Original poster
Welcome, newest member... TO CIRQUE DE' MORTIFICA! As of now, you are apart of our family. You share our secrets, share our tears; both happy and sad, and you complete the open-armed circle of our close knit family. Now, as you are aware, we are not but a simple circus trope, oh no, we, my dear, are a delicately different group of superior interest to those who wish to...ehem...get rid of someone, shall we say. Your job in the circus will be as follows, practice and preform death-defying stunts to capture and allure the attention of our audience members and keep the standing reputation - at least the publicly acceptable version - of Cirque De Mortifica' strong and proud. On the sidelines however, we work as self-sufficient mercenaries. By orders of the Ringleaders, each member of Cirque De Mortifica' must meet a weekly quota - of rather dubious results. We cater to those who relate to the term: "scum of the earth", and when I say cater, my dear, I mean kill...
Cirque De Mortifica' is home to the bizarrely strange, and sometimes even paranormal! So don't be going around side-eying your trope, lest you be murdered yourself... it does take awhile for some of the members to uh...warm up to you...
Our apologies on that... we try to hire only the friendliest of people!
Ah! What is that you have there? A token? Adorable.... Well, be sure not to loose that, some of the members are a little...handsy if I am to be frank - especially those clowns...
Here, take this...
It is your official dog-tag. It lets everyone in the circus know you are a trusted ally, and as you progress through the Circus's rankings, you will receive new tags, letting those around you know just how good you are at putting on a KILLER show ;)
Every new member of Cirque De Mortifica' starts with a "Level 1" dog tag, the more levels you achieve, the higher up in the circus you become. Take good care of this!
Alright... that's just about all we have for you today! Now get out there, and put on a deadly performance!
☠Member Descriptions☠
The Ringleaders - These two are in charge of the whole show. Running the operation from behind closed doors. A rather strange and creepy couple, the two make an excellent power pair, and are quite difficult to thwart in legal matters. Though many have tried to shut down Cirque De Mortifica', these two have always managed to keep it open and running for the adoring public. The Ringleaders are in charge of new member orientation, and have the final say in everything that goes on.
Tightrope Walkers - These magnificent stuntmen and women keep the sky's interesting by preforming incredible twists and flips in the air, all while keeping it creepy.
Knife Throwers - Trained specialists who prefer to kill with small knives, as well as entertain; more than anything else. They use thin, versatile daggers to aim for those unfortunate enough to be strapped to the rotating wheel.
Sword Swallowers - Their incredible ability to take an entire sword directly down their throat and recover without a scratch is unbelievable in itself, however, some of the Cirque De Mortifica' performers take it a step further, getting other performers to force the swords down their throats, or perhaps, even light them on fire!
Acrobats - Rulers of the sky and ground, these amazing performers take to the audiences reactions, eliciting flips and jumps no matter of regular humans could preform. This is what they do best!
Animal Tamers - In charge of keeping the entertainment versed, the animal tamers of Cirque De Mortifica' are very well trained, pre-emptive to entering CDM, with animals of all shapes, sizes and origins. Most Animal Trainers are used to working with beasts of supernatural origins, most people just believe to be lions or tigers dressed up in silly costumes.
Mimes - The odd ones out, but always the entertaining ones. Mimes do not speak during show, or really ever, for that matter. They are the masters of assassination, always able to sneak up on unsuspecting victims, and give the audience a good shock or two.
Fire Specialists/Dancers - These performers are versed in the skill of fire wielding! Able to withstand incredible heat, some believe these actors to be of dragon-origin; knowing Cirque De Mortifica's background, this isn't exactly a stretch!
Contortionist -Alone, they are the one you'll never see, the one you'll never find, and the one that will make you want to vomit. Their ability to twist, bend and stretch their bodies in ways no human should be allowed to, is always an extra sense of entertainment for the audience! They are also pretty good at getting away with murder...[/SIZE]
Clowns - Though generally thought of to bring joy to children and adults alike, Cirque De Mortifica's clowns come from an origins of darkness. They will do and say anything to disturb the audience and hold true to the show's scary factor. The clowns are responsible for the sick and twisted jokes of the show and have been known to be quite excellent with explosives.
The Beast - A thing of in-human origin, the Beast is a monster in itself. Huge and scary, this thing brings life to the supernatural bit of Cirque De Mortifica's disturbing truth. Nothing can stop the beast when it get's angry, so be careful.[/SIZE]
Strong Man - These guys relate somewhat to the beast, yet possess a more human appearance. They perform on stage, showcasing their incredible strength, and most likely making the audience question if they are indeed human or not.
Doctor - The Doctor is the one who tends to the many frequent wounds of Cirque De Mortifica's members. Versed in all studies of medicine, they can always be found roaming the grounds, making private tent calls, and of course, underneath the medical tents shelter.[/SIZE]
Chefs - This is an open position that most anyone can be hired for after they surpass their first dog tag. Chef's are responsible for cooking all the delicious food served to members of the circus.
Financial Planner - This person is responsible for the collection and storage of all of Cirque De Mortifica's funds and extermination pay-offs. They are the ruler (of sorts) of the vault located in CDM's train line. Money from exterminations can be delivered to this individual for collection upon return.[/SIZE]
Conductor/Announcer - This individual is almost like the shadow face behind the Circus's PM department. He runs the train, drives and chooses it's locations and tends to announce the shows before they start. Most people consider him the unofficial ring leader of Cirque De Mortifica'.
Security - These folks are the brute strength of Cirque De Mortifica', they are mostly commandeered as back-up on extermination missions, but when located on the circus's grounds, should be seen as dangerous if you choose to mess with them. Security is in charge of watching off limit rooms, retrieving weapons, member protection (though most members don't need it) and killing off those disobedient to the circus itself.[/SIZE]
☠Playing the Murdered☠
Thanks to the lovely @ILovePandas, a new option is available to any player wishing to add a side plot into their main characters lives. You are now able to play THE TARGETS . Yes, that's right, the targets. Simply fill out this CS below, and post it up. Your name will be added to Cirque De Mortifica's kill list depending on the difficulty you've listed!
Difficulty Level: (1-10 Levels or * to ***** stars)
☠Dog Tags☠
Whilst in Cirque De Mortifica', you will be issued a Dog-Tag. When you first arrive in the circus, you will be a level 1 member, meaning, you have access to certain mercenary jobs which are to be posted on the job board, daily, and can only travel to certain area's in the circus itself.
As you gain ground and reputation in Cirque De' Mortifica, you will be issued higher level tags, allowing you to do more, go more places, and accept more dangerous kill-jobs.
A warning from the Ringleaders: Do not abuse your level - if any member of Cirque De Mortifica is found in a place they do not belong with a dog-tag that doesn't match requirements, they will be killed on site, no questions asked.
Dog-Tag levels range from Level 1 to Level 10 and star levels (1 ☆ to 5 ☆☆☆☆☆), allowing different things per-level that are stated below, including perks, and bonuses!
Dog-Tags must be on your person at all times! No exceptions.
- Restricted to Level 1 Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Conductors Cabin
♦Weapons Vault
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦Animal Barracks (unless you have entered Cirque De Mortifica' as an Animal Tamer)
♦Private Tents
♦Bank Vault
♦Record Room
♦Magical Artifact Storage
♦Body Room
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
Your quota per week is: 1 Kill
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.
- Restricted to Level 2 Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Conductors Cabin
♦Weapons Vault
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦Animal Barracks
♦Private Tents
♦Bank Vault
♦Record Room
♦Magical Artifact Storage
♦Body Room
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
♦Trial period with the circus is now over! Congratulations!
Your quota per week is: 1 Kills
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.
- Restricted to Level 3 Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Conductors Cabin
♦Weapons Vault
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦Private Tents
♦Bank Vault
♦Record Room
♦Magical Artifact Storage
♦Body Room
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
Your quota per week is: 1 Kills
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.
- Restricted to Level 4 Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Conductors Cabin
♦Weapons Vault
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦Private Tents
♦Bank Vault
♦Record Room
♦Magical Artifact Storage
♦Body Room
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
♦Can accept staff jobs
Your quota per week is: 1 Kills
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.
- Restricted to Level 5 Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Conductors Cabin
♦Weapons Vault
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦Private Tents
♦Bank Vault
♦Record Room
♦Magical Artifact Storage
♦Body Room
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
♦Are allowed to keep a pet of reptilian origin (no cats or dogs)
♦Can accept staff jobs
Your quota per week is: [BCOLOR=#ffffff]2 Kills[/BCOLOR]
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.
- Restricted to Level 6 Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Conductors Cabin
♦Weapons Vault
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦Private Tents
♦Bank Vault
♦Record Room
♦Magical Artifact Storage
♦Body Room
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
♦Have a shared bunk with three other members
♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
♦Are allowed to keep a pet of reptilian origin (no cats or dogs)
♦Can accept staff jobs
Your quota per (2) weeks is: 2 Kills
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.
- Restricted to Level 7 Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦Private Tents
♦Bank Vault
♦Record Room
♦Magical Artifact Storage
♦Body Room
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
♦Have a shared bunk with with one other member
♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
♦Are allowed to keep a pet of reptilian or aviary origin (no cats or dogs)
♦Can accept staff jobs
Your quota per (2) weeks is: 2 Kills
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.
- Restricted to Level 8 Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦Private Tents
♦Bank Vault
♦Record Room
♦Body Room
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
♦Have a shared bunk with with one other member
♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
♦Are allowed to keep a pet of reptilian, amphibian or aviary origin (no cats or dogs)
♦Can accept staff jobs
Your quota per (2) weeks is: 2 Kills
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.
- Restricted to Level 9 Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦Private Tents
♦Bank Vault
♦Record Room
♦Body Room
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
♦Have a shared bunk with with one other member
♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
♦Are allowed to keep a pet of reptilian, amphibian or aviary origin (no cats or dogs)
♦Can accept staff jobs
Your quota per (2) weeks is: 2 Kills
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a level 10 or higher member, or the Ringleaders.
- Restricted to Level 10 Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Private Tents
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦Bank Vault
♦Body Room
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Able to kill at your leisure during your specified time frame
♦Have a shared bunk with one other member
♦Have a selection on jobs to complete (priority sequence[ex. Level 3's choose before level 1 and 2])
♦Can accept more difficult exterminations
♦Are allowed to keep a pet of any origin
♦Can accept staff jobs
Your quota per (2) weeks is: 3 Kills
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a star level member, or the Ringleaders.
- Restricted to Level * Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Body Room
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Access to a private tent - no shared quarters.
♦First pick on show slots (by star ranking [ex. ***** goes first * goes last])
♦First choice on kills/jobs (by star ranking)
♦Ability to take lower level punishment into your own hands
♦Final say over lower-leveled members
♦You may create a show plan for every other member of the circus, once.
♦First pick on weapons (by star ranking)
♦Access to rooms lower leveled members don't have
♦First call to meals (same as other star rankings)
♦Priority for Doctors call (by star ranking)
♦Option to choose the Cirque De Mortifica's destination, once.
♦Allowed to have an animal of any origin
Your quota per (1 Month) is: [BCOLOR=#ffffff]5 Kills[/BCOLOR]
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a higher level star member, the ringleaders, or take the matter into your own hands.
- Restricted to Level ** Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Body Room
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Access to a private tent - no shared quarters.
♦First pick on show slots (by star ranking [ex. ***** goes first * goes last])
♦First choice on kills/jobs (by star ranking)
♦Ability to take lower level punishment into your own hands
♦Final say over lower-leveled members
♦You may create a show plan for every other member of the circus, once.
♦First pick on weapons (by star ranking)
♦Access to rooms lower leveled members don't have
♦First call to meals (same as other star rankings)
♦Priority for Doctors call (by star ranking)
♦Option to choose the Cirque De Mortifica's destination, once.
♦Allowed to have an animal of any origin
Your quota per (1 Month) is: [BCOLOR=#000000]5 Kills[/BCOLOR]
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a higher level star member, the ringleaders, or take the matter into your own hands.
- Restricted to Level *** Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Body Room
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Access to a private tent - no shared quarters.
♦First pick on show slots (by star ranking [ex. ***** goes first * goes last])
♦First choice on kills/jobs (by star ranking)
♦Ability to take lower level punishment into your own hands
♦Final say over lower-leveled members
♦You may create a show plan for every other member of the circus, once.
♦First pick on weapons (by star ranking)
♦Access to rooms lower leveled members don't have
♦First call to meals (same as other star rankings)
♦Priority for Doctors call (by star ranking)
♦Option to choose the Cirque De Mortifica's destination, once.
♦Allowed to have an animal of any origin
Your quota per (1 Month) is: [BCOLOR=#000000]5[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#000000] Kills[/BCOLOR]
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a higher level star member, the ringleaders, or take the matter into your own hands.
LEVEL ★★★★
- Restricted to Level **** Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Body Room
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Access to a private tent - no shared quarters.
♦First pick on show slots (by star ranking [ex. ***** goes first * goes last])
♦First choice on kills/jobs (by star ranking)
♦Ability to take lower level punishment into your own hands
♦Final say over lower-leveled members
♦You may create a show plan for every other member of the circus, once.
♦First pick on weapons (by star ranking)
♦Access to rooms lower leveled members don't have
♦First call to meals (same as other star rankings)
♦Priority for Doctors call (by star ranking)
♦Option to choose the Cirque De Mortifica's destination, once.
♦Allowed to have an animal of any origin
♦Freedom to travel wherever and whenever you'd like
♦Option to have the circus hire you a personal assistant
Your quota per (1 Month) is: [BCOLOR=#000000]6 Kills[/BCOLOR]
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, a higher level star member, the ringleaders, or take the matter into your own hands.
LEVEL ★★★★★
- Restricted to Level ***** Exterminations -
Cannot Enter:
♦Ring Leaders Office (unless requested)
♦ Are a member of Cirque De Mortifica
♦Access to a private tent - no shared quarters.
♦First pick on show slots (by star ranking [ex. ***** goes first * goes last])
♦First choice on kills/jobs (by star ranking)
♦Ability to take lower level punishment into your own hands
♦Final say over lower-leveled members
♦You may create a show plan for every other member of the circus, once.
♦First pick on weapons (by star ranking)
♦Access to rooms lower leveled members don't have
♦First call to meals (same as other star rankings)
♦Priority for Doctors call (by star ranking)
♦Option to choose the Cirque De Mortifica's destination, once.
♦First call on magical artifacts
♦Allowed to have an animal of any origin
♦May initiate ONE outsider into Cirque De Mortifica by your hand
♦Freedom to travel wherever and whenever you'd like
♦Option to have the circus hire you a personal assistant
Your quota per (1 Month) is: [BCOLOR=#000000]6 Kills[/BCOLOR]
If these restrictions are disobeyed, and any rules are broken, you will be killed on site.
Please report any rule breakers to either security, the ringleaders, or take the matter into your own hands.
♦No Exterminations needed
♦Shared Quarter Living
♦Must serve level's in proper order (unless otherwise ordered)
♦Immediately respond to Ringleaders guises
♦Have final say over everything in the circus
♦Create the show plans
♦Cooperate with the staff to ensure optimal performance is occurring in Cirque De Mortifica
♦Have two dedicated train carts off-limits to others unless requested
♦Verify and allow certain jobs to be taken
Cirque De Mortifica's Train
♦ Conductors Cabin
♦ Main Transportation
♦ Animal Barracks
♦ Sleeping Bunks
♦ Ringleaders Office
♦ Bank Vault
♦ Magical Artifact Storage
♦ Body Room
♦ Record Room
♦ Quiet Room
♦Weapons Vault
♦ Ringleaders Sleeping Quarters
= Cirque De Mortifica's train boasts an heir of authority on the tracks, as well as the scary ability to travel off tracks - due to it's supernatural origin (and thanks to the Ringleaders power). It's used for main transportation of all of Cirque De Mortifica's amenities and members. =
Star Level Private Tents
= These tents are specifically reserved and set up for the star level members of Cirque De Mortifica, whether they choose to use them or not. Most tents include lighting, a rather large bed, private storage and more amenities to cater to the higher level members who have earned their right to private comfort. =
Kitchen and Dining Hall
= For those who wish to relax with a bite to eat, Cirque De Mortifica' only allows the finest catering into it's midst to serve it's members with what they deserve. Once a level 2 dog-tag is achieved, you are able to get a paid job in the kitchen.
During special occasions, a separate tent is set up as a bar, of sorts; available to everyone. =
Practice Arena
= This arena is available to all members of Cirque De Mortifica. Be sure to make use of this tent as often as possible to improve your skills and perfect your performances. Everything you need for your act can be found under the tarp of this tent, if you're missing something, ask one of the other more versed members, and they'd be happy to help you locate whatever you're looking for. =
Animal Barracks
= Multiple animal holding cells are attached to the main Cirque De Mortifica train. Animals of all species, known and unknown are kept here, well feed, bathed and housed in order to make them the most well performed creatures any circus has ever seen - along with the help of some... special help. Animal tamers have full, unbridled access to this area at all times with any level DT. =
Ringleaders Office
▲ Restricted Access ▲
= This office houses Cirque De Mortifica's Ringleaders when they aren't busy doing something else entirely. From here, they can view, and keep an eye on their beloved circus members and the grounds on which they currently stand. It is in this office the two can generally be found; it's area restricted access without invitation or specific ranking. =
Lounge Tent
= This tent was put up due to member request in Cirque De Mortifica'. Some find their jobs slightly stressful and therefore requested and lounge area of sorts. Excellent company, girls and boys alike, as well as wine of the finest grapes can be found in this tent. Take a load off and relax - the circus is about fun after all! =
Medical Tent
= Killing someone and preforming in a death-defying circus show aren't two things easily completed. People often get injured in Cirque De Mortifica', but thanks to our medical tent, all injuries are treatable, lets just try not to get ourselves injured in the future, alright? =
Bathhouse and Powder Room
♦ Showers
♦ Steam Room
♦ Bath
= Multiple bathhouses are set up all around Cirque De Mortifica's grounds (at the time) to cater to the needs of their performers. Inside, makeup for the performers can be found, as well as anything needed that the circus members require. =
Weapons Vault
= Filled to the brim with the most technologically advanced weapons of the day and age (1885) - this vault can be accessed by high ranking members of Cirque De Mortifica'. If a lower member requires a specific weapon, they must be accompanied by a higher level member, security guard, or one of two Ringleaders to access the vault. Everything from guns, to swords, knives, daggers, grenades, and bombs can be found; plus more! =
Quiet Room
= This room has been made due to the high stress activities the members of Cirque De Mortifica partake in. Any member can access this room at any time to simply take a break from it all. It's lockable from the inside, but can be locked from the outside if you so choose... =
Conductor's Cabin
= Run by a rather strange individual, the conductors cabin is to be entered by no one, unless authorized; other than the conductor themselves. It is the hub of Cirque De Mortifica', where the train is run and ran, and where the first stop on orientation begins! =
Bank Vault
= Containing all of the Circus's fee's and collections, the vault is available to high ranking members. Lower-ranking members who return from an extermination are to directly hand over their earnings to the Financial Planner which will then be stored in the vault. =
Record Room
= This room is where records of exterminations, bills, the circus's income and anything else is kept. Files on all members and expenses are also kept here. The room holds records on past mistakes as well, filing under anything from odd to... illegal. =
Magical Artifact Storage
= Due to the supernatural nature of most the members of Cirque De Mortifica', a magical artifacts room has been put in place by order of the Ring Leaders. It contains items some use for magical practice, as well as certain potions and other weirdly supernatural items that can be accessed by specific members. =
Body Room
= Not an often traversed room, the body room is where kills that cannot be hidden are kept. These bodies are used to feed the animals of Cirque De Mortifica' and are also used for strange magical practices. Those who enter Cirque De Mortifica' aren't often introduced to this room unless on accident. Security guards, star level members, and Ringleaders are the only ones allowed to enter this location. =
The Stage
= Gruesome and gory are the two best words that could describe the Cirque De Mortifica' stage. Set in the dark, for the most part, aside from custom stage lights, this stage is meant to mortify and disturb all those who see it. =
☠Character Sheet☠
(Picture here - Can be real, anime, or fantasy drawn.)
Character Name: The name of your character.
Gender: Male, Female, or Other
Species/Race: Human, Demon, Etc.
Age: How old is your character.
Birthplace/World: Where the character comes from.
Circus Occupation: Their job in the circus.
General Appearance: Eyes, Hair, Height, and other visual details.
Strengths: These are the thing your character is physically good at doing.
Weaknesses: These are things your character physically WEAK at.
Talents: Little things your character is good at. This can be anything from cooking to playing Sudoku.
Inabilities: Things your character is terrible at. For example, spelling or getting along with animals.
Fears: Things your character is afraid of, has a phobia of, or even small events they don't want to happen.
General Personality: This is the personality that the world sees. What people believe of your character. How the interact with other people.
General History: Childhood and important events that helped make your character who they are today.
Extermination Specialty: How does your character kill.
Specific Circus Talent(s): Anything your character is super-duper amazing at.
Dog-Tag Level: Everyone starts from Level 1
Magic Abilities: Any specific magic your character can do?
Relationships: Who does your character know and how?
Other: Anything else you'd like to add?
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