Cirque De Mortifica'

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Out of place, out of space and time, wide awake. Out of papers I am, not okay I am out my mind.

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C h a r a c t e r ♢​ N a m e
Alfie Stephen Ketell

G e n d e r

S p e c i e s R a c e

A g e

B i r t h p l a c e ♢​ W o r l d
Some say he was born from the depths of Purgatory, others say that he originated
from a foreign country in the middle of no where. Wherever he lived before, it is said
that he doesn't speak of it anymore because it left a bad taste in his mouth.

C i r c u s ♢​ O c c u p a t i o n

G e n e r a l ♢​ A p p e a r a n c e

Standing at about 6'7, Alfie is surprisingly taller than most of the people in the circus. He is pretty lean for his height, weighing around 210 pounds since the last time he decided to check. His complexion is a bit of a milky caramel white color, not intended on tanning any time soon. He has a medium built despite the fact he is a bit on the skinny side and plans on changing that somewhere down the line. His eyes are a light shade of blue while his hair his dark brown and stops at the middle of his neck. He has one tattoo that was placed on his waistline, other than that he doesn't have anything else to show or distinguishing marks to cover up.

I'm a be so cold, need some more, I've never felt these things before
I'm a feind for sure, please don't go. How could you not need me anymore?

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S t r e n g t h s
The higher the better.
Heights is Alfie's thing, he loves the adrenaline that he gains as rises. Thought this is true, he isn't stupid enough to fall from any height because he has enough brains to know that it would end him or at least severely injury him if he doesn't catch himself with his powers.

Run Alfie, run.
It isn't a major thing that Alfie has quite an Endurance on him even if he doesn't use it much. When he was younger he had immediately found out that he was faster than most of the humans his age...then again they were humans.

Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Dreaming is Alfie's most peaceful state and probably when he is the most understandable...then again he is sleeping unless you catch him day dreaming.

Cry me a river.
The water is a place where Alfie can melt away his troubles and pains. It is also a place where he is the faster if he ever needs to catch someone or make a run for it.

Love is all you need?
His family motivates him to keep going or at least did. Nowadays he just takes a few moments to look at a picture of them then he's good to go.

W e a k n e s s e s
You're furry distracting.
He simply adores cats, get him one and he'll love you forever.

What was in this again?
Poison weakens his powers and slows his thinking process, it has enough power to make him useless.

Your head isn't on right.
Beheading pretty much kills Alfie, so of course it would be his weakness.

Hell's blessings.
Alcohol plays on Alfie in the wrong ways. He's an angry drunk and he will most likely be extremely violent as well. It just depends on how much he consumes at once.

Think before you act!
Ah, what's a temper again? Alfie certainly wouldn't know, when he gets pissed off he lets his actions speak before his mind can react. Despite it, he has enough common sense to not murder anyone..or does he?

T a l e n t s




I n a b i l i t i e s

Drug Use


F e a r s
Toxic Chemicals
If you manage to get the right time of toxic chemicals, they will burn Alfie badly and stop him from
retracting or regenerating.

Going back home
Like I said before, it left a bad taste in his mouth and he would never got back there even if he had to.


I am so frustrated like my soul's been taken away. Broken promise of everything that I thought you were.
Thought you said this would never hurt, that's what it did that is all..

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G e n e r a l ♢​ P e r s o n a l i t y
Alfie can be confusing to people who do not have the slightest idea of who he is or if they do not understand him. He can be charming because his abilities allow him to be, but he isn't exactly a walk in the park either. If you do not take precautions while interacting with Alfie, then it will end ugly. He's easy to set off and quick to spill blood if he has to, which is the reason you should chose your words wisely. The man is also a sly one and can easily find out information he wants to or slide his way out of difficult situations if he hasn't already taken care of it. Psycho is putting matters lightly, but Alfie is one fucked up guy and he will tell you or better yet, show you how bad he can get. Sarcasm is a trait he possesses as well along with being overly blunt or painfully truthful without considering how the other person feels about it. Call him rude, but he doesn't really care as long as he was able to get his point across. Finally, Alfie has a peaceful state of mind as well. This is usually found when he has been sitting alone for awhile or when it is show time and he takes the leap. This can last for a few days, but can also end in a blink of an eye. To be honest, if he really has a thing for you he can be your best friend, but if you decide that you'd rather be an enemy...well, then he can be your worst nightmare.

G e n e r a l ♢​ H i s t o r y
Alfie's parents were both humans and a perfect couple at that. They never had problems with the authorities and were basically born in rich families. Though this was true, his mother kept a dark secret from her friends, family, and his father simply because she thought everyone would think she was insane. Oh yes, they were a perfect couple at first..until his mother had gotten drunk and slept with some random dude in a bar, but this dude wasn't random. In fact, his mother knew that something was wrong with him...something that wouldn't exactly sit well with any human being. She felt a strange inhuman vibe whenever she'd see him or even think about him, but she didn't have the guts to actually see or ask him any questions about himself. It was two weeks after that, that she found out she was pregnant with Alfie. She quickly explained to his father that she messed up and didn't exactly know what she was thinking or doing at the time. He had a hard time accepting the fact that his wife cheated on him, but he seriously loved the woman so he soon forgave her and started to actually help her out with the child.

When time went on, his mother was experiencing extreme pains, more than what she should be feeling while pregnant. She would experience extreme starvation and devour everything in the fridge while other times she would feel extremely weak or curse her husband out and anyone else for no good reason This pregnancy was changing her and although she didn't exactly catch on to what was happening at first, she was also slowly dying from it. Of course she kept on going, who would think about killing a baby? It was wrong and cruel even if it wasn't by her husband. Thought she thought of this to be true, something needed to be done or she would probably end up turning heads. She went to the doctors yes, but they didn't give her legit answers on why it felt like something was ripping her inside open. Was something killing her baby? Or was her baby doing all of this to her? Of course it wasn't him, he wasn't even born yet and probably didn't even develop fully just yet. She decided to just push it aside for the time being and take the meds that were suppose to decrease the pain in her stomach without hurting the baby. After a while, the baby had changed her completely to the point where she was ruthless and violent even if she didn't want to be. Even though she would eat and eat, she would still look weak and pale while her hair began to fall out. Dark circles and bags replaced the once flawless face of hers and her fingernails were unkempt and dirty. Her husband still tried to nurse her back to health, but she still couldn't help the fact that she ranted at him over the smallest situations or over nothing at all. Then, surprisingly, she had gotten so angered one day and murdered him then started to eat away at his corpse. For a brief moment, she had snapped out of what had seemed like a terrible trance to look at what she was forced to do.

At that very moment, she knew what she had to do. The baby, or whatever it was, needed to go no matter how much she didn't want him to. So, she grabbed the knife and hesitantly stabbed her stomach over and over until she couldn't anymore and slowly died. The stabbing was unsuccessful, Alfie still kicked and moved around in his stomach, but he did take quite an impact. The mysterious man from before had showed up taking his mother's bloody corpse and him to some strange place. They quickly took Alfie out of his mother's womb and fixed him up then gave him a new home and since he was hungry still, they forced him to feed off of his mother's own corpse until there was nothing left of her. From there he grew up quite nicely, he wasn't taught the normal subjects that humans would have been, but he was informed on the history of what he was and how he was suppose to handle it.

When Alfie grew up, he learned the truth about what had happened to his real mother and father. His guardians were never the ones to lie to him, so of course they told him the first time he asked even though he did look like his accidental dad. He had a sudden outburst after that, cursing his guardians out for making him eat his own mother. He didn't seem to understand that she tried to kill him and to be honest he didn't want to understand, it was fucked up to have him eat his own mother. Because he disrespected the elderly, he was quickly thrown out of his home and left basically for dead.

But what happened next?

Alfie had no where to go after he was dropped off in some random place, so he roamed the streets until he stumbled upon an actual house. He entered it not knowing what he was getting himself into or if the place was even empty. All he knew was that he was hungry and tired so he rummaged through a random freezer and gobbled down raw meat until he heard the click of a light come on. "Who are you and why are you in my house?" said the lady. Alfie didn't know what to do or say, so he turned around and spoke the truth. He said he was hungry and had no where else to go. She was cantious, but she had a heart big enough to cook him food and let him stay in her house until he got up on his feet. It was hard for him though, he didn't really know anything about earth further than what he was taught and what he was shown. Because of this she just ended up letting him live with her as a roommate who soon became his girlfriend then wife. A human and a leviathan together? His elder's did not approve of it even though they kicked him out. He had broken one of the set rules and now it was time to act on the matters.

It had been a few years since the marriage, Alfie and his wife had already made kids and were living pretty good with each other. The wait was over, they had seen enough of Alfie disobeying what had been set before they even had the thought of kicking him out. Why did they wait so long? They wanted to see if it was all just fluff and puppy love, but anyone with eyes can see that it wasn't. They had someone assassinate his family while he was away and tried to kill him too, but of course it didn't work. The sight was horrid, blood all over the walls and floors and the bodies of his family scattered throughout the house. He had completely went insane after that day, psychotic even and not just mentally. He became a ruthless killer who became fond of the smell of blood and the sounds of screams. Never getting caught because wherever he would be, he would leave it as clean as a whistle. Does he care about the fact that what he's doing is wrong? No, not at all and in fact, he will even torture his prey if he's in a good mood. [BCOLOR=transparent]Though this was true, the pain never left him no matter how many times he tried to tell himself he was going to be fine.[/BCOLOR]



I do not feel the fear of fallin, I wanna fly. If it all goes well then I will,....but what if I don't?
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E x t e r m i n a t i o n ♢​ S p e c i a l t y
This is when the charming comes in.
Alfie can use his ability to gaze into someone's eyes long enough that it hypnotizes them and forces them to go where ever he goes. When he accesses this ability, his eye color shifts to a pure white and will only be visible to the people he wants to use it on. Despite it, Alfie can only lure in about three people at a time until he learns to control more.

S p e c i f i c ♢​ C i r c u s ♢​ T a l e n t (s)
Going up to any height and falling right on target.

D o g - T a g ♢​ L e v e l

M a g i c ♢​ A b i l i t i e s


Kinetic Absorption



O t h e r

[fieldbox="Did You Know?, brown, solid"]
All of the quotes above of the text boxes are apart of this song:
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  • Love
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Reactions: Ali and Jihae
Character Name:
Xavier Gemstone


Dragokin(Half Dragon, Half Human)


Honolulu, Hawaii

Circus Occupation:
Fire Specialist/Dancer

General Appearance:
Xavier use to have long curly hair, but now it is cut short and swooped to the right. He puts a lot of gel in it, so he gets that Pretty Boy hairstyle. He is 6'2", with a nice muscular/slim build. He has that Sun Kissed skin that everyone in Hawaii is blessed with. He has striking Crystal Blue-gray eyes, that hide the fire burning inside of him. Speaking of fire, his skin is always hotter then most creatures or people, most likely because of his Dragon side. Xavier is usually wearing urban outfits that have a lot of color, like reds, or oranges, or any fire tone color. He will usually have a serious face, but he does like to have fun...even if be doesn't show it.

+Amazing Hand To Eye Coordination
+Super Strong, From Dragon Side
+Minor Acrobatics, Thanks To Dancing
+High Tolerance To Pain

-Anything To Do With Water, Since His Powers And Strength Are Diluted In The Water
-Contortion, Even Though A Dancer, Xavier's Body Still Doesn't Bend Like That

Dancing of course, his moves with fire hypnotizes the audience, they notice nothing else when he performs.
Cooking, he is an amazing cook. As long as the food can be cooked well done, he usually sticks to meats and barbecue.
Anything to do with Fire, he's a natural, be it eating it or dancing with it...he's the best.
Telling Jokes and Keeping an Audience Intrigued.

Telling Lies, he hates doing and if he can avoid it, he will.
Showing Emotion, he is either serious or slightly hilarious. Xavier just doesn't know why it's a big deal to express his emotions.
Too Trusting, he makes friends super quick, and he tells them everything...sometimes too much.

Aquaphobia, he hates water. Luckily, being half dragon the stench of filth or dirtiness tends to burn off, leaving him smelling of fresh burning wood and the muskie outdoors. He smells like a true man when he takes a Burning. He fears that he will drown one day, and his powers won't be able to protect him underwater.

General Personality:
Xavier is a strong personality to handle, he always thinks he is right, no matter what. He is wise for only being 21, knowing just the right thing to say to keep people from ripping his head off when he does something dumb. Even though he is wise beyond his years, he still has a 21 year old mindset, which means hormones tend to get in the way of most things. Usually he tries to take a girl or a guy from the audience to his tent...most of time he is caught, and the girl or guy is sent away. Xavier is known as the Little Romeo of the bunch, always flirting with the female and male performers...usually just getting a dirty look in return. He has a charming young boy attitude, but a man of wisdom deep down inside. He has a hidden, twisted side also...but who doesn't nowadays?

General History:
Revealing Throught Out RP (I love doing it that way, since it works out way better...please).

Extermination Specialty:
Is it not obvious by now? He burns them alive duh. Sometimes if he is feeling creative, he will burn them from the inside out...causing more pain than humanly possible. If he really wants to spice it up, he'll use his hypnotizing moves on the person, so they won't know what hit them until it's too late. He just loves to see the look of terror and shock on their faces when they realize what is happening.

Specific Circus Talent(s):
Fire Dancing-One of the, if not the best with fire dancing. He is just amazing with it.
Fire Hypnosis- His movement with the fire makes people feel warm and at peace, his dance moves look magical and marvelous.
Human Torch-He sets himself on fire, making it look like it came from lit fire wood. He dances around and does flips on stage.
Phoenix Special-Xavier's finale, he builds the fire inside of him and he let's it go, causing a spray of colorful fire, turning into a bird like shape. The fire sparks fluttered to the ground, making a shower of rainbow flares.

Dog-Tag Level:
Level 1(Semi New)

Magic Abilities:
Fire Magic(Fire Manipulation, can control, make, shape fire anyway he sees fit).
Shapeshifiting(Can only turn into a dragon).
Flying(Only in his dragon form).
Resistant To Fire(If you try burning him...good luck).

"I heard that these "♦♦♦♦" are a girl's best friend, is that true @Ali and @Commander Cheesecake?"
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There goes my guy^^.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Ali

Character Name:
Xavier Gemstone


Dragokin(Half Dragon, Half Human)


Honolulu, Hawaii

Circus Occupation:
Fire Specialist/Dancer

General Appearance:
Xavier use to have long curly hair, but now it is cut short and swooped to the right. He puts a lot of gel in it, so he gets that Pretty Boy hairstyle. He is 6'2", with a nice muscular/slim build. He has that Sun Kissed skin that everyone in Hawaii is blessed with. He has striking Crystal Blue-gray eyes, that hide the fire burning inside of him. Speaking of fire, his skin is always hotter then most creatures or people, most likely because of his Dragon side. Xavier is usually wearing urban outfits that have a lot of color, like reds, or oranges, or any fire tone color. He will usually have a serious face, but he does like to have fun...even if be doesn't show it.

+Amazing Hand To Eye Coordination
+Super Strong, From Dragon Side
+Minor Acrobatics, Thanks To Dancing
+High Tolerance To Pain

-Anything To Do With Water, Since His Powers And Strength Are Diluted In The Water
-Contortion, Even Though A Dancer, Xavier's Body Still Doesn't Bend Like That

Dancing of course, his moves with fire hypnotizes the audience, they notice nothing else when he performs.
Cooking, he is an amazing cook. As long as the food can be cooked well done, he usually sticks to meats and barbecue.
Anything to do with Fire, he's a natural, be it eating it or dancing with it...he's the best.
Telling Jokes and Keeping an Audience Intrigued.

Telling Lies, he hates doing and if he can avoid it, he will.
Showing Emotion, he is either serious or slightly hilarious. Xavier just doesn't know why it's a big deal to express his emotions.
Too Trusting, he makes friends super quick, and he tells them everything...sometimes too much.

Aquaphobia, he hates water. Luckily, being half dragon the stench of filth or dirtiness tends to burn off, leaving him smelling of fresh burning wood and the muskie outdoors. He smells like a true man when he takes a Burning. He fears that he will drown one day, and his powers won't be able to protect him underwater.

General Personality:
Xavier is a strong personality to handle, he always thinks he is right, no matter what. He is wise for only being 21, knowing just the right thing to say to keep people from ripping his head off when he does something dumb. Even though he is wise beyond his years, he still has a 21 year old mindset, which means hormones tend to get in the way of most things. Usually he tries to take a girl or a guy from the audience to his tent...most of time he is caught, and the girl or guy is sent away. Xavier is known as the Little Romeo of the bunch, always flirting with the female and male performers...usually just getting a dirty look in return. He has a charming young boy attitude, but a man of wisdom deep down inside. He has a hidden, twisted side also...but who doesn't nowadays?

General History:
Revealing Throught Out RP (I love doing it that way, since it works out way better...please).

Extermination Specialty:
Is it not obvious by now? He burns them alive duh. Sometimes if he is feeling creative, he will burn them from the inside out...causing more pain than humanly possible. If he really wants to spice it up, he'll use his hypnotizing moves on the person, so they won't know what hit them until it's too late. He just loves to see the look of terror and shock on their faces when they realize what is happening.

Specific Circus Talent(s):
Fire Dancing-One of the, if not the best with fire dancing. He is just amazing with it.
Fire Hypnosis- His movement with the fire makes people feel warm and at peace, his dance moves look magical and marvelous.
Human Torch-He sets himself on fire, making it look like it came from lit fire wood. He dances around and does flips on stage.
Phoenix Special-Xavier's finale, he builds the fire inside of him and he let's it go, causing a spray of colorful fire, turning into a bird like shape. The fire sparks fluttered to the ground, making a shower of rainbow flares.

Dog-Tag Level:
Level 1(Semi New)

Magic Abilities:
Fire Magic(Fire Manipulation, can control, make, shape fire anyway he sees fit).
Shapeshifiting(Can only turn into a dragon).
Flying(Only in his dragon form).
Resistant To Fire(If you try burning him...good luck).

"I heard that these "♦♦♦♦" are a girl's best friend, is that true @Ali and @Commander Cheesecake?"
My best friend is eating L O A D S of cheesecake. M'hm. I'm not proud if it. -Nodding.-

"How sad it would be, should laughter disappear."


Character Name:
Morticia Crevan


Grim Reaper


London, England

Circus Occupation:
General Appearance:
Morticia is a slender girl with long gray hair with a single braid, her eyes are a bright yellow green. She has extensive black fingernails and a noticeable scar across her face, neck, upper arm and left pinky finger. Her dress is predominantly black; additionally, her attire includes an incredibly lengthy top hat and knee length black high heeled boots. She wears an emerald ring on her left index finger.

When she needs to kill someone, she sometimes wear a square, silver framed glasses and usually seen with two silver, battle axe whose end handle was fastened with a silver moon and a silver sun.

enhanced speed and power enhanced endurance intelligence

Grim reapers have chartreuse phosphorescent eyes, and wear glasses when killing due to they are extremely nearsighted.

Grim reapers are not immune to human ailments, such as hunger and exhaustion.

human/monster anatomy
solving riddles
musically inclined

holding her giggles ♦ doing anything without payment

not able to laugh seeing someone die in the most nicest way

General Personality:
Morticia is strong-willed and cheerful girl with a fondness for cute things. She tends to punctuate her words with sweeping gestures and creepy giggles, and spends a considerable deal of time inside of coffins. She can be very childish sometimes but she can be very calm and level headed speaking deeply about death and the joys of life. She also likes sweets and tea.

General History:
Grim Reapers are humans who commited suicide and turned into one as punishment. Until the day they are forgiven, they are to work had and continuously observe people's deaths.

Morticia used to be dead until she was ressurected as a grim reaper to be punished. She really don't remember about her past or even how she died but she is certain that she will not be forgiven for she doesn't follow the grim reapers rules. She prefers to kill people for observation and experimentation that just observing them and watching them how they die before reaping their souls.

Extermination Specialty:
after taking its soul and storing it in her ring, she uses her axe to chop her victim to pieces then feed it to the animals or use it for her baking. Bones for flour, blood instead of milk and meat/organs for her pies.


Specific Circus Talent(s):
She can do tight rope walking and acrobatics when needed

Dog-Tag Level:

Magic Abilities:
Soul review and collection: By using her Death Scythe, she can review a dying soul's memories, via its Cinematic Record, and retrieve the soul to use it in case she needed information or something to eat

Morticia will only fix someone up if they give her a good laugh
She loves to eat dog biscuits
She can only sleep in coffins
She loves to drink her tea in beakers
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Yeah... Going to be a delay on my CHs... Appoliges.
*Drools uncontrollably into my coffee* These characters are so amazing! Mucho sexy!

Also, I did a little (a lot) of editing to my character profile (page 1 post #7) if you feel so obligated as to take a peek. ^_^
I swear I saw a specific year before. Yet now I can't seem to find it anywhere. Might someone be able to enlighten my blind eyes? And if it's alright, I'd like to tentatively* reserve a Fire Specialist and a Clown?

*Tentative as I am very interested, however, I do want to be sure I'll be able to stick around before taking up too much of anyone's time.

Character Name:
Morticia Crevan


Grim Reaper


London. England

Circus Occupation:

General Appearance:
Morticia is a slender girl with long gray hair with a single braid, her eyes are a bright yellow green. She has extensive black fingernails and a noticeable scar across her face, neck, upper arm and left pinky finger. Her dress is predominantly black; additionally, her attire includes an incredibly lengthy top hat and knee length black high heeled boots. She wears an emerald ring on her left index finger.

When she needs to kill someone, she sometimes wear a square, silver framed glasses and usually seen with two silver, battle axe whose end handle was fastened with a silver moon and a silver sun.

enhanced speed and power, enhanced endurance, intelligence

Grim reapers have chartreuse phosphorescent eyes, and wear glasses when killing due to they are extremely nearsighted.

Grim reapers are not immune to human ailments, such as hunger and exhaustion.

human/monster anatomy
solving riddles
musically inclined

holding her giggles, doing anything without payment

not able to laugh, seeing someone die in the most nicest way

General Personality:
Morticia is strong-willed and cheerful girl with a fondness for cute things. She tends to punctuate her words with sweeping gestures and creepy giggles, and spends a considerable deal of time inside of coffins. She can be very childish sometimes but she can be very calm and level headed speaking deeply about death and the joys of life. She also likes sweets and tea.

General History:
Grim Reapers are humans who commited suicide and turned into one as punishment. Until the day they are forgiven, they are to work had and continuously observe people's deaths.

Morticia used to be dead until she was ressurected as a grim reaper to be punished. She really don't remember about her past or even how she died but she is certain that she will not be forgiven for she doesn't follow the grim reapers rules. She prefers to kill people for observation and experimentation that just observing them and watching them how they die before reaping their souls.

Extermination Specialty:
after taking its soul and storing it in her ring, she uses her axe to chop her victim to pieces then feed it to the animals or use it for her baking. Bones for flour, blood instead of milk and meat/organs for her pies.
Specific Circus Talent(s): Anything your character is super-duper amazing at.

Dog-Tag Level:
Everyone starts from Level 1

Magic Abilities:
Soul review and collection: By using her Death Scythe, she can review a dying soul's memories, via its Cinematic Record, and retrieve the soul to use it in case she needed information or something to eat

Morticia will only fix someone up if they give her a good laugh
She loves to eat dog biscuits
She can only sleep in coffins
She loves to drink her tea in beakers​
Do I sense a hint of... Black Butler ;)?

@T E R R O R I used ♥


Character Name:
Xavier Gemstone


Dragokin(Half Dragon, Half Human)


Honolulu, Hawaii

Circus Occupation:
Fire Specialist/Dancer

General Appearance:
Xavier use to have long curly hair, but now it is cut short and swooped to the right. He puts a lot of gel in it, so he gets that Pretty Boy hairstyle. He is 6'2", with a nice muscular/slim build. He has that Sun Kissed skin that everyone in Hawaii is blessed with. He has striking Crystal Blue-gray eyes, that hide the fire burning inside of him. Speaking of fire, his skin is always hotter then most creatures or people, most likely because of his Dragon side. Xavier is usually wearing urban outfits that have a lot of color, like reds, or oranges, or any fire tone color. He will usually have a serious face, but he does like to have fun...even if be doesn't show it.

+Amazing Hand To Eye Coordination
+Super Strong, From Dragon Side
+Minor Acrobatics, Thanks To Dancing
+High Tolerance To Pain

-Anything To Do With Water, Since His Powers And Strength Are Diluted In The Water
-Contortion, Even Though A Dancer, Xavier's Body Still Doesn't Bend Like That

Dancing of course, his moves with fire hypnotizes the audience, they notice nothing else when he performs.
Cooking, he is an amazing cook. As long as the food can be cooked well done, he usually sticks to meats and barbecue.
Anything to do with Fire, he's a natural, be it eating it or dancing with it...he's the best.
Telling Jokes and Keeping an Audience Intrigued.

Telling Lies, he hates doing and if he can avoid it, he will.
Showing Emotion, he is either serious or slightly hilarious. Xavier just doesn't know why it's a big deal to express his emotions.
Too Trusting, he makes friends super quick, and he tells them everything...sometimes too much.

Aquaphobia, he hates water. Luckily, being half dragon the stench of filth or dirtiness tends to burn off, leaving him smelling of fresh burning wood and the muskie outdoors. He smells like a true man when he takes a Burning. He fears that he will drown one day, and his powers won't be able to protect him underwater.

General Personality:
Xavier is a strong personality to handle, he always thinks he is right, no matter what. He is wise for only being 21, knowing just the right thing to say to keep people from ripping his head off when he does something dumb. Even though he is wise beyond his years, he still has a 21 year old mindset, which means hormones tend to get in the way of most things. Usually he tries to take a girl or a guy from the audience to his tent...most of time he is caught, and the girl or guy is sent away. Xavier is known as the Little Romeo of the bunch, always flirting with the female and male performers...usually just getting a dirty look in return. He has a charming young boy attitude, but a man of wisdom deep down inside. He has a hidden, twisted side also...but who doesn't nowadays?

General History:
Revealing Throught Out RP (I love doing it that way, since it works out way better...please).

Extermination Specialty:
Is it not obvious by now? He burns them alive duh. Sometimes if he is feeling creative, he will burn them from the inside out...causing more pain than humanly possible. If he really wants to spice it up, he'll use his hypnotizing moves on the person, so they won't know what hit them until it's too late. He just loves to see the look of terror and shock on their faces when they realize what is happening.

Specific Circus Talent(s):
Fire Dancing-One of the, if not the best with fire dancing. He is just amazing with it.
Fire Hypnosis- His movement with the fire makes people feel warm and at peace, his dance moves look magical and marvelous.
Human Torch-He sets himself on fire, making it look like it came from lit fire wood. He dances around and does flips on stage.
Phoenix Special-Xavier's finale, he builds the fire inside of him and he let's it go, causing a spray of colorful fire, turning into a bird like shape. The fire sparks fluttered to the ground, making a shower of rainbow flares.

Dog-Tag Level:
Level 1(Semi New)

Magic Abilities:
Fire Magic(Fire Manipulation, can control, make, shape fire anyway he sees fit).
Shapeshifiting(Can only turn into a dragon).
Flying(Only in his dragon form).
Resistant To Fire(If you try burning him...good luck).

"I heard that these "♦♦♦♦" are a girl's best friend, is that true @Ali and @Commander Cheesecake?"
Love the character hun, I'll add him as soon as I can into the character roster and accepted characters on the front page ♥ DIAMOND'S ARE A GIRL'S BFF! ♥

Yeah... Going to be a delay on my CHs... Appoliges.
Alright, well I'm most likely putting up the IC tomorrow or early the next day, so when you get around to making your CS, just hop in :)

*Drools uncontrollably into my coffee* These characters are so amazing! Mucho sexy!

Also, I did a little (a lot) of editing to my character profile (page 1 post #7) if you feel so obligated as to take a peek. ^_^
I love the character :)

I swear I saw a specific year before. Yet now I can't seem to find it anywhere. Might someone be able to enlighten my blind eyes? And if it's alright, I'd like to tentatively* reserve a Fire Specialist and a Clown?

*Tentative as I am very interested, however, I do want to be sure I'll be able to stick around before taking up too much of anyone's time.
I'll mark you down, just let me know where you stand a couple days from now and we'll look into getting you a permanent position or...whatever else comes up, lmfao. And yes! Thank you @ILovePandas it is 1885 and we're set in London, England (at least until we decide to go elsewhere!)
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I'll mark you down, just let me know where you stand a couple days from now and we'll look into getting you a permanent position or...whatever else comes up, lmfao. And yes! Thank you @ILovePanda's it is 1885 and we're set in London, England (at least until we decide to go elsewhere!)
Will do.
@T E R R O R i almost forgot about you. Literally had to go through my conversations, bookmarks, and threads/rps i used to be in and then i remembered clearly >:} Reeces! I doubt you remember me... ehh xD
Yes, I remember you Bunn :3
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Tomorrow, nice. I CAN'T WAIT TO BURN SCUMBAGS ALIVE...I mean write in this glorious RP...yeah that's what I mean.
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@Ali aww Xavier and T both have a fear of water rofl.

So I see that some of the characters have star dog tags, so they are passed level ten of the regular ones right?

I made Xavier dog tag 1 since I want him to be semi new, like he's been with them for a month or two, just getting into the flow of things. Like the little brother of the bunch rofl. Just wanted to know how they got stars, I guess you talked it over. Was just confused by those tags lol. The crown is just the dog tags level one to ten right?
@Ali aww Xavier and T both have a fear of water rofl.

So I see that some of the characters have star dog tags, so they are passed level ten of the regular ones right?

I made Xavier dog tag 1 since I want him to be semi new, like he's been with them for a month or two, just getting into the flow of things. Like the little brother of the bunch rofl. Just wanted to know how they got stars, I guess you talked it over. Was just confused by those tags lol. The crown is just the dog tags level one to ten right?
Oh those poor boys XD Something bad is going to happen, I can just tell.
Yes, so the way the dog-tag system works is you start at level 1 and can go up to level 10 (those would be considered crowns) after level 10 you reach the star ranks, varying from 1 star to 5 stars.
Depending on your ranking you have different privileges, such as room access, first calls to meals, first performances,ect (which I'll eventually add on to the first post).
To gain a level, you must preform exceptional kills, and performances, all while holding true to Cirque De Mortifica's vision of excellence and creepiness ;P There are other ways to make your way to the top...lying, thieving, taking credit for others work (all excellent sub-plots may I add) and the only people allowed to give a new ranking to a member are the two ringleaders :)
I hope this shone some light on my vague explanation ^-^
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Oh those poor boys XD Something bad is going to happen, I can just tell.
Yes, so the way the dog-tag system works is you start at level 1 and can go up to level 10 (those would be considered crowns) after level 10 you reach the star ranks, varying from 1 star to 5 stars.
Depending on your ranking you have different privileges, such as room access, first calls to meals, first performances,ect (which I'll eventually add on to the first post).
To gain a level, you must preform exceptional kills, and performances, all while holding true to Cirque De Mortifica's vision of excellence and creepiness ;P There are other ways to make your way to the top...lying, thieving, taking credit for others work (all excellent sub-plots may I add) and the only people allowed to give a new ranking to a member are the two ringleaders :)
I hope this shone some light on my vague explanation ^-^
LOl it did. Well Xavier will be doing it the more honest way....just killing worthless people, he hates lying rofl...unless he's killing someone who deserves it.

O.o...what do you mean something bad is going to happen...*Puts on Floaties* rofl.
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