*Closed* Royal and Not *Lady AlainXShadow Assassin*

  • Thread starter DJae Writer Chick
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I closed my eyes, relaxing in his arms as little bubbles of happiness spread throughout me. I didn't feel sore from any of the past events, my wounds were just scratches in the past, and my fears seem to drain out of me as I held my arms gently around his neck, his arms around me, our lips meeting in the middle.
I pressed my lips a little harder against hers, throwing all my years of longing and my bruised heart into the kiss until there were no secrets left to disclose. I wasn't a monster anymore. A single tear worked its way from the corner of my eye down my cheek. Each time I added pressure to the kiss, more and more of the stress and built-up frustrations released from my heart, never to be seen again. Never mind that we had only met two days ago. Even if she left on the morrow never to be seen again, I would always remember her as the angel who reached out to touch me. Who viewed me not as a beast, but a man.

Finally, I pulled back and rested my forehead against hers with a long sigh. "Thank you," I whispered in a husky voice.
I smiled softly up at him. "Anything for you." I said quietly, reaching up with a gentle thumb and wiping away the stray tear. I wondered if he wanted to come with me... I would still continue my trip, but now just for sightseeing. Even if he didn't want to come with me, either on the trip or back home, I wouldn't ever forget him. I would visit him as often as possible...maybe even move out of the castle. My older brother would have the throne before me, so that wasn't a worry...at least, for now. As long as he keeps recovering from whatever sickness he has, no one would tell me. I stared into Jabez's eyes a moment, still smiling, before I rested my head against his chest, hugging him as tightly as I could without hurting him.
Holding Ellie tightly to my chest, my bruised ribs were all but forgotten. There's nothing like a bit of peppermint, sleep, and some falling in love to cure any malady. I rested my chin on top of her head and looked out the window. Night was falling swiftly, and with the night came the irreputable folk. My mind drifted to her manservant. Where had he spent his time while I had Ellie hidden away here?

"Ellie? Do you think we should go look for your guardian?" I asked quietly. "He'll be wondering what happened to you."
I shifted, my head tilting slightly. "I forgot about the general..." I sighed softly. "He's either back at the room or scouring the road for hints...or sitting somewhere wondering where I disappeared to." I shrugged slightly. "But we probably should look for him." I said with a soft sigh.

The general blinked, his head throbbing as he stood, his blade pressed against another, his left shoulder pierced with an arrow. "You won't win."
"Really?" The archer chuckled and the swordsman laughed. "We'll find her. They'll pay a pretty price to get their princess back."
"And you think I'd lead you to her?" The general's eyes glanced around, landing on the blacksmith door before looking back at his attackers.
Silence. The swordsman stepped back. "Ah...the blacksmith...I remember..." He smirked.
The general's eyes widened. "huh?"
Getting up from the bed, I stretched and held out my hand to Ellie. "All right then, where do you suggest we look first? We'd better move quickly if we don't want to draw too much attention." I glanced out the window again. "I have no idea what's going on here with these people after you, but seeing how they've operated so far..." I paused and shifted my gaze to her again as worry spread over my features, "if your guardian isn't hiding, they're probably using him for bait. Are you sure you're awake enough to go out there?"
I nodded, taking his hand and grabbing my sword with my other. "I can fight with my eyes closed if needed. They taught all of the royal family and guards Craten, a very old style of sword fighting." I said softly. "I'm ready if you are." I looked up at him with determined, yet caring eyes.

The general tensed as he realized he'd given them another edge at Ellie. "So? She's not as weak as you think."
"We'll see." He used this distraction to grab the general's wrist, forcing him to release his sword. He held him at sword point. "Hmm... Little Eclipse likes books.." He looked at the bookstore and smirked, moving to the door and pinning the general against it, waiting.

((OOC: I made Craten up, btw))
Crossing the room, I unlatched the door and stuck my head out. I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary in the growing darkness, nor could I hear anything out of the ordinary. Motioning for Ellie to join me, I held the door open for her. "Where to first?" I whispered. "The inn?"
"Yeah, then we'll see if he wandered into some of the shops." I said as I stepped out and into the night. It was a little chilly, but it didn't bother me. I carefully descended the stairs, reaching the the bottom, I spun carefully on my heel. Clear. I smiled faintly up at Jabez, holding out my hand to take his in mine. Even though everything was calm, my heart was still beating faster than normal and I could still feel a faint blush on my cheeks. I glanced over down the road, towards the inn. I hoped the General was there, I didn't want to have to hunt him down.
My steps almost flew down the stairs like a giddy school boy, not that I had ever been one to know what a giddy one is like, but I reigned in my eagerness to appear more the man than a boy with his first love. When I caught up to Ellie, I slipped my hand in her outstretched one and pulled her in the direction of the inn. "It's a beautiful night out for a walk," I sighed, throwing my head back to look at the stars twinkling into place. "The sky is so clear, it's perfect for star-gazing." My head dropped down again to focus on where we were going, my face turning grave as I turned my thoughts to the task at hand. "I hope we can find your general soon. I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this."
I rested my head gently on his arm, smiling as he spoke about the sky, but I didn't look up. My gaze scoured the shadows for any signs of movement. I could feel unease creeping through my neck, but at the same time, I didn't feel nervous or panicky. "It is." I said, giggling softly. I stayed close to him, happy. "We'll find him. I'm sure he's fine."

Getting tired of waiting, he let go of the General, forcing him to his feet and pointing his sword at him, waiting impatiently.
We approached the inn without issues. That alone increased my alarm. When was the last time, since meeting Ellie, I had been able to walk anywhere without an interruption of clanging swords? Was someone in hiding? Waiting for the princess to return so they could spring an ambush? My grip tightened on Ellie's hand.

"One quick look," I said sternly as we crossed into the hall where her room had been earlier. "We peek into the room and leave. I don't trust the quiet."
I nodded, my other hand drawing my sword half-way as I tried to open the door. Locked. "He's already left.." I said quietly. The sound of footsteps caused me to turn, but it was only the inn manager.
"Where might my friend have gone?"
"The man with two swords?" The man chuckled softly. "He went off to find you. He's on the path somewhere." He glanced at Jabez and frowned slightly, only to receive a glare from me. He bowed his head and walked off. I sighed softly, my grip on my sword tightening.
I didn't miss the look of disapproval on the innkeeper's face. It reminded me why being with Ellie would never work. Why this would probably be a short fling, if anything at all. Somehow, being with the young woman gave me courage I never had before. I didn't lower my head or back away slowly as I had always done before when given looks of dislike. Instead, I squared my shoulders and deliberately turned my back on the innkeeper to focus on Ellie. I set my hand possessively on her shoulder. "Where do you think we should look next? Or should we wait until morning?"
I shook my head, biting my lip, my brows furrowed in concentration. "We can't wait until morning...If we do, we might regret it. I have a feeling something's wrong..." I said, sighing softly. "We should check around some of the shops, and if we can't find him there, send out a search warrant." I looked up at Jabez. I felt slightly fearful, and almost angry. What was the general doing??

The General kept his eyes glued on his captor, his hands curled into tight fists by his side. If this man did anything to Princess Eclipse, he would be sure the man would regret every wrong he's ever done. He now wished he'd forced Eclipse to keep moving on the schedule instead of letting her stay behind. He should have known...he just should have.
"Waiting until morning may be too late, but wandering around in the dark may be just as costly," I said in a low voice. "There are more of them at night than during the day." My hand moved to rub my scalp as I thought about our options. Where would her manservant go? Surely not the shop. It was late. He would have found us at the stable before now. The stable... a subtle blush crept over my cheeks as I remembered the way Ellie fit so comfortably in my arms. There was no doubt about it, I was infatuated with her. I cleared my throat and looked away.

"Let's... let's try the places you went to yesterday. Where all did you visit? Besides the blacksmith."
I went silent, my eyes widening slightly. "The blacksmith...ambush....alone.." I cursed, kicking the ground and closing my eyes, letting out a long sigh. "He probably wondered if we returned to the blacksmith, went to find us, and being alone, even with his skill, enough people could easily ambush him." I place one palm gently against my face, hiding the guilt that washed over me. "I shouldn't have let him wander off..." I muttered, groaning at my stupidity. Why had I forgotten he could as easily be a target?
"He's a grown man, Ellie," I reminded her gently. "We have a habit of taking care of ourselves even without feisty young women." I started walking toward the door, knowing that the longer we stood still the more likely we would be targeted. "But if you're right, we should check the shop first. They better not have messed with anything there. Boss would be furious if anything happened to it. Let's go find your friend."
I sighed. "I hope you're right.." I said quietly, following him towards the shop. As we approached, I grabbed his arm, motioning for him to be quiet. There was the faint sound of voices.

"I'm getting impatient." The man pointed his sword under the general's chin. "Where is she?"
"I don't know."

Ellie tensed. All she heard was 'Impatient, where' and then the general's voice. She slipped into a shadowed alley, gently pulling for Jabez to follow her. They needed to ambush them, but she couldn't tell him that here. They could have watchers.
I followed Ellie into the alley, feeling ridiculous with all this sneaking. Giants, however small they may be, don't sneak. I accommodated nonetheless and hunched over to catch any whispers she might toss my way. When we were safely concealed from the road, I turned to her with an expectant look. Knowing her, she already had a plan in mind she wanted to follow.
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