Cotton Blossom

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His hands against her skin were both soothing and disconcerting and Evangeline certainly did not want the man blaming himself for what had happened. It was her own foolish for giving into his rages and also going out into the forest on her own. It was not his fault that Tim had jumped to such conclusions.

Her cheeks flushed a soft pink when he called her beautiful. It was amazing how a little time apart and being forbidden from seeing one another could make them more affectionate. Evangeline was sure that her face was swollen and raw from the slap but smiled lightly with his kind compliments; was a very sweet man, so different from his brothers. She enjoyed his presence much more than the others... Like a breath of fresh air, he filled her with joy.

"I'm just glad that we are both okay. I was so worried when he saw that he had the pistol..." She sighed softly. In the faint light only filtering in through the sheer curtains he looked positively dangerous and handsome. Now that she had spent some time with him alone in the forest she had grown an appreciation for his rough and rugged features.

"Wha do you think he is going to do now?" She asked softly, staring into his majestic green eyes, trying to lose her troubles inside of them. "I... I don't want you to leave, Wes... I... I don't understand my feelings... And perhaps you do not return them in the same way... But I do not want to lose you." She sighed softly with her words, cheeks warming underneath his hand. Eva had a feeling that the young man felt the same way. But she was unsure if he would give into his desires or not, seeming very reserved and careful. Eva propped herself up on her elbows and implored him for an answer.
"I am just as you are, Eva. When he pulled out that pistol, my heart set off on a frantic dash for safety." breathing in deeply, Wes finds such power in the way she looks at him. Her eyes are wide in the dark but not from fear. So many times he has looked into hues and have seen propaganda. Native American's raping and pillaging villages without so much as a second thought. Completely being 'children' by the white man's eyes. When his people get mad, they throw a tamper and start killing. No one stands up for his people. "But if he did take that shot, it might have been for the better."

Sighing, he knows that it's the truth. If he never existed, Tim wouldn't have become so mad at Eva and he wouldn't have hit her so. Before he arrived, Tim would drink and curse but never ever strike her. "What do I think he is going to do now? Well, until he gets that stick that is up his ass, I am sure that you'll be spending your days either completely at his side or locked up here." stroking his hand across her jaw, he feels that strange pull towards her face when she starts to talk freely about her feelings. Smiling, he wants to make sure they're completely genuine.

"You don't want me to leave?" He asks, kissing her forehead before pressing his cheek to hers. From there, he whispers in her ear. "What are your feelings? Describe them for me..." pressing his own hand to his heart, he wonders if hers is rocketing as high as his is. Feeling light on his feet, he could fly around the room, no weight, not even the air. As she talks, he kisses closer and closer to her slap mark. Finally reaching the protrusion, his lips are ever so gentle and slow. "Do I make you tremble? Shake? Tingle? Do I cause your thoughts to fade with each kiss so you can't even answer my original question?" Looking up at her, Wes just grins, wanting to hear her tell him.
It was perhaps nearly impossible for the young woman to put her feelings into words... Mainly because she didn't really understand them herself. Because Evangeline had always been protected by her family and never really exposed to the ways of men, she wasn't used to the feeling that coursed through her veins.

Biting her lip Eva looked up into his dark green eyes, even darker now with lust. His words made her heart beat madly in her best, and her breathing got a little more shallow. He was so poet with the way that he spoke, so natural with the words flowing from his lips. Feeling his lips against her slap mark she winced a bit, both in pain and from the memory. Never had she imagined that Tim would lift a hand on her and she feared what marriage would bring.

At the thought of what had transpired, Eva's eyes began to water a bit. She knew that he was seeking an answer to how she felt about him, but her thoughts were now focused on the man that was taking her hand. Her eyes began to fill with tears, "I am afraid..."
"You are afraid?" Wes is taken by surprise for he has heard plenty of women tell him about his physique or attitude towards them. His kindness moves mountains for them, revealing crystal blue springs of knowledge. Soothing words come next and he pulls away so that their noses are practically touching. Tilting his head to the side, he breathes on her lips and just the the breeze outside, it's warm. "Remember what I asked of you in the forest? You can be scared of so many feeling or events but as long as you trust in me, you will always have me."

"Place your trust in my hands, Eva. Back there, in the forest, I became angry and I understand why now. It's so easy just to say no to something that feels strange to you. No matter what you may want, there will always be something or someone guarding your path. Do you know what the best solution for such a situation is?" Lifting her hand, he kisses each of her fingers one by one. Her delicate skin still tickles his unshaven face. Normally, he has no beard and his hair is tied back. Tonight, he is rugged and his hair is swirling down to around his shoulders.

"Shhh, just put your trust in me." not trying to sound too manipulative, Wes leans in once again. His fingers graze over her lips, full and perfect. "Now Eva, I'm going to kiss you and you tell me what you see on your eyelids. Here, close them." assisting her, he lightly runs his hands over her eyes and she closes them eagerly, the smile causing Wes to hurry up. Without a response, he lets his mind focus on her after their lips meet and mingle for a while.

Leaning in close is the easy part, his heavy lids closing and the shock and excitement of her thick lips. Controlling himself from jumping right on her, he starts to slowly move back and forth out of strange habit. He doesn't just want her, he believes that he'll need her wisdom for she is way beyond her years. Every muscle in him contracts and he fears that he'll never be able to kiss her properly. It's true that this was only a short kiss on the lips, he can only imagine what they could accomplish rolling around in the sheets. "Do you trust me?" He asks, parting their stacked lips.
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Utterly startled by his forwardness Evangeline closed her eyes, listening to his kind and soft words. His voice nearly put her to sleep, but her senses were suddenly jerked awake when he informed the young lady that he was going to kiss her. Recalling what his lips had felt like in the forest when she had stolen an innocent peck, Eva was eager to have him again. Kissing Wes would be like nothing she had her experienced before, and reawakened a part of her womanhood that had long since laid dormant.

His lips were so soft and warm against her mouth, like molten lava flowing across them. His breath, despite being in the woods all day, tasted like mint. His scent, which she has grown to love deeply, was a sweet and perfect mixture of woods and musk... Something so natural she couldn't even fully describe it.
Evangeline focused on what relayed behind her eyes as he held the kiss. Despite it being rather short the images were crisp and vivid, as though she was truly living them. Evangeline imagined the man taking their passion further than just a simple kiss, peeling her clothing from her body and adorning her naked figure. He would leave no inch of her skin without kisses, and they would roll in the bed until day broke and they were covered and sweat. And then... A rounded belly, beautiful Cheyenne babies with her blue eyes and his chocolate skin tone.

When Wes pulled away from her mouth, Eva was in complete awe. For awhile her lips were pursed, trying to make sense of what she had seen. Never had she thought of a man in that way, and her body grew not just thinking of it. As her mother had taught her, sex was merely a woman obligation to her husband. She would be very lucky if she got any pleasure from it... However, Eva had the feeling that would not be the case with the man before her. The way he adorned her skin... She felt like a precious treasure.

She smiled softly, tears still leaking from her eyes. Slowly Eva leaned up and stroked his cheekbone, which protruded harshly underneath his velvet skin. She sighed and smiled, "oh, I trust you dearly. More than you will perhaps understand..." She blushed recalling her thoughts, so scandalous and erotic, but hers nonetheless.
"So now, my sweet flower, you shall understand your feelings as they grow. All I ask is that you just acknowledge them. Right now, of course it's going to be scary but that is because," he starts wipe the tears from her perfectly blue eyes, "you do not know me. There is plenty of doubt running through your mind. You might say you trust me dearly right now, while I'm here and my hands are upon you but plenty of girls wake up from their daydreams. It's sad, no? You might very well just wake up when that easterly sun rises and realize that this is all a huge mistake," leaning in once more, he kisses the side of her mouth. Slipping his lips over hers, reveling in the moment while he has it.

What Eva had seen is now her secret to behold. Whenever she closes her eyes, she will see the images of those bright blue eyed children and the passionate lovemaking. Unlike the men who will just take advantage of a woman when she is at her most vulnerable, Wes wishes only to make them as comfortable as possible. He will not just throw a girl onto the bed and screw her until he is completely satisfied. Even though he did have plenty of opportunity in the woods. At any moment, he could have taken his rightful place on top of her, heaving and groaning as she tries to push him off. Sooner or later they always give in for he is two-hundred pounds of muscle. She is a mere twig in comparison. But a beautiful twig at that. No knots or breaks.

Turning his head in the direction of her hand, his face nuzzles its way into her palm. Right now, in this moment, he is the most pleased he has been in a very long time. Sure he has kissed three or four women in the past but there's something about Eva that he doesn't quite understand. How could she adore me so? She could have any man in the whole world and yet, she picks me. Pondering quietly to himself, the Cheyenne man simply gazes into her eyes, saying nothing. It could be the most riveting moment of his life for he has never just looked and stared. Locking the curve of her crescent jawline, a cute little chin protruding. Even with the slap mark, she is still beautiful.

"I just hope that's not the case." Wes whispers, his thoughts coming back to if she will wake up in the morning and still desire the forbidden fruit. He knows that he will always have a craving for her in the pit of his stomach. "If you wake up tomorrow and still feel the same, tingles, a skip in your step, let me know. Perhaps place an article of clothing on the windowsill so that I may check and understand. If I see something there tomorrow, I will be a very happy man for I know, secretly, that you will be mine." glancing down, the sheets have rolled to her stomach, revealing her bust to him underneath the cotton of her nightgown.

Wes swallows and immediately looks back up to her. "Do you wish me to stay for a while?" he whispers next into her ear, pushing her hair behind her ear as he plants tender kisses onto the start of her jawline. Being well aware that the longer he stays, the closer he will get to actually touching her in the ways he craves, the man can only pause, waiting for her answer.
Evangeline was completely lost in the feelings that she had for Wes; not quite understanding them, she fought between her heart, her body and her brain. She could already feel her very feminine body reacting to him in ways she had never experienced before; her nipples protruded onto the thin cotton of her nightgown, and her heart wanting nothing more than to give herself freely to this wonderful being. However, Evangeline knew logically that she could never be anything to him. Betrothed to his brother, she truly was forbidden. What they were doing – and thinking – was so utterly wrong.
There would never be any passionate love-making, or beautiful children that learned to love both the woodlands and the city. Instead, Evangeline would bear sons to Timothy, her estranged husband and nonexistant father. That was why she had been crying… not because of her feelings for Wes.

The young lady nodded her head slowly when he asked if she wanted him to stay. Eva did not mind being locked up now that he was here – in fact, she preferred it. She had been yearning for Wes's presence ever since they had separated.

"Stay," she whispered, drawing him closer and into the bed. Her bedroom was fit for a princess, but looked more suitable for a young girl than a grown woman. It was clear that Timothy saw his wife-to-be as more of a possession, a child in need of care, than an actual companion. There was a vase of fresh flowers on the nightstand, and the sheets were made of smooth pink silk, close to what Evangeline wore as a nightgown.
Eventually she managed to get Wes to lay down beside her, on the free side of the expansive bed. Recalling how he had held her just the night before, in the middle of the woods, Evangeline drew herself into his chest and inhaled his natural, woodsy scent. It was intoxicating, and she kissed his shoulder affectionately.

"I want you," she whispered, tears slipping from her eyes again, "but I cannot have you. Soon, your brother will be my husband, and I have no choice that in that matter."
Looking up with her eyes shining with tears, Eva ran her fingers over his strong cheekbone. She imagined a life staring into those eyes, as premature and foolish as it was. She was falling for Wes and fast. "I wish I could just… run away, leave in the woods like that for the rest of my life, with you. That is silly, is it not? But anything else pales in comparison now… I want you."
"How foolish you are, Evangeline…" Wes chides her with adornment. It's his job to warn her of the mistake she might be making. So when she starts to pull him to her, he stands as steady as a mountain. "Asking me to stay when you know that I should be going." Clicking his tongue, Wes eventually gives in for the glaciers of her eyes have cracked his strength. His mountain has cracked and is now being reshaped by her, his heart soon following. Allowing himself one more night won't be the end of the world. One more night to feel the comfort and love from a woman then he will allow her time to think. Give - Dare he think it? His Evangeline? Those words alone excite him in ways he never thought possible. The back of his throat tickles and he wants to laugh but the Cheyenne man holds his emotions from her eyes. Shutting them tightly, his strong heart thumps happily in his chest, revoking his rights to think logically – days that will turn into weeks to sift through her true feelings.

"Just this one night." Comes his warning, completely resolute. Lifting up the covers, Wes feels her warm silken nightgown latch right onto him. Her warmth alone makes him inhale deeply, a small smile curving at his lips. It's what's underneath that makes him lose his breath as well as his mind. Just her telling him what she desires makes his muscles tighten underneath her. What he can't tell her though is how much he would like to be a part of her dream. Crafted arms from years of living off of his own methods, wrap around her shoulders. Opening his mouth to speak, all he utters is a soft groan. As the moments pass, his morals shatter. Hearing her sniffle, the salty wetness of her eyes wiping off on him, as well as the soft peck dubbed on his shoulder causes him only to hug her tighter.

Closing his eyes, Wes just lets himself talk for once. No barriers or filters running through his collected words. His face presses up against hers, his large nose nuzzling right next to her miniature one in comparison. "You have a right to your feelings. But you have never sailed through such rapid waters. I am, after all, as free as the wind. You can listen to the earth and hear an answer. That's the beauty the white men don't understand. Many times I have asked the great mother and in some way she has answered. You need time to sit and think. Perhaps the wind will whisper her wisdom into your ear."

Lifting his hands from her, the Cheyenne man settles her onto her back with an encouraging push of the shoulders. Taking his thumbs, he moves them across the small black and blue pools underneath her eyes. A long day of walking has done her in. Not to mention Tim and his wretched beating. Wes pushes away the tears, clearing her problems from her mind, not wanting to see the moon settle in them. It would make his heart sink. Right now, he wishes to soar. "Sssh," his lips whisper to hers before bending over her like a tree underneath the weight of heavy snow. Keeping his fingers flush against her face, his form soon follows. With the utmost care, he kisses her cheeks one by one. The same amount of force as well as care for no man can resist his own sleeping beauty.
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Any man might have taken advantage of the woman's emotional vulnerability and instability and taken her, right then and there. After all, it was not simply everyday that a woman vowed herself to a man that she barely knew.
However, Wes was different - so much different than any white man, especially his brothers. He allowed her to time to breath and think, and whispered the sweetest, calmest words into her awaiting dreams.
His chest was so warm against her own, and Evangeline smiled. With just the thin fabric of her nightgown she could feel every inch of his hard, muscular body. What they were doing was so wrong, especially when she was betrothed to another, but Eva really didn't care at this point.

Evangeline laughed softly through her tears as Wes kissed the sore spots on her face. His mouth was feather light so it didn't bring her any pain. After he drew away she gazed up into his grassy green eyes, getting lost in them momentarily. Why did she want something so badly that was so wrong? Why did Wes have to be so unattainable, so different from the man she had been given to, like a present wrapped with a bow. She knew that Wes enjoyed the parts of her that Timothy wasn't even aware of, and that was what she loved most. She wanted to know more about him in return.

Reaching up, Eva's hands found his hair, lightly running through it, slow and a bit shaky. She was terrified of what Tim might do tomorrow and what consequences she would face. She really did want to run.
"What if I decide in a week that I still want to leave this place?" she asked, eyes sparkling with mischief and still the fear, "what will you do then?" Eva was much a child, and enjoyed countering her, finding answers in his voice.
"Make it two weeks, my dear Evangeline. Only then will we see if your feelings are as you say they are. During the days I will be returning to my -once- home. To repair it. To be honest, I would like to repair it as soon as possible. At least, that was what I wanted before..." Smiling, he lets out a steady breath and pushes his face against her neck. She drags her fingers through his hair and he groans. "You're so awful," Wes breathes, sucking in another breath of air before laying his weight on her. It's not enough to crush her, yet just enough to be recognized. "Binding me into your spell. Gentile yet dangerous. Sweet and full of a special spice. A tang of flavor only the wisest of men see."

"But at night," he carefully adds, bringing his hands down to the nape of her neck. Circling her bones ever so gently. The fingers coming down to trickle over her shoulderblades and down to her collarbone. "I could be yours. Until, that is, you're married. But in every single way, I promise you that I can take you away. I can hide you from that monster of a man and you can be mine. We can live as you please. Just let time pass and if what we really feel for one another is true, time will only add fuel to the fire." Pausing in his kisses to her neck, Wes licks his lips. "I want you, all of you." His hand slips to her stomach, grabbing the silk that is covering her. "But you're pure and therefore," his fingers unlatch and graze over her breasts. He is, after all, a man and unable to resist the temptation. "Off limits to my desires."

Swallowing, he rests his forearms near her head, his elbows just above her shoulders. "Have I upset you? Made you feel... ?" He didn't mean to be so forward. He knows how gentle you have to be with a woman. Especially one who is pure as she. Tim will be expecting her to be broken by him alone. Wes feels sick to his stomach just thinking about his brother ruining her in such a way. Only he, Wes, should adorn her in that way. "Eva, have I made you ..." he can't even think about what he has done. That's what he gets for following his animalistic desires. "I should go..." breathes Wes, looking towards the window and lifting himself off of her. Not knowing what else to do, he is certain that only fresh air shall reward him. Clear his thoughts of bedding her. But not forever.
Evangeline did not believe that her feelings would change any, especially not in two weeks. She believed that they would only grow and flourish, leaving her needy for Wesinaco is more ways than one. Her body was smitten, and her heart was slowly but surely beginning to follow. Evangeline did not care how wrong it was to love such as him; she was meant to marry into the white community, have many children, and submit to her husband. The thoughts made her shiver. They had never bothered her as much as they did now, but Wes had changed her... showed her a different way of living, a brighter path.

The young woman whimpered slightly when he touched the round peaks of her breasts, fingers barely grazing her nipples. A shot of pleasure rippled straight down between her thighs, startling her a bit. She had never been touched in such a way... but enjoyed it. Wes brought her pleasure, his hands so soft and gentle, yet knowing her sensitive spots.

She whimpered again when he drew away, watching him stand up, a large man in the darkness. She admired his broad shoulders and lean muscles, blushing at the thought of them so close to her. Why had he pulled away? She hoped that he didn't think she was angry or upset about where he had touched her. Evangeline had seen the wanting in his eyes, the need she felt, too.
They were both intelligent beings and thus knew that they could fully express their desires, but Eva certainly did not want him to disappear into the night...
Immediately the young woman spray from the bed, her eyes wide as saucers and her chest heaving a bit. Before Wes could take another step towards the window, she grabbed his wrists and held him close.

"You have not upset me," she assured him. She took his hands and ever so gently, pressed them against her curves. Her nightgown was thin, made of silk, and was little barrier between the warmth of his hands. At first Evangeline touched his big palms to her sides, sliding them down to her hips and her shapely thighs. Then up she went, to the sides of her breasts, soft and rounded. She was a small woman, and her skin heated under his touches. Evangeline took one of his hands and slid it to the front of her breast, holding it there. Her eyes glimmered in the moonlight, "I am not afraid."
Sighing, Evangeline kept his hand there and looked down, "I know we have limits. But... but once I marry...marry... Tim- those are only going to be stricter and more constricting. I know that he will not bring me the pleasure that you can, the touches I can sense waiting underneath your skin. You... I know we cannot - well, you know - but... I know that you can still... make me..."-her cheeks blushed red and she lip her lip-"make me feel wonderful."
Hearing the mattress release Eva, the sound echoing through the room of those metal springs. Stopping in his tracks, Wes allows her to catch up to his striding steps. In ten steps she has to take, he can easily take four. "Oh," he groans, thankful that she did indeed stop him. Going back to his room would have been torture. A restless night would have followed and seeing her once more could only bring more sorrow. Having to face her after running. Fleeing like a dog with its tail behind his legs. Smiling, Wes gladly turns.

"And I am grateful that you have--" swallowing, Wes becomes uneasy when she takes his hands and runs them so easily over her curves. The silk of her dress hardly makes her a mystery. Never before had he been so glad to feel a woman in such a way. "Then when you marry Tim, we will just have to be very, very, careful." his fingers message her sides, another groan let loose from his throat. She is making his head dance in circles and even more-so when he has the chance to grasp that which makes her a true woman. "Are you sure you are not afraid? So I... well, now I..."

Losing his train of thought completely, all he can mutter is how perfect her breasts feel. "Um..." They're small, yes, but he knows that with the help of birthing children, they may become quite plump. Still, he doesn't think of what they could be and focuses on what they are. Licking his lips, he knows how firm they are and how stimulated they both have become. Ripples of pleasure must be cascading from her entire being once he squeezes gently, running his thumbs over her pins of nipples. Swallowing again, he has to force his hands off of her, not wanting to seem too eager. "Now that I know our limits, let us go back to bed." Lowering his hands to her hips, slowly, he easily lifts her, "Shhh," he whispers once more, worried she might squeal. "I'll wait until you're fast asleep to slip out. It would honor me to watch you fall asleep."
Oh sweet Lord. If just his simple touches could make her feel this way... Evangeline didn't even want to think the wonders that he could put her body through. Sheltered by her parents, Eva had never known these sorts of pleasure. She gladly embraced them however, quivering a bit underneath his tendering. Her nipples perked to attention underneath his thumbs, pressing eagerly against the thin silk of her nightgown, her body begging him for more. Evangeline could easily see the restraint in Wes's eyes and wished more than anything they would have to heed to such restrictions. However, she took advantage of what they could do - how good he could make her feel.

Even though they laid down again, Evangeline had no intention of sleeping. She was afraid that in the morning Wes would realize his mistakes and the danger that came with wanting a woman like her. She could only pray that he would still feel the same in two weeks, when she vowed that she would give her full heart to him. Just weeks after that she'd be married to another, but at this point, it didn't matter. Evangeline was content to know that she would have a man she could truly enjoy, if even just for a little while.

Evangeline snuggled against his chest, her breath against his neck, a little laboured because of what he was doing to her.
She was so utterly curious about the touches of his hands, how he knew where to pinch and pull, tenderly caress her form. Evangeline knew that it was going to be much less pleasureful when she was with Tim, and shivered a bit at the thought. At least she would have the thoughts of Wes to return to, if she found herself in trouble or in pain.
"What else can you do to me?" she asked daringly. Eva did enjoy seeing how far she could push Wes, wondering how deep into the pleasure and sweetness he would take her. She could see the fire burning in his eyes, the way his gaze lingered on certain parts of her. Could he touch her there, too, and send her into the stars?
"Lay down," Wes whispers to her, immediately resuming his dominance over her innocence. When her body tightens at such thoughts of him coming to his senses, not that Wes knows such secret thoughts, he easily messages them away. Her muscles curl up, the fear showing for that split second for their future. "Relax, I won't hurt you. You trust me, remember? I'm the one who makes you weeee...eeee..." He trails off, blinking in shock. Wet. Wes can't believe he was just about to say that to her. She is far too innocent to be talked at like some harlot in one of those whore houses. She is his beacon in a cloud of gray smoke, guiding him onwards. Every fiber of his body wishing for her to know all of his knowledge. His extensive knowledge.

"Wether," he patches up his -almost- mistake, "you like it or not," that came out wrong, "Wether you have control or not, feel good." Now her breath is rugged and fanning across his neck. He grips tighter onto the sheets, knowing it won't be long until he can't contain his excitement. Just her asking such a daring question, What else can you do to me?, in his eyes, she is asking for it. With all she has, she must be soaked. Prime for him to -- no, no, no. He cannot think of such thoughts. She is driving him into dark places, his mind flashing images of them tossing around in these pink sheets. Her screaming out his name as he pleasures her, causing her spine to curve in such a marvelous manner.

"Take off your nightgown." comes his crisp voice, demanding as always yet caring. He is jagged, yet smooth to those who know how to touch him. Certainly a strange man, Wes watches her reaction to his question eagerly, wanting more than anything for her to silently do as he asks. "I will not violate you, I swear on my life." He could have the perfect opportunity. Yet, knowing Tim really would kill him, Wes has to stop the thoughts through his head. Every time he blinks, he images them, right here rocking violently yet in unison. Whatever dreams Wesinaco has have now been replaced with one: Give Evangeline what she -really- wants. And soon... very, very soon after Tim breaks her in. It angers Wes though, that he won't be able to do the honors... so to say.
What was happening to her body? Evangeline didn't understand any of it, yet she welcomed it, trusting Wes just as he said. She was warm between her legs, and it pulsed there, need and desire flowing through her body. She felt as though she was on fire, and her legs burned straight through the skin. Eva wondered if Wes could sense the heat she radiated, the need she felt. She wondered if it was normal to feel this way - a raw desire that burned her very flesh and left her mind very fuzzy.

Doing as she was told quickly and eagerly, Evangeline undid the strings of her silk nightgown and slowly relieves her body of the fabric. It was nearly the same colour as her fair skin, creamy and soft. She had slight freckles that littered her skin, dipping into the curves of her breasts and down her slender arms. Her father had been very sweet, kissing each new one that he insisted appeared each day.
It was truly amazing how much she trusted this man, especially in such a short amount of time. Evangeline truly believed that she had been meant to get lost in those woods and be rescued by this handsome, dark-skinned knight. Without that experience, they would have never gotten close, and Eva would have never known this feelings. She trembled at just the thought of all the things he could do to her, what he could show her. She sighed and closed her eyes, her skin finally coming free of the garment. Evangeline was still clad in a pair of silken bloomers, and she flushed at the thought of him pulling them off. Would he be able to tell how hot she was done that, and would he be mad, repulsed? She was warm and wet, and the sensation caught her a little off guard. The feelings only grew stronger when he caressed her skin, his rough hands stimulating her feminine form.

"Mmm," Evangeline whimpered, gazing up at him in the faint lighting. Her nipples perked up at him, beginning for attention, and her abdominal muscles rippled with need for him... wanting his hands, his mouth. Her cheeks were so red she thought they might begin to flame.
In the darkness of the room, Wes would not be able to see her sprinkled freckles across her body. If he could, the Cheyenne man would be sure to admire them in full before moving on to other, more pressing, matters. What he can see, is her creamy outline, his breathing catching right in his throat as the pink flutters down to mix with the sheets of her bed. This is a madness he could learn to enjoy. As of right now, his resistance should be commended. Yet, no one else should breathe a word because no other living being knows what will occur on this night. On the other hand, Wes feels himself grow just thinking about it.

Normally women don't give off this raging heat but Eva is special. Knowing full well that this is the first time a man has ever laid his hands, lips and body upon her, only worsens his excitement. He will pleasure her tonight and perhaps she can return the favor. Tonight? He is weary for this would be enough to make her pass out, let alone have enough energy for him to -instruct- her on how to satisfy him. Swallowing, he has stared at her rounded breasts for way too long. Chuckling, he knows staring and not touching must have driven her up the wall.

"Lay back against the bed." Pushing her again, Wes locks his lips with hers. This time, much more animated. His head turns and spins this way and that until he feels them grow raw and chapped with satisfaction. Going so far as to creep his tongue into her mouth, he can't help but press his lower half flush against her form. The taste he receives is his alone to remember. Fresh and bold yet as sweet as she is. Almost tasting the sugar from the pie she had for dessert tonight. Pulling away, his tongue leaving the battle with hers, he asks, "Do you feel that?" Giving her a chance to describe all she feels whether its his strong member or the chilling thrills tingling throughout her. Wes wishes to know all she feels. He wants to know he isn't alone when feeling such excitement.
Naturally, Evangeline was startled by the feel of his body was so close. She was an intelligent woman and knew the anatomy of a man's body, but had never encountered it in such a lusty situation. His pants seemed to have gotten quite a bit tighter against his groin and as a result, she felt the hardness pressing up against her thighs. She was rather amazed that she could turn him on, too - after all, didn't men usually like the well endowed, experienced women that seemed to know all the right things to do? Evangeline had barely even be kissed in her life, and she was causing his body to react! It was an odd concept but brought her satisfaction to know he felt the connection too.

Eva moaned softly when he asked her what she felt. Her feelings were hard to put into words - heat, need, pleasure, want... they didn't even come close to what she felt deep inside of her belly. She bit her lip, trying to find something to say, something that wouldn't made her look foolish or inexperienced. Evangeline certainly didn't want to drive this beautiful man away.

"I-I, I do," she whispered, wrapping her arms underneath his armpits and curling her tiny hands against his shoulders. His skin rippled underneath her touches, and she could feel him straining to keep his weight from crushing her. It was clear that his care for her was immense; only adding to the trust she felt for him.
"I... it, it feels... weird," Evangeline admitted in a soft voice. Her thighs drew together a bit, drawing attention to the area and what she was feeling, "it is like... only certain parts... of... of my body, they want... need you. Not my toes or my ears, or my knees or elbows. Just..." She blushed, looking away a bit and blushing. What was she even trying to say? Did it matter where she felt it, anyways? It an intense feeling and to her, that was all that really mattered. "I just... I really want you to touch me... there."
The only pulse Wes is feeling is right between her curves and his hips. Never before in his life has he been in need of a woman so desperately. She is his slice of heaven. Yet, he wants her to beg him. Plead with whatever god her people pray to end her torture. It's cruel, yes, but Wes knows that with patient waiting comes a greater reward. Listening to her attempt to put such strong feelings into words causes him to nearly collapse. Yet his cannons for arms hold his weight upright. "they want... -need- you. Not my toes or my ears, or my knees or elbows. Just... I just really want you to touch me... -there-." Her voice rings through his head, causing him to mutter incoherently into her neck.

"I know it must feel weird. Embrace what you do feel. Let it all become a part of you. Your desires for me and my lustful desires for you are only natural. Animals, all the time, satisfy these urges. I just wish that we could satisfy ours. If only I could make you a true woman tonight." Closing his eyes, he images how tight she would feel. He nearly convulses just thinking about it, his breath rugged as it escapes from his mouth. The smile returns when he thinks again of how she asked him to touch her. He will make her shake with pleasure, he swears it. Sex or no sex, she will be satisfied.

"Is that what you really want?" Wes asks aloud, kissing her collarbone again, grazing his teeth down her chest. Stopping at her breasts, he takes a long kiss to each nipple. His tongue working in his favor, feeling her firmness stimulate his tongue. Taking as much of her breast into his mouth, he slowly releases her before moving down to her belly. "Is it?" Wes asks, pausing as he crawls down the bed, being sure not to fall off. "Tell me again what you desire?" As she speaks, he will work on taking her bloomers off, his kisses ceasing for the moment.
Evangeline sucked in a long breath when he used his mouth on her supple breasts, teasing and tugging at them. The young woman lived his animalistic side, the one that didn't seem to care what the social norms were or what the white people did. Surely Tim would never touch her body in such a way, or any man or her kind that was. Sex was a woman's obligation to a man and not a way to get pleasure herself... Or at least that was what Eva had been told.

As he began to take off her last piece of clothing Evangeline stiffened a bit - of course not in fear but merely in anticipation. She was left wondering what he might do to her and how good she would feel. More than anything Eva wanted to feel him tonight, around and inside of her, loving her deeply. She would wait though, suffer the pain with Tim and maybe gather the courage to move on.

"I-I want..." She stuttered a bit, her voice raspy a and a little ragged with her lust. Evangeline was still at a loss for words and what she wanted from him... She hoped that her body would do the talking as she lifted her lips up a bit, allowing him to peel away her silken undergarments. "I want you... I want to... To feel you, to..." She sighed not knowing what more to say, merely praying he would put his hands and mouth on her.
"I can help you find those words you're looking for, Evangeline. You'll be quite the little scholar when I'm through with you. Now just rest your pretty little head on that pillow and absorb what you ought to feel."

Throwing her pink bloomers aside, Wes throbs when he admires what he has to deal with. It's true that along with her breasts, her lower lips are small too. Yet, Wes believes they're beautifully crafted for her size. "You're a glittering diamond." he whispers, taking no time for his fingers to rub right up her inner thighs. The closer he comes to the heat, her inner fire, the wetter she becomes. Wes nuzzles his fingers right against her entrance, giving her a moment to squirm. He predicts her actions, coming down to settle next to her in the bed, his hand resting in between. "And you're sure you'll be able to handle what is to come?"

Grinning, he knows that the harder he pushes against her lower lips, the more pleasure erupts from her. Soon she will arch her back and her body will shake uncontrollably. Wes figures it shouldn't take long considering this is prolly the first time she has touched herself, or rather been touched, in such an erotic way. At least to Wes, it's not just another pair of lips. He once had a woman who he frolicked with regularly. She was white, yes, but paid to pleasure a man. Even Wes, normally shunned in such saloons, was welcomed by her. She took his virginity ten-fold. It seems once wasn't enough. Wes never paid her a cent. Not having much money, she obliged to sleep with him just for the thrill of his tender care against her insides. He would sit and talk after when most men would zip up their pants, tip their hats (if they were so inclined) and toss whatever payment, or even half of a payment, at her.

"Is this what you were looking for?" Wes whispers, turning her on her side so that he may rest right up against her back. His manhood reminds her of his aching desire, only a thin layer of linen stopping him from corrupting her. Slowly, his hips move against her supple ass. Resisting yet again, his hand comes up as if to slap her bare cheek. Instead he kisses her shoulderblade, his fingers pushing their way up and down her clit. Wes wants her to recoil into him and whisper his name. "Perfect..." is all he can breathe out to her, his hips rocking against hers.