[CLOSED!] Sailing in the Stars: The Beginning [OOC/Sign-Ups]

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5th E wasn't so bad if you had a good group, but 3.5 was a lot more flexible. And by flexible I mean exploitable. My friend once had the option to choose a monster class, and he chose a shapeshifter. Eventually he was running around with a thousand grains of sand that were copies of himself shapeshifted.
5th E wasn't so bad if you had a good group, but 3.5 was a lot more flexible. And by flexible I mean exploitable. My friend once had the option to choose a monster class, and he chose a shapeshifter. Eventually he was running around with a thousand grains of sand that were copies of himself shapeshifted.
3.5 is no where near as exploitable as Pathfinder. That said, it's meant to be that way. Designed for minmaxing. Also means that cunning DM's will make your life hell. Chuk, I did contact your character in game so you can have dialogue in the beginning as well.
If there's actually a planet that's named after a fictional ancient reality-breaking underwater city I am going to be so happy.

Also, my time to work on the post just got fragmented really bad and that's my excuse for my delay.
Look, the living computer is giving technical advice to solve an emotional problem. Who'da guessed?
I was reading some posts earlier, and it seems half of this ships crew (IRL) is in Las Vegas?

I was reading some posts earlier, and it seems half of this ships crew (IRL) is in Las Vegas?

Well I do, Jack just happens to be passing through here in April.
Most likely to stalk and kill me and wear my skin like a suit see friends and family and visit little ol' me of course.
Well I do, Jack just happens to be passing through here in April.
Most likely to stalk and kill me and wear my skin like a suit see friends and family and visit little ol' me of course.
Moving back to Az, actually.
I have a friend that is from Flagstaff. She keeps trying to convince me to live in AZ, because it is apparently the best place in the world.

I come from the Deep South.
And to answer your question: I do not own a ranch, I do own and wear shoes, no one marries their cousins around here, and we do have department stores and cars.

These are all legitimate answers I've had to tell people when I go on business trips, and on vacation.
I have a friend that is from Flagstaff. She keeps trying to convince me to live in AZ, because it is apparently the best place in the world.

I come from the Deep South.
And to answer your question: I do not own a ranch, I do own and wear shoes, no one marries their cousins around here, and we do have department stores and cars.

These are all legitimate answers I've had to tell people when I go on business trips, and on vacation.
Thats pretty silly, honestly. And to be frank, it depends on where in Az you live. Flagstaff is pretty and temperate but the streets there were designed by a three year old. It's a pain in the ass to get around because you have half-streets and roundabouts and a highway going right through the middle of town which gets backed up easily due to the mountain terrain fucking up the roads. Kingman is an absolute cesspit. Don't go there. You will break down. You will become trapped there. It is a black hole of depression and anguish. Ironically, I am moving back there but I have built up the defenses needed to survive as that place nearly drove me to suicide. Phoenix is like any other big city: cramped yet spacious, expensive yet cheap, and highway hell. Phoenix actually has like ten different sub-cities connected to it. Big place.
I have a friend that is from Flagstaff. She keeps trying to convince me to live in AZ, because it is apparently the best place in the world.

I come from the Deep South.
And to answer your question: I do not own a ranch, I do own and wear shoes, no one marries their cousins around here, and we do have department stores and cars.

These are all legitimate answers I've had to tell people when I go on business trips, and on vacation.

I've been around the south a bit, Raleigh, North Carolina and Savannah, Georgia were pretty sick. Been to Little Rock Arkansas in the middle of nowhere and to NOLA, good times.

Thats pretty silly, honestly. And to be frank, it depends on where in Az you live. Flagstaff is pretty and temperate but the streets there were designed by a three year old. It's a pain in the ass to get around because you have half-streets and roundabouts and a highway going right through the middle of town which gets backed up easily due to the mountain terrain fucking up the roads. Kingman is an absolute cesspit. Don't go there. You will break down. You will become trapped there. It is a black hole of depression and anguish. Ironically, I am moving back there but I have built up the defenses needed to survive as that place nearly drove me to suicide. Phoenix is like any other big city: cramped yet spacious, expensive yet cheap, and highway hell. Phoenix actually has like ten different sub-cities connected to it. Big place.

Drove to phoenix recently so my gf could buy a vehicle, kingman is 'that town' that when you're on a road trip you stop there for gas and snacks and that's it.
You know, this is completely unrelated, but I just realized Whisket's title proclaims him as the #1 N'wah.
That's a pretty bold statement, n'wah. You tryin' to start sum shit, dawg?
But at least someone remembers that term. It's a cool term.

You know, this is completely unrelated, but I just realized Whisket's title proclaims him as the #1 N'wah.
That's a pretty bold statement, n'wah. You tryin' to start sum shit, dawg?
But at least someone remembers that term. It's a cool term.


I love that picture, Eazy V with his Vivec hat fucking kills me.
There was a very well written song that adapted "Straight Outta Compton" into Morrowind lore and it was fucking gold.
Can't find it though.
You know, this is completely unrelated, but I just realized Whisket's title proclaims him as the #1 N'wah.
That's a pretty bold statement, n'wah. You tryin' to start sum shit, dawg?
But at least someone remembers that term. It's a cool term.

The Tribunal are little shits. All hail St. Juib! Pushing them Cliffracers out of Morrowind and all...
There was a very well written song that adapted "Straight Outta Compton" into Morrowind lore and it was fucking gold.
Can't find it though.

Found itttt

It's just straight out ta Compton but the lyrics in the description have been TES'd.

So sick.
Found itttt

It's just straight out ta Compton but the lyrics in the description have been TES'd.

So sick.
Im going to follow the Whisket trend and use TES references in my tags and all that. Coincidentally, this profile picture was taken in TESIII because Imperials are silly.
Im going to follow the Whisket trend and use TES references in my tags and all that. Coincidentally, this profile picture was taken in TESIII because Imperials are silly.

Die, Fetcher!
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