Cirque De Mortifica'

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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    Welcome, newest member... TO CIRQUE DE' MORTIFICA! As of now, you are apart of our family. You share our secrets, share our tears; both happy and sad, and you complete the open-armed circle of our close knit family. Now, as you are aware, we are not but a simple circus trope, oh no, we, my dear, are a delicately different group of superior interest to those who wish to...ehem...get rid of someone, shall we say. Your job in the circus will be as follows, practice and preform death-defying stunts to capture and allure the attention of our audience members and keep the standing reputation - at least the publicly acceptable version - of Cirque De Mortifica' strong and proud. On the sidelines however, we work as self-sufficient mercenaries. By orders of the Ringleaders, each member of Cirque De Mortifica' must meet a weekly quota - of rather dubious results. We cater to those who relate to the term: "scum of the earth", and when I say cater, my dear, I mean kill...
    Cirque De Mortifica' is home to the bizarrely strange, and sometimes even paranormal! So don't be going around side-eying your trope, lest you be murdered yourself... it does take awhile for some of the members to uh...warm up to you...
    Our apologies on that... we try to hire only the friendliest of people!
    Ah! What is that you have there? A token? Adorable.... Well, be sure not to loose that, some of the members are a little...handsy if I am to be frank - especially those clowns...
    Here, take this...
    It is your official dog-tag. It lets everyone in the circus know you are a trusted ally, and as you progress through the Circus's rankings, you will receive new tags, letting those around you know just how good you are at putting on a KILLER show ;)
    Every new member of Cirque De Mortifica' starts with a "Level 1" dog tag, the more levels you achieve, the higher up in the circus you become. Take good care of this!
    Alright... that's just about all we have for you today! Now get out there, and put on a deadly performance!



    ☠Member Descriptions☠

    The Ringleaders - These two are in charge of the whole show. Running the operation from behind closed doors. A rather strange and creepy couple, the two make an excellent power pair, and are quite difficult to thwart in legal matters. Though many have tried to shut down Cirque De Mortifica', these two have always managed to keep it open and running for the adoring public. The Ringleaders are in charge of new member orientation, and have the final say in everything that goes on.

    Tightrope Walkers - These magnificent stuntmen and women keep the sky's interesting by preforming incredible twists and flips in the air, all while keeping it creepy.

    Knife Throwers - Trained specialists who prefer to kill with small knives, as well as entertain; more than anything else. They use thin, versatile daggers to aim for those unfortunate enough to be strapped to the rotating wheel.

    Sword Swallowers - Their incredible ability to take an entire sword directly down their throat and recover without a scratch is unbelievable in itself, however, some of the Cirque De Mortifica' performers take it a step further, getting other performers to force the swords down their throats, or perhaps, even light them on fire!

    Acrobats - Rulers of the sky and ground, these amazing performers take to the audiences reactions, eliciting flips and jumps no matter of regular humans could preform. This is what they do best!

    Animal Tamers - In charge of keeping the entertainment versed, the animal tamers of Cirque De Mortifica' are very well trained, pre-emptive to entering CDM, with animals of all shapes, sizes and origins. Most Animal Trainers are used to working with beasts of supernatural origins, most people just believe to be lions or tigers dressed up in silly costumes.

    Mimes - The odd ones out, but always the entertaining ones. Mimes do not speak during show, or really ever, for that matter. They are the masters of assassination, always able to sneak up on unsuspecting victims, and give the audience a good shock or two.

    Fire Specialists/Dancers - These performers are versed in the skill of fire wielding! Able to withstand incredible heat, some believe these actors to be of dragon-origin; knowing Cirque De Mortifica's background, this isn't exactly a stretch!

    Contortionist -Alone, they are the one you'll never see, the one you'll never find, and the one that will make you want to vomit. Their ability to twist, bend and stretch their bodies in ways no human should be allowed to, is always an extra sense of entertainment for the audience! They are also pretty good at getting away with murder...

    Clowns - Though generally thought of to bring joy to children and adults alike, Cirque De Mortifica's clowns come from an origins of darkness. They will do and say anything to disturb the audience and hold true to the show's scary factor. The clowns are responsible for the sick and twisted jokes of the show and have been known to be quite excellent with explosives.

    The Beast - A thing of in-human origin, the Beast is a monster in itself. Huge and scary, this thing brings life to the supernatural bit of Cirque De Mortifica's disturbing truth. Nothing can stop the beast when it get's angry, so be careful.

    Strong Man - These guys relate somewhat to the beast, yet possess a more human appearance. They perform on stage, showcasing their incredible strength, and most likely making the audience question if they are indeed human or not.

    Doctor - The Doctor is the one who tends to the many frequent wounds of Cirque De Mortifica's members. Versed in all studies of medicine, they can always be found roaming the grounds, making private tent calls, and of course, underneath the medical tents shelter.

    Chefs - This is an open position that most anyone can be hired for after they surpass their first dog tag. Chef's are responsible for cooking all the delicious food served to members of the circus.

    Financial Planner - This person is responsible for the collection and storage of all of Cirque De Mortifica's funds and extermination pay-offs. They are the ruler (of sorts) of the vault located in CDM's train line. Money from exterminations can be delivered to this individual for collection upon return.

    Conductor/Announcer - This individual is almost like the shadow face behind the Circus's PM department. He runs the train, drives and chooses it's locations and tends to announce the shows before they start. Most people consider him the unofficial ring leader of Cirque De Mortifica'.

    Security - These folks are the brute strength of Cirque De Mortifica', they are mostly commandeered as back-up on extermination missions, but when located on the circus's grounds, should be seen as dangerous if you choose to mess with them. Security is in charge of watching off limit rooms, retrieving weapons, member protection (though most members don't need it) and killing off those disobedient to the circus itself.


    ☠Playing the Murdered☠
    Thanks to the lovely @ILovePandas, a new option is available to any player wishing to add a side plot into their main characters lives. You are now able to play THE TARGETS . Yes, that's right, the targets. Simply fill out this CS below, and post it up. Your name will be added to Cirque De Mortifica's kill list depending on the difficulty you've listed!

    Difficulty Level: (1-10 Levels or * to ***** stars)


    ☠Dog Tags☠
    Whilst in Cirque De Mortifica', you will be issued a Dog-Tag. When you first arrive in the circus, you will be a level 1 member, meaning, you have access to certain mercenary jobs which are to be posted on the job board, daily, and can only travel to certain area's in the circus itself.
    As you gain ground and reputation in Cirque De' Mortifica, you will be issued higher level tags, allowing you to do more, go more places, and accept more dangerous kill-jobs.
    A warning from the Ringleaders: Do not abuse your level - if any member of Cirque De Mortifica is found in a place they do not belong with a dog-tag that doesn't match requirements, they will be killed on site, no questions asked.

    Dog-Tag levels range from Level 1 to Level 10 and star levels (1 ☆ to 5 ☆☆☆☆☆), allowing different things per-level that are stated below, including perks, and bonuses!
    Dog-Tags must be on your person at all times! No exceptions.

    LEVEL 1

    - Restricted to Level 1 Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Conductors Cabin
    ♦Weapons Vault
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
    ♦Animal Barracks (unless you have entered Cirque De Mortifica' as an Animal Tamer)
    ♦Private Tents
    ♦Bank Vault
    ♦Record Room
    ♦Magical Artifact Storage
    ♦Body Room

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
    ♦Have a shared bunk with three other members

    Your quota per week is: 1 Kill
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.

    LEVEL 2

    - Restricted to Level 2 Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Conductors Cabin
    ♦Weapons Vault
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
    ♦Animal Barracks
    ♦Private Tents
    ♦Bank Vault
    ♦Record Room
    ♦Magical Artifact Storage
    ♦Body Room

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
    ♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
    ♦Trial period with the circus is now over! Congratulations!

    Your quota per week is: 1 Kills
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.

    LEVEL 3

    - Restricted to Level 3 Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Conductors Cabin
    ♦Weapons Vault
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
    ♦Private Tents
    ♦Bank Vault
    ♦Record Room
    ♦Magical Artifact Storage
    ♦Body Room

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
    ♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
    ♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])

    Your quota per week is: 1 Kills
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.

    LEVEL 4

    - Restricted to Level 4 Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Conductors Cabin
    ♦Weapons Vault
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
    ♦Private Tents
    ♦Bank Vault
    ♦Record Room
    ♦Magical Artifact Storage
    ♦Body Room

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
    ♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
    ♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
    ♦Can accept staff jobs

    Your quota per week is: 1 Kills
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.

    LEVEL 5

    - Restricted to Level 5 Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Conductors Cabin
    ♦Weapons Vault
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
    ♦Private Tents
    ♦Bank Vault
    ♦Record Room
    ♦Magical Artifact Storage
    ♦Body Room

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
    ♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
    ♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
    ♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
    ♦Are allowed to keep a pet of reptilian origin (no cats or dogs)
    ♦Can accept staff jobs

    Your quota per week is: [BCOLOR=#ffffff]2 Kills[/BCOLOR]
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.

    LEVEL 6

    - Restricted to Level 6 Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Conductors Cabin
    ♦Weapons Vault
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
    ♦Private Tents
    ♦Bank Vault
    ♦Record Room
    ♦Magical Artifact Storage
    ♦Body Room

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
    ♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
    ♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
    ♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
    ♦Are allowed to keep a pet of reptilian origin (no cats or dogs)
    ♦Can accept staff jobs

    Your quota per (2) weeks is: 2 Kills
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.

    LEVEL 7

    - Restricted to Level 7 Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
    ♦Private Tents
    ♦Bank Vault
    ♦Record Room
    ♦Magical Artifact Storage
    ♦Body Room

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
    ♦Have a shared bunk with with one other member
    ♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
    ♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
    ♦Are allowed to keep a pet of reptilian or aviary origin (no cats or dogs)
    ♦Can accept staff jobs

    Your quota per (2) weeks is: 2 Kills
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.

    LEVEL 8

    - Restricted to Level 8 Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
    ♦Private Tents
    ♦Bank Vault
    ♦Record Room
    ♦Body Room

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
    ♦Have a shared bunk with with one other member
    ♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
    ♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
    ♦Are allowed to keep a pet of reptilian, amphibian or aviary origin (no cats or dogs)
    ♦Can accept staff jobs

    Your quota per (2) weeks is: 2 Kills
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.

    LEVEL 9

    - Restricted to Level 9 Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
    ♦Private Tents
    ♦Bank Vault
    ♦Record Room
    ♦Body Room

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
    ♦Have a shared bunk with with one other member
    ♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
    ♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
    ♦Are allowed to keep a pet of reptilian, amphibian or aviary origin (no cats or dogs)
    ♦Can accept staff jobs

    Your quota per (2) weeks is: 2 Kills
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.

    LEVEL 10

    - Restricted to Level 10 Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Private Tents
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
    ♦Bank Vault
    ♦Body Room

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
    ♦Have a shared bunk with one other member
    ♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
    ♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
    ♦Are allowed to keep a pet of any origin
    ♦Can accept staff jobs

    Your quota per (2) weeks is: 3 Kills
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a star level member, or the Ringleaders.


    - Restricted to Level * Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Body Room
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Access to a private tent - no shared quarters.
    ♦First pick on show slots (by star ranking [ex. ***** goes first * goes last])
    ♦First choice on kills/jobs (by star ranking)
    ♦Ability to take lower level punishment into your own hands
    ♦Final say over lower-leveled members
    ♦You may create a show plan for every other member of the circus, once.
    ♦First pick on weapons (by star ranking)
    ♦Access to rooms lower leveled members don't have
    ♦First call to meals (same as other star rankings)
    ♦Priority for Doctors call (by star ranking)
    ♦Option to choose the Cirque De Mortifica's destination, once.
    ♦Allowed to have an animal of any origin

    Your quota per (1 Month) is: [BCOLOR=#ffffff]5 Kills[/BCOLOR]
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a higher level star member, the ringleaders, or take the matter into your own hands.

    LEVEL ★★

    - Restricted to Level ** Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Body Room
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Access to a private tent - no shared quarters.
    ♦First pick on show slots (by star ranking [ex. ***** goes first * goes last])
    ♦First choice on kills/jobs (by star ranking)
    ♦Ability to take lower level punishment into your own hands
    ♦Final say over lower-leveled members
    ♦You may create a show plan for every other member of the circus, once.
    ♦First pick on weapons (by star ranking)
    ♦Access to rooms lower leveled members don't have
    ♦First call to meals (same as other star rankings)
    ♦Priority for Doctors call (by star ranking)
    ♦Option to choose the Cirque De Mortifica's destination, once.
    ♦Allowed to have an animal of any origin

    Your quota per (1 Month) is: [BCOLOR=#000000]5 Kills[/BCOLOR]
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a higher level star member, the ringleaders, or take the matter into your own hands.

    LEVEL ★★★

    - Restricted to Level *** Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Body Room
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Access to a private tent - no shared quarters.
    ♦First pick on show slots (by star ranking [ex. ***** goes first * goes last])
    ♦First choice on kills/jobs (by star ranking)
    ♦Ability to take lower level punishment into your own hands
    ♦Final say over lower-leveled members
    ♦You may create a show plan for every other member of the circus, once.
    ♦First pick on weapons (by star ranking)
    ♦Access to rooms lower leveled members don't have
    ♦First call to meals (same as other star rankings)
    ♦Priority for Doctors call (by star ranking)
    ♦Option to choose the Cirque De Mortifica's destination, once.
    ♦Allowed to have an animal of any origin

    Your quota per (1 Month) is: [BCOLOR=#000000]5[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] Kills[/BCOLOR]
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a higher level star member, the ringleaders, or take the matter into your own hands.

    LEVEL ★★★★

    - Restricted to Level **** Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Body Room
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Access to a private tent - no shared quarters.
    ♦First pick on show slots (by star ranking [ex. ***** goes first * goes last])
    ♦First choice on kills/jobs (by star ranking)
    ♦Ability to take lower level punishment into your own hands
    ♦Final say over lower-leveled members
    ♦You may create a show plan for every other member of the circus, once.
    ♦First pick on weapons (by star ranking)
    ♦Access to rooms lower leveled members don't have
    ♦First call to meals (same as other star rankings)
    ♦Priority for Doctors call (by star ranking)
    ♦Option to choose the Cirque De Mortifica's destination, once.
    ♦Allowed to have an animal of any origin
    ♦Freedom to travel wherever and whenever you'd like
    ♦Option to have the circus hire you a personal assistant

    Your quota per (1 Month) is: [BCOLOR=#000000]6 Kills[/BCOLOR]
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, a higher level star member, the ringleaders, or take the matter into your own hands.

    LEVEL ★★★★★

    - Restricted to Level ***** Exterminations -
    Cannot Enter:
    ♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)

    ♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Access to a private tent - no shared quarters.
    ♦First pick on show slots (by star ranking [ex. ***** goes first * goes last])
    ♦First choice on kills/jobs (by star ranking)
    ♦Ability to take lower level punishment into your own hands
    ♦Final say over lower-leveled members
    ♦You may create a show plan for every other member of the circus, once.
    ♦First pick on weapons (by star ranking)
    ♦Access to rooms lower leveled members don't have
    ♦First call to meals (same as other star rankings)
    ♦Priority for Doctors call (by star ranking)
    ♦Option to choose the Cirque De Mortifica's destination, once.
    ♦First call on magical artifacts
    ♦Allowed to have an animal of any origin
    ♦May initiate ONE outsider into Cirque De Mortifica by your hand
    ♦Freedom to travel wherever and whenever you'd like
    ♦Option to have the circus hire you a personal assistant

    Your quota per (1 Month) is: [BCOLOR=#000000]6 Kills[/BCOLOR]
    If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
    Please report any rule breakers to either security, the ringleaders, or take the matter into your own hands.


    ♦No Exterminations needed
    ♦Shared Quarter Living
    ♦Must serve level's in proper order (unless otherwise ordered)
    ♦Immediately respond to Ringleaders guises


    ♦Have final say over everything in the circus
    ♦Create the show plans
    ♦Cooperate with the staff to ensure optimal performance is occurring in Cirque De Mortifica
    ♦Have two dedicated train carts off-limits to others unless requested
    ♦Verify and allow certain jobs to be taken



    Cirque De Mortifica's Train
    ♦ Conductors Cabin
    ♦ Main Transportation
    ♦ Animal Barracks
    ♦ Sleeping Bunks
    ♦ Ringleaders Office
    ♦ Bank Vault
    ♦ Magical Artifact Storage
    ♦ Body Room
    ♦ Record Room
    ♦ Quiet Room
    ♦Weapons Vault
    ♦ Ringleaders Sleeping Quarters
    = Cirque De Mortifica's train boasts an heir of authority on the tracks, as well as the scary ability to travel off tracks - due to it's supernatural origin (and thanks to the Ringleaders power). It's used for main transportation of all of Cirque De Mortifica's amenities and members. =


    Star Level Private Tents
    = These tents are specifically reserved and set up for the star level members of Cirque De Mortifica, whether they choose to use them or not. Most tents include lighting, a rather large bed, private storage and more amenities to cater to the higher level members who have earned their right to private comfort. =


    Kitchen and Dining Hall
    = For those who wish to relax with a bite to eat, Cirque De Mortifica' only allows the finest catering into it's midst to serve it's members with what they deserve. Once a level 2 dog-tag is achieved, you are able to get a paid job in the kitchen.
    During special occasions, a separate tent is set up as a bar, of sorts; available to everyone. =


    Practice Arena
    = This arena is available to all members of Cirque De Mortifica. Be sure to make use of this tent as often as possible to improve your skills and perfect your performances. Everything you need for your act can be found under the tarp of this tent, if you're missing something, ask one of the other more versed members, and they'd be happy to help you locate whatever you're looking for. =


    Animal Barracks
    = Multiple animal holding cells are attached to the main Cirque De Mortifica train. Animals of all species, known and unknown are kept here, well feed, bathed and housed in order to make them the most well performed creatures any circus has ever seen - along with the help of some... special help. Animal tamers have full, unbridled access to this area at all times with any level DT. =


    Ringleaders Office
    ▲ Restricted Access ▲
    = This office houses Cirque De Mortifica's Ringleaders when they aren't busy doing something else entirely. From here, they can view, and keep an eye on their beloved circus members and the grounds on which they currently stand. It is in this office the two can generally be found; it's area restricted access without invitation or specific ranking. =


    Lounge Tent
    = This tent was put up due to member request in Cirque De Mortifica'. Some find their jobs slightly stressful and therefore requested and lounge area of sorts. Excellent company, girls and boys alike, as well as wine of the finest grapes can be found in this tent. Take a load off and relax - the circus is about fun after all! =


    Medical Tent
    = Killing someone and preforming in a death-defying circus show aren't two things easily completed. People often get injured in Cirque De Mortifica', but thanks to our medical tent, all injuries are treatable, lets just try not to get ourselves injured in the future, alright? =


    Bathhouse and Powder Room
    ♦ Showers
    ♦ Steam Room
    ♦ Bath
    = Multiple bathhouses are set up all around Cirque De Mortifica's grounds (at the time) to cater to the needs of their performers. Inside, makeup for the performers can be found, as well as anything needed that the circus members require. =


    Weapons Vault
    = Filled to the brim with the most technologically advanced weapons of the day and age (1885) - this vault can be accessed by high ranking members of Cirque De Mortifica'. If a lower member requires a specific weapon, they must be accompanied by a higher level member, security guard, or one of two Ringleaders to access the vault. Everything from guns, to swords, knives, daggers, grenades, and bombs can be found; plus more! =


    Quiet Room
    = This room has been made due to the high stress activities the members of Cirque De Mortifica partake in. Any member can access this room at any time to simply take a break from it all. It's lockable from the inside, but can be locked from the outside if you so choose... =

    Conductor's Cabin
    = Run by a rather strange individual, the conductors cabin is to be entered by no one, unless authorized; other than the conductor themselves. It is the hub of Cirque De Mortifica', where the train is run and ran, and where the first stop on orientation begins! =


    Bank Vault
    = Containing all of the Circus's fee's and collections, the vault is available to high ranking members. Lower-ranking members who return from an extermination are to directly hand over their earnings to the Financial Planner which will then be stored in the vault. =


    Record Room
    = This room is where records of exterminations, bills, the circus's income and anything else is kept. Files on all members and expenses are also kept here. The room holds records on past mistakes as well, filing under anything from odd to... illegal. =


    Magical Artifact Storage
    = Due to the supernatural nature of most the members of Cirque De Mortifica', a magical artifacts room has been put in place by order of the Ring Leaders. It contains items some use for magical practice, as well as certain potions and other weirdly supernatural items that can be accessed by specific members. =


    Body Room
    = Not an often traversed room, the body room is where kills that cannot be hidden are kept. These bodies are used to feed the animals of Cirque De Mortifica' and are also used for strange magical practices. Those who enter Cirque De Mortifica' aren't often introduced to this room unless on accident. Security guards, star level members, and Ringleaders are the only ones allowed to enter this location. =


    The Stage
    = Gruesome and gory are the two best words that could describe the Cirque De Mortifica' stage. Set in the dark, for the most part, aside from custom stage lights, this stage is meant to mortify and disturb all those who see it. =


    ☠Character Sheet☠
    (Picture here - Can be real, anime, or fantasy drawn.)
    Character Name: The name of your character.
    Gender: Male, Female, or Other
    Species/Race: Human, Demon, Etc.
    Age: How old is your character.
    Birthplace/World: Where the character comes from.
    Circus Occupation: Their job in the circus.
    General Appearance: Eyes, Hair, Height, and other visual details.
    Strengths: These are the thing your character is physically good at doing.
    Weaknesses: These are things your character physically WEAK at.
    Talents: Little things your character is good at. This can be anything from cooking to playing Sudoku.
    Inabilities: Things your character is terrible at. For example, spelling or getting along with animals.
    Fears: Things your character is afraid of, has a phobia of, or even small events they don't want to happen.
    General Personality: This is the personality that the world sees. What people believe of your character. How the interact with other people.
    General History: Childhood and important events that helped make your character who they are today.
    Extermination Specialty: How does your character kill.
    Specific Circus Talent(s): Anything your character is super-duper amazing at.
    Dog-Tag Level: Everyone starts from Level 1
    Magic Abilities: Any specific magic your character can do?
    Relationships: Who does your character know and how?
    Other: Anything else you'd like to add?

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Dolores Lafayette
Played By: N/A
Madam Nadezhda (Nadya) Garner
Fortune Teller/Contortionist
Played By: ILovePandas
Margaux Elice
Played By: Commander Cheesecake
Thomas R. Malton
Played By: Ali
Alfie Stephen Ketell
Played By: T E R R O R
Xavier Gemstone
Played By: Shattered♦Secrets™
Morticia Crevan
Played By: DANAsaur
Prince Ashworth
Played By: darkflames13
Dactrin L. Cooper
Knife Thrower
Played By: Blox
Nexxus "Nexx" Amadeus
The Beast
Played By: Crono
Callic Mac Williams
Played By: Crono
Mina and Nico Di Angelo
Played By: ILovePandas
Illiya Vivian Monroe
Knife Thrower
Played By: MischieviousCheshireX3​
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Umm yeah... I don't know how to make a diamond...
Reserved mime ♦
I'll just play my acrobat
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Work In Progress

« Dolores Lafayette »
Gender: Female
Species/Race: Banshee / 'Dames Blanches'
Age: 23
Birthplace/World: Pripyat, Ukraine.
Circus Occupation: Acrobat

General Appearance: Dolores is 5"6 and obviously appears as a woman with bleached blonde hair and fair skin. Her eyes are a blue-green color -which to be fair, is fairly peculiar-, and her looks usually never cease to grab ones attention as her appearance is more of a whimsical one, that also holds a sort of sadness of some kind within her. The banshee has a body build of being petite and curvy, and is fairly toned due to her occupation of being one of the skilled acrobats which involves some climbing and jumping and such that requires some strength.
Dolores also has some tattoos scattered around her body ; Such as diamonds on her right thigh and arm (as slightly shown in GIFs) and some words scrawled around her legs and left V-Line. One that a mentally unstable person would probably write and they're words like 'FREAK' 'ROTTEN' 'MONSTER', etc.

◊ Flexibility
◊ Speed
◊ Hand - eye coordination
◊ Balance

◊ Power (strength): Dolores can indeed fight, but she hits more often and thus, lacks power. Since she relies on speed she will do the most damage on someone but she can't easily knock someone out as easily within 3 minutes with 2 hits.
◊ Weight: Dolores also depends on her weight to do some things, so if something involves a lot of strength, she has to put her whole weight into it due to the fact that she is light and physically not as strong as a strongman. Just taking one person down requires the use of her whole body / weight.
◊ Daydreaming: The woman tends to get her head lost in the clouds a lot, and it happens quite commonly. But most times her daydreams are 'special', As she'll act as if she's in a completely different world interacting with 'other people'.

◊ Strategizing
◊ Singing
◊ Playing some instruments including: The harp, piano, violin, flute, and the lyre.
◊ Solving problems (riddles, puzzles, etc).
◊ Listening and observing

◊ Remembering: Sure she's a good listener and observer ; But Dolores is fairly bad at remembering things. And that doesn't mean she's 100% forgetful either. Often things will be a blur to her and the only way she remembers is if she does a puzzle or sings. Some find this method peculiar, but at the same time a part of her and usually while she's doing these puzzles she will subconsciously remember and sometimes will even subconsciously speak out the information (depending of the importance of information and who you are usually). Usually upon using these methods to try and remember, she will only speak to one person ; So only one person is allowed in the room with her.


◊ Loud noises: There are some exceptions. The chanting of crowds, laughter, roars from the circus animals.. However the loud noises Dolores generally frowns upon are the sudden ones or spooky ones. It makes her uneasy and jumpy due to her past as well. basically if the loud noise is unrecognizable to her, she will momentarily freak out.
◊ Beastly creatures: Yup, believe it or not this young lady is actually afraid of the beastly creatures and she works in the circus. Even the big cats which are tamed scares her to bits. Unless a tamer or ringleader is personally with or closely around her--She'll be okay with the creatures ; But not truly at ease. It doesn't mean she doesn't work with them though, she has in the past and still today on some occasion... But that was only because all the tamers and the ringleaders were around to keep her at ease (XD). She doesn't fear all of them, as of now she is actually okay with some of them... But to a certain extent.

General Personality: Words cannot simply describe Dolores' behavior. Because one minute she's normal, and then the next minute she's peculiar. The only way to put it is to disregard her peculiar behavior and say that despite her differences, she is completely whimsical and quaint. Dolores is indeed quirky, yes, generally because of her fears and moments of dazing off but something about her is just.. Just, alarmingly alluring really. People just can't simply describe the feeling of how they feel around her: She does the most oddest of things and behaves pretty much abnormally--Yet its something you can't get enough of.
Dolores is truly a special character. The girl has the tendency to, like said, daze off from reality quite randomly and space out. When in these moments she will talk to herself and at nothing in particular--no one in particular before snapping out of it ; Usually with the help of friends bringing her back to consciousness.
Generally towards every one she is somewhat both kind and mysterious. Typically she holds a mystical aura, and will socialize with other people in the circus in some way--even quietly (to which the members normally excuse her behavior). She enjoys the presence of others, and by 'socializing quietly' its usually a odd thing she does in which she will randomly invite herself around you and just enjoy your presence in silence (She doesn't just slide in like a creeper though ; more like she will formally greet you and follow you around for a bit if the conversation doesn't continue on), but lately she's been learning how to ask. In a way, she doesn't know how to properly socialize you can say, but however way she does it--She often manages to form strong bonds anyways.
Dolores can also switch to a wolf in sheep's clothing very quickly as well. She has the tendency to lie, even about the most useless of things but will sometimes admit that she's lying depending on the thing she did or what she truly knows. Word play comes off easy for her, so manipulation is also something she is very good at ; Just doesn't find the need to use it most often.
Though she may come with a thousand quirks, in the end Dolores is smart than often credited for. Some will find that she's dumb and ditzy while others will find her really sophisticated and classy. You just haven't witnessed what she's capable of yet, and thats the thing: She is very unpredictable. The woman indulges herself in reading and doing puzzles and such, and will even solve problems while rehearsing. But while she seems to be ditzy or smart ; Dolores will always hold a sort of sadness within her that will sometimes even trigger others.

General History: Childhood and important events that helped make your character who they are today.

  • [spoili]
    After Dolores' parents had passed away when she was 6 months old, She was given to 3 siren sisters by her father before he met his death. When the sirens accepted the baby-girl, they turned out to be terrible caretakers. They always argued amongst each other, and in their care, Dolores often made a fuss because of the fact that they lacked maternal instinct. All of them--They never cooperated together so whenever Dolores threw a fit, They would lull the child to sleep. Although the sirens received attention about caring for a child of a powerful Demon and beautiful Nymph, they often received negative comments because of their parenting skills--Fit to kill a child rather than help them survive. Mermaids would try to explain to the stubborn sirens that Dolores was crying because she needed to be changed, or because she was hungry--But the Sirens never listened as they sat under the sea cave.

    Eventually word got to land, and the first and last to hear was a Puca who sought out to see the child out of concern. Every time he heard of the happenings and troubles the Sirens were having, The Puca would come and secretly care for Dolores. Puca's were neutral and rare creatures of the forest, They were bringers of good and bad fortune and were often knowledgable. However this time around, he officially declared to see the sirens and take Dolroes under his wing instead. So, he went to visit the sirens, much to their dismay--and he saw the child crying her eyes off. By then, Dolores was 3. "Oh! TAKE THIS STUPID BRAT!" Shouted the youngest Siren."SHUT THE KID UP ALREADY!" The middle Siren yelled."YOU BOTH ARE IDIOTS--WE MIGHT AS WELL DROWN THE CHILD FOR GODS SAKE!" the oldest shouted at them all. The child stopped, and then proceeded laughing before the oldest felt triumphant."OH--give me that thing!" She said delightedly as she took Dolores and cradled her in her arms. In fact, it was actually the Puca who shushed the child as he laid over the cave with amusement, his tail flicking around."Clearly--I'm the best mother!" The oldest boasted."You?! I was holding her!" The youngest argued."AND I SUGGESTED TO SHUT THE KID UP!" The middle chimed in.

    The Puca only raised an eyebrow."And I was the one who lulled the child." Called the male receiving glares form the Sirens."What do you want Lionel?" Scoffed the older Siren."That child." He said."Clearly you're all unfit to be caretakers." retorted the male to the offense of the Sirens."Its been 3 years--and look how healthy this bra--I mean child is!" Gasped the youngest."Because of me." Argued Lionel. The Sirens went back and fourth with the Puca, and eventually Lionel was going to have to take the child by force. The male turned into a Black shaggy Lion, pouncing onto the oldest sister who held the child but was stopped by the younger two. Losing in the argument they decided to use violence and turned into their true, Ugly looking selves as they hissed ready to kill the Puca. The oldest ran underneath cave and it lead to a fight for the child. While the oldest fled, she was greeted by one of the mermaids and seeked her help. She gave the mermaid Dolores, to baby sit for now while she would execute the Puca, and once that happened more mermaids simply came out the water from under the cave and attacked the Siren to death. In short, the sirens were killed, and Lionel took Dolores to care for, with the help of the mermaid that he took with him to the forest as well.

    As Dolores got older she was more free than when she was with the Sirens. Lionel was lenient upon raising her, but also would teach her about dangerous things she needed to know. Such as not to alarm Humans with her powers of using her voice, It would lead to disastrous things like what happened with her parents. And with the mermaid living with them as well--Who was often in a large tank, She would teach Dolores how to sing and use her voice more affectively. At the forest, Dolores practiced acrobatics around the Puca whenever she traveled with him. She practiced with the vines of Willow Trees if the vines felt sturdy enough to support her weight -usually Lionel testing it-. It was a new form of Acrobatics she did with the use of 'strings' to hold her but it was more like for fun. Then at 15 it was planned that the Puca would no longer care for Dolores anymore, and so she willingly left to live in the towns of Ukraine, believing that she was responsible enough and understanding the Puca. Nonetheless, after she left he kept watch of her from afar.

  • Dolores spent a year alone in Ukraine. She simply arrived as a beautiful girl, new to town with unfathomable amount of beauty. She befriended teens around her age, and lived in the streets with them. At this point keep in mind that a year passed by, so now she was 16. The girl was known because of her looks, so danger often lurked for the 'nymph-like' woman. She could never go out alone without a disguise or a friend. But since her friends were captured and imprisoned for their juvenile ways, She was truly on her own in the streets of Pripyat. Although it was a big city, Pripyat had a fairly small population for such a large city. Not to mention, it seemed poor too. But it was nice nonetheless--A glorious safe haven which shined during the day, and when night fell it was still fairly peaceful. At least around the area Dolores stayed at. In her area, everybody knew everybody and helped each other out. If you were a good homeless, you were taken in for the night and cared for. You were even given shelter if you were back in the streets but that was only if:

    1. You were truly homeless
    2. You were in no way dangerous or unlawful
    3. You were well known.

    Dolores was all of these things so the neighborhood would take care of her. In return, she would sing to the local people around her street and they would give her money or payment even though she wouldn't ask. The girl would also perform her acrobatic skills in front of the large crowds. She was known in Pripyat, and loved. They even set her differences aside--Because although she had a shining and bright personality, the girl also had her lows. There were times where she wept of incoming death, and even screamed when she sensed a sudden death. It was her way of warning, and instead of killing this woman--They felt more so blessed to have Dolores. She often predicted death at least a few hours to days before the actual due date set upon the person, and they would bless her.Because they would take it as a peaceful warning rather than a threatening warning.

    Although Dolores did indeed make enough to stay in someone's house--She chose not to. She enjoyed living outdoors really--The outdoor life and only enjoyed staying with someone if they offered (which she only stayed for one night) or if they were willing to shelter her of a upcoming storm/whether issues and such. To which she would accept and then pay them anyways. She was Pipyat's trophy, they cherished her and treated her with respect. However everything soon changed drastically when something disastrous happened.

  • The Chernobyl Disaster. The most horrendous disaster, Dolores had sensed coming.wip
  • wip
  • wip

Extermination Specialty: It usually depends on the mood and how Dolores wants to kill really. But one thing that will never change would be the fact that she uses her voice as part of her extermination specialty. Be it to hypnotize, persuade, or lure her victims -and whatnot-, Dolores finds it simple with the use of her abilities to make the target commit suicide or allow her to kill them.

Specific Circus Talent(s):
◊ Aerial Silk: Dolores is amazing at aerial silk, which involves doing acrobatics with the use of long silks hanging from above. She is able to skillfully perform various types of tricks and hold poses and such with just a soft piece of fabric. She does not use any type of safety harness of any kind, and purely relies on her skill and training to ensure her safety.
◊ Lyra Hoop: A skill which involves a hoop of some sort. Dolores is also just as skilled with the Lyra hoop just as she is with the silk ribbons used in her acrobatic shows, solo or teamwork.

Dog-Tag Level: ☆☆☆☆☆
Magic Abilities:
◊ Singing: At will, Dolores is able to make her singing lure others to her, or repel them. In fact she is so keen with this magical ability that she can make her victim and only her victim hear it while at the same time even repelling others if she wants to. Her singing can range from being harmless to deadly. This means she can lull her surroundings to sleep or lure them to their death.
◊ Sonic Scream: Dolores is able to use her scream and deafen others.
◊ Speaking with the dead: The woman can actually communicate with the dead. Sometimes she sees them too as well, and its certainly not a fun ability to have. She despises it. Dolores can block the ghost of her victims at will--But the ability still haunts her.

◊ Of French and Ukrainian descent.
◊ She wears her dogtag more as an anklet for her left ankle.
◊ Dolores can Draw, but its not really a hobby of hers. The only time she draws is when she's drawing a picture of which spirit she's talking to.
◊ Theme songs include Medicine by Daughter and Radio by Lana Del Rey

◊ Dolores has a killer sweet tooth. The cafeteria limits her sweet tooth by order of the ringleaders as a result because she is able to consume so much, Its practically unhealthy. Not even other beings would be able to eat as much sweets as her really.








" You're to old to be so shy , "

♥ ? ? ? ♥
In truth, Dolores holds a agapic love for Thomas rather than a obsessive one. Its simple, think of Forrest Gump's undying love for Jenny. The young woman's love is in no way a way blinded one -as most would think-, she's aware of his flaws yet remains patient. Basically to have a agape love for someone means to hold an unconditional love towards someone. An agape lover is explained as,"..Viewing their partners as blessings and wishing to take care of them. The agapic lover gets more pleasure from giving in a relationship than from receiving. They will remain faithful to their partners to avoid causing them pain and often wait patiently for their partners after a break-up." and thats pretty much how Dolores feels towards Thomas.
In the past they had wip



While Dolores holds a agape love for Margaux's husband, Thomas, She also holds a strong and blinded loyalty for the woman. Could be because she sleeps with her husband, most would assume anyways. But thats not the case--Dolores in a sense is truly loyal towards Margaux and simply doesn't expect anything more from her. This is where 'blindness' comes in because no matter how negatively margaux treats her down like a peasant, she subconsciously overlooks it and will do anything to please Margaux, Even if the ringleader looks at her with downright contempt and resents her.
Despite the mistreatment, and other circus members often point out how Margaux treats Dolores much more cruelly. And when they do that, The young woman can't help but defend her. She excuses Margaux's bad behavior as punishment and will make herself believe that she has deserved the punishment for whatever made up reason. And Dolores does this with seriousness--She believes her own lies and refuses to listen otherwise. She's like a battered woman protecting her abusive husband, verbal or physical.
However in the past Margaux wasn't like that. Back when the couple were on the hunt for Dolores and her elusive ways, it was Margaux that found her first without Thomas -by luck- and promised her a easier life if she joined Cirque de Mortifica and that the confinement of her would be overlooked if she accepted. Instead of being rude in general, she looked at Dolores like how a mother would look at their child and told Dolores to stay put while she left to get Thomas, before the girl could even decline. Once Dolores was released she always remained by Margaux like a puppy really--Followed her around everywhere and adored her attention when she was slightly younger (around 16-19). But that was the past, and yet things changed when she caught -rather 'Thomas with Dolores'- she looked at the situation as 'Dolores with Thomas' and thus frowned upon Dolores with hatred and a begrudging behavior.wip

Lady Luck
? ? ?


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Reactions: Ali and Jihae

♦ Madam Nadezhda (Nadya) Garner ♦




Russia, but lived all over Europe

Circus Occupation:
Fortune Teller/Contortionist

General Appearance:
Olive Skin, Dark Twinkling Eyes, Thick Wavy Hair, Tall and Curvy


She can contort her body into gruesome (and pleasurable) positions. She is a naturally talented contortionist, but beingein a werewolf helps with her contortionism because she can semi shape shift while performing and she heals quickly.

Werewolf Strenght:
Even in human form she possess somewhat non-human strength, stamina, and speed. She doesn't posses these qualities all the time, but can occasionally harness them and display frightening strength and speed.

Allergic to Silver:
In any form. Silver is really the only thing that can kill her (and being decapitated).

Susceptible to Exorcisms:
Nadya is possessed by an evil spirit, which gives her her werewolf and occult abilities. See the spoilers at the bottom for more detail.

Gypsy dance! She looks great when she does it.

All sorts of exotic dishes.

Knowledge of healing and lethal plants.

Velvet Voice:
She can use her seductive, heavily accent, captivating voice to talk you into anything. She can make bad things sound like good things, and can sound completely innocent even when she is being coy.

She does not like animals:
She has no patience for them she is using their insides for divination purposes.

She is impatient and has a temper:
She will occasionally raise her voice to an almost inhuman frequency. She does, however, have a good measure of self control and will usually limit her temper to a flash of anger within her eyes.

Her contortionsim is usually performed for short periods of time and leaves her tired. Also, although it's only for 3 nights a month, shape shifting leaves her exhausted. Therefore she usually confines herself to her tent or compartment unless she is performing.

It's more a fear of falling, really. Good thing she is not an acrobat or tight rope walker.

She is obsessed with living forever

It's the only thing that can weaken/kill her and it causes her immense pain.

Loosing her position at the Cirque:
She really revels in the mystery and power she holds and does not want to loose it--or her head.

General Personality:
Nadya is sexy, sly, charming, mysterious and seductive. She seems to know gossip about everyone and predict events before they happen. She is always smiling like she knows something you don't and her eyes seem piercing enough to see into your soul. Some adore her, other abhor her and all should watch their backs around her. But no matter if you view her good or bad, there is something about her demeanor that numbs your mind and draws you in, like a predator before the kill.
However she is always willing to invite you into her gypsy abode and offer you some tea and tea leaf reading.

General History:
Gypsies of the former USSR can be divided into more than ten groups distinguished by language or dialect, culture, and way of life. They live scattered unevenly across European Russia and Ukraine, the Caucasas, southern Siberia, and Central Asia. Groups of Kelderash, Lovari, and Sinti are the only ones who live in great numbers beyond the borders of the former USSR: these Roma have settled in almost every country of the world.

Nadya's family, likewise traveled all over western Europe as she was growing up, particularly Russia and Moldova. She is the youngest in her family and has been a contortionist from a young age. When she was 15 her parents were killed and her siblings were scattered amongst various reletives. Nadya went to live with her grandmother, a gypsy fortune teller. Her grandmother taught her many things about her people and about fortunetelling. When Nayda was 20, her grandmother fell very ill. On her death bed, she told Nayda to go to Cirque De Mortifica, a traveling circus she herself use to be a fortune teller at. Nadya did go there and proved her talents in contortion, fortuntelling and ... Murder.


Extermination Specialty:
With Poision:
On a blade or in somones tea

With superhuman werewolf strength and traits:
She will rip your heart out. Literally. And eat it.

Specific Circus Talent(s):
Contorting her body into outrageous positions. You'd think she wasn't human!

Fortune telling:
"Drink your tea, pick a card, and stare deep into the crystal ball, my darlings."

Traditional Gypsy Dance:
It's hot, and the guests eat it up!

Putting on a show:
Nadia can perform each of the above things seperatly but she will also dominate the stage with a performance of all three--at the same time.

Dog-Tag Level:

Magic Abilities:
Shape Shifting: Into a wolf
Witch Craft: Necromancy, Spell Casting, Divination, Palm Reading, Fortune Telling

Once a month on the three nights of the full moon Nayda changes. She spends the first night shifting into a wolf, the second night completely as a wolf, and the third night changing back to her humanoid form. She does not shapeshift outside of these three nights but she can show certain wolf traits during the rest of the month, like wolf eyes, sharp teeth, long sharp nails. These traits can emerge when she is angry, aroused (sexually or by bloodlust), and when she is using them to kill. {Image One:,Wolf Traits: Image Two, Full Form}

Nayda gets her supernatural werewolf and occult powers from the evil spirit of her great grandmother. Her great grandmother soled her soul to a demon for immortality. The demon was bonded to her soul and when her body died her great grandmothers soul and the demon were transferred into the body of a family member from the next generation, essentially killing the original owner of the body. Therefore, Nadya is actually no longer Nayda and is actually her great grandmother possessed by a demon. The demon is essentially dormant and gives the host body the powers of a monster that allows the person to kill (that is were the werewolf powers come in).
{Nadya's Great Grandmother (Center) }

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦


Mina & Nico Di Angelo

Female & Male (respectively)

Humans with a Psychic connection



Circus Occupation:
Synchronized Acrobats

General Appearance:
They are twins and so look mostly the same.
Dark, silky hair (Mina's is shoulder length, Nico's is chin length);
Light skin;
Dark, creepy eyes that eat into your soul;
Both have a medium, athletic build;
Mina is 5'6, Nico 5'10



They do all forms of acrobatics and are both strong and flexible. They look wonderful when performing together, and in fact they can ONLY preform togther. When they are together, they are indistructible.

Being apart:
Their physic connection to each other strengthens both their bodies and their minds, but the further apart they are the weaker they get. If they get way to far apart from each other, they will start to die.

Well it sounds like a good Idea when you put it that way.

Puppy dog eyes:
Two sets, four eyes, irrisistable.

Team work:
Together, we can accomplish anything.

Mina distracts the target while Nico contributes slight of hand.

Performing seperatly

Their twin dieing.

Mina: Spiders;
I can't stand the thought of those long legs crawling all over me

Nico: Snakes.
I hate they way they slither and writhe.

General Personality:
The twins are psychotic and manic, coy and devilish, beautiful and terrifying, creepy and spunky. They think everything is wicked fun and sometimes play pranks on other members. They are witty and have very sharp tongues. They like to interact with others by playing around with them and teasing them and they like to see what reactions they can get out of people. They are flirtatious with others of the opposit gender. They are seen more as one person than two separate people and their syncronized actions, voices and thoughts sometimes creep people out. Dispite that there is something impish about them that makes them very adorable. The only realy strong relationship they have is with each other and they usually just play around with others emotions but occasionally one or the other of them forms an attachent to someone.


General History:
The twins were born into and raised by their own family circus. From an early age their uncanny ability to mirror each others thoughts and actions caused their parents to raise them as synchronized acrobats. They were the pride and joy of the show, beautiful and terrifying and a favorite of many. Growing up their circus traveled all over Italy, France and England. Their parents were the ringleaders but everyone else was non-relatives, accept for their little brother, Riccio, who they both adored. They raised Riccio more than their parents did and kept him out of trouble. Riccio was always very curious, racing around and getting into everything which could be dangerous in a circus setting.

As the twins grew older they became very scary and manipulative, always getting what they wanted because no one could stop them. They were always strange children who exhibited odd behavior but now they were full blown psychotic. Around this time their parents died in an accident while performing and they fell into the care of their charismatic but equally evil uncle, the circus announcer. He was to be in charge of the circus until the twins came up age. Their uncle had always been jealous of them and their parents and now the more he tried to control the twins, the more out of control they became. They terrorized the other performers gleefully and performed dangerous stunts, even for them. The only person they were saints for and who thought they could do no wrong was innocent little Riccio.

Their uncle tried to exibit his authority over Riccio now, as a last resort, having give up on the twins. One night while performing one of their all time best acts a fire broke out. It was mayhem. There was smoke everywhere, the tent was falling to pieces and the wild animals ran amok. All the attendees and performers died gruesomely one way or another. Even little Riccio. Everyone accept for the twins and their uncle. That's when they discovered that he had started the fire in an attempt to murder them, just like he had murdered their parents. The twins were grieved and enraged beyond believe at Riccio's murder, and they only fed off of each others emotions. They murdered their uncle in revenge.

Then Cirque de Mortifica came to town...


Extermination Specialty:
They kill together by ganging up on their target. Sometimes they toss the subject back and forth in their performance routines until the persons body can no longer handle it. Sometimes they hang the subject from their acrobatic sashes. Sometimes they use their abnormal strength to break the neck of their victim. But they always do it together.

Specific Circus Talent(s):
Awe inspiring synchronized acrobatics. Due to their physic link they can perform above and beyond a normal humans capacity for strength, flexibility and grace.

Dog-Tag Level:
Everyone starts from Level 1

Magic Abilities:
They are physically connected. This allows them to read each others thoughts, and share each others emotions. They are also physically stronger than a normal human when they are together, as they share each others strength. They are indestructible when they are together but the further apart they get physically, the more their power weakens. They can, however, always feel the emotions of the other no matter how far apart they are. They do have a good buffering distance though and don't always have to be right next to each other. They are seen as a unit but they do have their seperate time as well. They can have privacy and they would have to be quite a ways apart before it really started to bother them. They can usually walk around the area Cirque grounds/train seperatly with no discomfort but they have to be together in order to perform and kill. They would have to be a mile apart before the were rendered weak slowly started dieing. The further apart they are the faster they deteriorate.

No there is no 'Twinsect' going on between them.
Yes they are open to relationships with other people.

Because of the mass death of the Di Angelo family circus and the murder of their uncle the twins are wanted all over Europe.


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Reactions: Blox, Jihae and Ali
Reserving a fire wielder/dancer^^.
@Shattered♦Secrets™ @Crono Seeing as those spots are available, yes, and yes! I don't think our main GM would mind if you guys took up those spots. c:
You're both more than welcome!
Also, to anyone I haven't answered directly today, my apologies, I'm not near a computer but I will be tonight.
Try to get those bios up by tonight or tomorrow if you've reserved a spot <3
I will have character up in a bit.




"You annoy me. It's pronounced Margo, get it right people."
Character Name:
Margaux Elice.


Changeling/Neglected Fairy Child.


"Well how should I know? I was neglected at birth in exchange for a human child. What a question."
Unknown. But she grew up in Portland, Oregon.

Circus Occupation:
The darling ringleader out of the two.

General Appearance:
Margaux has very curly dirty blonde hair, as well as teal eyes and very thin lips. She is at a height of 5"11 with a weight of 112 pounds. She is a bit built, but it is required to please the audience. Sometimes she is seen walking around with her makeup still on. Black heels adorn Margaux's feet, and she is never seen without them. She finds the clicking of the heels oddly pleasing. Her outfit, when she is not doing performances, has always been a muscle tank top and jeans. During her Cirque De Mortifica performances, however, she sports a very stereotypical circus ringleader attire. Her reason for it? She loves to play dress up.




Abnormal suppleness: When she was very young, Margaux was stretching her body past its limit at an early age. She began to show strange flexibility, but she isn't afraid of showing it off either.

Stamina: Margaux can throw many blows and knives without giving out. It's kind of a natural god given talent.

High pain tolerance: She was an outcast in her family, it's a bit of a go figure. She wasn't one of them, they weren't one of her. It was a family feud, and it looks like she won, with the reward of getting used to all the physical and mental abuse her family put on her.

Her Husband and amazing coworker: She's never seen with a smile unless her husband is around. Though he can push her off the edge at times with his seductive and flirtatious acts towards other females, Margaux loves him nonetheless. To put it simply, in her words, of course, she gets lost in him, in his everything. He is her alpha and omega, he is laconic but somehow eternal. Margaux Elice cannot live without him.

Speed: Although Margaux has incredible stamina, she puts her heart and soul into every movement she makes with her body. And she's one to fall deep into many emotions, whether that be anger, love, lust, or depression. It takes her a long time to get out of those emotions as well, which is why she takes her stupid time in doing things.

Hand-Eye Coordination: She has a hard time concentrating on one thing at a time. She's not too terrible at it, it's just not her strong suit.

Trusting people: She's been hurt way too much all her life. She can't even trust her husband that much anymore due to his past ways. It takes a while for someone to ease into her heart. A very long while. She thinks that everyone is going to cause a disaster in her life, so she's been paranoid ever since.

Saying yes to others: It's all due to Margaux paranoia and pride. Someone has to get on their knees and beg for her to even reconsider her answer. But again, she tries so hard to change that.


Does a little bit of hula hoop dancing thanks to all the free time she had as a child. That is before her "parents" had enough of her shenanigans. Still, after all these years, she's on tonight and her hips don't lie.

Due to her little knack of demanding people to do certain things, Margaux has always been considered persuasive towards anyone. She will push people over the edge to make them do as they are told. She hates doing it, however.

Puppy Dog Eyes: No explanation for it. She's simply a kid at heart. A lot of people fall for it as well. Such passion goes into a simple Puppy Dog Eye Act performed by Margaux Elice.

Margaux is fluent in five different languages due to her traveling around the world, making her a polyglot. She is fluent in Japanese, English, French, Russian, and American Sign Language.

Being nice towards others: It's never been her forte, but if she really thinks you're worth it, she will tell you that she is trying to tone it down, and asks for your forgiveness.

Paying attention: One minute, she's talking to someone about important matters in the circus, then the next, she's admiring something shiny she found on the ground. You can say that she has little fits of ADD but when she wants to, she pays attention when intrigued.

She has a little bit of trouble hearing others: It's not because she thinks that everyone is inferior and it's all one ear and out the other, it's because she's slightly deaf in both ears. She doesn't know the cause of her slight deafness. It was either the constant shouting in her family's home or the many years she's been in Cirque De' Mortifica', standing quite close to very loud and flamboyant acts.

Tight spaces: During her childhood with a mismatched family, she's been treated terribly. Being locked inside a closet was no exception. Up til now when she freed herself from that damn hell hole she calls a family and when she joined the circus, she has always been claustrophobic.

Killing someone: Even though she's rude all the damn time, she never intends to kill anyone. Unless someone messes with her circus family. Especially her husband.

Fire. She burned her family down along with their house. She suffers great PTSD from it and she will do everything in her power to move away from the source of heat. Yet it hurts her to not face her fears head on. She deals with this fear by lighting hula hoops on fire and performing that way.

Failure. It doesn't matter if failure happens to her, or someone else in the circus. Failure is heart-wrenching and Margaux doesn't wish it upon everyone. On the inside, she wants everyone to do their best but only beats herself up immensely if either herself or anyone encounters it. The only way she knows how to punish someone is through physical pain. So she self-inflicts.




General Personality:
Margaux is very childish and enthusiastic woman, but she always goes with her day without a smile or a smirk. When she speaks to someone, even if it were a single vowel, it always comes off as rude. She's a child at heart, and can be portrayed as aloof and immature with a side order of temper tantrum, but can be very sophisticated when she needs to be.
Though Margaux is a changeling, she has a nice side but never shows it to strangers. She doesn't mean to be so rude all the damn time, but she can't help herself. Over the years, she has learned to beg for forgiveness through her eyes. But who looks deep into a person's story anyways?
She is also all business and instability, the Cirque de Mortifica' is her new family, and she wants them to succeed more than anything. But she has constant mood swings, and the way she treats the crew of CDM is unnerving. Some say that she's growing insane by the day, and soon, she's just going to have this huge hole in her heart that no one can fix, and people are going to hate and be frightened by her. But that's just a rumor.. right?
On the outside, she is an evil queen without a single care nor feeling in the world with the exception of hate. But on the inside, she's just begging to be nice to others.
Her two sides constantly battle it out, but this time, the bad guy always wins, as Margaux is blinded by pain and suffering.

General History:

The Birth of Something Evil.
Margaux Elice was born a changeling and always will be a changeling. She was a neglected fairy child that took another child's place for good. A Human child. Changelings were made to wreak havoc onto human families, and some say that changelings are just a fancy word for children with mental disabilities. Margaux's birth was ironic, as the blonde and beautiful humans attracted fairies, but apparently Margaux didn't make the cut. She hated that people believed that she had a mental disability, but during her childhood, many believed that something was wrong with her from the start. But nobody could believe that fact more than her own human parents, Logan and Riley Elice. They've done research on children who acted like she did, but they simply brushed it off, giving Margaux a second chance. She was thankful for their kindness and acceptance into their household and promised to always be a wonderful daughter to her parents. She found out the hard way that she was never good at keeping promises.


She spent so many years destroying her family's relationship without even knowing about it. Their neighbors, friends, and relatives were frightened by them. By Margaux. She didn't care. Not one little bit. As time grew on she came to the realization that her real whimsy fairy parents deserved to be treated like shit, but since they WEREN'T HERE TO SEE HER SUFFERING, HER HUMAN PARENTS SHOULD DO THE TRICK, RIGHT?! Ahem.
Unfortunately, her parents caught on and realized that Margaux was not their daughter. She was evil, and her parents knew that they had to get rid of her the slow and painful way. Logan and Riley thought that it was all Margaux's fault that their true daughter was not with them.

Margaux was a victim of child abuse for countless years. She was beaten, locked in closets for weeks without food, forced into situations that she wasn't supposed to be in at such a young age, humiliated, got things thrown at her, and so much more. Margaux Elice couldn't take all the suffering and fell into a great depression. As she was locked in her parent's' closet she began to think deeply about her life. She figured that her torment was inevitable, and she was a demon. She didn't belong. She was meant to be neglected, she was meant to cause evil, and she was meant to always be a stupid immature child at heart.

She forced herself to stop causing her only family pain, even though her heart and mind combined told her it wasn't the right thing to do. But before all of the abuse, before hell ripped open under her parents house, the moment when Logan and Riley gave her a second chance, she was always found speaking enthusiastically to herself, arranging her stuffed animals in a semi-circle and putting on an imaginary show. Even as a teen she still continued to do this. But she took it up a level. Margaux threw on all of Riley's stunning clothes that she could find, and did the show from there. On occasion, Margaux was caught wearing her mother's dresses and she was sent into that familiar closet now filled with moving boxes, barely enough space for a teenage girl to fit into.


The Circus Inspired Insanity.
But that didn't stop her from putting on a marvelous performance to her imaginary audience. One day, she overheard Logan and Riley talk about this thing called a circus. She was instantly curious so she asked what it was. Strangely, they were being very nice to her when talking about the wondrous things that occurred during a circus show. The amazing acrobats, the animal tamers, the clowns. Margaux was fascinated by it all. She asked if she could go but of course her parents rejected. At least it was a nice rejection. She didn't mind that she couldn't go and see her brand new obsession, her imagination was all it took for her to set a goal.
And that was to join the circus.

When Logan and Riley were gone, Margaux excitedly ran around the house, doing many kinds of backflips, handstands, playing "The Floor is Lava" but the WAY cooler version. She was enthralled and wanted to be just like the people who were in this magical thing called a circus. Margaux did these childish acts every day, and she was enjoying herself very much. While roaming around the house, she came across this peculiar thing that she hasn't seen before. It was a thin rod that was morphed into a circle, there was a hole as well, big enough to put her whole body into it. A few weeks after seeing this plaything she learned that it was a hula hoop. She learned how to use it from Riley and decided to take her own little spin on it by using every limb on her body to twist the hoop around wildly. It looked rather cool and she mastered the art of hula hoop dancing. During her shows with her pretend audience, the hula hoop was her main act, and she was ecstatic to perform every day. Until she got caught. Again.

Another day in the closet was all it took for Margaux to snap out of her little angel mode. She thought that changing herself would fix everyone, make them happy. But she came to the realization that no one was going to be pleased with her no matter what she did. But worst of all, her parents were preventing her from joining the circus, from doing her main act.

When she was released from the closet she broke into a mental breakdown, quickly running into the kitchen to find a knife and..


There went her childhood family.
Traveling Love.
She spent many years on the run from authorities, she was a nomad, traveling from place to place, making money by either selling her love to strange men, or performing in front of others with her hula hoop when she left her state. Many were amazed by her talent, so she dropped her regrettable ways of prostitution. When she made money that way it drove her insane. She wanted to feel something better than infatuation. So when Margaux found out that she could earn plenty just by doing spins and tricks on a hula hoop she dropped it completely.

No one found as much interest in her before except this one man. The two of them met when she arrived in Rome, still running away from authority at the time. The man was rather charming and somehow he felt different from the other men that were at her feet. Different from the other men she sold her deteriorating love to. This man's name was Thomas Malton, and she didn't have a single feeling for him for quite a long time. Little did she know that Margaux was about to fall madly in love with this man, this man was going to become her everything and more. More than the moon and the stars and the sun and everything else all thrown in together.

She noticed him following her around when she traveled, and he continued his childish shenanigans for many years, she was glad he did. She came across this new and addictive feeling called love. The strongest feeling someone could ever feel other than hate. Margaux found out that Thomas was also interested in joining the circus and that interest alone was what sealed the deal for her undying feeling, making it roar like a fire that will never go out. They discussed a plan to create a marvelous circus of their own and she fell deeper into his grasp. Then that wonderful day came- the day that Thomas asked for her hand in marriage. She said yes in an instant, and together they discussed their grand plan even more as the two of them traveled from place to place, ending up in London, England.

And that was when the two of them changed. For better and for worse.
Heartbreak with a Pinch of Distrust.
The two of them met her when they roamed the world. Dolores Lafayette. A marvelous woman who contorted her body in a fascinating way. Both Margaux and Thomas were enthralled by her acts. But, one was more in love with her than the other. Margaux knew long before her husband had told her that the two of them had an affair that their love wasn't going to be the same anymore. But Margaux didn't say anything. She just let it happen as she started to rethink her life and her love. She thought about leaving them so they could be happy and she thought about ending her life right then and there. To know that her one love's heart was stolen by another was devastating. Hate began to grow for Dolores, and the affair made her who she is today. A rude, heartless, and untrusting person times a thousand. She couldn't trust anyone, not even her husband. When Thomas broke the news to her, that's when she lost it.


Her soul was filled with hate and evil and she needed to get revenge. But she couldn't hurt her husband that way. Thomas had his eyes set on Dolores and she didn't want to break that. All she wanted was for him to be happy, that's all she ever wanted. All these years when the two of them were having carnal affairs, Margaux acted absentminded, like she didn't care. But she cried whenever she had the chance. And she still does. She wanted to be so much better than what she was, so much stronger, she wanted to please Thomas again. So Margaux played nice and continued to let Dolores stay in Cirque De Mortifica, but always wishes to stab her and her husband a million times whenever she lays eyes upon the two. Margaux is still heartbroken and always will be. Nothing hurts more than realizing that at the time, he meant everything to her and she meant nothing to him. Not even stab wound, her lungs getting filled with water, insects being shoved down her throat, absolutely nothing could ever compare to the pain she was brought upon by her husband and that woman. Could she even call Thomas her husband anymore? Perhaps not. Her trust has been broken, and there is no way that he could get it back. But Margaux still loves him nonetheless, he's all she has. She has no one else to turn to when she's upset or angry. And she needed a person who could tell her when to stop when she was going overboard. Margaux needed Thomas more than ever. She needed someone to pick up the pieces when she was too weak to do so herself.
But The Show Must Go On.
Although she was heartbroken, both her and Thomas started Cirque De Mortifica. The circus grew in fame and grabbed the world by storm. Their crew was a bit small at the time, so money was a bit of a problem. Both Margaux and Thomas did the unethical solution to keep their budget in line. To kill the unwanted, the unneeded. To kill those who stain the earth in a most amazing way. Margaux thought this was a brilliant idea, as she needed good therapy from her tragic heartbreak. Killing the useless was her own guilty pleasure, her necessary evil. This wrong way of making money kept growing in rapid succession. And now, the world is a much better place.


Extermination Specialty:
Margaux Elice is quite the passionate person. She falls deep into emotions. During her killings, she will dance around the room as memories of regret and trauma flash her mind. Her victim just watching in painful terror as Margaux dances around, laughing maniacally. If she feels like it, she might just turn into a small and innocent looking child before she goes in for the kill, which is slowly putting stab wounds across the victim's body and immediately bandaging the wound until the entire body is covered in red cloth. Then, she aims the weapon into the heart.

Specific Circus Talent(s):
You suppose you can call Margaux the 'Queen of Hearts' in Cirque De Mortifica', she doesn't do much but business and hula hoops. She's not as talented as the people her and Thomas have hired, and she applauds them behind closed curtains for their marvelous talents.


Dog-Tag Level:

One of two ringleaders.


Magic Abilities:
Turning everyone into their worst side. Evil. She hates doing this to people, so she RARELY does it. She thinks it isn't fair to mess with the minds of others, especially when it's all for evil. Though, it would be nice to have her own gang of ev-- Nah.

Morphs into a very cute child. She's a changeling, what can she do? Usually, she begs for sympathy when in this form, and when she really wants it, she uses the Puppy Dog Eye Act.




Enjoy Margaux's tunes!


"Stuff him in a sack and throw him over."
"Feed him to the hungry rats for dinner."
"Shoot him through the heart with a loaded pistol."
"Slice his throat with a rusted cleaver."
"Early in the morning."



And when the world ends,
that's what I'll plan towards,
then I'll trust girlfriends,
and maybe landlords.
'Cause I've been played but I'm looking for more
I say, "What would I gain if I took it to court?"



Thomas Malton.
Unfortunately, Margaux hates her husband just as much as Dolores. She too wishes to stab him once in a while, but she's just too heartbroken to consider a nice side. Margaux still loves him very much, and she knows that he is very sorry for what he did. She also knows that it's his fault, but you can't forget the past, especially an event like that. An unwavering grudge has been cast upon her husband, and nothing can change it. She does try so hard to love him like before the affair, and so far, it's working.
In the end, however, Margaux is very confused by their love. Even if she can't look at him the same way she used to before they traveled to England, she wants to get her love back. She will take her anger out on her husband at times, and she regrets it whenever that moment occurs. Margaux is a ticking time bomb when it comes to those two, but she's never gone when she blows up the first time.
She knows that Thomas' feelings for Dolores is rekindling in his heart, and the pain she is feeling grows stronger every moment by knowing that fact. Because of this, Margaux is in fact suicidal, as she is put in a mindset that she has no one else to care for in this world, and nobody loves her. One wrong move from either of them can put Margaux on the edge of death.


Dolores Lafayette.
Margaux's one enemy. Out of all the crew in Cirque De Mortifica', Margaux treats Dolores the worst. As much as Margaux wants to drop Dolores out of the circus, or better, kill her, she gives her a break once in a while, since she's so loyal and she makes her husband content.
Deep down, Margaux is afraid of her. She's afraid that she will steal her husband away and she will have to do the thing she fears most. Kill someone. Or herself. She envies Dolores as well, as she is beautiful and talented, something that Margaux desperately wants to be to make her husband happy.
Margaux's tenacity is great when it comes to being nice to Dolores but in the end she treats her like dirt. She knows she needs to stop, she does, but she's blinded by pain. On occasion, though, Margaux will step up to the plate and treat Dolores like the daughter she never had. She will treat her with undying love. Like Dolores is all she has, and all she ever will have. Dolores has been extremely faithful to Margaux despite all the torment she puts upon her. She deserves some kindness in her life, whether that be from Thomas or Margaux, and so she treats Dolores with kindness when she is at her very worst.

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Well, I might take up an Acrobat :o


[fieldbox="General Character Statistics, #8B2AB0, solid"]
I'd prefer you call me by my circus given names....
"T" or "King"




Krasnodar, Russia


[fieldbox="Physical Character Statistics, #8B2AB0, solid"]
Thomas embodies the general off-putting appearance as "un-approcahable", when in reality, he prefers to be approached and spoken with. He sports midnight black hair that is oddly enough greying at the roots, oceanic blue eyes, a rough and rugged jawline and a lean, suitable nose for his face. His ears always sport hollow black metal orbs (not known as tunnels at the time) which he's often never seen without, same as his cigarette. His entire body is mostly tattooed, with new tattoos being added almost weekly by the mans favourite artist of the times. He is 6"2' feet tall, and weighs around 188 pounds. He his well built, toned and a rather attractive individual. His preferred clothing when he isn't performing are simplistic pinstriped tops, or shirtless, jeans and trousers, and simple glossed black shoes. He can never be found without a cigarette either between his lips or his fingers. Occasionally he will paint his fingers black and dark purple. His dog tag is always around his neck hidden beneath his shirt. Occasionally, when he preforms in Cirque De Mortifica's shows, he will wear a classic top hat, long-vested blazer, pocket watch and pin-stripped trousers. He will paint underneath his eyes with black makeup and cherry his cheeks with red. During different performances, he will paint up his face and cover his hair, embodying his circus persona' of "Tattoo Man" or "Skull Man (his preferred persona').

Though T has a rather off-putting sense of self at first, he's a generally flirty and funny individual. Most of his comments can be found laced with sarcasm and denial of all previous life events. He speaks in a playful tone most times, taunting and teasing to whoever he speak with' a real clown, T is. Though of Demon origin, he's rarely even angry, or at least, those who have seen him angry are no longer alive to confirm nor' deny this anger. His love towards his wife is eternal, and though in his past and present he acts like an idiot around pretty women and sometimes, falls deeper into his web of mistrust, he can always be found high-tailing it right back to her. During the rare performances T takes place in, his showman ship is a true delight to witness, as he is able to wow the audience with feats of dangerous talent, and shows that contain true marvels.

[fieldbox="Mental Character Statistics, #8B2AB0, solid"]
Control: Thomas has always had a knack for control in most situations, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Unless you can out-smart the man, your chances of winning an argument with him in terms of power and control will fail.
Empathy: Always able to tell what someone is thinking before they think it, this skill, though one of Thomas's strengths, can get rather annoying if he overuses it to much. Sometimes he will interrupt people mid-sentence, finishing exactly what they were going to say, and even if he gets it wrong, his tremendous ego never seems to falter in defeat.

Seduction: A strength T possesses as nearly a back-burner, he finds it easy to seduce those around him, mostly of female origin. He's attempted the same on men, however, in 1885, to be openly attracted to another male is a sheer ludicrous though.
Drinking: A world class drinker (or at least in his mind), Thomas is excellent at holding back his liquor, and quite excellent at making his drunk attitude undetectable.
His Wife:Like a beautiful piece of artwork, forever with him, Margaux completes him as a person. She is always there to calm him down, rile him up, or give him a good smack should he go overboard, though slightly crazy (like them all) Thomas loves her and would never be able to go on without her.

[fieldbox="Mental Character Statistics Continued..., #8B2AB0, solid"]
Carnal Tendencies: They say a man only ever thinks with one head at a time, and that happens to be T's case most of the time. He regularly tries to avoid his need for carnal pleasure if his wife is not nearby, however, he has had past relations, causing a slight void in his relationship. These fits of need make him angry once he's back to being his normal, happy self, sometimes causing him to regret ever decision he's every made.
Directions: Blessed to have such a gifted conductor in Cirque De Mortifica, T regularly thanks and praises the individual for their excellent directional skills. This is because Thomas's sense of direction is god-awful and could never be counted for anything less than a grain of salt.
Humor: Though he never means to come off as rude, or crude, T can and will most likely accidentally insult you or a companion sometime whilst knowing the man. He considers his sense of humor "new-age" but most just find it weird. Sometimes, he can go completely without humor, seeming like he wants to decapitate whoever may be in front of him at any moment.
Water: Though brought up by a proper family, T was never taught to swim, or even tread water. Because of that, he avoids submerging himself completely, lest it be for a bath, where his head remains ABOVE the water.


Metal-Working: Though he prefers the "quieter" side of the arts, Thomas's skill for metal working is excellent. It's a side hobby, much like painting that allows him to craft small metal trinkets. Some people come to him for service, which he respectfully declines.

Painting: T is a skilled artist and metal-worker, however he mostly prefers to work with the arts and more specifically, paints. He draw's murals in his space time, which is always, and when his canvas's are full, he likes to paint the interior walls of the train itself, the outside of the circus's tents, and quite recently, peoples bodies, including his own; the latter with tattoo ink.

Blending In: With the help of modern day (1885) makeup and inks, T is able to blend into society as a normal civilian. That being said, he is excellent at hiding out when need be and is never easily caught. Never underestimate your audience, because you may just have T in it.

Silver-Tongue: Able to coheres most individuals into trusting him right off the bat, Thomas explores new uses for his silver tongue with nearly ever personable encounter. He is normally able to get a first met individual to like him and trust him, causing them to join his life as a companion or familiar face.


[bg=#BE53FC]Swimming: Thomas was never taught to swim as a child, nor' has taken the interest in his adult hood. Any and all skills pertaining to swimming are practically irrelevant to the man, seeing as he's never found a need for such a skill in his life - being he avoids water at all costs.[/bg]

[bg=#BE53FC]Organization: T's organizational skills are quite often non-existent. He cares little for organization, which tends to drive 'Margo' slightly insane. The office he shares with his wife is normally messy once he's entered and exited from it, alone with their sleeping quarters. Thomas has issues finding things most days due to his utter lack of organizational skill.[/bg]

[bg=#BE53FC]Subtlety: Due to being quite the boisterous individual T has never been able to quite get down the fact of subtlety. He normally and loudly states his opinions for everyone and their mothers to hear. Best not to leave secrets with this man, as he is an open book.[/bg]


[bg=#FFFFFF]The Water: His greatest fear and undying hatred rests in the Water. He has had multiple experiences with drowning, but the water has never killed him... yet. To this day he can't swim, and refuses to ever learn or go near a body of water that is not a bathtub, but who knows, knowing the folks he associates with, odds are one day someone will try to drown the man in a bathtub, resulting in the worst way to go - at least in T's mind.[/bg]

[bg=#FFFFFF]Confrontation: Though Thomas knows and actively regrets (yet enjoys) past decisions he's made, his underlying fear of being confronted by one or more parties involved in his mistakes chills him to the bone. He is generally used to getting his way with most things, and even when they're of sinful origin, he manages to carve an easy lie into his many notches.[/bg]

[fieldbox="Specialty Character Statistics, #8B2AB0, solid"]

A favourite technique that Thomas uses on his more personal kills, are scare tactics. He likes to go all out before actually putting someone to rest, with blood, illusions, screams and more. He possess the ability to cause slight illusions for those of his intended end, but when it comes down to actually ending someones life, he will use simplistic weaponry such as revolvers, small daggers, rope, or even his hands.
A side favourite is putting his oddly god-given talent to use, he prefer to use this only for special individuals who he enjoys killing, though it is not a rare sight, seeing as T preforms with this ability when on stage. He has the abilities to give life to the tattoo's on his body, and seeing as most of his body is covered (if not all, yet) he can control quite a few things. He is laced with snakes, owls, dragons, and tigers, among other things.
[spoili]This is a crude example of Thomas' ability:

Though T is considered a "Jack of All Trades" esque' individual, he specializes in acrobatics, and contorting his body. Though he is nowhere near as amazing as the individuals he and Margaux have hired to be in Cirque De Mortifica', his supernatural origin does tend to give him a little bit of an edge in most things humans consider feats' of impressive talent.

[bg=#A1A0A3]D♦OG T♦AG[/bg][bg=#A1A0A3][/bg]
One Of Two Ringleaders


T has the ability to bring life to the lifeless and motion to the motionless. Not to be confused with Life-Force Manipulation, Animation allows the holder to bring inanimate objects to life. This ability greatly influences the trains pattern as it is Thomas who gives the mechanical beast the ability to travel off-tracks. He also uses this with his favourite ability - moving his tattoos.
[fieldbox="Specialty Character Statistics, #8B2AB0, solid"]

Increased Strength
Being of demon origin, Thomas possesses increased strength, making him quite the match for most in a battle of raw fists.

Increased Stamina
Thomas is able to go at anything for an extended amount of time without showing signs of fatigue, it is only once his body decides to give, does he request a moment.

♦ Click here for a list of common demonic powers ♦


[fieldbox="Other Character Statistics, #8B2AB0, solid"]

  • Thomas doesn't remember much of the dark life he was born into; as most demons don't. The goal from birth is to inhabit that which is living, which Thomas now believes is what he did. With no recollection of the actual event itself, he believes the current body he inhabits to be one of previous mental state and origin. Thomas R. Malton, "born" 1857, is a 28 year old male who was brought into this world, only to be over taken, name and life, by a demonic essence. Going now by the name of his vessel, Thomas has only experienced the world for little more than a few years. The day he overtook this body, was the day his ethics, appearance, morals, and knowledge flew out the window to be replace by that of new origins. He was brought into the world in a city by the name of Krasnodar; in Russia. This being the case, Thomas developed easily to the language, spoken tongue, and tendencies of these people, blending in as well as he could. The body he chose to inhabit possessed wealth, a common amount, but enough to easily settle into the life of the living. Thomas had studied humans and their tendencies before from the world far beyond this one, examining the small things they did, the ways the operated, all to prepare him for the day he would be alive once more.
    He discovered almost instantly that this body had a family, a mother, father, three sets of grandparents, many aunts and uncles, and even a child, one whom he no longer possessed as an individual, but had pictures of, plastered all over the walls of the home. He also discovered quite soon in his life, the workings of this body limited him to dry land; this was discovered after he had heroically dove into a ginormous lake to rescue a drowning child - only to need rescuing himself. As Thomas gained ground in the body after many years, the people around him began to see that he wasn't aging... fast, anyways. There were some grey hairs here and there, as well as a few crow's lines whenever he gave a large toothy smile and crinkled his eyes shut, but nothing in the normal scale of human aging limits. The people around him began to get suspicious of who he was and just what he was doing to stay so young, especially after staying in the same city for 30+ years, only aging maybe 5 in appearance. After all, Thomas R. Malton's body was born in 1857, the soul that now possessed that body, was incapable of aging. Putting those two together made for slow and suspicious aging and people lurking through windows to catch a glimpse of whatever "potion" Thomas was taking in order to stay so young. Soon, the people of Krasnodar starting accusing the young man of witchcraft and sorcery; he found this rather odd and funny, neglecting to mention he was in fact of a dark origin. Lest, he had decided it was time to move on, Krasnodar was no longer a welcoming home for the man, and his family had passed long ago, aside from "his child" and one aunt.
  • Departure from Krasnodar was a blessing and a curse all in one. Thomas had to discover the world, the news and the old, the things he had witness from afar were changing faster than he had anticipated in the past - it was mad at how easily the people of this time tried to wind themselves away from what they knew. Thomas spent many frivolous years traveling the world, exploring new fears and new triumphs in his life. As he grew into the world around him and gained some knowledge, he came across a term that rather intrigued him: Circus. Now, Thomas had never observed nor heard about this "circus", but he was told by many that it was a marvel to witness that would leave the observer stunned and wanting more. Naturally, Thomas' natural curiosity lead him to find this circus he had heard so much about, it was located in a place known as Rome. Upon arrival in Rome, Thomas was greeted by streets decorated with ribbons, berries, leaves and clothing - odd enough, he was greeted by two strangely painted women he had never met before, both beautiful and alluring, Thomas naturally accepted whatever they told him. He discovered there was a performance underneath a "big-top", which was supposedly the main area for performers in this circus. When Thomas entered the tent, his jaw nearly dropped in amazement and astonishment. People dressed in every known colour to man, painted with black ink and frilled from head to toe, swung from beams and wires. He even saw some humans dare to get close enough to what they called "lions". Insanity. He knew the human race wasn't exactly a role model species for holding their lives preciously, but he thought they'd at least venture away from dangerous animals. To his astonishment, the Lion greeted the human like a long lost friend, obeying her commands and even (if Thomas' hearing was correct) purring at her touch, it was incredible. His eyes shifted everywhere from the varied audience; some sitting high in chairs made for royalty, to others sitting on the wooden slabs made out into makeshift seats for viewing. His eyes fluttered to painted individuals and that is where he fell in love with the circus. Right then and there, he knew what he was going to do with the rest of this life he had, and that... was join the circus.
  • A few months passed before Thomas was able to seclude himself in a small home, located on the South side of Rome and figure out just where he would start to get into the circus. The day he experienced that incredible show was a day he would never forget, so much so, that he had approached one of the inked women he saw, asking and practically pleading to be accepted in as a member. The result, was not so reassuring as Thomas was rejected almost immediately, scoffed at and shamed away like leftovers. He was quite heartbroken at the time, but did not give up, after all, he was slowly loosing his sense of violence and blood lust to the time spent in this body, and with that dissipating, so was his need to achieve things by force. Thomas settled down in a small home, and took up a hobby of painting. He wanted to mimic the women he saw flying and dancing around the stage, and thus, started creating what he believed to be his own interpretation of the circus on the sides of buildings and shop windows when payed by vendors. People began noticing the mans work, wondering where they could get pieces done for them, or even if they could. Thomas was please people enjoyed his art, and he was happy he had made the city (or at least certain areas of it) look rather beautiful. His growing popularity lead him to want more, so he started experimenting with the inks he used in his painting on his skin. The result was incredible, but not enough for him. Angered, he took himself to many different places in the city, demanding to know how people got ink permanently placed on their skin; only one answered reviled what he needed to know, and that was when an rather annoyed man pointed him off to a place known to everyone as the town's "inker". It was in this shop that Thomas began his true artistic journey, coming back every second day to get something new permanently placed upon his skin. After awhile, and many tattoos encompassing his body, he learned that he didn't have to permanently get these on him, and just by drawing on his body with ink, was he able to achieve the look he wanted, but was also able to change at will. This pleased the man as in the process he also learned he was able to remove the tattoos from his skin and bring them to life... quite an interesting talent, but he wouldn't have it any other way, and thus, his reputation of "Tattoo Man" proceeded him, gaining him a name in Rome.
  • The rise of popularity from Thomas' artwork caused many to come to him for services in the arts, however, others were attracted to him simply because they found him alluring, and the fact that he was an artist, put the cherry on top of the sundae, metaphorically speaking of course. Women of all races, species, and ethnicities flocked the man in droves, even some ballsy men attempted to court the artist. At first, Thomas couldn't get enough of the attention and salacious rewards that accompanied the women's presence. He slept with many, cared for non, fueled by his ego and love for the arts. That was until Winter, come the snowfall and fires, the ice skating and deporting trains, and the freezing of lakes, was Thomas' world swept from out under his feet. A woman, more beautiful than the rest met his companionship; she was different from the rest, harder to bed, easier to get along with, and much more difficult to discover. Her name was Margaux Elice, and from that moment on, Thomas knew she would be his wife. The two spent a couple years together, with Thomas mostly chasing the woman down - her tendencies to stay in one place unyielding, however, he eventually caught up to her, and asked her the one thing he could ask a flower amongst a dying field... if she would marry him and forever be his...she said yes. Thomas and Margaux spent the next few years together, discussing plans to start up a circus trope of their own, seeing as Margaux had also found a fascination with the circus, much like Thomas, making them an even better pair. The two discussed many opportunities, and it wasn't until they found themselves in London, England, that things started to piece together, and fall apart...
  • Thomas and Margaux traveled to London, England where they had decided to lift their circus idea off the ground. At that time, the two had been married for little more than a few months, giving them time to explore the in's and out's of each others personalities and figure out just what attracted them so much to each other in the first place. It was truly with Margaux that Thomas felt undeniably happy and could always be found with a smile on his face. While traveling through London, Margaux and Thomas came across a woman who went by the name "Banshie", she was known to preform in a cage; twisting her body and preforming amazing stunts that reviled that of humans. An early Spring day, Thomas and Margaux had come across this woman, alone in this cage, surrounded by herself and the sounds of nature. It was rare to see such a fair skinned woman in the streets of London, regardless of the constant storm clouds, it was difficult to possess such a skin tone, let alone be born with it. Thomas was instantly taken back, and shocked at how attractive and alluring this woman was. He mentally berated himself many a time about even considering another woman attractive, when he held the hand of the worlds truest beauty. Although, carnal tendencies of the male species lead him to commit unspeakable acts with this woman. Thomas would later reveal to his wife of the affair that took place with the woman known as Dolores, and would soon learn what it felt like not to be trusted by your own wife. Before this confrontation happened -however- Thomas and Margaux invited Dolores to accompany them, and join their small band of follows, to initiate Cirque De Mortifica.
  • With Cirque De Mortifica' now in full swing, Thomas and Margaux began gaining the attention of people all around the world. They soon realized to keep their show magnificent and truly captivating, changes needed to be made and quick. At the time, the two had only a couple people accompanying them in their tireless journey across the world to give the gift of true entertainment. Money was also a large issue, seeing as they kept needing more and more to hire different individuals, as well as keep their transportation in good up-keep. And that was when Thomas and Margaux decided to do the unthinkable, they decided to make money on the side in a horrifically in-human way - they decided to murder those who the world would be better without. The face of Cirque De Mortifica' is nothing but a scary ploy towards modern day audiences, designed to scare them and make them fear, allowing the members of CDM to showcase their bizarre powers and incredible talents. However, on the flip slide, each and every member that enters into Cirque De Mortifica' is a well armed and ample mercenary, killing to keep the circus's funds aloft, and mostly for their own twisted satisfaction. This has been going on for as long as Cirque De Mortifica' has been around, and coming up this year, that would be five years. Doesn't the world just seem like a better place now? Those scum no longer infesting the beautiful earth on which we stand?




Circus - Britney Spears
>>Friend. Lover. Partner.<<
Margaux Elice has been Thomas' partner for many years, and he couldn't imagine a day in his present life without her. Though he betrayed her in the past, he regrets his decision, but is never far from temptation. He likes to blame his mistakes on the genetic makeup of the male species and their hormones, however, Margaux quickly gives him a right slap for blaming anything but himself. Though he has done wrong, he regrets his past decisions and remains strong by Margaux's side, ruling Cirque De Mortifica' with a deadly fist. The two first met in Rome, and later decided to get married where they began to craft the idea in opening a circus. It was through mutual decision, mostly spurred on by Thomas's evil nature, that created the side business of extermination through Cirque De Mortifica. There is no one on the planet who Thomas appreciates more as a person, he however knows that if his tendencies to flirt with other women continues, the love Margaux feels for him will eventually dissipate, leaving him lonely, depressed and suicidal. He hopes for his near future and the love of his life that he is able to rekindle the flame the two once shared, and is able to hold back his tendencies to indulge in other women.


Cercavo Amore - Emma
>>Friend. Seductress. Previous Affair<<
Thomas was introduced to Dolores Lafayette through his wife (surprisingly enough), and in that moment, his animalistc tendencies overtook his better judgement. Him and Dolores share a type of brother sister love today, but back when he first met the woman, he had made the horrible decision -whilst married- to sleep with Dolores. This caused a rift of unease from Margaux, understandably. Thomas hurt inside, knowing that what he did was his fault alone, yet somehow he tried to convince his wife it was "just a man's way", only to end up being smacked and rightfully so. To this day, he still speaks and see's Dolores on the regular, and lately, the feelings of lust for her have come back to haunt the daunting Ringleader of Cirque De' Mortifica. His only hope, is that he can withstand the need for Dolores, because in his mind, he knows Margaux will never forgive him a second time.


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Thomas is fluent in three languages: Russian, French, and English
Thomas speaks with a thick Russian accent
When he was a young man, he had a small black cat that ran away
His favourite performance to watch are fire dances
The sound of rain soothes him to near sleep
He has been smoking for many years and doesn't plan on quitting anytime soon
His favourite animal is a cheetah, which oddly enough Cirque De Mortifica' does not have
He plans to perform for the Queen of England one day, accompanied by his lovely wife and Cirque De Mortifica'
The Dog-Tag's used in Cirque De Mortifica' were made by Thomas himself

Not including the tattoos he permanently has tattooed on his body, Thomas draws on nearly 150 extra tattoos when he performs.
He has made over $10,000 dollars from selling off his artwork
Thomas has never felt an admiration so strong for anyone - expect Margaux


Thomas' Main Theme

Some Other Delicious Tunes
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What website did you use for your character's name font? @Ali
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