College Boarding (taken)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Jae noticed there were very few others in the class, only about eleven people. "Not many interested in theatre?" She wondered aloud, yet quietly.
Daniel nodded, "Unfortunately not, and I think Mr.Webb is upset about it."
Jae shrugged, pulling her hood back gently. "Is Mr. Webb the professor?"
He nodded, "Yeah. He should be here soon, he's usually late."
Jae nodded and took a seat near the back of the class, pulling her knees up to her chin and resting her arms on it. She stayed quiet.
The rest of the students talked, and Daniel sat beside Jae.
Jae watched the stage for a moment before looking at Daniel. "What do you think we're doing first?"
He pulled out a script, "Right now, the other day he asked what we wanted to do, we voted Romeo and Juliet, we all have to audition for our character still though."
Jae paused. "Huh. Okay." she said quietly. "Audition..." she sighed lightly. "Interesting." She looked back at the stage.
He looked at her, "Something on your mind?"
Jae shrugged. "I'm auditions make me nervous." She said quietly, sighing and looking down.
He nodded, "Have you ever imagined the audience in their underpants?" He said it with a british accent.
Jae smiled faintly. "Yes..but it didn't help me too much." she looked over. "Nice accent, by the way."
He shook his head, "Was trying to make ya laugh."
Jae shrugged. "I'm a hard nut to crack." She said gently, nudging him slightly with her elbow. "You did pretty good to even get me to smile."
He nodded, "Hmm, true, true." He smiled.
Jae smiled softly, then asked a question. "What's your favorite type of acting, and favorite part?"
He thought about it a moment, "To be honest, I just enjoy to act."
Jae nodded. "That's good." She said, smiling softly and looking down again.
He looked at her, "You alright?"