College Boarding (taken)

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
  • Start date
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Jae nodded slightly. "Okay...what are their names?" She asked, still watching the other students. "Because I know you and Mr. Webb...that's all."
He smiled, "Ask them yourself." He said.
Jae dropped her head. "But I don't want to." she said quietly, scared.
He poked her shoulder, "You gotta learn, how to meet new people," he smiled softly, "Ok?"
Jae smiled faintly. "Fiiiinne." she said quietly. "If you teach me." she said, still looking at the ground. "Because..I have no..idea.."
He shook his head and walked over to James, the kid who would play Tybalt, "Hey James, I need you to go talk to my friend over there, get to know her."
Jae looked back down as Daniel left. She pulled her phone out and typed three words, sending a text to a number before slipping it back in her pocket with a soft sigh. She looked back up, wondering when the class would end.
James came over, he had bright green eye's and a kind smile, he had dark black hair, he sat down by Jae, "Hey," he said, looking her in the eyes.
"Hi.." she said quietly, giving him a small, weak smile. "I'm Jae." She looked back, her icy blue eyes a stark contrast as they where almost grey and his had such vibrant color. "I like your eyes.." The moment she said them she looked down slowly. Did I just say that? Wow..
He smiled, and looked into her eyes, he looked at her a bit softly, "Hmm something wrong Jae?"
Jae shook her head. "No..." Then she realized she didn't know his name. "What's your name?" she asked, looking back up into his eyes and smiling faintly.
"James," he smiled softly, "Anyways welcome Jae."
"Thanks. Nice t-to meet you James." She said. Calm down God...he's not a complete stranger.. She thought to herself. She always got nervous and tense when meeting someone new, but usually the only indicator was her stuttering. "How long have you b-been here?"
He backed away from her slightly, "Iv'e been good, and ... you don't look to good, you alright?"
Jae nodded. "Yeah..just not too used to meeting new people." She said with a silent sigh, more just a release of nervous energy as she looked back down and rubbed the back of her neck gently, feeling conscious that her hood wasn't on her head. "Been stuck with four people most my life."
He nodded, "I'm sorry to hear that Jae," he smiled a bit, "By the way. ... Your eyes, Iv'e never seen eye's like it before," he stopped a moment, "They're pretty."
Jae smiled faintly. "Thanks..they're like mom's.." She looked down a moment, hiding the memory that flashed through her mind before looking back up. " long have you attended this school?" Her voice was still just above a small whisper.
He leaned in a bit to here her a little better, "2 Years," he smiled a bit.
Jae nodded. "so you know your way around pretty well and everything." She said, tilting her head slightly with a faint smile.
He smiled, "I'd say I know it pretty well, why do you ask?" He looked up at her.