Coexistance: Vampires & Humans

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[fieldbox="Lady Seiren, crimson, solid, 10, Courier New"] Looking up at the clock she sighed. "Dawn is apon us. Gather your things and ready yourselves. We are going to the dorms now. You will need your rest for we have a long night ahead of ourselves." She spoke aloud as the soft lighg of dawn cell apon them through the glass of the windows.

Getting up out of her chair which was on the side of the room with the window Seiren leads the way out of the dorm. Awaiting the switch over between the class was the Guardians and day class fanning over the night class. The school was huge however the amount of students where not. There were at most 40 or 50 total students due to the fact that the Headmaster wanted to start small then gradually grow. Most days she would have been the last to walk out of the gates however today was another story. She lead the group of vampires to the moon dorms.[/fieldbox]

@Phi Chisym
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Kaiya awoke just as dawn was breaking. The light pouring in through her window speared her eyes and she frowned and groaned in frustration. The reaction was completed by her rolling over and sliding right out of bed to land on her feet. Her arm lifted to cover her face, shielding her eyes from the harsh sunlight. Expressing her distaste with another groan, she promised herself that she would hang her black-out curtains after classes today so she wouldn't have to wake up to such pains. The girl padded across the floor, grabbing her toiletry kit and wandering to the bathroom with a towel over her head. She took a quick shower, ever efficient even in her free time, and put on her uniform. She could be seen wandering down the hall of the dorm, tugging at the hem of her skirt in an attempt to make it longer. The damn thing felt like it was showing her backside and she did not like that at all. She would have to find someone to talk to about being able to wear pants instead. She tugged at her skirt one more time before stepping into the kitchen to get a piece of toast for breakfast. She stuck the heated bread in her teeth and chewed while she made her way back to her room to grab her book bag. Kaiya pulled on the straps, leaving one book in her hand and marched back out her door once again. She paid no mind to anyone as she pulled the book open and buried her nose in it. If she got to the classroom buildings early, then she would be able to study some outside while no one was around. She still had half a piece of toast between her lips as she arrived at the campus, wandering toward her first classroom but remaining outside. Without a sound, the girl turned and plopped her rear down on a bench outside, face still hidden behind the book she was studying so intently. Her foot tapped idly on the ground below her, one earbud showing from her right ear while the left remained free to listen to anything that could be going on around her. Absently, she would press her fingers to the top button of her jacket as if to make sure it was still neatly in place. Here, she would wait for the day to begin.
Just across the way, the boys, too, were beginning to wake up. One in particular was an early riser. Rikyu lay peacefully on his mattress for a moment before slowly opening his eyes. He smiled warmly at nothing in particular. 'Good morning, world,' he thought as his hands pushed him into a sitting position.

He rubbed his blue eyes with one hand and ran his other hand through his bluish-silver hair, loosing a loud and ungraceful yawn. He blinked twice, warming up to the whole hastle of being awake. His smile returned to his mouth as he stood up, feet clumsily hitting the carpet.

He glanced at his roomate briefly before strolling to the other side of the room. That was where he stored his gaming gear. 'I have time,' he mused. He pulled out the swivel chair from the desk (pausing to pat the desk's surface, proud of himself for having saved up to buy everything by himself) and hooked up his VR headset. It wasn't very advanced -- in fact, it was a little outdated at this point -- but it got the job done. He placed it over his blue-gray orbs and rested his hands on the keyboard before him, and within moments the first-year was lost in the game.

It was a long time before he had played long enough to be satisfied. When he finally took off his gear and stashed it away again... "Shoot!" he cried out. Was it so late already?! He would struggle to be ready in time. He quickly changed into his uniform. When he tried to put his shoes on, he ended up starting to put them on the wrong feet. Catching his own mistake, he face-palmed and swifly took care of it. He then hastily continued finishing up the rest of his routine.

He sighed when he looked at the clock again. He could make it without running, but only if he skipped breakfast. Well, sometimes, sacrifices had to be made. He grabbed his bag and headed in the direction of his first class.

"Hi, Kaiya," he greeted with a wave and a grin. He passed by her, slipping into the classroom. He was in the same first class as she was, so he had been able to pick up on her name pretty easily. He glanced at his watch. 'Made it with two minutes to spare,' he thought to himself.

He fished the class's materials out of his bag and spread them about disorderly over his desk, looking forward to another good day. However, the classroom was strangely vacant. ...No way! He was actually exactly an hour early! He laid his head on his desk. Why was the clock in his dorm so off, not to mention his watch?! It must have been tampered with! He sighed. He had no appetite and was done gaming for the morning. What was he going to do to fill his time?

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Kaiya hardly made the slightest move to greet the boy who ran past her. She did not even know his name, but he did look a little bit familiar. Kaiya simply lifted her left hand from the book it held and gave a careless wave as the boy greeted her, dashing passed in what looked like an attempt not to miss something important. What he could possibly miss so early in the morning she was not sure, but he sure did seem to be in a rush. Without further thoughts on the subject Kaiya replaced her hand on her book and continued reading as she had been before. It seemed that the peace she had been hoping to have in this short time before classes started would now be interrupted so abruptly by someone who obviously likes to yell this early in the morning. Her frustration simmered low and eventually she was able to squash it completely as long as she continued to focus on her textbook in front of her. Just in case he realized that there would be no one in classes for a while and got bored enough to talk to her, she plugged the second earbud into her left ear to completely emerge herself in Seven Lions. Hopefully, this appearance would ward off any attempts at conversation. Realizing now that she was a bit unfocused, Kaiya straightened her jacket out and readjusted herself for comfort, then she once again pressed her nose into her book.

Hmm... That's it. He probably didn't feel hungry because he was too distracted, but it would probably hit him hard later that day. He'd try to eat something anyway. He nodded to himself in a finalizing way. This determined, he pushed off his desk and stood to go grab a bite. He wondered whether they had anything special in the cafeteria today. He passed by the girl again, giving her another meaningless glance as he passed by.

Soon enough, he'd made it back to the main building and across the short distance to the cafeteria. He looked at the very normal and unimpressive selection they had to offer, pondering for a while. He placed his hand on his cheek so that the index finger pointed upwards and the middle finger was curled on his chin, displaying that he was having a hard time deciding whether any of the foods would be any good. There was a pause. Then Rikyu shrugged. In the end, food was food, and he'd never enjoyed it since leaving home to live in the school dorms.

He decided on grabbing the first things on the menu. Milk and a muffin. He reached to grab his money from his bag, and then... Then he realized his bag wasn't there. "Idiot!" he scolded himself under his breath. He had left his bag in the classroom! Oh, well. He'd been hoarding snacks in his room. He turned around and went to fetch some breakfast. Upon arriving at his door and twisting the handle he found, to his great dismay, that the dorm was locked. He went to grab his key, but, no. Sadly, his bag had not magically returned to his side. He dragged his feet as he went back to get his bag.

This time he didn't even bother to look in Kaiya's direction as he passed by, casting his shadow over her textbook again... and once more as he came back out with his bag. He dashed off, got his food, and passed by again, bringing it into the classroom. Then, he realized it would probably not be nice to leave crumbs around the classroom, so he left again to eat outside. It was a nice sunny morning, after all. He took a moment to look for a place to sit -- the bench was taken, after all -- when he decided the grass would be fine. He distanced himself a few yards from his classmate, so as to avoid an awkward situation, but he still called "I hope you don't mind me sitting here" before settling down on the grass and taking the first bite. He wondered how long it would be before everyone else showed up.

Kaiya struggled to remain focused with one person passing back and forth so much. If it were many people, she could easily stay lost in her world of text, but just one person made her a bit edgy for some reason. She was the kind of person who did not like being near people much, and where a group of people were predictable, a singular person was not always as predictable. Her fingernails tapped three times on the back of her book, as if trying to pull herself back into her work. But the sound of a classmate drawing nearer yet again diverted her attention once more. His words were meaningless to her and her only response was a quiet "Hmm" to offer her permission more or less since he seemed to be asking for it.
Just briefly, her eyes lifted from her book to glance over the top of it at the boy sitting on the grass. She had long since finished her piece of toast and was now regretting not having more. Now that there was food in front of her, it made her stomach rumble. Although slight, the feeling was still annoying to her. But her eyes did not look at the food and instead peered at the boy there. This was a rare incident, for her to be looking at a person instead of paper. For all she was worth, she could not remember his name but knew he was in her first class. She examined him from her spot on the bench for a moment. She recognized the blue-tinted hair and his stature was average. Her dominating thought was that he really did not stand out much. As she looked at him, she made sure that her brown hair fell over her right eye to conceal it. Only her brown left eye was revealed. She didn't stray long and soon let her gaze drop back to the book in front of her – mostly to keep her mind off the thought of food. If she was already hungry now, then this would be a long morning until lunch rolled around.

Having decided that if he was going to walk so much anyway he wasn't going to be lazy about it (and realizing he was short on cash to buy new food), Rikyu had gone all the way back to his room again and fished up a full breakfast. He was enjoying a bag of dry cereal when he heard something.

He stopped chewing for a moment and replayed the sound in his head a couple times, trying to identify it. It was a quiet rumble. What was it? It could have been her music coming through the headphones, but that seemed unlikely. The more he thought about it, the more sure he was.

"Umm," he began, only just noticing both earbuds were now in, and he became unsure if she could hear him over the music. "Are you hungry?" He stood and walked to stand a little ways in front of her, offering her an apple with a nonthreatening smile on his face.

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Kaiya could in fact hear the guy as he spoke, but the headphones also gave her a good reason to act as if she could not hear the people around her. She did love to ignore people, that was for sure. But the rumbling in her stomach, apparently not heard by her alone, had caused a reason for some sort of social interaction. This was confusing for her. Something like hunger would not cause her to interact with someone. Just as she and her family thought, she had a long way to go to understand social society. Since her natural reaction was to either ignore or brush off someone who spoke to her, she thought maybe trying a different approach would be better. You can do this. Just act like a normal person. Be nice… and stuff.
Begrudgingly, Kaiya pulled her eyes away from the text book in front of her and tilted her head back to look at the boy in front of her. Even looking closer at him made it impossible to remember his name. Something with an 'R' maybe? Roy? The change in angle of her face caused her hair to fall away, revealing both eyes which would show that the left one was a honeyed brown while the right one, in the sunlight, appeared as emerald green. She quickly adjusted so that the right eye was hidden again, but remained staring up at who would now be known as 'Roy' in her mind. She glanced from him to the apple and back again as if trying to decipher some sort of trap. But in the end, she reached out a hand and took the apple, being careful not to touch the guy in front of her – Kai was not the kind of person to like being touched. At the kind gesture, her lips actually fought the tiniest of smiles which she battled down before it could become too obvious and then she thanked him quietly.
As if to show her appreciation, the girl bit into the apple. "You don't want it?" She would finally ask, lifting her hand with the apple slightly to indicate the subject of her sentence. Asking was a bit late now, she was already diving in for a second bite, but if he asked for it back she would no doubt give the partially eaten fruit back to its original owner.
For a brief moment, Rikyu saw his classmate's mismatched eyes. Being generally paranoid around anything unusual, he was intimidated... but only for a second. He was just observant enough to notice the tiniest twitch in her lips. Was that supposed to be a laugh? A frown? A grimace? 'Why's she holding herself back?' he wondered idly as Kaiya accepted the fruit.

He watched her with some apparent interest. The closed posture, the hair as a shield, the headphones to hide behind -- he took these all in and then processed this. His first impressions were settling. She seemed pretty reserved and not particularly socially adept, but she didn't seem hostile or depressed. Rikyu very much enjoyed getting to know a variety of different kinds of people, and hoped that she and himself would be able to get aling.

Then, he heard her speak up. Was this the first time she'd ever talked to him? Probably. "I don't need it," Rikyu replied with a light chuckle. He was glad she had taken it and that, for the most part, they had avoided creating an awkward situation. He smiled yet again as he turned to return to his breakfast on the lawn.

The girl merely nodded to him as he brushed the gesture off with an 'I don't need it'. Her eyes lifted again to watch him as he turned his back to her. Without him looking her way, she could watch him more freely as people watching was something she typically enjoyed. If not for the amusing nature of people, then for the opportunity to learn about them. Nice guy. That was her overall first impression. She licked some apple juice from her bottom lip, tilting her head to the side to watch for as long as she could before he was in a position where he could see her again.

When the time came, she lowered her eyes once again to her book. I'm really not getting much studying done like this. But… She smirked to herself only slightly. Dad would be so proud of me. I had a conversation and everything. Or at least that was what she considered a conversation. How people had conversations beyond that was still a mystery to her. Idly, the toe of her right shoe dug into the ground below her, crushing the blades of grass beneath it. It was nice that he could sit on the grass like that. Must feel soft… She thought, inhaling the scent of the greenery that surrounded them. Hmm… She pressed the clump of dirt she'd unearthed with her foot back into the ground where it had been originally and pressed her nose into her book once more, allowing the cover to hide her face. And there, she smiled. Nice guy…
[fieldbox="Lady Seiren, crimson, solid, 10, Courier New"] Seiren had walked out of the building to see two students by the bench near the entrance. Her long raven strains blowing in the autumn wind as she walked by at her normal pace. The bench was about midway between the entrance and the exit to the dorms. She had stopped motioning the others to move along. She was a woman you was both dangerous and beautiful, it was obvious just not by how she presented herself but just her looks in general. She stood there for a moment looking at the two humans. She wondered why they were hear so early, normally the humans don't crowed the night class until it was time for day class to go there dorms and night class go to class. Her long legs cared her closer to them and she simply walked by however her book feel right infront of them. Seiren kneeled down to pick it up and the few papers that had fallen out one being a flyer to the school festival which was next week.[/fieldbox]

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@Phi Chisym
Kaiya paid little attention to the female coming their way. Her nose remained in her book, at least until she heard the sound of something hitting the ground. Even through the thumping bass in her ears, she was able to pick up the slight alteration that meant something was out of place. Her gaze barely skimmed past the top of her book just in time to see papers scattering across the grass between herself and the boy she had 'conversed' with earlier. The words 'school festival' stood out and one eyebrow quirked up instantly. School festival? She didn't remember hearing anything about it. Maybe she had been too distracted? Was it a requirement? She would have to talk to her teacher about it. Sighing only internally, she pressed her lips into a thin line. Kai didn't have time for this. She needed to stay focused. Deciding to let it go, the girl dropped her eyes back to the pages of her book, completely ignoring the person in front of her and anyone else who may be around. With a gentle press, she turned the volume of her music up, making sure both earbuds were pressed firmly in her ears and taking a deep breath. Soak it in. Drown in the sound.

(My turn, then?)

Rikyu looked up from his meal as he caught motion out of the corner of his eye. Oh, it was Seirin and the night class students. Yes, they were all highly attractive, but at the same time, Rikyu felt intimidated by their presence. Seirin, especially, made him feel very uncomfortable. Wait, why was she looking at Kaiya... and him, as well?! 'Is this what it means to wake up an hour early?' he thought, panicked, feeling sure his racing heartbeat was very much audible. He unconsciously scooted away a bit. When she started walking in their direction, he froze. His heart stopped. Thankfully, she kept on walking...

When the book dropped, Rikyu followed Kaiya's gaze to see the flyer. His first instinct was to jump to his feet and help Seirin pick up the papers, but she was already finished long before he had the chance. He thought back to the flyer. Oh, the school festival, huh? Rikyu had paid attention and knew it was coming up. However, he was a little behind in his schoolwork, and intended to spend that day studying and catching up. At least, that was his excuse. He knew that the day and night classes would both be in attendance, and he found himself having an irresistible instinct to stay as far from the night class as possible. He definitely could not handle the festival, and hoped no one would force him into going. How many days now until the festival? He knew it was close... Maybe after class he would see if he could find Headmaster Cross to ask about it.

[fieldbox="Lady Seiren, crimson, solid, 10, Courier New"]
Seeing a male rush to her side to help her pick up her papers, Seiren chuckled seeing as he was to late. "Thank you for your thoughtfulness." She smiles softly at the male as she got to her feet "I hope you are planing to come to the festival. It's not mandatory however we encourage that everyone join the events the Academy plans throughout the year."

"Lady Seiren, we must be going now!" Called out one of the class mates. "Well that's my cue to leave. I hope you have a nice day." She says "See ya around." With that she waves good by and walks towards her dorm. "What interesting students we have this year in the day class." She chuckles to herself as she leave.

A similar uneasiness was settling in the pits of Kaiya's stomach. It made her wonder briefly if everyone felt this way around the night class or if she was the only one. Many of the day students were quick to throw everything from praise to their own bodies at the feet of the night class students. She glanced up quickly, her interest in seeing what Roy would do drawing her attention once again. It seemed as though he didn't act like the other students. "Hm." The sound she made was barely audible, if at all. As the night class girl, whatever her name may be, walked away, Kai found her own eyes travelling up the woman's frame. She didn't even look like she was school age. Long legs, strong figure, flowing hair. She was like a walking campaign for beauty which could be easily intimidating. How could someone who looked like that still be in high school? And it wasn't just her – all of the night class students looked like they just walked out of a catalog for Rich Private School R Us. For a second, she shuddered internally at the bad grammar of her own internal joke.

She listened as the other woman spoke, the only important words sticking out being 'NOT MANDATORY'. Everything else went in one ear and out the other. She relaxed. But if that event meant the Day Class and Night Class would be in one place together… That… That would be so much social interaction to study. She was sure the level of hormones swirling around that one area would make her nauseous even if only exposed for a couple minutes. But it would be a good experiment none-the-less. For a moment, she was drawn back into the music blaring from her headphones, getting lost in the melodies that could effortlessly consume her.

She blinked her eyes back open, then realizing that she had been lost longer than she thought and the Night Class girl was already gone. In the next moment, she glanced down at her watch and then stood, closing the book in her hand and pressing it to her chest. She had what remained of the apple still in her mouth, mostly core now. With a single chomp, she finished off the last bite and walked over to a trash can to carefully dispose of it – knowing that if she tried to throw it in, she would likely miss. Without looking back, Kai made her way into the classroom building to find her seat. Class should be starting soon enough and she wanted her usual seat by the window. The festival. Where Night and Day classes would be together… That would very well indeed be an interesting event to attend. With an awkward tug to he hem of her skirt, she let it go for now and headed into the classroom.
The class was beginning to fill with chattering Day Class students. Some looked groggy and some looked like they'd just been running. Some looked peppy and some looked relaxed. The class wasn't very large, though, seeing as there weren't that many students at the school in the first place. Rikyu waved and grinned at people as they came in, in return receiving smiles and the occasional "Hey, Rikkie!" "Hi, Rikyu," and other cheery-but-bland greetings. He took his seat on the far right on the middle row, away from the window, where his stuff was already laid out from his earlier confusion.

He opened a notebook and began doodling the first things that came to his mind. He waited for the teacher to come in and start class, as it was now *actually* within ten minutes of the start of class.


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Walking into class was the teacher. "Okay Student! Let's cover a few things before we get going." He says "Now that rules are covered and we have explained everything lets get going on the festival. Everyone is asked to join though it's not mandatory."
Kaiya no longer had her nose in her book but it was sitting open on her desk in front of her. Her face was angled up as if listening intently to the teacher, but her eyes were looking down at her book. Her attention was drawn when she heard that everyone is asked to participate in the fair her mood dropped. Even if it wasn't mandatory, this could be the type of place where every teacher hassles you if you don't join in. What was this festival about anyway?
"However even if you do not wish to join in the school festival I was asked to get a list of activities in which the students would want to see. I have asked the head of the festivities to join us today to discuss such matter however Ms Seiren couldn't make it so I am to write down the list instead. If we have any questions and what not please don't heasate. To ask." The teacher smiles at his students.

Head Master Cross walks into the class unexpectedly which he did often but you never knew when.
Rikyu was trying to think of a good question to ask when the door opened again. He looked away from the teacher to see who it was. "Headmaster Cross!" Rikyu whisper-shouted when he saw him arrive, giving him a small wave. He liked to get along with everyone, from the strictest teacher to the wimpiest nerd, and so he greeted the headmaster as he would any of his friends. He wondered what news the headmaster brought. And... who was the head of festivities? Was it the headmaster himself?! Rikyu waited along with the other students to see what would happen.

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