CreepyPasta- Camping disaster

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Believe me one of those guys burned my skin & killed my family & that's why I have to wear a mask...So I'm going to put magic on you so you never ever get hurt. Jane puts magic on them & gives them weapons.
"Huh...magic?" Amanda asked. "Is that even possible? You know what...since I witnessed all of this I don't even doubt this."
Please don't spread this to everyone & if wasn't magic why would it not do this than. Jane stabs them & the don't get hurt.
(Kinda hard to explain maybe read what you missed..?)
(I read. but what I don't get is why Slender is acting buddy buddy with the prey)
(I'll try to be more active. I promise.)

Liu grabbed his knife out of his pocket. "I'll help too, three is always better then one~" he said with a grin. He was one of the least known pastas, at least he hoped. "As long as I get a kill in too." he said and cackled.

Ben sensed technology nearby and giggled "New friends to play with." he said and jumped into the cyber demention. He ended up popping out of Amanda's phone. "More then one friend?" he said his red eyes shining with glee
(Decided to post before school!)
Amanda felt a lot of pain once Jane stabbed her, byt as soon as that knofe left, she could feel it start healing and it no longer hurt. "Oh...this is useful..." She muttered to herself. She knew,though,not to let it get to her head and just let the creeps keep stabbing her. Im sure if they did it enough times something would get all screwed up. She still decided to play it careful.
Suddenly, she felt her phone in hee other pocket begin to vibrate and saw a boy jump right out of it. She looked surprised and when she noticed it was another one of those creeps, ahe felt a little scared. She whispered to Linz. "How many do you think there are?"
"Jane!" he said as he popped out of the phone and landed on his feet. He smiled childishly "Did I miss something?" he looked around "I was in the cyber realm all day talking to the Pokemon Pastas." he said and as a fairy popped out of his sleeve "Hey Hey listen!" it said and Ben ignored it.
(I think its a little unrealistic to give them magic so they don't die, it's no fun if no one dies)
(I see what you're saying. I feel that maybe they should still get hurt and it's possible to die but I guess the wounds just heal a bit faster? not like 5 seconds fast but, you know?? I don't know, what do you guys think)
(I think they should just be able to heal faster. Never dying is OP and kinda boring ^^;;)
Amanda stood there, wondering if more would come. If they did, would that somehow give them free reign just to start slaughtering everyone? She looked to her fellow humans, wondering if they should all try to leave.
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