*Closed* Royal and Not *Lady AlainXShadow Assassin*

  • Thread starter DJae Writer Chick
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I stopped outside a shop full of antiques. "Ooh..." I walked in, looking around curiously at various objects.

The general sat down by the counter, watching me with a cautious eye, careful.

As I looked at a small figurine trapped in a little dungeon, my mind wandered to Jabez. He didn't seem much like a blacksmith to me...more like he'd be teaching the children to read or the swordfighting classes. He just seemed too gentle to work away at a forge all day. I sighed, setting it back down as I continued to explore the shop.
I had to pause in my chopping to wipe the water from my eyes. Using my thumb, I squeezed the tears away and then took in a long, shaky breath to steady my hands again. There was nothing worse than chopping with a shaking hand. Fellow could cut himself up pretty badly. Composure regained, I lifted the axe and resumed my chopping.
Leaving the store, the general followed me as I made my way towards the stables. I spoke briefly to the stable master before going to meet the horses, smiling at their beauty. I loved horses. The general continued speaking with the stable master, wondering if he could set up a trail for me to ride one of the horses on.
Unknowing of this, I walked over to a black mustang and pat his nose. "Aww..you're precious."
I kept my eye on the street, watching for any sign of Sir Vincent. I was in the middle of a swing when I saw him approach. 'Don't look my way, don't look my way,' I pleaded with him silently, but to no avail. His head jerked in my direction as the blade of the axe connected with the log. His eyes narrowed and his nose turned up.

"Do you still waste the air with your breath, monster?" he addressed me. "If the monks would allow it, I would run you through with my sword and hang your head in my den next to your father's."

"It's not my father's," I protested under my breath.

"What's that? Are you even too dumb to speak?" Sir Vincent mocked me. "Do us all a favour and run back to your kin. I will end your misery mercilessly with a clean cut when I hunt you down, I assure you."

I kept my head down and waited for him to enter the shop before I picked up the axe again.
The stable master and the general approached.
"So you like him too? He's my favorite." the stable master smiled.
I smiled back. "He's really tame." I said, patting his neck. The general chuckled softly.
"Yeah. I hear you ride pretty well...I'm taking a few of the horses out, including Shadow here, for a nice hike. Would you like to come, miss?"
I looked at the general with a knowing gaze. He shrugged. "Sure, I'll go..if I can ride Shadow."
The stable master nodded. "Sure. Let me get the others pinned up." He said, walking off and getting the other horses ready. I hugged the general. "Thanks."
"For what?" he looked at me, surprised.
"For negotiating." I punched him gently in the shoulder and he smiled.
"Ah..that. Well, I hope you have fun." He said, knowing on a horse, she'd be more likely to wander from the group.
The mid-morning sun was beating my back by the time I finished chopping wood. As hot as it was, it was still nothing compared to the inferno inside the shop. Sir Vincent had left long ago, casting not a glance my way as he departed the shop with his newly shod stallion. I gathered the first bundle of logs into my arms and carted them into the shop to replenish the pile in the wood bin.
We started off onto our hike. I pat Shadow's neck, happily looking among the trees from atop him. He behaved for the first little while, but after maybe half an hour he started getting antsy. I stroked his mane softly. "What is it boy?" I asked him, concerned.

The general paused behind me and the stable master rode up beside me. "He's getting nervous. Maybe something he smells up on the path is spooking him..I'll go check it out."
I nodded and he trotted ahead. I pet Shadow's mane soothingly, hoping he won't rear and knock me off.
Only the first load of logs had to be carted inside. The rest of the split odds and ends I piled in the wood box outside the shop. It didn't take me too long to clean the axe head and I soon found myself hard at work on the bellows again inside the blistering building. This time working the bellows was much more rewarding. I had a project of my own to work on today and it was a special one at that. Boss wanted me to craft a necklace for his lady for her birthday. A slender, golden chain. I couldn't wait to get started.
As the stable master returned, he approached at a gallop. Shadow pawed nervously on the ground.
The stable master barely managed to stop his horse beside Shadow. "Bear tracks. There was a baby cub there too. We should go back, it's not safe."
The general and I nodded and followed the stable master back. "Thank you. Though shorter than I hoped, the ride was wonderful and I very much enjoyed it." I told him when we returned to the stable. He put the horses back in the corral and the general and I went to a small shop for a snack. As we ate, I noticed that there were some clouds. "It might rain tonight or tomorrow." I said, sitting by the window.
"I hope not...that'll ruin your fun." he said sympathetically.
I giggled. "Who doesn't explore in the rain?" I said, shrugging.
He sighed softly, but nodded. "Ah, I see."
Gold melts at a much lower temperatures than steel because it's such a soft metal. It didn't take me long to get the fires roaring and the crucible ready to receive the gold. I turned to Boss. "Where's the gold you want me to work with?" He shuffled through his change purse and held up six of the gold coins Ellie had paid with yesterday. I gawked. "But that's... that's money!" I finally blurted. "Gold is gold, boy, don't matter what shape it's in," he retorted. "Now melt it and mix it with something more sturdy-like." I accepted the coins without another protest and tossed them into the crucible along with a bit of copper. After all, he was right. Gold is gold. I waited for the precious metals to melt.
I explored around a little more after our snack. It was getting close to afternoon. I wandered into the bookstore again. While I settled in to read a good book, the general sat outside, speaking quietly to people, asking around about things, people, reputations.
The molten liquid simmered and slopped inside the crucible, begging to be touched. I resisted the temptation, knowing full well what would happen if I gave in. I wasn't a fool. I set out the mold for the chains I'd need to make the necklace on my work table. I then slipped tongs around the crucible and removed it from the forge. Slowly, I poured the glowing liquid into the mold until every crevice was filled. Then, I set the crucible down to cool, closed the mold, and lifted it with my tongs into the cool water. Again, it was a waiting game until the metal hardened.
After a while, I decided maybe Jabez would let me watch him again if he's still working. I looked at the general.
"Would it be a bother to you if I visited the blacksmith again?"
"Why? Is something wrong with the sword?" he asked curiously.
"No, I just wondered if maybe he'd let me watch him work some more." I smiled.
"Okay, but you might want to practice for the sword competition." He warned. "I heard they have some trainers in the competition."
I shook my head. "I'll be fine." I started back towards the blacksmith.
The mold was now cool enough to touch. I took it out of the water with my tongs, set it on the workbench, and placed the tongs down. I carefully pried open the mold to reveal the tiny golden bands. Then I heard footsteps. Instantly my head jerked up. Ellie. My breath caught in my throat. She had come back. It couldn't be anything with the sword, I had fashioned it with more care than I usually did. Could she really, did she really...

"Ah, the generous little Miss from yesterday!" Boss exclaimed with a wide grin. "I thank ye for visiting me so soon. I trust ye 'aven't any complaints about the sword. Is there something else I can do for ye?"

My gaze reverted to my work again, but my hands were shaking.
"Oh no, the sword is just fine. In fact, I hope to enter with it in the competition tonight." I smiled. The general nodded behind me in agreement, glancing as he heard loud shouting from across the street, but then at laughter, he relaxed.
"I was wondering if Jabez would mind if I watched him work again? It's quite interesting." I said, looking over at him as he worked. I smiled and returned my focus to his boss. "Would that be a problem? I don't want to intrude or disturb either of you." I quickly adding, not wanting to cause any problems.
"Competition, eh?" Boss rubbed his stubbly chin with his hand as he sized her up. "Didn't know they let women enter those things. Well, good luck to ye all the same." I could feel the heat start to creep into my cheeks again as Ellie asked if she could watch my work. Boss waved his hand dismissively. "Watch away all ye want, m'lady. Don't worry about Jabez 'urting ye none. 'e's a good boy 'e is, though 'e be of giant blood." My jaw tightened, but I fought to regain my composure and looked up at the curious lady with a bow of my head.

"I'd be honoured if you found pleasure in watching my work," I said modestly. "I'm making a necklace today."
I skipped over, curious. "A necklace? Cool." I smiled. "Is it hard?" I asked. "To make, of course." I looked from the product to his face, then back to the product. I liked how he was careful to the detail.

The general smiled faintly at the Boss. "Don't be fooled by her dainty appearance..she's got an iron grip and a solid slice when it comes to sword fighting." He looked at me a moment and nodded. "I wouldn't go up against her."
"No, not if you know how to listen to metal," I replied with a smile. I moved over so she could see more clearly over my elbow as I gently twisted the little metal rings around each other with a pair of pliers. My hands were large, but they could still pay attention to the smallest detail on the ringlets. I cleared my throat and lowered my voice so that the manservant nor Boss would overhear. "Are you in danger, m'lady? Is that why you wear the peasant's clothes?" I blushed at my impertinence. "Forgive me," I stuttered "but you do not act like a peasant."
I paused, blinking slightly. I was surprised by the question. "Umm..not really..uh..." I found it a bit difficult to explain. "You're forgiven." I added before taking a deep breath. "I'm wearing peasant's clothes to stay out of danger.." I said, biting my lip as I wondered how else to explain it. I decided maybe I could try explaining it from a different approach. "Have you been to any of the other Kingdoms?" I asked, watching as he worked as well as working on how to explain in my head. I felt this connection...Like I could trust him with anything. It felt...different. It felt..nice.
I shook my head. "Never been outside the town." I kept my eyes glued to my work lest I look at her in a way that would offend her. "But you walk like a noble. Slouch your shoulders before someone else notices you don't act like a peasant. I don't want a kind person like you getting into any trouble." I looked up briefly to offer her a timid smile.
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