Coffeshop Crossroad

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No... I believe I've already mentioned the female in his life who calls him "Peeve". Not sure, but I'm saving the "surprise" for my next post... heh.
That's right you did! I had to go back and try to remember. So many things have happen in this RP it took me a moment remember.
I believe Brovo has mentioned it in one of his "guides" about never mentioning anything you don't intend to use later... yeah, I know there's a "term" for it, but my brain finds nada at the moment.

Heh. Not that I actually remembered that then, buuuut then, in church last Sunday, no less, it just struck me to bring her in. Besides, she really needs the character development exercise. And those two pics above reminded me of her and Peet and all the bits I'd found in my head about their childhood... so yes, I just had to bring her in.
@Nartina ...

Oh, since everyone else is plotifying and throwing in eventful stuff, I thought I'd just let you know it's your turn, if you want. Would be fun to see what you could come up with, with your character. Twist of lemon, twist of lime?

Time to stomp on those grapes!
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Love the twists!!

Work is a little hectic right now. I'll be back to posting tomorrow evening/Sunday.
No rush... haven't started biting my fingernails. Yet.

Might be a little off for a while... no, no, not gone! Just dealing with a sinus infection issue, don't know if my muse will be too busy dripping on the floor. Hopefully not! So, I will continue to wait.......*

@Blox , @Alis_Audāx , @Crono , @Nartina
Okay. I'm still trying to come up with something to post. I think I'll wait for Blox first.

Also, feel better!
Oh man, busy with work, missing my love who is gone for the week, I'm not in the right mind. I will try to get my post in tomorrow morning. Rest assured I'm still in this!
It is ok everyone, this is just one of the times of the year were everything in life gets tight.

I will be taking another mini vacation until Tuesday.

However! I send good vibes to everyone. :angel:
I'm off for the next two days, but exhausted from ivertime, so I'll probably be sleeping a lot to be honest. I'll try to post, though.
As I've said before... no rush. Heh. I've been going over my own possibles, mainly having my female Nism "torture" Al. Poor Peet will probably need to lick his nads earlier, rather than later, given how she'll be behaving... or misbehaving! And hmmm, yes, been neglecting Trepper, so I'll be bringing her back in. What with @Blox has going, and especially what @Crono has going, I'm hoping to make this much fun. Can't wait to see how we can put this all together!

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Still in by the way. But a delay when it becomes my turn to post is highly probable.
No rush... post when able. Good things are always worth the wait.
@Blox , @Alis_Audāx , @Nartina , @Crono ...

Just a head check, since some days have passed with no activity. In other words: How's everyone doing so far?

Aaand remember... any difficulties with our story so far, let me know, so I/we can change things, to keep everyone's interest and muse charged. I'd really like to see this story reach a conclusion... Doomra, war story and all. Then we can treat ourselves to a cup of coffee... maybe a donut to go with it as we give a little chear. Oh, and collab on a new story, perhaps? Heh... *grins*

(Yes, I like the idea of keeping our little "group" together when we "move on"... all of you have been a benefit to this RP, so I'd like to keep all of you in mind.)
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I'm here, just been going through a little bit of a tough time. I'll be out of town starting Friday through Sunday, so I won't be on then.
@Blox , @Alis_Audāx , @Nartina , @Crono ...

Just a head check, since some days have passed with no activity. In other words: How's everyone doing so far?

Aaand remember... any difficulties with our story so far, let me know, so I/we can change things, to keep everyone's interest and muse charged. I'd really like to see this story reach a conclusion... Doomra, war story and all. Then we can treat ourselves to a cup of coffee... maybe a donut to go with it as we give a little chear. Oh, and collab on a new story, perhaps? Heh... *grins*

(Yes, I like the idea of keeping our little "group" together when we "move on"... all of you have been a benefit to this RP, so I'd like to keep all of you in mind.)
Still here! I've slowly been replying to all of my rps and this one's next. My creative juices seem to be lacking lately and it's frustrating. But I do want to see how this ends! I'm with family today and tomorrow plus we're moving soon @_@ but I'll try to get my post up by Thursday. If I can write something good on my phone I'll post sooner.

Hope everyone is having a good week.

@Nartina hope things get better!
Still here! I've slowly been replying to all of my rps and this one's next. My creative juices seem to be lacking lately and it's frustrating. But I do want to see how this ends! I'm with family today and tomorrow plus we're moving soon @_@ but I'll try to get my post up by Thursday. If I can write something good on my phone I'll post sooner.

Hope everyone is having a good week.

@Nartina hope things get better!
They will. I'm sure if it. Just gotta get past it, I guess.
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