Cotton Blossom

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Letting Evangeline's own pulsing parts become accustomed to a man's powerful length was something that Tim never did. Once he was in, he didn't stop until he came. Until that moment, it had been slaps and unnecessary groping that had only been pleasurable to Timothy. He never wanted to kill his wife, just silence her enough so that he couldn't hear her protests. But such cruelty cannot even be fathomed in this Cheyenne man. As soon as he enters, he doesn't just start pounding away like a hammer to a nail to see how far he can be inside her. Instead, Wes simply lets himself stay inside of her, his only movement is bringing his lips to hers in sweet kisses.

Once they start rocking, Wes' kisses cease. It's not that he wants to stop giving her upper lips as much sensation as he is spending on her lower lips. Wes simply is too immersed in their other world to be able to do both just yet. These airy breaths of air settling into his lungs only grow sharper, his arm wrapping around her back when she nests her face into his shoulder. Pulling her in as close as he can, her breasts flattened against his chest, Wes' husky voice starts up again in chopped sentences. He tells her of how perfect she is, inside and out. Nothing can surpass a night of passion when for so many nights before, such love as been banned from their lives.

"This ... is..." Wes starts but doesn't finish, knowing Evangeline will finish his statement. Her moans and soft 'oh' sounds are enough satisfaction for him to keep up his hard work. Then she grabbed his hair. Oh she had to grab his hair, causing him to growl out much like Arathi does when he is fiercely protective of his family and a threat is near. Wes is, after all, mending Evangeline from all that Timothy has done to her. He hardly realizes the squeaking of the bed from underneath them, his husky breathing and heartbeat drowning out all other sounds other than anything his dear Evangeline calls to him. Her words rattle in his ears like a distant whisper, causing him to smile when she tugs on his hair again.
He felt so wonderful, burrowed deep inside of her. Wesinaco was washing away all the thoughts and memories of Timothy in his wife's mind, only leaving her with the thoughts of sweet, wonderful sex. No one made love to her as Wes did and no one ever would. He was molded for her, cared for her so beautifully. Unlike a white man he did not seem to care just about himself and his own pleasure; Mother Nature had given him the gift of a sweet wife, and Evangeline was so thankful for that. She had just about stumbled into his arms, as though fate itself were using its powerful wind to coax them together. Evangeline would never fully understand what brought them together but she would never question it.

As he began to push and prod himself into her softness, Evangeline's head tipped back into the pillow raising her forehead to the ceiling. Her entire body, from her toes to the tips of her fingers, were on fire. The backs of her eyelids were a frenzy of bursting colour and fireworks, so beautiful, a show for just the two of them.
Falling back further and further into her pleasure, Evangeline's moan began to increase. She knew that her husband was not near his own climax yet hers was just on the edge; oh, the wonders of the female body. Evangeline never understood why she could come to the heights so many times in one night yet her husband only once. Perhaps it was a gift from Mother Nature herself, a little something to say thank you for the pains of birth they had to endure.

Eventually Evangeline's warm walls began to clench around his member and she cried out, trying her best to bite her lip but her efforts to conceal her moans was fruitless. It did not matter anyways. Beth and Melinda would just be happy that the two were rejoicing in their love. Evangeline might be a little flushed tomorrow, embarassed, but it was all worth being one with her husband again.
"Wes, oh," she cried, finally opening her blue eyes and staring up into his handsome complexion, "oh Wes... I... I... I can't... I can't hold it..."
Wesinaco can't believe that at the first signs of their blossoming love, he wanted to push her away. It's true that he had many sleepless nights on his platter just thinking about whether or not he should be so kind to the blue eyed and white skinned woman. If he had chosen to resist her, who knows what could have happened but that one prosperous night before Tim ravaged her body, Wes made a conclusion. His heart started to beat faster and faster whenever she was close to him, signs of his his eyes leaving her were nonexistent. No matter how much he stared at her, sneaking long glances when Timothy had his back turned, he couldn't get enough.

When he was forced to set the table and serve them all before eating by himself in the kitchen after the table had been cleared, Wes tried his best to run his fingers over Evangeline's hand when reaching for the immersed gravy covered spoon to spill over her mashed potatoes. He even went so far as to, when Tim forced them both to go into town with him, press his hand to Evangeline's spine, caressing the fabric there. But now he can feel the heat of her skin on his hands, the touches she gives him in return for every thrust he dawns upon her. Back then, he would have done anything to just catch a glimpse of her body. Now, he can't believe the range he has. All of it, is his.

"Then don't hold it in," Wes tells her, not in a snobby way like she should have known that already, but one that is encouraging. "Let me feel you when you're in the highest heights of the sky." he keeps himself buried inside of her, feeling her clench down on him more and more as her moans grow louder and louder. "Orgasm for me," Wes whispers, feeling her walls clench tightly around him, wanting his length to stay deep inside of her, "My sweet doll, don't hold back. Never hold back. Not for me." Their eyes meet again, her head thrown back against the pillows and his hands running through her locks. Bethany and Melinda might be hearing everything for the two are hardly being desecrate, but at least John and Michael are away on business for they won't stand such reckless cries or low groans of pleasure.
Evangeline's big blue eyes were wide and sparkling when her dear husband told her to let it all out. She was not afraid and certainly did not fear the man in front of her. She had came before Tim did, her body betraying her time and time again with his merciless advances, he had yelled and beaten her. The memories were harsh but once more Wes was rewriting them all over again, teaching his young wife how to heal and love once more.

With a few more thrusts into her warm and quivering center Wes had Evangeline crying out in his arms, grasping hard onto whatever part of him she could reach. His dark, long hair or his shoulders, his jaw and his neck. Evangeline wanted to touch every part of him but her mind was so consumed with her own pleasure that she forgot where her hands even were. Her body began to contort and her hips thrust upward, a low moan leaving her soft lips as he stopped his thrusting and just held her. It was love and passion all at its finest, a man giving himself fully to his wife and as a result her doing the same. There was so fear or anger here as it once had been for Evangeline. Now she was no longer worried about her body, just allowed the wonderful feelings to take over.

The tingles extended straight down her toes and mainly contentrated between her slender hips. Surely her body had changed, even her nether regions from the birth of two babies, but it did not hinder her pleasure or their special bond.
Evangeline wrapped her legs around Wes's waist and sighed deeply, her neck twisting this way and that, back and to the side.
Finally with her chest heaving and her cheeks flushed Evangeline opened her eyes to him. She was full of lust and need, and of course satisfaction. "Oh, Wes..." She whimpered, leaning in and kissing his widely bridged now. "Never leave me again..."
Melinda, on her way to her own bedroom, hears the obvious noises practically singing from the other side of Evangeline's door. Instead of acting irrationally as her husband might. She laughs at the fact of her hubby moving to the door in a huff and nearly banging it off its hinges, telling them to cease "whatever is going on in there" even though he knows exactly what is occurring. It's either that or yell at them to keep it all down. Luckily for them, Melinda just hurries to her own room and closes the door behind her. Evangeline and Wes can still be heard from the thin walls but Melinda only smiles and opens up her book, doing her best to ignore the moaning and be immersed in the ink on the thick pages. Her heart truly goes out for the two of them. They can finally connect.

"Evangeline!" Wes cries out, his free hand grabbing the sheets next to her as the last of his thrusts cause her to shake and grasp onto his frame as if he were her lifeline. He is just that. All those weeks of deprivation, wanting her and only her but not being able to throw her on the bed and love her. Before he can say something else, his mouth against her neck, she squeezes down on him and he loses all the air in his chest. "Kiss me, kiss me." he brings his lips to hers, chuckling what he can out of his compressed lungs. Within another gasp, he feels one tight squeeze, a finale for their passionate night, and then he too is satisfied. Sweaty and panting against her chest, Wes dares not move out of her or off on top of her.

"I'll never leave you. Never, ever. My heart can't handle it. Being separated from you is like having my heart slowly skewered out of my chest. Oh the pain. But now we have one another and for forever, we will never be apart. How about I won't even leave to scout out the other reserves. We can stay here and just wait for my mother to come back. I know she will return soon. When that time comes, we can simply move on with her, following the buffalo just as it should be. My dear, my love, my Evangeline." He kisses her with as much passion as he can muster, his body tired from holding itself up for all this time. "Lay on top of me?" He asks, his hand starting to tingle with pain.
His young wife barely heard what her husband was saying as she laid back down against his body again, her own chest heaving with exasperation and the remnants of what had transpired between the two of them. Evangeline was sure that she had never experienced something like this before, not even with Wes when they had made love countless times before. Perhaps it was the fact that they had been seperated all this time and had been so distanced.
Whatever the reason, Evangeline knew that they shared something special tonight. It surpassed all types of physical desire and brought them into what felt like an entire different dimension. A love that would travel over time and distance, would forget about their past transgressions and never hold a grudge. How could they when their bond was so pure and strong?

"Anything, anyt-thing you want...," she whimpered, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding her body close up against his own. She was exhausted but refused to sleep,fearing that when she awoke this wonderful man would be ripped from her again.

Finally a few seconds later Evangeline rolled so that she laid on top of Wes. His hand was now free and her full figure, from her ample breasts to the patch of curls in between her legs, pressed up against his form. She was wet and needy but knew that tonight, Wes was finished, and she could appreciate that. A strong man like him, especially when he did so much for her, deserved rest.
Well, soon.

"I love you," she whispered, kissing his mouth over and over again. Eventually her tiny fingers began to play with his hair, tugging on it lightly and combing through the knots. "P-promise me, every night... you... you will lay beside me, until the end of our days?"
Wes feels it too, a warmth against him like none other while her form rests perfectly against his. "I want you," he whispers with his eyes closed as she feels the strands of his hair ripple past her fingers like boats through water, "and our children to have a roof over their heads." Grinning cheekily, Wes bombards her lips again, feeling the smooth warmth of her mouth with his tongue. Unlike most men who have no idea how to kiss, Wes doesn't just excavate her mouth. But he slowly laps in and out between soft or forced kisses. She drowns him in absolute power, the Cheyenne man feeling as though he is on top of the world when they're together.

"I love you, sweet goddess. When you drop down from heaven and into my arms, I'll hold you day and night until you're comfortable to stand. Even when that moment comes and we're raising our children, hardly having time to one another. I'll always, always, show you my love. At night, I'll be here, right here with you. To feel your heartbeat, the expansion of your lungs against my chest. Curves, juices, and all. You're mine, my dear. I'll never leave you to be in the forest or in a big house ever again. Wherever I go, you'll go. Our hearts are now as one, just as when we die, we'll be together again up in the Milky Way."
Evangeline smiled fondly at his words, loving every syllable he spoke. Wes had a way of making his wife feel as though she were invincible and on top of the world. The way he spoke to her with such poetry and poise made her feel like she was the most sacred, special thing in his life. His words were so beautiful, expressing her love for her and their family. Eva sighed against his collarbone and smiled, her lips pressing against his smooth and slightly sweaty skin.

After they began to drift in and out of sleep, they slipped so that they spooned slightly, Evangeline curled happily in the crook of her husband's body, her shoulderblades against his chest. She was amazed by his care for her even when he was drowsy and exhausted. Before she fell asleep, Evangeline had felt her husband's hands slowly moving along her figure. He never took liberties or touched her in an ill manner... merely caressed her skin, from her delicate shoulders to the apex of her legs. He nestled into the curls there, circled her hip bones, and smoothed his big hands over her thighs. Evangeline had never felt so loved or appreciated in her life, and dozed off with that thought in mind.

When she woke that next morning, Evangeline noticed that the sun had barely risen. She had not awoken to the baby crying and figured that Melinda had cared for her for the night - something her sister-in-law would surely thank her for later. Eva blushed at the thought of the sisters hearing them.... but then again, it was all natural, and they had husbands of their own.

Speaking of husbands...
Evangeline nestled her bottom a little farther into Wes's hips, but jumped when his hardness (perhaps a product of the morning air) jutted against her butt. She squeaked a bit and then cupped a hand over her mouth, laughing at her own reaction.
When she flipped over Eva kissed her husband's mouth delicatley, stroking his hair back and admiring the strength of his handsome complexion. Then slowly she moved downwards, across his strong body and lower, lower. When she felt his manhood, now at half-mast, she smiled softly to herself. Oh, the wonders of being Wes's wife. She roused him finally by gingerly kissing the head of his member, loving it as she adored the rest of him.
Pulling the thinnest sheet over the two of them, Wes happily holds her against his chest. No hands could ever pry her out of his embrace now that the bear behind her slowly falls asleep. Passing into the world of dreams while having Evangeline fully in his embrace is all he could ever ask for. She slides perfectly into the crescent his body makes, their naked bodies wishing for the contact even after their hugging and holding in the throws of their love making. If Wesinaco had such energy and hadn't spent it on his worrying in the forest of his families safety, he would pleasure her again and again until the sun rises. But with the circumstances as they are, he falls asleep with a large smile on his face, his arms wrapping around her like a cocoon. A peaceful sleep blankets itself over Wesinaco, the warmth from Evangeline radiating onto his skin. The soft sheet has been pushed down to their legs, one another's warmth enough to keep them both satisfied without extra protection from the chilly night.

Wes' peaceful dream becomes very erotic all of a sudden, feeling the sweet kisses travel down to his lower head. Still stuck in the dream world, he smiles, chest rising in confidence for he knows it will be Evangeline. She is always in his dreams. No longer does he wish he could screw any old woman, her body and face changing often with each night, but a single, beautiful form. While she makes her way down to his lower self, his breathing becomes very gravely, his hands smoothing across the bedsheets. In his minds eye, he is still with Evangeline, her mouth spilling the most surprising words. They make him chuckle as if he were a child, the last of his breath coming out in a quick scoff then a small fraction of a laugh. Blonde hair and blue eyes added to a smile that brightens up his whole world. When she kisses his member, all his muscles in his chest squirm, his eyes flickering open.

"My sweet pea, darling, sweet pea," he moans, only realizing it once he he conscious. Noticing no one next to him, his member pulsing, and a entail to be satisfied, Wes picks his head up from the pillows. He is laying on his back now, arms sprawled around him. Raising a brow to see Evangeline's mouth so close to his needy lower self. The thick brown brow of his raises, green eyes asking her what she thinks she is doing but at the same time, egging her on. He wants her to take control and do what feels right in this moment but remembers her innocence. "Well, now that you started me up already..." he grins, making her hold the cards this time to if she wishes to play around more with his manhood.
Never had the young woman given a man such a gift; Timothy had forced it on her time and time again but her eyes nothing that she did with that monster counted for anything. He had raped and degraded her and she had given nothing willingly to him.
Of course with Wes the image was a lot different; she would have loved him every second of every day if they did not have two doting children and other needs that they had to satisfy. His body was no longer a mystery to her and she was no longer afraid. Where Eva was once docile and shy she was now strong and well powered. But as her husband had commented the night before she was only a little vixen in the confines of their bedroom.

When Wesinaco opened his eyes and found his wife attending to his lower half, her cheeks bloomed with colour. Being so close to his hardened manhood she was amazed by its size and structure; yes she had experienced its wonders before but never actually looked at it. Like the rest of him it was a light chocolate colour and laced with engorged veins. The fact that it seemed to react more and more to her lips made her stomach clench a bit. If the man did not admit his love for Evangeline his body surely would do it.

Looking up at him through her lashes Evangeline smiled softly, glad he had not tried to stop her. Wes had used his mouth on her lower regions before and that had been some of the hottest most mind blowing sex she had ever had. Now she wanted to return that gorgeous gift and give her husband nothing sweet and sexual to remember. It was a little out of character for Evangeline but again, she had certainly broken out of her shell.
"I-I don't know what I am doing... But I love you," she whispered before she gingerly wrapped her lips around the head of his member, sucking on it slightly, delicate and gentle.
She blushes again and his heart starts to race once more. Before he can do anything like tell her to come up and give him one last kiss before she starts to fully engorge his member in her warm mouth. This is more than he can take early in the morning, his mind not fully awake as the sensations start when she gives her very first suck to him. His buddy of the below happily responds before Wes gets a chance to even gasp out Evangeline's name. He had gotten so close to sitting up, his abs drawing his torso about half way up from the bed but when she starts her adornment of his thickness, he collapses back onto the bed.

Hot groans escape his mouth, wanting to reach out and guide her head up and down but this is her journey. Well, his journey too but in a completely different way. "E-eva. Gaaad Eva," Wes calls, meaning to tell her how good she is doing, her head staring slow motions up and down. He won't shove or buck his hips, causing her to gag, even though he desperately wants his entire length to feel her warm wetness and agile tongue. Instead, he grips onto his own hair, cupping a hand over his mouth then to his head, then to his mouth again, not sure what to do with them in such throws of gratification. She's doing this... she's really doing this. Fuck, it feels better than I could have ever imagined.

It doesn't matter how fast or how slow he is blown, any speed his wife is comfortable with is what his member desires. "Use your tongue," Wes whispers, his abdomen clenching in anticipation for what is about to come. His member grows in her mouth, his shaft no longer floppy in her hands but still, the man wishes for these earth shattering sensations to keep him unsatisfied for as long as they can. That way, when he does release his load, its really at the height of all he could ever imagine. Not a hill, not a mountain, but he'll surely be in space orbiting the moon until she brings him back down to reality.
Evangeline really had absolutely idea what she was doing; she moved her head up and down, a motion that was almost natural in this position. Still, she had no idea where to put her hands or her hair and sometimes they just ended up everywhere and anywhere... not that her husband seemed to notice or old at the moment though. Eva was rather amazed at his constant moaning and groaning, through they were of course welcomed. She loved the fact that she was pleasuring him in this new and entirely unique way. Did the inside of her mouth feel different than her womanhood? Perhaps... he seemed to be really enjoying it, and Evangeline was not about to ask any questions.

She did as she was told when he requested her to use her tongue, which she twirled and swirled around his member when it was inside of her mouth. When a moan left his lips out at that, Evangeline began to do it more and more.

A year ago, the young and docile woman Eva had been would have never even imagined doing this. That was the girl that had shied away from his touches at first, not understanding what the warm touches of his fingers meant on the reactions of her own body. But Wesinaco had shown her Mother Nature himself, and all of her grand treasures. From a bubbling stream to two little chipmunks fighting, to the wonders of making sweet love. There was nothing to be afraid or ashamed of, was there? Wes had always enjoyed everything she did, and Evangeline had in turn grown more comfortable around him. Not once did she fear that her husband would force her to do anything or grow angry if she refused. There was none of that, and Wes was not Tim.

In time and with more of her fluid movements, Evangeline began to feel her husband's member shake inside of her mouth. Surely that made it felt good, that was he about to... well...
His member was rather large and so Evangeline wrapped her little hands around the base of him, the part that she could not reach, and tenderly stroked it. Her tongue and mouth sucked and rubbed, licking and tucking, the upper part, hearing his moans get louder and more powerful with each of them.
Wes hopes that Evangeline is enjoying making him squirm and groan out in such a way he isn't used to. Most of the whores he has had relations with would only pop him in their mouth to warm them up for simple, animalistic sex. After a swirl or two, and he's standing at attention, they would immediately stop. But on this morning, she isn't just pausing. Evangeline will finish the job, Wes is sure, his mind too much in a haze to question her or even talk for that matter. Whatever she is doing, he doesn't want him to stop. He would choose to never have her stop if he could but his body is being shot up into the stars so the end is bound to come sooner or later.

"You know..." he gasps out, "What... what is..." a groan comes from him, unable to hold his composure once his member cries out that it's so damn close. For she has tasted herself but Wes wonders if Evangeline will be alright with tasting him. Will she regret her actions if he doesn't warn her. The poor man tries to, his breath far too gone to even finish his statement. He can't believe his inability to control his gasps and groans for sex is wonderful, absolutely wonderful, but it's something he can handle. Well, last night he might have been a bit too loud but for the most part, he stays quiet, his gasps and other assorted sounds silently puffing out of an open mouth. There is a first time for everything.

"Evangeline!" he mutters, "I'm, I'm... you've, you've... shit... aagh." The last squeeze quickly flashes before him before he is free falling from his lofty heights to hit the mattress once more. He is satisfied, so satisfied that he knows he might have more in store if she gives him five minutes to rest up. That's all he needs, five minutes. Perhaps he won't even need to utilize his member, just pleasure her with his mouth as she has him. Looking down at his wife, he wants to make sure she is alright for he isn't sure where his seed has traveled. Normally it's pretty straightforward with sex but he doesn't want her sickened. Although, he expects her to understand his anatomy by now.

"That was amazing, absolutely amazing. You're a natural. Where did you learn such toe-curling techniques?" Wes sits up.
It all happened so quickly that Evangeline barely realized what was happening. Her husband's manhood began to shift and twist inside of her little mouth, and then suddenly he was pumping in his seed, the very beautiful thing that had created their two sweet daughters. It was amazing that something so animalistic and rowdy would make something so precious and beautiful. Of course though this was no time to be thinking of their dear girls - and soon Eva's attention was turned back to her husband, whose chest was beaded with sweat and heaving.

With a soft smile Evangeline wiped her mouth and then sat back on her bottom, looking at her Wesinaco with a soft blush in her cheeks. She was a little embarassed that she had done such a thing, though she knew that she should not be. Wes would never call her a whore or a harlot; she had done this beautiful to him, for him, to show her love and pure devotion. She was no woman on top of a bar, tending to men day and night. No, Evangeline was his dear wife and would be until the end of time. Their love had been sealed the day that he had kissed her as his wife, and nothing, now, would break that bond.

"I... I...," she said, scrambling to find her voice again. Despite the fact that she had not been the one pleasured in that moment, the actions had left her a little dazed. She could feel the heat between her legs, the perk of her nipples. Was it foolish to get turned on by such things? Evangeline sure hoped not, because her excitement was easily visible to her dear husband.
Crawling up his body and falling down onto the mattress beside him, Evangeline curled into his chest and sighed, "I just... did it, I suppose. I know your body well now, as you know mine. I don't know why I did it." She bit her lip with a soft smile.
Wes doesn't mean to grill his dear wife after such a lifting experience. With his mind still spinning, he doesn't just let her curl up for a man like him only feels the requirement to give her the pleasure that she just gave him. His hand comes up to flick at her nose before kissing it. He is so very glad that she hasn't been turned away by his powerful spray, thankful that she immediately curls up so that she doesn't have to see his look of utter relief on his face. Chuckling a little, he squeezes her tightly before stroking her hair aside. Lovely blonde curls that he can stroke his fingers through. Lovely girl, his lovely girl who has finally given him what he has given her.

"I thank you very much, my dear, for your just 'doing it'." leaning in, his kisses her cheek before pulling back so he can fall into her blue eyes and be carried out to sea. "I love you. What a dear, dear, surprise to wake up to in the morning. Your respect for my temple is paramount to my own respect of yours. My dear, waking up to you today is like watching the sun rise. Sometime, very soon, I hope that I can do the same to you. I'll kiss you as you kissed me. All the way down to your sweet center," his hand trickles down just to her wetted apex. "And now I would love to, absolutely love to give you what you have given me."

Shifting his body so that he can easily reach her lower lips, he digs his own lips into her neck. Spreading her legs apart, he only gets to feel her warmth from her inner thigh before he hears a knock at the door. It startles him so much that Wes literally jumps, causing the bed under them to shake. They had cuddled for a long time and now the sun is making its way up the horizon. Bethany's voice comes from the other side of the door, Wes paused like a deer in the headlights. Looking back down at Evangeline, he doesn't move until she does, another knock coming at the door.

"Wes? Evangeline? You two awake? Your little blossom is hungry. Evangeline'll have to breast feed her." Wes looks down to Evangeline's perked nipples, grinning as he thinks their little girl will have no problem at all. His face reddens slightly for he can already smell Evangeline's desire from where he is, he hates to think of Bethany catching onto their early morning excitement.
Evangeline could not help but sigh softly when the knock came at the door, preventing her from everything she wanted. For that night behind them, the entire world seemed to fade away - it was just Wes and Evangeline, tousled amongst the sheets and pleasuring one another until they were sweaty and spent. Of course, though, their duties as mother and father called and if their baby girl was hungry, Eva was certainly not going to be selfish and reject their sweet baby.
Slowly she squirmed out from underneath her husband, sighing a bit in defeat. The desire was pulsating between her legs, and the passion charged the air. Still, she knew better and slowly reached down for her nightgown on the floor, making sure to give her husband a nice view of her rump as she did so.

Eva knew that she was going to need a good wash before she even thought of stepping outside of the bedroom, and quickly straightened her hair a bit. When she opened the door, Bethany was on the other side with a cloth bundle gently cooing in her arms. Preferring to stay oblivious to the romances of her brother-in-law and Evangeline, she talks to them idly with a smile, not wanting to intrude on their private space.
"Is Mia alright?" Evangeline asked softly, taking Rosie from her arms and cuddling her against her chest. Despite the wonders of the previous night, Evangeline had missed her dear babies so much. Rosie immediately seemed to recognize the scent and feel of her mother, as immediately her little hands reached out from the blanket and her little lips poised in a sucking position. Both Bethany and Evangeline laughed at that, her mother stroking her cheek tenderly.
"She is still fast asleep in the nursery," Beth explained, smiling warmly. Evangeline had always envisioned the woman as a mother and imagined that she enjoyed having the children around to care for and play with. She figured that the woman was infertile, as Melinda said she and Michael had been trying for years now. "She's such a good little baby," she grinned.
Evangeline nodded her head but soon enough Melinda was calling for Beth to help her in the garden. After thanking her, Evangeline shut the door, bringing the baby inside the room with her. Almost immediately Rosalie began to scream out, wanting her breakfast now that she was with her mother.

"Oh, sweet baby," Evangeline whispered. It was rather amazing how she could go from being a passionate lover to a kind-hearted mother in mere seconds... but she had learned quickly, becoming both a wife and a mother. She loved her husband and her children, and lived to satisfy them both.

Evangeline slipped into the bed with her husband, nestling into the crook of his arm. Rosalie laid contently in her mother's arms between them both, and as soon as Eva revealed her nipple, she began to screech out for food, only silencing when she was directed to it and suckling on it greedily. Once the baby was settled, Eva smiled up at her husband through her lashes, "duty calls."
"Can't we just tell her to wait. I bet she won't be too upset if we're five, ten minutes late," Wes suggests in a slow whisper, only in a half serious tone, "Rosa can wait." Wes chuckles, knowing that they both have to get up and start their duties. The morning fantasies of the sunrise are now over. Wesinaco wants to make her buck in the sheets as much as he wanted to do only minutes before Bethany almost knocked down the entire door. He slips from the bed when Evangenline does, unable to resist smoothing his hands over her exposed rear as she bends down to grab her nightgown. Leaning over her, he kisses her spine, whispering, "We'll get our time soon enough again," before jumping back in bed to gather his own clothes on his side.

"Yes, Bethany, we're getting up. Evangeline will be over to the nursery in a moment," watching tenderly as Evangeline washes up. Splashing the cold water from the washbin across the room, she combs her hair in long strokes. He feels his manhood twitch again and he immediately rolls his eyes, "One time just isn't enough for you, hm?" He chuckles, pulling on his own pants, leaving his shirt off for Evangeline's sake. Smoothing his hand over his own thighs, waiting for the moment when Evangeline can crawl back into bed. Laying the pillows up against the backboard, Wes crosses his legs and simply waits like any good husband for Evangeline to come back.

Chuckling, Wes shakes his head when his little one and Evangeline nestle into the crook of his arm. "Yes, I know. Children always ruin our fun, hm?" Wes' hand comes to rest on her thigh, messaging it gently before letting Eva do her job. "But hopefully, these two little stars of ours will, once in a while, give us what we desire. At least we have one another - that's all I could ever want. My dear sweetheart. We'll have our nights."

And so they shall. When Michael and John return home from their business trip, they become very angry when its revealed Tim is dead. The eldest one nearly beats Wesinaco to death but his darling wife holds the man back. The next few weeks are heated, tension between the Cheyenne man and his brother's is nearly unbearable. But, soon their anger simmers down and they're able to see past their half brother destroying their blood brother and into what truly happened. Cruel white man taking the Cheyenne's true wife and love from him and a revenge heated like no other. They finally agree to give Evangeline back the dowry. That means they can buy their house and live their life. The way it should have been from the very start.
The next few weeks were hard, but Evangeline knew that they would all come out on the right side of things. She had worried most nights that the brothers would turn Wes in; however, their wives were smart and told them the entire story when they finally calmed. Apparently, word had not even yet spread that Timothy had disappeared. Eva was not surprised; he was a cruel man, a scoundrel in his business. His partners probably would have been happy he had seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. Soon, Eva and Wes would be living on their own and amongst his own people, and the authorities would not be able to track them very easily. The thought comforted Evangeline well, and allowed her to sleep properly at night.

After the several thousand dollar dowry was returned, Evangeline and Wes set off to go and scope out the homes nearby. Wes had taken his own trips to find some of his Cheyenne people - when he found a friendly tribe that actually recognized the Native name of his mother (who had yet to appear), he came back with a wide grin on his face.
Today, Evangeline had convinced Wes to bring her on his next trip into the mountains. They could not get a cart very far up there, so it was a ride by horse.... surely not something meant for a lady, but Evangeline was insistant. She trusted her Wes but wanted to meet his people before they took their children up that way.
Evangeline had left the babies with Melinda and Beth, leaving them with some milk she had drawn for little Rosalie. Mia sobbed upon seeing her mother mount the horse with Wesinaco, but after a sweet kiss and a few soft words from Evangeline, she quieted and waved them goodbye with Melinda. They would return the same evening after all; the ride would be fast, but Evangeline refused to say a night away from her children.

Wesinaco's sturdy frame was behind her as they rode, his arms curled protectively against her waist. Evangeline was already expressing her desire for another beautiful baby - a boy this time, she hoped, just like his father. Wes had convinced her to wait until they were settled, but the idea was sweet in Eva's mind. Having his hand against her belly only reminded her of that.
"This house better be pretty special," Eva smiled, leaning back against his chest as they galloped into the forest.
As the days pass, Wesinaco gains more and more of a feeling in his gut that any day now, any day, his mother will arrive for him. It's been nearly three years since he has seen her and he is desperate for her love and attention. Knowing she married a fine Cheyenne man, Wes has only met him once. Wes is still certain that he is making her the happiest woman on this face of the earth just as he is making Evangeline. Now that he has grown into a father, he hopes his mother will be proud of him. For obvious reasons, he is certain she will accept Evangeline and love her like the daughter she never had. Or at least Wes isn't aware of any more children joining her family.

When Evangeline and Wes lie in bed, they talk of Wes' earlier life. It's true that their passionate love-making is either booked at odd hours where they're certain no one will wake or no one is home. But now that John and Michael are home, hands are normally clasped over their mouths for one another to muffle their screams of bliss. It's not like Tim suffocating Evangeline for Wes leaves her nose wide open, distracting her with long kisses so she pops her voice right into his mouth and not into the air around them. Still, the fiery love is still there, the deprived nights stacking up in this past week.

Not seeing Evangeline for a day, Wes wants to make sure that the house he found, the back door leading out to a placid pool of fresh mountain water, is perfect. He fell in love right when he stepped out into the peace of what could very well be their own backyard. Racing home immediately through the dark, Wes tells his dear wife that in the morning they ought to ride out and see such a magnificent piece of architecture. The closer they come now to the stone foundation home, the brighter his smile is and the tighter his hold. A lake reflecting the jagged mountains cutting through the land, snow sprinkled on their tops beyond the forest edges of the lake. Of course there is a small expanse of clear grass leading down to the sandy water but trees or not, he knows she will adore it.

"Oh I promise you it will be everything you could ever imagine. A sturdy frame that will resist damage from a fire for some crazy lunatic built it completely out of stone. Stone! I'm still trying to figure out how they hauled all that rock to the building site but... that's not the point. It's a sturdy home and everything we need. A big kitchen, dining room, bedrooms coming out of our ears, and a beautiful little sitting room for anything we desire. But that's not the best part, you'll be seeing the view soon enough."
The ride was not as long as Evangeline had anticipated, perhaps because she was perched comfortable against her husband's chest as they traveled along the dirt path. For awhile she might have drifted asleep, only the sounds of the squeaking birds and her husband's tightening grip around her waist waking her up. She felt his hot breath against her ear and his excitement as they seemed to be reaching the correct area. The trees were beginning to thin and Evangeline admired the different types of flora that edged the road; she imagined that in the years to come she would come along this path and pick them with her daughters for a beautiful bouquet on the kitchen table.
"That sounds lovely," she murmured, running her fingertips along the back of his hand as they began to slow.

When Evangeline squinted, she could see the face of the house in the distance. It seemed to be nestled into a small crook of trees but behind it was just open space. Eva wondered what was behind there but figured that her doting husband would give her a full tour; she had faith in this space because he seemed so excited about it.
It was also so close to his tribe that Eva could almost smell the fires from their burning embers. This was their property and thus Wes knew he would not be overcharged for the place. In fact, he claimed he might be able to get a deal!

"Wow," Eva breathed as they approached the front of the small house. Yes, it was made out of stone but the windows and door were trimmed with wood and the front had a nice porch that was made of natural wooden planks. Evangeline could already envision putting a little swing hanging from the ceiling, where she would take her babies out in the morning and rock them as she fed them. They were secluded here and surely not a soul would bother them unless summoned. Evangeline enjoyed it already.

Wesinaco wrapped his big hands around her waist as he helped her down from the stallion, his hands burning where he touched. Looking up at him with a grin, Evangeline pulled down her white lace bonnet and offered him a meek kiss. "I love it already!" There were tons of wildflowers growing along the front of the stone structure, a few birds and bees moving about the foliage. It was very serene; and when Evangeline listened close enough, she could hear water running. "Is there a river nearby? I can almost hear it! Oh, wouldn't that be nice, not even the need for a well if the water is clear!" Her eyes were alight with the prospect and she tugged on her husband's hand, imploring him for answers.