Creature City Revival

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Rook appeared tired when she arrived at the Volkof residence; the underside of her reptilian eyes half-mooned with purple. Her midnight visitor had left hours prior. Had left her with a few parting words to mull over, words she had certainly mulled over all night.
"I know what being hunted is, Rook. It's not that."
"You know what love is, what Volkof is offering, its not that."

The more she thought about it, the more it enraged her. What right did a sorceress, an outsider to the Girls, have to arrive in a commander's doorway and whisper those things, she didn't know. The worst of it was, she never knew how to reply to all the things Lonny had told her. Because they were true.

Volkof was a madam as always, flicking her ruby red nails in the Lizards direction and sending her on jobs this way and that. Today was no different. The Demon had been seen enjoying the view from the window of her temple- made her feel powerful, no doubt- when there came a knock at the door.
"Rook!" She called, her voice ringing down below oak stairs and past scurrying maids. She was applying the last of her make-up, leaning over a dresser to assess her figure in the mirror. The night breeze filtered through the window in her grand room. Her reflection smiled, bearing teeth in a cupid's bow set of lips.
"Recieve our guest whilst I finish up, won't you?"
"Alright, boss." Rook answered immediately. It was a strange request, usually the maids or The Assistant (wherever that creep was) received the guest, but Rook thought nothing of it. That was, until she opened the door. The Red Chief stood on Volkof's doorstep.
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Jack took a moment to lift his head and stare the girl dead in the eyes. Wendigos were naturally nocturnal predators, so his skin was tailor-made to look terrifying when cast in moonlight; shadows shifted over his aquiline nose and hard jaw. He looked past her, waiting for her to inevitably recognise him and wave him in, and studied what he could see of the place's interior.
Rook narrowed her eyes. She scratched absently at the guaze on her face, pondering on whether to do the polite thing and wave him in without any disparaging words. Oh, she new damn well what his game was. He was Volkof's new business pal, the creature she talked about on the phone in her office, the lone figure that held her sole attention.
"Boss was gonna make me come over to your place. But you've gone and made my job easier." She muttered through a snapping jaw, leaning back and swinging the door inwards. The hallway was always surprising to first-timers, the interior a shocking vermillion. To some, Volkof's taste in all things crimson might have been tacky, but what struck Rook as even tackier were the walls that were decorated with the faces of smiling human children. Underneath the photos were plaques that bared the proud amount they sold for, and from which buyer the sale was made.
"You plan on standing there all night?" She supposed it wasn't strictly fair, but perhaps her attitude would send a message to the Red Chief.
Leave her alone, damnit.
"Is he here?" Volkof called, her heels already clacking down the staircase to meet him.
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"I'll be alright." Abner nodded, the last of his tears still running faintly. Boy, once he got going he couldn't just stop. He locked nervous eyes with Azur, then darted them away.
"I reckon sleep would be the best thing- I've troubled you with a lot of bullshit." He chuckled.
Jack stepped into the house, coming close to Rook and towering over her. His face remained blank but his eyes burned distastefully at her rudeness before he turned his back on her.
All of the red was a shock to the senses. Jack drank it in, gaze wandering over the decor and the layout. Volkof's voice sounded from upstairs. Then he saw the faces. Scrappy, dirty, thin faces - but human faces nonetheless. Human children: a rarity on this side of the wall. He'd handled a few in his time, but they didn't come about often. The ones he'd bought and sold looked much like the ones whose faces hung on Volkof's wall - homeless older kids who wouldn't be missed. He turned away from the faces after a moment, busying himself with stroking long, grey fingers over the frame of an ornate mirror. He would look at them again, with Volkof, when he had to, but no more. They gave him a funny feeling.
Azur smiled. "That's what I'm here for, Ab. Dealing with people's bullshit. I'm a demon, it's pretty much in the job title." He grinned, more playful than the usual cocky smirk that adorned his face. "I'll leave you to sleep though. If you need anything, you know where my room is."
He stepped outside of the room, and with a simple, "Goodnight Abner," he shut the door. Progressed back to his room. Ran a hand through his hair with a heavy sigh. Then went to bed.

"And this is your room."
"It's so...expansive," Emeryx commented, staring around in wonder. "It's okay for me to stay here?"
"Of course," Galzra commented. "You're going to be staying with us. I'm not gonna make you stay in a dungeon, that would be rude. You'll sleep here."
Discounting all the other things that he's already done that would be counted as rude, I suppose, he thought bitterly. But he shouldn't. Master Galzra was a dragon- designed with such temperaments tending towards cruelty, especially when shown weakness. He'd acted incorrectly, handed him the power immediately- but how could he not? Seeing how Master Galzra could likely kill him with the snap of a finger, it was natural- this fear was just how it was in this world. Hopefully he could prove himself worthy, at least, and not get into too much trouble.
Still...this house was nice. Dragons also tended towards luxury, he noted, as did demons. So it made sense that they'd all be living here.
"I...thank you."

Galzra waved a hand dismissively. "It's no trouble. Feel free to settle in. If you need anything, Azur's room is a little down the hall and I'm next to him." He didn't mention Jet and Alexis were also on this floor- he wasn't going to spoon-feed Emeryx everything.
"We'll have proper introductions at breakfast tomorrow." His gaze drifted away.; to the wall, as though he could see through into the room he knew Azur had given to his new charge. "There's another newcomer I want to ask about first..."

Emeryx watched Master Galzra leave, curious as to how quickly he got lost in his own thoughts. When the door was shut he relaxed, instead looking around the room.
It truly was luxurious. A large bedroom with your own space to sit and look out the large window, an en-suite, and...was that a walk-in wardrobe?
This place must cost so much, he thought absentmindedly, wandering to his bed. He sat. There were nightclothes laid out for him already.
Thoroughly confused, he decided it was a better idea to just...go to bed. He'd see what the morning brought.
Rook stared back, jaw set. He had the physical attributes of a vampire, the Red Chief, with his tall sweeping frame and his pale face, but as he glided by her distastefully, her nose caught the scent of something underlying. She curled her fists by her sides as Volkof appeared at the bottom of the stairs.
The Demon let out a sudden laugh at the end of the hallway, throwing her head back. This image was too much. The Red Chief, in her very home, and the angry looking mutt behind him who wanted to desperately nip at his heels.
"No fear, Chief!" She grinned a brilliant grin. Her charm shined through her jovial attitude, something plucked simply out of the air to mask the cold Demon inside. "I'll call her off."
Rook went a dull red at the mention of her person. She looked away from Jack at the indirect command, silent. Volkof was wearing a frilled, red (would there be any other colour?) dress, something reminiscent of an old way of wearing. Her hair was straightened, her horns specifically shined for the occasion.
"Run along, Rook." She instructed sharply now that Jack had been invited in. She could handle it from here. Rook blanched, then strode away like a wind-up soldier. Volkof offered up a private grin in Jack's direction.
"I see you're admiring the pictures." She waved him down the hallway, jeweled rings glinting on her knuckles. "Had the humans do that thing- you know, smile specifically for the photos. They look healthier like that, don't you know."
Only as Rook left did Jack laugh coldly at her behind her back.
"She's got a mouth on her, that kid," he said dryly. His smile suddenly dropped as he looked at Volkof face-on. Her dress was stunning, and a dazzling red (of course). His hair was only a few shades darker; he fit right in.
"They look impressive," he said, allowing a smirk to tug his lips. He looked at the photos again upon her request, reading the sums a few kids sold for. The numbers were high - she was no amateur. "And valuable."
"Impressive?" Volkof chuckled, leading Jack down the hall into the main room where they could get down to business. Her eyes darkened for a moment.
"Think small fry, compared to what I'm proposing now." She shifted back to her cheery behaviour the moment she noticed it had left her. The Demon stepped into the lavish spot, disregarding the previously discussed photographs on the wall.
"How have things been on your end, anywho?" She piped up.
Jack's interest piqued at Volkof's sudden dark tone. He strode by her side, interested in this proposal.
"Things are brilliant," he answered her wolfishly, smirking. "Business has never been better. In fact, I'm going to need to start hiring more gutter-rats to do my dirty work, if I can find any worth trusting - my current employees don't have enough time in the day for all my clients." This was true. Jack smiled to himself; at the end of the day, he was just a businessman, as underground and cult-like as his business was.
"On my end, well, I suppose I've been naughty-" She chuckled, motioning to a maid who seemed to have blended into the room.
"Tea." The maid scurried off. Volkof grinned faintly. "-You see, I've been running an operation for a while now, without telling anyone." She sat herself down in the arm chair placed in the center of the room. There was a seat across from her.
"I got to wondering, you understand. That maybe there's more to this business with the humans as I thought. Previously, I'd been taking individuals, or I had deployed hunters for the duty. These methods were efficient," She explained, "But not efficient enough for my tastes. So. I rounded a few girls up, and decided we'd take whole villages! Why not? Simply pluck them from homes and place them on transportation. A mass supply. Believe it or not, on my very compound, are the very first batch as a result of my plans." Her eyes glinted. "And that's not even the beginning."
Jack leaned forward in the seat he'd taken across from Volkof. He smiled wryly at her.
"Now that is impressive," he said. "How did you manage it? I've had sloppy catchers killed by human authorities before just for touching the scum of the street in their city. To raid an entire village..." The maid returned with tea and he took a cup, nodding to her brusquely. He popped the lid of a liquor bottle, lifted it from his pocket and poured a shot or so into the tea, then offered the alcohol to Volkof. "I've been considering ranging beyond the city beyond the wall to more rural human settlements, but as yet I haven't done it."
"Ah, my girls are the determined type." Volkof endeavored to keep her line of conversation teasingly vague. They were business partners, old friends, but one couldn't be so careful wagging their tongue to a creature who was competent enough to rival her.
"I have a few Henge in my ranks, shapeshifters and the like. For a while, they have been studying the human form. And, low and behold, a handful of my girls- have mastered wearing human faces perfectly!" Volkof clapped her hands, a gleam in her eyes.
"We have been coordinating attacks on villages, very experimental, you see, the best part being our new advantage regarding surprise. Most are hardly recognized as well, creatures like ourselves, before they strike!"
Jack leaned back in his chair, sipping his tea.
"Wonderful," he said coldly. "Now, onto more pressing business. You called me here to discuss a trade deal of sorts, Volkof - I drive a hard bargain, but I hold you in high regard. Just from these stories you're someone I'd be interested in partnering with... so tell me," his eyes stared icily at her, one brow slightly quirked, over his china cup, "what do you propose?"
Volkof took the chance to dive in to her ambitious spiel. She was offering one hell of a pitch, and she wasn't going to let the Red Chief get cold feet about going along with it. She let out a clear, chiming laugh.
"You have clients, don't you? And they range from, please excuse me for this term, lowlifes to royalty, correct? So. I offer you this, my friend. You give me just a few of your clientele, your most afflicted, addicted bunch, and I give you my Henge." Her eyes darkened. "Don't be mistaken, they're very useful to your cause, too. More than useful these days. As I said, they can take on the human form on a whim. They can coax them into false securities," Volkof made a snapping motion with her hand, "And there you have it."
"Give me, just a few of your sleaziest, most useless clients, and I'll unlock the gates to the human villages for your business. Think of it as an expansion." Volkof hesitated to disclose just why she wanted Jack's city-scum clients, but they opperated on no questions asked, nothing answered terms.

Rook lurked in the hallway, ever suspicious of the Red Chief. Whilst standing idly outside of the main room, she busied herself with talking to the maids. All of the maids under Volkof's employment kept away from Rook as best they could, but Rook didn't keep away from them. Rook had managed to corner one exceedingly shy maid, who kept her bonnet down over her face whilst speaking.
"Any news on the horse?"
"The-? Ah, the Centaur. No, Miss Rook, there hasn't been. We have supplied her food and drink, however-"
"Thanks for filling me in, darl." Shining incisors flashed at the young pixie. Rook's sizeable underbite and leering eyes did all the talking for her. The maid took the opportunity to scurry on, much to Rook's disappointment.
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Jack considered this for a moment. Then his hand unfurled and moved towards Volkof, extended to be shaken.
Volkof shook on it. The ruby rings on her hand glinted. She grinned, the smile bordering on monstrous. It had haunted many humans on her compound in the past.
"You won't regret it, darling!" She practically sung.
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"I'd never regret a deal with you."
His hand clasped hers and he bent his head to kiss it fleetingly. When his eyes met hers again, they were lit with a cold smile.
Rook rounded the corner, lingering in the doorway to where Volkof talked with the Chief.

Volkof laughed, charmed. "A deal is a deal. You can send the clients over whenever it pleases you, but for now, I for one, am just desperate to show you my humans!" She turned her head towards the doorway, where maids passed each other, and Rook, sizably taller and noticeably out of place, stood.
"Oh! Rook! There you are. Lead us to the compound, please."
Rook nodded, smiling at Volkof, and appearing to scowl at the Red Chief, before turning on her heels and walking away, keys for the cells jangling in her pockets.
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Jack followed her. He hadn't slept in 24 hours but somehow he felt more awake than ever.
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