent the man to gather intelligence. One of her, dare she say it, spies, he was an expert in getting in and out of places undetected and he was fast as well. It was only a matter of time before she had the information she wanted. No sooner had she had thought about it then there was a knock on her office door. "Enter," Ayanna commanded, and the man was there. There was a look on his face, a strained tension about his eyes, fear. Ayanna grew cold at the sight of it and her body seemed to slowly freeze over as he explained everything he had seen.

He told her about how he had gone to the center point of the storm as she had ordered, how there had been a group of strangers who claimed to be from another world, how some locals had gotten involved, how the city guard had surrounded them, and how even now they were being marched into the city toward the palace.

Strangers from another word? She thought forcing herself to her feet and turning towards the window. It had to be true, her messenger knew better then to lie. What sort of beings had arrived here? What power did they have to be able to form a chaos eye? had they been responsible for that? It was supposed to be impossible, a thing of legend only. But then, a tiny voice whispered in the back of her mind, wasn't all legend originally rooted in fact? Her ears twitched picking up the voices. City inhabitants their comments were full of worry, awe, curiosity, and occasionally fear. Pulling her fur lined mantled closer around her shoulders Ayanna moved closer to the window, just barely keeping herself from leaning out to see. Just within her line of sight, still several blocks away, was a large group of soldiers surrounding what had to be the outlanders she had just been told about. Several were human, of that she was sure, but among them was also some strange form of what she could only call a Golem. She had never seen its like before. It seemed to be made purely of metal and it walked with a sort of metallic clang she could hear even from her position at her office window. Of course her ears were exceptionally good when compared to a human's. She was a werefox after all.

As they drew closer Ayanna could see that the apparent leader of these strangers was walking closely behind the Captain of the Guard who had placed herself near the center of her men with several ranks on each side of the outlanders. The captain was a formidable woman. Ayanna knew her well, by reputation if not personally. Perhaps this situation was not so hopeless as the actions of the Elders made it seem. She waited as the column passed by the window, and then when the timing was right she blew and icy breath gently across the palm of her left hand.

Immediately the back-plate of the guard directly in front of the captain began to frost over. Before the man could get too far away she raised a hand and scrawled in the air, her message appearing in the frost, like a finger drawing on an icy window. There could be no doubt who sent it.
"I want a word with them – A"
There was no way to tell from her window vantage if the captain reacted or not, but the message would remain for several hours before the magic faded and the frost melted away. It used to be such messages would last for days, but things were different now. Regardless, someone would see it and send her an answer. Whether it be a note, or a summons Ayanna didn't care, just as long as she got her information. Of course they could always ignore it, but if that happened she would be forced to resort to measures that were a little more . . . blunt.

They kept moving, out of her line of sight and towards the castle which they would no doubt be allowed to enter to face hours of endless questions by people who probably had no idea what questions to actually ask. She watched them go, leaning against the window frame and musing on who they were, what they could want, and how they had gotten there. The more she thought and watched, the sicker she felt. If these outlanders had indeed created a doorway from somewhere else as her messenger had said (which she believed to be true because they looked like no one from any land she had ever traveled to, even the clothing of the humans had been odd) and if opening that doorway was responsible for causing the disruptions and creating the storm which she believed to be a chaos eye, then asking them to simply go home was not an option. For all Ayanna knew opening a second doorway would destroy her world, or perhaps destroy theirs, or worse, merge the two into one. That last would be a greater catastrophe then simple destruction. While destruction would mean a ceasing of being, a merging could bring all out war. There was no profit in war. Unless of course one was in the arms trade.
Nicky was walking with the rest of the CW. He hadn't actually said a word since their grand and chaotic entrance to this realm and he was glad that no-one forced the sniper to talk in any way. It allowed the guy to think things over and observe more. As they were walking through the town, Nicky looked at the armor and weapons with curiosity, never having been able to see or use any personally. Only seeing them through a screen. He tried not to show it... To no avail. There was a slight smile on his face... Before they reached the poorly lit room, when his barely noticeable smile disappeared.