
Kaylee woke up to sound of her phone ringing. Tiredly she got up and padded to her cell phone on the other side of the room answering with a hoarse voice. "Hello?" she wondered who would be calling at - she took a quick look at the clock- six in the morning and then realized it could be anyone. She waited for her answer at the silent line before shrugging and hanging up. She walked over to her bed and flopped down on it cellphone in hand in case they phoned again.
Jace sighed, looking at the clock on his cellphone. It was eleven thirty in the morning and his plane to The Bahamas was to take off in twenty minets. Sure it sounded like paradise to other people but there was more turmoil and drug trade there then people knew. He sighed and fixed his shaggy but styled blonde hair. The man last night, the one who drove the white van gave him cudos for having the guts to kiss the girl. Apperently she was prety high up in the command which was obvious. But it suprised him just how much power this girl had. Then he slipped her cellphone number to him with a name; Kaylee.

Jace felt bad for just kissing her like that now that he thought back on it. She didn't kiss him back but she hadn't pulled away.Jace figured he better call her, not to tell her where he was off to, but to make sure things were smoothed over with a woman who would probably ending up, being the death of him. He dialed her number and put his phone to her ear, speaking after she awnsered.

"It's Jace...I wanted to apologize for the...umm...kiss last night. I wasn't in my right mind but I still intend to go through with this. My whereabouts are a secret. Call me if anything comes up."

He didn't have to guts to listen to her speak so he hung up and shut off his phone. Moments later he headed for his flight...he was lucky Ryder had the eqiptment and connections to make this happen...
"You're at the airport I know that much," She said rolling her eyes tiredly. That much was obvious with the warning about unattended luggage in the background going off. Kaylee rolled off her bed standing up. There wasn't anything to do that day and she wasn't going to question how Jace got her number. She figured it was probably one of the idiots she worked with.

Sighing she got up and changed into a dress fixed her hair and went out. It was about time she stopped lazing about. Sighing she double checked her calendar's deadlines. Nothing was needed to be done for another week or so with the exception of emergency stuff she gets called in. She was at the mall when she got the call. Answering her phone she heard Vincent's voice on the other end explaining. Apparently Jace hoped on a plane to The Bahamas and he wanted her to spy on him. She agreed reluctantly before going home to pack.

Twenty minutes later she was going through security check at the airport and hoping on the next plane.
Jace decided last minet to switch locations. He had fed faulty information to the system, not being stupid he knew that Kelsey would come and hop a plane to The Bahamas. So...Jace had called Ryder and arranged for a private plane to come pick him up just at the very end of the landing strip. No one would be allowed near the plane and he was there when it landed. Jace jumped on and it immeditly took off. He spotted Ryder at the back of the plane. A lean man about the same height with reddish brown hair, short and styled. Little to Ivan's knowladge Ryder was a big time drug lord. He lived on a little unknown, unmapped, Island fifty miles outside of Coulmbia. There he could work on his new drug in peace and with the best of the best resources imported to Ryder. Jace sat right next to him with a smile, greeting him.

"So kid, what does Ivan think of you just bailing like this? He probably isn't too happy I"m taking you to the island." he said.

Jace looked at him with nervous grin and sighed. He chuckled a bit.

"Ivan dosn't know...And I can't tell you why I need your help but I promise, I won't disappoint."

With that they flew off, undetected, unnoticed.
Kaylee sat on the plane. Even if she couldn't find Jace she would just sit back and relax on one of the beaches. The boy wasn't stupid, he probably knew the mafia was going to send someone so he most likely was going to hop on another plane at the airport or go an entirely different way. But orders were orders she had to follow them without a care, especially if it meant alone time in The Bahamas.

A while later she landed and hopped off the plane happy to walk freely. She grabbed he luggage and grabbed a cab to her hotel where she put everything away and got ready to go to the beach.
Jace stepped off the plane looking around at the small Island. It was probably one hundred miles in every direction. The Island was tropical, a beach that remained pristine thanks to it's unuse. Hidden deep in the forrested part of the Island, about 40 miles to be presise, was Ryder's drug Kitchen. There he made the drugs he delt to some parts of North and South America but mostly it was to other countires. He said his most popular customors were european and asian people, and also a select few in the British Isles. But he did ship outside that range. A jeep pulled up to them and both of the men climbed in. During the Ride there Ryder spoke.

"Your a good kid Jace. There must be some monumental reason your so Ambitious as to create your own drug for non-medical reasons. Let me guess. You got someone on your tail who wants something from you and this must be the drug. And since Old Vincent owns A majority of the Drug Kitchens out that direction, North and South America, I'm going to Assume the Mafia is on your tail."

Jace looked at him and didn't have say a word to confirm it, it confirmed it with the look of suprise on his face. Ryder laughed and looked at Jace.

"How in the world did you get mixed up with old Vincent and the Mafia? You out of your mind kid? Me and Vincent have always been on spar for the illegal drug trade business. Your a fool for doing whatever you did to get mixed up with them."

Jace frowned.

"I was just outside, looking because I heard a noise. Then I get kidnapped for apperently witnessing them commit a crime. Now I'm stuck here. Ivan and Lucie dosn't know about the Mafia so I'd prefur to keep it that way..."

Ryder waved his hands in front of him, shaking his head.

"Hey man, I keep secrets for a living so my lips are zipped. No worries."

As he said that they pulled into the gates of a gigantic facility, Jace just looked on in awe. It was huge! Using this, he would never fail!
She walked down to the beach with a purple bikini strapped tightly to her body. She laid her towel down on the sand and laid down on the towel placing her phone on her stomach in case anyone called. Though she highly doubt she would even if she she was on a job. Long distance charges were a bitch to pay.
It had been a little over a month...but Jace had done it! He finally managed to create a drug that was better than Ecstacy but just as pleasure inducing. Just what the boss had ordered! Once they landed on the landing strip he got out of the private plane and text Kaylee.

Back at the airport with the drug

After that he closed his phone and slid it into his pocket. Jace made his way to the front gate and waited.
Kaylee was already at the airprot having been there hours before. She was lightly tanned now and her hair was lighter with the sun she got. It took two hours for her luggage to get to the airport because they sent it on a different plane. She was sitting in the front waiting for a taxi -having left her car at home- when she recieved the text. She looked around the terminal and picked Jace out of the crowd sneaking up behind him jabbing him with her fingers.
Jace made his way to the front of the airport, his drug tucked safely away amungst his luggage. He made it in such a way that It would only be recognized as Advil or an everyday painkiller. He knew he had to do that if he was going to get it back into the United States. As he looked around he looked for either Kaylee or a White Van. Before he spotted her someone jabbed him with thier fingers. He whirled around and looked at a better looking Kaylee. She was more tan...and her hair was lighter. Did she always look this great?! He smiled a bit and looked at her.

"Welcome back to the cold United States," Kaylee said crossing her arms "Care to tell me where you went?" Kaylee frowned. She looked more lively now after that much needed month long break and was a little sad that she had to go back to her hectic life of the mafia.
He looked at her and stepped closer.

"I'd like to tell you but then A friend of mine would have to shoot you." Jace said, totally serious but with a grin on his face. "I needed quality materials and I couldn't get that in the US or South America. A friend of mine helped me get them. The big Boss man would know him, don't think you would though."

Jace loaded his suitcase into the back, pulling out a small Black Cloth case and tucking it into his jacket, He climbed into the Taxi and waited for Kaylee.
"Cambodia then?" She asked slipping into the taxi with a smile. She raised her eyebrow at the boy's strange cloth but left it alone figuring it would be revealed better. She gave the driver the address to Vincent's mansion and the car lurched, taking off down the freeway.

"I hope you got what you went for because the boss has been eagerly waiting for it, I know because he calls me every day," Kaylee ran her fingers through her hair attempting to tame it while looking at herself in a compact mirror.
He looked over at her with a smirk.

"Not even close but nice try."

Jace just sat back and relaxed as she told the Taxie driver where to go. He layed his head back, his hand still protectivly over the new drug in his Jacket pocket. She spoke and he listened. Without even looking at her he awnsered.

"I did...and I was gone so long because I prepared a backup pill just incase the first one fails to please. So he only knows about one, let us keep it that way unless the situation is dire. I'd like to not use the second...I didn't have to same amount of time to test it as I did the first. My friend advised I take more time to test it but...I just told them my Clients are getting a bit impatient."
"Eh, It was worth a try, but you'll have to tell me eventually," she said snapping the mirror shut and putting it in her purse. The car slowed to a stop infront of the familiar mansion. She stepped out of the car and emptied the trunk after sending a quick text to er boys to come leave her car here. She walked into the large building and went up the stairs.

She knocked on the door and opened it when she heard Vincent's voice on the other end. She walked in leaving the door open for Jace to come in after her.