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Riley was a little worried that she actually had to go home. But as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against him, he lost any concern he had about the future. She brought him into the present and held him there.

He smiled against her lips and leaned into her, wrapping his arms tight around her lower back.
Aspen sighed and pulled away. She dropped onto her heels and leaned her head against his chest. "Ugh, I'm so short. Anyway, I'm eternally sorry, but in all seriousness I should probably be getting home now. I don't want to, but ... my mom sucks ... "
Stepping back but keeping his arms around her, Riley look at Aspen for a moment, then kissed her on the forehead and whispered that they should go. As the two got into her car, Riley began to drift out of the idealistic haze that the house and the piano and she had over him, pulling him back tot he reality that he would probably have to go home now.
Aspen drove back into the town, watching as the sun went down. "I should drive you home," she murmured. "Yep, it's dark. I am driving you home. Where do you live?"

In truth, Aspen didn't want her mom to see them together.
"Just drop me off at the school, it's faster for me to cut through the woods." Riley wanted to delay getting home as long as he could. Maybe he would sleep in the woods again.
Aspen sighed. "You sure?"

She drove to the school, slowing to a stop in front of the front gate. "Alright, here is the godforsaken hellhole known as school. Ew."

Aspen hesitated, before leaning over the centre console and kissing Riley softly. "I had a really nice time today."
When she pulled away Riley brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers and smiled back at her, "As did I." He got out of the car and put his hand against the window pane. He wanted to stay with her the whole night. The whole year. He wanted to tell her that she made him feel like each individual moment of his life have meaning and importance. He wanted to say he needed her with him.

But instead he looked deep into her eyes and then stepped back, turned, and disappeared into the wood.
Miraculously, Bethany was not home when Aspen pulled into the driveway. Her father was cool about her absence, and Lewis didn't care, so Aspen was free to go to her bedroom and start watching Hannibal Rising.

The next day, Aspen dressed in a knee-length white dress with the black print of a leafless tree on the front. She wore the same black leather jacket as yesterday, along with white strapped wedges over black leggings. Aspen actually straightened her white blonde hair, and it fell in hazy curtains around her face.

Aspen didn't see Riley until lunch period. Before he could sneak to the outside tables, Aspen approached him in the cafeteria. "Hey, you," she smiled.
Riley walked up to his house, seeing the lights off and his mother's car in the drive. His father's was nowhere to be seen, but that didn't ease Riley's mind as he tentatively opened the front door. A distinctive smelled came to his nose and an even more distinctive sight, his mother sprawled out on the living room couch. Riley didn't feel like playing his usual drugs-or-alcohol-or-both guessing game with his mother so he locked the door and crept by into is room.

He opened the back windows to let some air in and try to wash out the overbearing sense of failure that pervaded the place at night. He stripped off his shirt and collapsed backward onto the bed, well, the mattress with a sleeping bag. Riley awoke to his usual alarm: the violent inner screaming of his dreams. He rolled over and looked at his clock, blinking away the reading of 3:42AM. Riley slowly got up, put on shoes, and slipped out the window into the night air. It was cold against his bare chest as he started running out onto the path that he had beaten out over countless morning runs. Riley liked to jog by deer and then as they noticed him and bolted, he liked to race them and see who would tire first. Just as the sun was creeping over the treetops, Riley returned to his window and climbed back in.

Showering and putting on an old long-sleeved shirt, ripped a bit at the collar, Riley slung his bag and coat over his shoulder and left through the front door. Nothing in the living room had moved.

Riley didn't remember anything of importance happening at school before lunch. He saw Brooks once in the hall but he didn't see Riley, or at least didn't react. Then, as he bought a bottle of water and was heading outside, he heard a familiar voice. When he turned and saw Aspen standing before him, the first thing he saw was her face as it had been in his dream the night previous. Riley, blinking the bloody, terrible image from his mind then smiling the distinctive Riley half smiled at Aspen.
Aspen smiled a full smile, reaching up and hugging him with one arm -- the other clutched a stack of books. "How are you on this disgustingly sunny day? It's Washington, for Christ's sake ... "

"Aspen," said a voice from behind her. She turned; there stood Lewis, looking at Riley, fuming.

"Lewis, what's wrong?"

Lewis took Aspen's wrist and pulled her away. "What the hell are you doing with him?"

"I -- "

"He's the one who did that to Brooks," snapped Lewis.

Aspen caught Brooks' eye; he was smirking at Xander and Bronwyn, alerting them to what was going on.

Aspen scoffed and pulled her hand away, turning as she spoke. "Please, Brooks did -- "

Lewis grabbed her hand again, this time very harshly. He could bench about four times her weight, so Aspen wasn't surprised when she felt a few bones in her finger snap. Aspen cried in pain and dropped her books. "WHAT THE FUCK, LEWIS?" Known for her very low pain tolerance, Aspen clutched her hand and glared at her brother.
Riley's head cocked sideways, a few strands of hair falling over his eye. He looked at Aspen's hand, then to Lewis, then to Aspen. "I think that deserves an apology," he said evenly.
Lewis was already at Aspen's side before Riley spoke, gushing apologies and promises of making it up to her. He tried to touch her hand, but Aspen shrieked at the contact and walked away, bending down to pick up her books. She struggled with the large stack as Lewis turned to Riley.

"Yeah, it deserved an apology, but it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't messed with Brooks."

"Lewis, you idiot, that makes no sense," snapped Aspen. The friends she had made the day before in Physics, hipster-wallflowers Delilah, Jace and Brittany, came over to help her. Delilah picked up the books while Jace looked at her hand.

"You need to go to the nurse's office," he said.

"I know, hang on," said Aspen. She turned to her brother. "Lewis, back off."

Lewis ignored her and stared Riley down. "No, he messed with my friend. And isn't this one of mom's wackjobs?"
"Indeed I am." Riley smiled a long and hard smile at Lewis through his hair. "Are you here to remind me to take my medicine? I think I forgot it at home."

Riley noticed the quick purpling of Aspen's fingers. Broken. He kept his eyes locked with Lewis's and fought back visions of things Aspen would disapprove of.
Aspen could see Riley getting madder at Lewis. She moved toward him, but Jace stopped her. "You need to go to the nurse's office," said Delilah.

Lewis stepped closer to Riley. "Stay away from my sister," he said, angry, "or I'll tell my Mom what you did to Brooks, and she'll send you away to a mental institution, where you belong."

"Lewis, you moronic imbecile -- "

"SHUT UP, ASPEN!" shouted Lewis. The entire cafeteria was paying attention now. "God, why did you have to do this? Why did you have to start acting all weird? Why can't you speak like a normal person and just be normal?"

Though Aspen knew it was a spur-of-the-moment rant, that Lewis didn't mean anything he said, Aspen was hurt. She looked at him, the pain that what he said had inflicted written on her face, and turned away."
Riley was acutely aware of the eyes on him. He felt off and wanted to disappear but he couldn't just leave Aspen.

"Lewis, it is Lewis right? Don't give me empty threats. Tell the good doctor or don't. I will come up eventually and if she sends me away, so be it. If you will excuse me, I'm going to leave so that you will allow these kind people," Riley gestured to Aspen's friends, "to show your sister and my friend to the nurse."

Riley turned, looked Aspen in the eyes, then scanning her with a medical detachment. He looked to Delilah and with no emotion at all asked her to make sure Aspen gets to the nurse safely. He told Aspen that he would come check on her in a bit, then turned back to Lewis. He looked him in the eyes and said quietly, "I hope she's ok. I did not mean for any of my actions to fall unto her." Riley turned and walked away.
Aspen was professionally diagnosed with two broken fingers. To her annoyance, she was taken to the hospital, where a doctor reset her fingers and put them in little plaster casts. She was left-handed, so the broken right fingers made no difference.

Bethany was fuming. "He's grounded, forever, no car, no TV, no Xbox ... " She paced back and forth in Aspen's temporary hospital room.

"Mom, I'm fine. But, please, snap his CoD disk," said Aspen. She looked up, and, to her delight, Riley stood in the doorway.
Riley waved at Aspen, hoping his half smile would cover the concern on his face. As a side note, he wondered how his doctor would react to his being here, if she even knew about Aspen and his relationship. He doubted it.

Taking step into the room, he politely asked Doctor Carstairs if she would mind him being there.
"Of course you may be here, Riley," said Bethany. She shot a skeptical look at Aspen out of the corner of her eye.

When she said nothing further, Aspen turned to Riley and held up her right hand. "Two broken fingers," she announced irritably. "I'm left handed, so it won't make a difference, but it's pretty annoying."

"Aspen, I assure you, Lewis will be punished," said Bethany seriously. "Now, Riley, while you're here -- you missed your appointment last night with me. This cannot happen again. I hope you have a good enough reason to explain your absence?"
"I am sorry that I missed your appointment. I was truly happy and I did not want to diminish that feeling digging up things, being so rare as it is."

He stepped around to the other side of the bed, wanting to hold Aspen's healthy hand in his and slowly brush his fingers over hers. Instead he leaned against the wall and looked in Aspen's eyes affectionately. Doctor Carstairs' reply seemed to melt away into the background as he lost himself in her eyes.
Bethany nodded. "Well, Riley, please make sure you show up for your appointment on Wednesday."

Aspen shivered; the hospital room was cold. She shot her mother a glance, and turned to Riley. "Lewis didn't give you any trouble after I left, did he?"

"What did Lewis do, exactly?"

"Oh, just came up to us, verbally abused Riley and broke my fingers." Aspen shrugged sarcastically. "No biggie. Average Lewis-like activities."

Bethany sighed. "Riley, I apologise for my son's behaviour."
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