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The P.S.C. Pokwet was a large ship, specifically designed for transport of people. Psioni ships are much slimmer than human vessels. Gentar and Neera kept close and followed the crowd as they flooded the lobby and hallways searching for rooms "looks like we are in 573 Quasar deck" said Gentar. After shuffling through the crowd some more they found their room. It was as expected, cramped but cozy. A towel shaped like an alien creature, which Gentar reasoned looked like an earth 'giraffe' a funny looking creature indeed, such a long neck. On the desk nearby was a packet of information regarding their mission. Gentar began reading it aloud as Neera unpacked essentials. Klikchek got off of Neera's back and crawled to a small pool of water in the corner of the room.

The packet entailed information about the various sentient species that he may come in contact with and the language they used. Learning the language wasn't required however as they had also been issued translator devices. Many of the species entailed looked very similar. Gentar couldn't help but laugh at the cartilage structures that adorned their faces. The slime species looked quite delicious but they must learn to control themselves should they meet one.

After a few more minutes, the captain gave a quick speech and soon the cruiser began to move, and with a vertical take off, the ship made its way into space.
Zale had frozen, tensed up as the ships rose above the city. Not even two minutes later, X found herself being forcibly dragged back to the ship, the tail around her waist almost like an iron leash. The codeling flinched a little bit, it hurt, but she didn't complain and she didn't fight her four legged companion. He'd always kept her safe, this time would be no different. They got back to the doors of the ship, right about the time the cloaking encased it. Zale paused, his eyes looking it over in appreciation.

"The captain is prepared at least." He commented back at his charge before dragging her through and into the now merchant ship. X just tilted her head, when the cloaking had covered, all she'd seen was code scrypt for a minute before the cloaking became visible to her. However, such a sight was standard to the long haired girl. It was a common trait among codelings to see code as it went into effect.

Zale didn't let loose his grip on X until they where safely tucked away into their room turned storage space. There, Zale pushed the girl into a corner with his nose and took up a guard dog like position in front of her.
Iv Mo Sa was curious. The appearance of the Sorian craft had certainly been unexpected and Iv was quickly glancing around to ascertain the scope of the arrival. What they had not expected, however, was for the ship right next to them to suddenly take on the appearance of a cargo ship. Granted, it was hardly a surprise that visitors to the black market would have something to hide, but what piqued Iv's curiosity was that the ship chose to take on an appearance more fitting for a smuggling ship as opposed to the sleek white and blue vessel it had once been.

For the most part, Iv had come to the black market for simple augmentation and implant modifications. They hadn't purchased any of the licenses for their implants and, as a result, did not have administrator rights to alter simple things such as light colour, meaning that Iv had needed to travel all the way to the black market just to change the lights on their exo-mask and E.R implant from red to neon green. It had been purely for vanity purposes, but Iv had the funds and the time.
Returning their attention back to the ship, Iv was still intrigued. Why would such a vessel need to conceal itself from Sorians who, to the best of Iv's knowledge, had little to do with the black market and it goings on? A jolt of hope suddenly flashed through Iv's mind. Humans? It would make sense for humans to be hiding from the Sorian. Iv had heard much about them in their travels but had yet to encounter one. The had experienced a similar catastrophe to the S'aac, losing their home world, but they had fared much better in their exodus. The stripes across Iv's body took on a faded green color whilst the rest of their body took on a peach color, similar to that of a caucasian human, a S'aac trait to express emotions. At this moment the peach pigmentation represented Iv's interest overriding the faded green of their apprehension.

Perhaps humans would be sympathetic to Iv's situation and grant them passage on their vessel? Maybe even help them search for the other S'aac ships? The stripes on Iv's body now took on a darker, almost orange shade of peach to represent anticipation and Iv made their way to the main airlock of the vessel, hovering slightly off the ground. Pressing what Iv hoped was the intercom button to speak with the captain, Iv waited patiently by the ships airlock.
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The kids had been running about on the new changed ship looking at the different styles and changes, wondering what had been happening they wandered the halls talking " You know guys, this might be the best idea i have ever come up with " " You mean getting us put on a ship into space? " " or your pure idiocy get us into that one " " SHUT UP HEINZ! " " YOU SHUT UP! " the boys locked into arms and began wrestling on the floor biting and punching each other as there sister stood there with sleeve covered hands to her face and her purple eyes watching them. " You boys are stupid " both of the boys looked up at her and then back to each other with a devilish smile, Jessibel looked at them both and shook her head running from them. " JESSIBEL DONT RUN! IT WILL ONLY MAKE IT WORSE! " " YEAH! " they chased her around the hallways, and eventually caught up to her as she ran into the main control deck. All of there eyes widening at the controls and the buttons and the cool mechanics everywhere. " Whoaaaa nice find jessibel " " Thank you " Heinz tackled her to the floor and began wrestling with her while Markov explored the room more, the boy looking back at his siblings with evil eyes making them shut up as something came through and intercom. Markovs face lit in joy as so did the others, they ran over and Heinz got low and Markov climbed onto the back of Heinz and reach up to the intercom pressing the button and clearing his throat. The voice of the kid could definitely be noted as he spoke. " Heilo there!, can i take your order?! " Laughter could be heard in the background of the other kids. " I mean sorry, wrong welcome, i meant to say can i help you? " Markov nodded his head as he thinks he did a swell job on answering a call. But he new that if the captain came in they would be in some deep shit.
Zed took a moment longer than the rest to board the ship after the ground began shaking and the Captain called for the crew to board. He made sure that they all got in before him, then waited a few more minutes out side. He still had his pack and the duffle bag on him. He was disappointed, he needed to do some shopping here. He didn't have all the gear he needed. He was hoping to purchase some sort of shotgun for the trip. He let out a heavy sigh and boarded the now disguised ship, he barely missed the floating creature that soon floated up behind him.

He began his journey to his room, quitely moving through the halls. Only a slight metallic clang came from his duffle bag. He made his way to the crew quarters, then head down the stairs. He didn't want to bunk with the rest. He tossed his gear into the room labeled "B2" and it made a loud clanging sound when it landed. His pack landed much more softly. He turned around, and returned up the stairs, anxious to familiarize himself with the ship. He had met the crew when they first made port, and not had a chance to move around the ship yet.

He head up the stairs and began to explore the ship, soon finding his way to the obsurd sight of three kids talking to someone on the comms system. "Oi! Geet off each other like that and geet your arses out of here!" His accent fairly heavy, even through the microphone that projected his voice to the outside world beyond his suit. He made an attempt to shoo them off and then reached down to speak to whomever they were talking to. "Ey, you part of tha crew too? You seem a tad late." He sounded slightly annoyed by the shenanigans of the children.
Gentar and Neera's trip was filled with entertainment to pass the time, gravity gyms, casinos, restaurants, and plenty of time alone. It was pleasant, almost like a honeymoon, but the concept was foreign. However, they knew that it wouldn't always be like this. After about a week and a half (earth time: 2.4 weeks) they made it to the Psioni endorsed Intergalactic Space Station 'Toma'. Gentar and Neera found the name of the station questionable, it meant 'Chance' in English. They were the only few Psioni getting off here, the others were politicians and scientists.

Upon their arrival, a man with a sign stating 'Silari' was waiting patiently, but he wasn't Psioni, Gentar looked at his books and identified him as Toko Yon. They approached him but they were both shy. The Toko Yon looked at them and in a deep voice said "Silari?" Gentar and Neera nodded, and were slightly scared, the bulking reptilian looked like a dangerous Hagret mixed with the biggest of Psioni. Even Klikchek quivered on Neera's back. "Follow" he hissed through translation. The Toko Yan turned and stomped toward a corridor. The only thing they thought of to do is follow.
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The kids being shooed away and laughing and falling on top of each other getting Markov stood in front of the other kids and jumped on the mans leg hanging on while, Heinz ran up behind Markov and jumped off his shoulder onto zed's shoulders clinging on for dear life, while jessibel ran between his legs and jumped on his other leg holding onto it. " RAAAAAHG! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE MISTER! " " yeah! " " nice to meet you " the kids held onto him like he was a jungle gym climbing up and down his body switching positions to distract him from what he was doing. " Why do you speak like that? " " Oi geet off each other like that and geet your arses out of here! " Markov mimicked causing them to laugh. " I like his accent " " NO ONE ASKED YOU! " " shut up! " Heinz dove off of the top of the man and landed on Markov wrestling him onto the floor again and this time jessibel jumped in on it to punching both of them. The three broke up and looked at the man together and in sync they said " We are the Oskier triplets. at your service " the kids saluted.
Iv looked on, bewildered, as the airlock door opened and the voice came through the intercom. Apparently the ships disguise had confused whoever was on the other end, because instead of simply replying they had also opened the door for Iv.

"I'm looking for the Captain?" Iv called as they stepped into the ship, their exo-mask working with almost no lag to issue a translation similar to the dialect that had come across the intercom, making Iv's clicking, insectoid language understandable to those who had answered them. Iv wasn't sure if they had been human, they weren't very familiar with the dialects. S'aac tended to have difficulty speaking and translating other languages, which is why the mask had proved so useful and one of Iv's first augmentations. Most other species could learn a shared language, whereas the S'aac could not.

Iv's body took on a light green appearance whilst their stripes turned a leaf green as they stepped deeper into the ship.
Zed stood there as the children clambered over them. He balled his right hand into a tight fist, wanting to strike one of the children, but instead simply shaking them off. He doubted his employer would approve of him beating children. "Children. Peerfect." He let out a great huff of frustration and returned to shooing the children. "Ya should know beetter than to mess with stuff. Geet along to your pareents. Go on, geet." He returned to the man on the comm system. "Hold theere. I'll be right out." He made is way to the airlock, shocked to see it open. He just assumed it was the children's fault. He looked over the insectoid, and beneath his helmet he frowned. "So what is eet you need?"
The three looked at each other and spoke in sync in confusion " Pareeents?, did we have parents? " " I dont think so, i dont remember much " " Maybe.." " lets go do something " " Leets goo find meester funny talk " The kids laughed and walked out into the hallways looking around slowly for Zed. They made there way to the airlock and looked at the insectoid that zed was talking to and looking at. They just caught him talking to the guy, and walked up next to zed Markov copying him " Yee what is eet you need " Jessibel came up on zeds other side her head on the side of his leg looking at the bug but the rest of her body hidden behind his leg holding onto it. Heinz stood next to Markov arms crossed and leaning. They had found someone to follow and someone to model after, finally someone they could probably rough house with or at least follow.
Following the not-so-human's advise, Trent kept his head down as he walked with her away from the docks. He knew his crew would be fine on board if there were a search. Alert still, to the ships overhead, he hoped to make a new ally, and possibly, another crew member. He was certain he would need all the people and aliens he could gather. As they walked, a small boop from his wrist alerted him that someone had attempted to call him from the ship. However, he couldn't afford to head back there just yet, so they would need to wait.

"Where are we headed?" He asked and offered a polite smile as thanks for allowing him to blend in. The enemy ships hovered in the air before taking off and doing vague searches from above. It seemed they may have just been doing a routine search, though the locals seemed a bit too alert for that to be the case. Maybe they had received a tip and were trying to get a confirmed sighting of what they were looking for. Either way, they stayed away from the ship for now.
Ghriin led him on for a bit before stopping in front of a merchant's stall. He was selling Tarea'Sisha Sunflower, which was completely illegal in some states, and restricted to XS only in non-XS space. The merchant was another Aria'Sisha, like Ghriin. He seemed to be of Arabic origin, until you saw his yellow mouth and oddly colored eyes. "This is Peksh Jnur, the biggest name of kin in the black market." She pronounced his name as "Pa-kesh Joo-nurr". Gesturing over his wares, Ghriin spoke to Peksh in their native tongue for a bit so he would know the situation. "You're the human captain Ghriin told us about. Hmas-I Fla'r (I welcome you, pronounced "Ah-mah-see fa-la-arr"). You're in need of some help. Take these, they're compatible with human eyes." Peksh handed Trent a case for holding eye contacts, and inside were contacts used to change eye color to a warm amber color - a more Xeno Sapien trait. "Ghriin, Jsa'r hk gal, Ika?" Ghriin held a short conversation in Andhi'Langui before conveying a farewell. "Shla'a Kefla Dju'r." (Walk in Kephala's path, pronounced "Sha-lay-la keh-fa-la doo-joo-oor").

"My name's Ghriin Vruitka, if you didn't catch it during the conversation. I'm a Xeno Sapien. I'm a smuggler. I can handle contraband, and I have connections to make an appropriate requisitions officer. I know more about human and what you would call 'humanoid' biology than the average educated person, but I'm no doctor. I'd make a last resort surgeon, or a good administrar of medicine when I'm needed in these fields. You talk with doctors and steal organs, over a few years, you learn a few things." Finally, she turned around as they reached another docking bay door. "I also have my own ship. A small smuggler, small enough to fit in most cargo holds. You think I could bring it along? I can get more equipment and run errands if I have it on hand, so long as a mechanic is able to keep her maintained."

Outside of the bay porthole was a locked down, small cargo-class zipper. It was very aesthetically pleasing, and it was pretty easy to see it came from the same culture as Ghriin, as it was designed with function and beauty in mind, finished to a stealthy but luxurious mocha brown, dark enough to blend into space in most cases. "My people are not the best mechanics, although I've come to consider myself one. I'm sure some alien ingenuity could get her running smoothly and still keep that charm." It did have the body to run quickly and aerodynamically in gravity, and the engine power to ship mass ratio was significant enough to send it flying through the vacuum. "If I can't take it, I'll have to leave it here with Peksh. I trust him, and he trusts me. In fact, he's my main contact, as far as requisitions goes. Think of it like a tree, with branches connecting branches all branching into twigs and leaves. I am the trunk, the branches are my own connections, and their connections are the branches from them. Thus, I am well connected, ais? (Yes, pronounced "ah-see")

"I'd like to help your expedition in any way I can. Your people's survival helps my own, and so I would consider you a vital ally. You may not be our only option, but you and I are quite biologically close." There was a hint of flirtatious tone in the last sentence. She had multiple ulterior motives, but only a small portion were selfish. She was a smuggler, albeit an altruistic one. But something in her eyes stated she wasn't quite thinking about Trent. Some other human she has yet to meet. "The color of your blood is very pretty, you know that?"
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As Trent accepted the glasses, he slid them on and thanked Peksh with a small nod of the head. As Ghriin spoke, he listened intentively. Someone with medical know-how would definitely be useful and he had yet to procure anyone with such skills. Upon mentioning her own ship, it made Trent a little anxious to accept a second flying vehicle to attract attention. However, as they neared the ship, he realized it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Before he could speak, she continued on. Her flirtatious tone was fine until she mentioned his blood being pretty.

Trent looked sideways to the girl as he spoke, "Thanks," he said in a questioning tone. "I also like the color red." It's not that he wasn't used to other species' likes and dislikes. It was merely that he wasn't used to any sort of compliment, let alone a flirtatious compliment. Her eyes seemed to wander off for a moment, causing Trent to realize she wasn't all that interested. Oh well. Maybe after all this was over, he could find a suitable mate. If he lived, that is.

"As for your ship, you may bring it along. I do not foresee a problem." He turned to look at her finally, plastering his silly grin on his face. "We would be delighted to have you aboard. We leave in twenty minutes." That was that. Still grinning, he turned away to head back to his ship, hoping it was still there and all the occupants had made it back.
Ghriin smiled as he left, but quickly shouted to him. "If you need supplies, especially contraband, I gave Peksh your details, he'll set you up for cheap. Anything you buy from him is yours to keep, but I'll be making a few purchases soon for good measure. I'll keep it all aboard my own ship as emergency supplies. I'll undersell Peksh for you, but your crew's gonna have to pay extra - a procurement fee, if you will. See you in twenty." After that, she let him go. She had to let Peksh know she was able to take the ship, and she needed to make some purchases on the market for supplies. She'd buy anything she found useful and have it delivered to her ship before meeting Peksh.

Ghriin made a few purchases in the market, but on her way to meet Peksh, she saw a bounty hunter asking around for her. There were other, easier to find bounties in plain sight, and they weren't hiding or anything. Ghriin wasn't an easy target, after all, with her high-flying antics and acrobatic capabilities. luckily, she was about to leave anyway. She didn't have a comms bracelet on her, nobody here was selling one in Andha'Sisha cultural style, so she didn't want one. Peksh probably had one he was holding out on, though. Someone pointed the bounty hunter her way as she thought of this, so he started to push people out of his way to get to her. She smirked and dashed off. She'd have to hide inside Peksh's store to get out safely.

The hunter was slower than Ghriin, but quicker than she expected. She decided to throw him off, and so she hopped onto a roof to lose him. He decided to bring out a magnetic assault rifle. High power, low rate of fire, negligible recoil, but it'll hit where you aim quicker than Ghriin can sidestep it. Reflexes never exactly helped anyone against a rail gun. Lucky for her, ammo was expensive, so he'd have to be rich out of his ass to have enough rounds to hit her with something. Luckily, if he did, she did have a redundant set of organs. "I swear to Kefla, if I have to get a primary organ replaced..."

The hunter wasn't the best shot. He had plenty of opportunity to hit as she jumped over the way. Why was he going after her, a notoriously hard-to-catch bounty? He id look like a successful hunter, but many of the memorabilia he had were from warrior cultures. He also had the shrunken brain of a psionic in a small jar on his hip. Disgusting. He's good, but he's never gone after anyone even remotely like Ghriin. That was good news for her as he constantly missed and even had to replace his clip - an opportunity she took to run through a cloth merchant's stall, leaving a few credits on the hanger of the clothes she purchased without the shopkeep's knowledge..

She was dressed in the shawl of a species which hid its form constantly. She essentially looked like an unpainted matryoshka doll. That's what a human would describe it as, anyway. Ghriin made her escape on the ground - and was pushed to the ground by the bounty hunter, who was still after her ghost, thinking she'd gone ahead. Ghriin made a few mumbles about how rude he was before smirking and taking the disguise off, throwing it over her shoulder for easy access.

"Very impressive, Nim'as al Prei (Princess of Paradise, pronounced "Nee-meh-say ah-la pe-ree"), I see you made your peace with Captain Trent. You come for your ship?" He spoke to her in Andhi'Langui. Princess of Paradise was a title given to her by the government back home on Andhi'Plantes as the top smuggler in the entire species. She accepts the title humbly. "Yes, and I'd like to purchase a few useful things he hasn't yet. Let's do business inside, that hunter's out for the price on my head," she responded in the language.
After a few minutes down a conveyor transport, the Toko Yon brought them to a small conference room where a medical seminar was taking place. The medical group consisted of all kinds of beings trying to learn interspecies medicine. Neera knew she had to take her leave, so she hugged Gentar as they separated. She nervously asked the Toko Yon about shopping and currency, the Toko Yon laughed and said "This Psioni Station, you currency always work, other beings problem" Neera was glad to hear this, she was worried about the exchange rate. The Toko Yon brought her to a large mall like area where all kinds of products were for sale. She clutched her gem purse and got her game face on as she began to haggle with these aliens over the price of their wares.

It would be quite awhile until the Traversity made its way to this Station.
((I'm just moving things along, excuse the rapidness of this post))

Trent waited for everyone to board the ship, though he didn't wait too long for any stragglers. Though he wanted to, he knew the enemy ships were near. At least at the Black Market there were many ways to travel elsewhere, so he knew if any of his crew were left behind, they would be able to get home. So here they were. His ship was full. However, as he was preparing to take off, he realized he had another passenger. Shrugging, unaware the newcomer might or might not actually want to join the ship, Trent took off from the dock.

Next stop, the Psioni station. A couple days ago, he had received word they were interested in joining his crew. This would be their last stop before their actual journey began. That's when everything would change. No turning back after that point. Using the comm, "Good evening, ladies, gentlemen, other worldy things," he paused. "We are making one last stop, and there is to be no exiting the ship. We had a close call at the BM, so let's just sit tight and enjoy the ride!"

Once finished with his message, he opened a small door to his right, below the control panel, and flipped open a bottle of soda. It was green and a little thick, but that's how soda was now these days. Apparently it still tasted like earth soda, but sweeter. He downed the drink. It would only be a few minutes before they arrived to pick up to Psioni.
Zed watched as the captain walked right past them. He felt the ship begin to lurch into motion. "I geese you are weelcome aboard." He knew that soon even more aliens would be aboard this ship. It made him uncomfortable. He had looked through the list, and dossiers of everyone that was supposed to be on this mission, and too many of them were alien. He turned away and walked after the captain. He needed to talk to him about these damn kids that where following him around. He was beginning to be annoyed, and he wasn't a nice person when he is annoyed. He stepped onto the bridge to see the captain drinking a soda. He never cared for the stuff. Always too sweet. "Seer, I need to talk to you about, the keeds on board. If they keep tailing me I can't do my job right, and they might get hurt." He stood, leaning against the wall, arms crossed for a response.
"The kids?" Trent replied to Zed. "Oh, right. The kids. Are they bothering you, or just in your way?" If the kids were bothering any of the crew members, they might soon find themselves sailing in space without a ship. Of course they would have ways to survive. Trent wasn't heartless. He could be harsh if he wanted, though. However, if the kids were just in the way, he didn't mind having a talk with them. Or the rest of the crew, as matter of face.

"Once we get our last addition, I'll make an announcement to the whole crew." The captain informed Zed, tossing him a Lime Soda. "If you haven't had one, these are very addictive. But totally worth it." He chugged his own some more as he turned back to the controls.
"Trent, this is The Smuggler, I'm coming into land in the Traversity's cargo bay. You've seen my ship, so expect me in at any moment."

The transmission was sent to the Traversity as Ghriin flew in, her ship loaded with goods to keep the ship supplied. Her cargo came out of her own pocket, so she'd expect some compensation, but since this wasn't a money-making mission, she was willing to undercut her suppliers, who already gave her the lowest price they could stand to.

"We need to leave soon. I was seeing Sorians in the crowds, looking for us. My kind wouldn't speak against us, but others might not be so discreet."
Zed caught the soda, and then eyed it. He was glad he had his helmet on. It gave him reason enough to graciously avoid drinking the soda. He sighed at the thought of eventually having to remove his helmet to eat in front of these people. He wouldn't be able to keep his secret much longer. "Nothing major. More of a nuicence than anything eelse. If you could, at this announcement, let me say something? I would just like to tell eeveeryone know what I need from theem so I can do my job propeerly." He gave a lax salute and just has he was about to leave, heard the transmission from the smuggler's ship. "I'll head down to the cargo bay to give her a nice weelcome." Without another word he head off.

He had spent long enough on the ship to find his way around, most of the time, and this time he was lucky. The signs helped. He stood waiting next to the door of the cargo bay, waiting for the next person to walk out. Leaned against the wall, arms crossed, and the neck of a unopened bottle between his fingers.
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