Chrono Asylum: Prelude to Madness (OOC/Sign up)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
Introduction, Gold
GM: Vonz
Sub-GM: Ryvver




Since the dawn of Mankind's innocence and subsequent fall, he has always sought dominion over that which lies beyond the perimeters of understanding. Always desiring more yet never satisfied, the endless cycle of gluttony in an eternal loop of irony. This unquenchable thirst for the taboo lead Man into discovering a force of change one that could transcend mortals from the restraints cast by Nature, Reality and Sanity. This malevolent force known as Alchemy which Man aimed to exploit so as to sever the chains of stagnation and usher in a self-proclaimed golden era, a utopia.​

Though its origins still vague and shrouded in ambiguity, the certainty of its miracles were irrefutable and so quickly lured all those whose hearts had been tainted by ambition and lust. Many considered Alchemy to be some form of sorcery, a naive assumption. Alchemy is simply a harbinger of change by transmuting one's will and breathing it into existence, severing the chains of weakness but at a price. A basic principal dictates when something is acquired a compensation would be in order. Thus anyone who wielded Alchemy as the double edged blade it was, were doomed to sacrifice their very identity, their humanity. This self-destructive force later on came to be known as the Insannadiction Effect; where a process of digression would occur, leading to a "monstrous" state where Man's first and purest of carnal desires lay dormant, namely destruction and violence. This realization slowly began to arouse a sense of dread and that gave birth to fear. Alchemy came to be known as what it truly was, an opium so addictive that it poisons those who are seduced by its allure and without restrain slowly engulfs them in madness, an unnatural insanity. Due to this Alchemy was soon considered a forbidden art, immediately replaced by Chemistry which respected the laws dictated by Nature.

The practice of Alchemy however did not stop; some stains can only fade but never wash away. Humanity's greatest folly is perhaps their stubborn inability to learn and such was the case with Alchemy. It did not stop; the forbidden art could not dissipate. While the knowledge of Alchemy remained scarce, those that possessed it wielded an uncanny advantage. There soon existed two kinds of people, those that remained unaware seeking shelter in their ignorance and those that were aware of the circumstances but lacked the power to make a decisive stand. After all what is a mere human in comparison to a Alchemist, for they are monsters are they not? However the world could not allow itself to descend into madness and thus near the fifteenth century a change occurred that marked a momentous era. An organization surfaced from the shadows, unbeknownst to the ignorant and a looming eye over the Alchemists. This organization was created to counter and monitor Alchemy in hopes to lift the curse it had woven upon the world. How one may ask? The answer quite simple, the only way to beat a monster is with another much stronger monster. And so the Alchemy Management and Restraint Organization (A.M.R.O) was born as a deterrent to turmoil.

To fend of rogue Alchemists A.M.R.O gathered itself an army of trained and disciplined Alchemists, for humans had proven to be ineffective and incompetent, monsters were needed. Every Alchemist that joined the ranks of A.M.R.O was tasked to work in pairs, becoming taboo for the two to separate from each other. The reasons for the pairing was crucial, due to the dreaded insanaddiction effect, both alchemists were ordered to share a link between their sanity to halt and curb the curse. But the reality of this pairing was far more grim, simply if one of the partners were to fall victim to the curse than the other was to immediately kill him or her, preventing catastrophe.

Over the centuries A.M.R.O's influence grew rapidly, so much so that it could indirectly affect the very economy of a state and its decisions. Over the course of time A.M.R.O even managed to excel in technology, creating weapons and machinery that surpassed the years, over a century ahead of its time. However their greatest and recent creation was undoubtedly the creation of anti-Alchemic ammunition, which gave an alternate source of battle and allowed regular human to join the Frey.

But near the beginning of the 20th century problems once again started to rise, problems that after centuries posed a real threat to the stability of the world but more over the power that A.M.R.O held. For some reason the Alchemists in the world had begun to increase dramatically and what was truly shocking was the fact that a rebellion had surfaced where many opposed A.M.R.O and its monopolization of Alchemy, eventually all hell broke out and a war surfaced unlike any other, that threatened both the alchemic and mortal worlds. However the aftermath gave birth to the real threat, while everyone was lulled into a false sense of security and peace with the aligning of nations and creation of UN, yet behind this facade storms were brewing for a feeling had seeped in that A.M.R.O was no longer the only organization of its kind. Its the 21st Century now and yet this is all merely the prelude to that which is about to come!

Overview, Yellowgreen

The Alchemists who are recruited under A.M.R.O are not called Alchemists but have a resounding name that screams their mission and purpose, a name whose main objective is to be the shield against insanity and place a straitjacket over those who threaten the stability of society. These Alchemists that are the soldiers of A.M.R.O are simply known as "Asylums" with each possessing a codename that is engraved in their skin, a roman numerical and their identity as a member of the organization. Out of all the Roman numerals only the top twelve agents of A.M.R.O are given the distinctive title of Chrono Numbers/ Chrono Asylums, their roman numerical being from I to XII. They are considered to be the most loyal and strongest of all, those who won't hesitate a second to kill if ordered. Their influence in the organization is such that a Chrono number can lead their own private armies and are given domain over a specific region.


Among the Asylums, each has their own area of expertise where they are known to excel at. There are four divisions in which the soldiers are placed, if they show adequate skill. A specialization.

SILENCERS: Those that are excel and not just defeating their opponents but killing them, lacking in the area of self-control they are beasts who take no prisoners with but one motto, move in fast and kill faster. They are known to possess a short temper or a callous attitude a result from their training which dictates all that lives is but a target to be shot down.

HUNTERS: They are experts in the art of hounding their target for all eternity if be it. Unrelenting and unforgiving they are well versed in all field related to the chase, namely tracking and trapping, possessing the blood lust and stubbornness of a wolf. They tend to possess a more laid back attitude due to their training which has taught them that all that lives must move and all that moves can be stopped.

SNIFFERS: The Sherlocks of the lot. They are those that possess a keen insight with a keener sense of deduction and analytical perception. For them there are no queries only answers, no problems only solutions. However finding clues in not all that they can accomplish, for an opponent that often join a fight with a Sniffer will often find himself defeated before he can think, for the Sniffer would have already thought of it. They tend to possess a calm and unnerving demeanor due to their training which dictates all that lives questions and for every question there is an answer.

HYBRIDS: Last but not least, there are the jack of all trades. While they may not be well versed in one specific specialization, they more than make up for it by combining all of them and utilizing them together making them the most versatile of the lot. They often possess a more active personality due to their training which states, all that lives seeks to stagnate hence you keep moving.


The use of Alchemy to effect external matters is known as 'cast' or 'casting.' Alchemy casting is divided into three divisions so as to maintain one of the aims of A.M.R.O, which is restriction of Alchemy.

A level three cast is quite basic, it is simply what can be achieved through the Alchemic styles and through channeling their cast and affecting the external factors around him. The drain via this level of a cast is not exceptionally high and the damage dealt can be quite deadly depending on how much effort one places. However such a cast still has its limitation mainly Alchemy is unable to affect things on a "great" scale. While one can control the elements such as fire and use it in various ways, he will however not be able to bring forth a volcano and wreak havoc.

A level two cast is a big game changer as with it a whole new threshold is created. What is thought as impossible with a level three cast becomes entirely possible, its effective and power rate increasing nearly fifty fold, such is a destructive capabilities of a level two and thus the insannadiction drain is also just as high hence the reason for it being deemed taboo. It can only be used by Asylum's upon request and must be authorized by a Chrono Asylum. Also among a pair of Asylums only one Asylum can use a level two cast, this is because the other Asylum allows his sanity to compensate for the loss of his partner's. This cast is activated upon a recitation of "Exceed" which breaks a subconscious barrier that A.M.R.O has placed on all its agents and thus allowing access.

A level one cast is shrouded in myth, most believe it does not exist and those that do possess knowledge of it fear it and thus keep it sealed. Its capabilities are so great that even Chrono Asylum's are denied access of it.


Aside from their area of expertise each Asylum must also select an Alchemic style that suits their personality hence producing effective results. Throughout Alchemy's creation there have been variation in how it is used; it is believed that a universal form never truly existed. From what is known Alchemy has three styles, from which it is channeled, with one being a conduit for the two.

Vocem: Where one must will his words into existence and thus transmute what he desires. This Alchemic style utilizes Alchemy through chanting out words that possess meaning for the chanter and thus channeling the power into reality. This style is known for its versatility, for the Alchemic power output often depends on the length of the words and the passion placed in them, hence making it controllable and accurate. Its downside is if a powerful cast is necessary then it can be quite time consuming.

Motem: The conduit style. In essence this style is known to all for it is movement and often works in tandem with other styles. However those that choose to further develop this form will find it to be a powerful means to an end. As mentioned it utilizes movement to channel Alchemy and those that make this a primary style gain a more powerful form of channeling Alchemy. This style allows a combination of power, accuracy and speed. While not as accurate as Vocem, this style makes up for it with greater power and less time consumption. However it is not as flexible as Vocem, where you can increase the lengths of your words for a stronger cast however in Motem, there is only so much movement you can make before channeling your Alchemy.

Sigillum: The third and final Alchemic style and often described as the strongest one. In situations where a strong cast is necessary but with minimal time consumption this form is ideal. In Sigillum one channel his/her Alchemy through drawing a sigil or a mark and through it Alchemy erupts. It also covers a greater area with the Alchemic effects lasting much longer. However its main flaw is the lack of accuracy, it cannot manage pinpoint attacks and only up to three Sigils can be drawn by an Asylum due to the tedious amount of power it takes to activate.

There needs to be a combination of two styles. One primary and one secondary.


The universal rules of Alchemy that had been set by A.M.R.O are possibly known by every person who has the knowledge of Alchemy and these rules are considered to be absolute. Among the rules the strictest are:

1: Alchemy can't be used to kill humans
2: The sanity of other humans can't be sacrificed to aid your own
3: The use of level 2 casts is taboo and level 1 strictly forbidden.

If any of these rules are broken the penalty is instant death.
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Sign Up Information, Olive

  • Rules
    Rule 1: Read all the signs ups located in the second and third post

    Rule 2: You have to restrict yourself and can't use level 2 let alone level 1 casts so often.

    Rule 3: It is up to you if you wish to give your history or not in your sign up, but everyone will have to show his/her story in the RP. Consider it like an arc based on your character where his/her motives come to light, such as what he/she desired when joining A.M.R.O. So yes you can affect the plot with your own inputs and story, but you need to tell me what you are planning. (If there is any confusion PM me)

    Rule 4: We all have to create two characters, reason I already gave it in the plot and with two characters you can make a better story arc and if you find yourself stuck it will be easier to get out by showing conversations between them.

    Rule 5: Only one of my character is a Chrono Asylum and no one else is allowed, that is because she will direct the plot. Not being a Chrono doesn't mean you are weak it just means level 1 casts are forbidden and level 2, need permission. Makes things a lot more interesting. (But at certain point rules can be broken can't they? ;D)

    Rule 6: If there is any confusion or questions feel free to ask here.

    Rule 7: Another important rule is you have to keep your weapons hidden so that you don't catch attention, you all are covert agents. Also you can't steal another person's idea of hiding the weapons.

    Rule 8: All asylums share a telepathic link and can communicate with other asylums telepathically using their alchemy.

    Rule 9: The GM and Sub-GM have the right to deny your acceptance in this RP based on your sign up.

    Rule 10: This RP will follow a chapter system and if someone wishes to quit or join they can in the next chapter.
    If you wish to reserve a spot for the next chapter pm me.

  • Sign Up Sheet
    Credit to Mikael for layout

    Name: ...your name!

    Official Title: Either a title that you are famous by and has its own story, or a nickname your fellow asylums can call you. You don't have to have one.

    Team Title: All asylum teams can have titles if they are skilled/well respected enough by other asylum teams. Having a title also means that other asylum teams have heard of you.*

    Gender: Male or Female

    Age: Your choice, but must be between 17 and under 40.

    Position: Asylum

    Specialty: Sniffer, Hunter, Hybrid, or Silencer -- the four main asylum soldier divisions.*

    Alchemic Style: Vocem, Sigillum, Motem. You have to choose a combination of two!

    Asylum Code: All asylums have a Roman Numeral code tattooed somewhere on their body -- it is their number and nobody else can have it. This means that your character sheets can be rejected because it wants a number someone already has. Write the Roman Numeral you desire along with the translated number in (parenthesis). Then write where it is located on the body. Your number cannot be zero or 1 through 12, as those are for the 12 Chrono Asylums. So, for example, LXXI (71). Located on the back of the skull. If you need help with the Roman Numerals, use this site:

    Weapons: You may have only 3 weapons. While A.M.R.O's technology is a hundred years advance try to be creative with your weapons, but don't let them become too futuristic. If you need help, post your questions in the OOC thread.
    There is one other element in Weapons that you could consider: AMRO's Anti-Alchemy substance. This substance, when inside an alchemist's body, disrupts their alchemy power. The typical way to use anti Alchemy is to put them in your bullets, so that if one bullet hits an alchemist, it'll set you up for a killing shot. If you have more questions on this, please post them in the OOC thread, as it is a very interesting subject that many people trying to join have misunderstood.

    Alchemy specialization: Also known as Alch-Specs. But first, let me make something perfectly clear: all asylums can use all kinds of alchemy, but every asylum has his or her own specialization, which is basically just a kind of alchemy that they excel at. Although there are thousands of asylums working for AMRO that have the same alch-spec, for story purposes, all the players' asylums must have different alch-specs. This means that your character sheets can be rejected because it wants an alch-spec that someone already has. If you need help picking an alch-spec, don't be shy to ask for help in the OOC thread.

    Appearance: Describe your character's physique, appearance, and clothing, in at least paragraphs.

    Personality: Describe your character's personality with at least 2 paragraphs.
    History: Writing your character's backstory is not necessary at the time of character sheet submission. But later on, it would be a good idea to create one and show it in the story. You also don't have to show your character's entire backstory here if you prefer.

    Other: Any additional information.

  • List of Alchemy Specializations that are too over powered or reserved*

    Blood Manipulation

    Thought projection

    Instant regeneration

    Space and time


    Darkness manipulation

    Ice manipulation


    Molecular manipulation

    Deconstruction reconstruction at a molecular level

    This list is subjected to increase.
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Roster, Seagreen

  • [Angel]
    Title: Angel of Misfortune, Crimson Asylum, Blood Draped Angel
    Age: In his 30s
    Position: Lost Number
    Specialty: Sniffer
    Code: XIII
    ----------- Assigned Partner -----------
    Title: A.M.R.O's Little Princess, The Prodigy
    Age: Around 15 or so
    Position: Chrono Asylum
    Specialty: Silencer
    Code: VI
    Gravity manipulation

  • [Seira]
    Position: Asylum
    Specialty: Hybrid
    Code: XCI (91)
    Alch-Specs: Seraph's Embrace (Barrier Manipulation)
    ----------- Assigned Partner -----------

    Position: Asylum
    Specialty: Hybrid
    Code: LIV (54)
    Alch-Specs: Overload (Power Absorption)

[tabs][tab=Character 1]
I: Personal Information

Name: Your character's name

Team Title: The name of your team

Official Title: Your character's Asylum name; sort of their Code name

Gender: ...duh

Age: Also duh

Position: Asylum (<-- This is default)

[CENTER]----------- AMRO Stats -----------[/CENTER]

Specialty: Sniffer, Hunter, Hybrid, or Silencer (See above for more info)

Code: (A Roman numeral that is tattooed onto your character's body. It represents the number of your character and acts as an Asylum ID. The numbers allowed must be ABOVE Twelve. If you need help with Roman Numerals, go here

Position of Tattoo: Where on your body the tattoo is.

Alch-Specs: What is your character's specialisation alchemy? This is their trump card, so to speak: their calling card. If a character is talking about your Asylum, they should be talking about this

Alchemic Style: ??? (Primary); ??? (Secondary) The styles are either Vocum, Motem or Sigillum. See above for more details, you must have two![/tab]
II: Weapons:

Tell us about your weapons, any armour you use and other such items. What are they made of? Are they compacted in any way? Why does your character prefer that katana to that Double-headed axe?
III: Appearance

What do you look like? Are you some Lolita death princess or are you a burly bear-man?
IV: Personality

How do you act? Are you super cute or are you a sultry, murderous manwhore?
V: History

How did your character end up as an Asylum? What has happened in their lives? What poor decisions have they made?
VI: Others

Anything else we should know? Do you have a phobia, or do you have an addiction to something, or are you have a crippling desire to stroke kittens?
[tab=Character 2]
VII: Personal Information

Name: Your character's name

Team Title: The name of your team

Official Title: Your character's Asylum name; sort of their Code name

Gender: ...duh

Age: Also duh

Position: Asylum (<-- This is default)
[CENTER]----------- AMRO Stats -----------[/CENTER]

Specialty: Sniffer, Hunter, Hybrid, or Silencer (See above for more info)

Code: (A Roman numeral that is tattooed onto your character's body. It represents the number of your character and acts as an Asylum ID. The numbers allowed must be ABOVE Twelve. If you need help with Roman Numerals, go here

Position of Tattoo: Where on your body the tattoo is.

Alch-Specs: What is your character's specialisation alchemy? This is their trump card, so to speak: their calling card. If a character is talking about your Asylum, they should be talking about this

Alchemic Style: ??? (Primary); ??? (Secondary) The styles are either Vocum, Motem or Sigillum. See above for more details, you must have two!
VIII: Weapons:

Tell us about your weapons, any armour you use and other such items. What are they made of? Are they compacted in any way? Why does your character prefer that katana to that Double-headed axe?
IX: Appearance

What do you look like? Are you some Lolita death princess or are you a burly bear-man?
X: Personality

How do you act? Are you super cute or are you a sultry, murderous manwhore?
XI: History

How did your character end up as an Asylum? What has happened in their lives? What poor decisions have they made?
XII: Other

Anything else we should know? Do you have a phobia, or do you have an addiction to something, or are you have a crippling desire to stroke kittens?
Credit to Limey Panda for CS BB Coding
Sample CS, Olive

    • I: Personal Information

      Name: Your character's name

      Team Title: The name of your team

      Official Title: Your character's Asylum name; sort of their Code name

      Gender: ...duh

      Age: Also duh

      Position: Asylum (<-- This is default)

      ----------- AMRO Stats -----------

      Specialty: Sniffer, Hunter, Hybrid, or Silencer (See above for more info)

      Code: (A Roman numeral that is tattooed onto your character's body. It represents the number of your character and acts as an Asylum ID. The numbers allowed must be ABOVE Twelve. If you need help with Roman Numerals, go here

      Position of Tattoo: Where on your body the tattoo is.

      Alch-Specs: What is your character's specialisation alchemy? This is their trump card, so to speak: their calling card. If a character is talking about your Asylum, they should be talking about this

      Alchemic Style: ??? (Primary); ??? (Secondary) The styles are either Vocum, Motem or Sigillum. See above for more details, you must have two!

    • II: Weapons:

      Tell us about your weapons, any armour you use and other such items. What are they made of? Are they compacted in any way? Why does your character prefer that katana to that Double-headed axe?

    • III: Appearance

      What do you look like? Are you some Lolita death princess or are you a burly bear-man?

    • IV: Personality

      How do you act? Are you super cute or are you a sultry, murderous manwhore?

    • V: History

      How did your character end up as an Asylum? What has happened in their lives? What poor decisions have they made?

    • VI: Others

      Anything else we should know? Do you have a phobia, or do you have an addiction to something, or are you have a crippling desire to stroke kittens?

    • VII: Personal Information

      Name: Your character's name

      Team Title: The name of your team

      Official Title: Your character's Asylum name; sort of their Code name

      Gender: ...duh

      Age: Also duh

      Position: Asylum (<-- This is default)

      ----------- AMRO Stats -----------

      Specialty: Sniffer, Hunter, Hybrid, or Silencer (See above for more info)

      Code: (A Roman numeral that is tattooed onto your character's body. It represents the number of your character and acts as an Asylum ID. The numbers allowed must be ABOVE Twelve. If you need help with Roman Numerals, go here

      Position of Tattoo: Where on your body the tattoo is.

      Alch-Specs: What is your character's specialisation alchemy? This is their trump card, so to speak: their calling card. If a character is talking about your Asylum, they should be talking about this

      Alchemic Style: ??? (Primary); ??? (Secondary) The styles are either Vocum, Motem or Sigillum. See above for more details, you must have two!

    • VIII: Weapons:

      Tell us about your weapons, any armour you use and other such items. What are they made of? Are
      they compacted in any way? Why does your character prefer that katana to that Double-headed axe?

    • IX: Appearance

      What do you look like? Are you some Lolita death princess or are you a burly bear-man?

    • X: Personality

      How do you act? Are you super cute or are you a sultry, murderous manwhore?

    • XI: History

      How did your character end up as an Asylum? What has happened in their lives? What poor decisions have they made?

    • XII: Other

      Anything else we should know? Do you have a phobia, or do you have an addiction to something, or are you have a crippling desire to stroke kittens?
  • [tabs][/tabs]
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Announcements, Olive
  • Now Recruiting
  • Waiting for CS submission

  • Everyone's Present
    We rather you take a break instead of quitting. ;)
  • Pending NPC Pool

  • SikerChronoAsylum3.png


RP Compendium, Olive
  • We haven't started

  • AMRO - Anti Alchemy and Restraint Organization

    Insannidication - A term where the Alchemists eventually loses his sanity from using Alchemy over and over.

    Alchemic Perception - Alchemists expends Alchemic energy which can be perceived by other Alchemists. Asylums work differently, they are trained so that only other Asylums can lock on to their alchemic energy.

    Innocence: This is the name of A.M.R.O training complex where Alchemists are brought to be trained as Asylums.

    Please few free to suggest entries for the dictionary! ;D

Fun Zone, Olive

  • We believe having fun helps us bond and keep the OOC lively.
    Feel free to suggest various games, activities and competitions in the OOC chat or through PM.
    ~ Xodus and Ryver

  • Everyone's a DJ:-
    That's why we encourage you to recommend music!

  • Read and be inspired.
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    • I: Personal Information

      Name: Angel

      Team Title: Ante Mortem (Before Death)/Reapers

      Official Title: Blood draped Angel, Angel of misfortune, Crimson Asylum

      Gender: Male

      Age: Appears to be in his 30s

      Position: Asylum

      ----------- AMRO Stats -----------

      Specialty: Sniffer (Though from his combat style one would assume him to be a silencer)

      Code: XIII

      Position of Tattoo: Vertically spread out on his left forearm

      Alch-Specs: Psychokinesis (Includes, telekinesis, telepathy, mind manipulation, clairvoyance etc)

      Alchemic Style: Vocem (Primary); Motem (Secondary)

    • II: Weapons

      Cerberus: A custom made 12 inch revolver, its appearance a dark bulk of black and a name befitting it's bite. Its structure unlike ordinary revolvers, which possess a single barrel and cylinder, has three cylinders, holding a total of eighteen bullets. The bullets utilized for Cerberus are often custom made and modified to fire 40 caliber rounds. Each cylinder has a different variation of the 40 caliber, one fires anti-alchemic rounds, another contains explosive rounds and finally armor piercing rounds. Along the barrel the words 'Sanity for the foolish', are etched in crimson ink. A testament to the irony Asylums face.

      Metal plated Coffin: A strange item for a strange fellow, Angel is rarely seen without it. It is a large six foot metal coffin that is sealed tight and rather daunting from its appearance. Decorated with silver gothic carvings over a black palette, this reapers casket represents a work of art that is reserved for those who will call it their final abode. As unorthodox as it maybe, Angel has often exploited the coffins bulk to his favor, weaponising it when the need arrives.

      Strings of Fate: A black glove worn on Angel's right hand designed to hold hundreds of monomolecular wires in a compartment over the fingertips. Each wire is nearly invisible to the naked eye, distinguishable only by a shimmer caused by the reflection of light. Aside from being nearly invisible, these wires are also exponentially sharper than any blade while also being practically unbreakable via non alchemic means. These wires are comprised of molecules strongly bonded hence making a compound that is extremely versatile while remaining weightless. Utilizing this Angel can often control the wires with mere gestures of his fingers, ensnaring his targets in a web of death

    • III: Appearance

      Angel stands at a towering height of six feet and eight inches and while not excessively muscular, he possesses a lean and well defined body. However due to his lanky appearance his foes often have the unfortunate habit of underestimating him. Angel has a fair complexion and this coupled with his mysterious persona tends to gives him an attractive albeit devilish charm. His long hair is usually left uncombed and he always appears to have a light stubble, though this untidy style seems to reflect his laid back attitude. The roman numerical "XIII" is tattooed and spread over his entire left arm. As far as apparel goes, Angel is rather infamous in his wears, a trademark look consisting of a pair of glasses, spectacles tinted in heavy crimson that shimmer in the dimmest of lighting. His second most noticeable feature would be the crescent scar spread over his right eye.

      He is mostly seen wearing a long red leather trench coat with a black pentagram crafted onto its back. His coat is usually left unbuttoned revealing a black sleeveless skin fit T-shirt through which his strong physique is clearly visible. He choice of trousers are usually black denims or cargos which fall over a thick pair of black ragged, blood stained combat boots, as if this Angel has strolled out of hell itself. He is also always seen wearing a pair of black and white gloves both of which have the same pentagram as on the back, though the only difference being the color, which is red.

      This Angel of misfortune is always seen maintaining a faint smile on his face, the expression of a gentle and weary soul but then again at a distance anything may appear deceiving. Once his glasses shimmer in an eerie crimson and his smile warps into a fiendish smirk, only then is his true nature revealed and the only thing that would dare glance back, would be torment personified. Yet regardless of situation and regardless of which mask he chooses to charade in; it almost always reflects his careless, carefree and lazy attitude which again tends to mislead his foes. His accessories include a golden earring that is pierced in his right ear.

    • IV: Personality

      In comparison to his somewhat intimidating appearance Angel's personality is quite strange. If stereotyped one would imagine him as the silent, deranged, cold and threatening fellow but his personality is not as simple or restrictive. Angel's personality is often contradictory to the situation and at times may act in ways that puts his intimidating reputation to shame. Amusing examples include being extremely careless in certain aspects, being forgetful, lazy, socially daft etc. He also has a tendency to ignore norms and deviate from what is considered normal.

      However it would be important to note while Angel's personality may appear cheerful, light heated and clownish it is usually never directed at anyone other than his partner, the only person he genuinely shows a sense of care, his adopted daughter. When it comes to directly dealing with others, he may maintain his lazy persona but that comes along with a tinge of superiority and cold arrogance coupled with sarcasm and indifference. Though when it comes to Reri they are as normal as normal gets, bickering and squabbling which ends up destroying the stereotypical attitude that people assume of the dangerous Reapers. Another characteristic of XIII is his uncanny ability to maintain a lazy sense of calm even when death may seem eminent, the only time he openly shows his fury is when his partner his hurt or put in harm's way.

      In reality, Angel is but a collection of well formulated facades and he is not afraid to shed them when the situation calls it. At certain moments he may seem cheerful and careless but under certain situations another side of him awakens. He can be a sociopath with an attitude of indifference towards all around him with the exception of his partner. His calculative mind is always result oriented and as such his greatest trait is his uncanny knowledge in the dark arts and his ability to manipulate and deceive. In fact it is due to this very reason they are called "Ante Mortem" for to have any connections with them would be the last thing a person does before their untimely demise.

    • V: History

      Error: Information Not Found

    • VI: Others

      Ante Mortem are often treated as outcasts in A.M.R.O as very few people tend to trust them.

      Angel has 0 % Tolerance for Alcohol taking even a sip will knock him out, yet still he ends up drinking.

      Angel has yet to lose a gamble

      Reri and him also have the habit of leaving or ignoring the battle in the middle of the fight and leaving their comrades to handle the rest.

    • VII: Personal Information

      Name: Rena/Rin. Reri (WHEN SAYING RERI I AM REFERRING TO BOTH RENA AND RIN. I will use their separate names when addressing them on an individual bases but when I am addressing both, Reri can be used to decrease the confusion. )

      Team Title: Ante Mortem (Before Death)/Reapers

      Official Title: A.M.R.O's little princess, The Prodigy


      Appears to be 15

      Position: Chrono

      ----------- AMRO Stats -----------

      Specialty: Silencer

      Code: IV

      Position of Tattoo: Located on the left side of her neck

      Alch-Specs: Gravity manipulation (Includes manipulating gravity to affect the weight of any object, crushing things through sheer mass, creating a shield by influencing gravity and to a certain degree effecting space via gravity distortion etc)

      Alchemic Style:
      Rena: Vocem (Primary); Motem (Secondary)
      Rin: Vocem (Primary); Sigilum (Secondary)

    • VIII: Weapons:

      Angel Killers: This is the name given to her custom made dual pistols, each around 10 inches long, a beautiful masterpiece. Both pistols are decorated in different colors, each symbolizing an aspect of its wielder. One of her pistols is dark pink with black gems outlining the magazine. Near the middle of the barrel the word 'Rena' is carved in bright golden. Her second pistol is black in color and has golden gems grafted along its magazine and the word 'Rin' located on the barrel, engraved in ruby red. It utilizes special anti alchemic bullets with accuracy and range far superior to the mundane weapons of her time. The recoil is also controllable compared to the burst. Her pistols are sheathed beside her boots so as not to arouse any more suspicion then she usually does. When her pistols are attached to her boots, she has a special mechanism built in her them that allow her to fire her pistols. This gives her a very unique fighting style.

      Thermal Dagger "Glacier": This ingenious device is created by A.M.R.O's scientific department. The dagger possesses jagged ends that vibrate at extremely high frequencies, so much so that the edges heat up exponentially while the blade itself is made of a special alloy that won't melt from the high thermal output.

    • IX: Appearance
      She stands at a height of five feet and appears to be around the age of fifteen. Her youth quite captivating and this coupled with her innocent and elegant appearance often ends up attracting unwanted attention, a fact she dislikes with a passion and her guardian even more so. Her hair is bright golden. Her hair is almost always tied into two very long twin tails which fall near her waist, while several short bangs frame her face; this also adds an element of cuteness in her which often leads her foes in underestimating her capabilities. Her skin tone is fair and the roman numerical 'VI' is tattooed on the left side of her neck. Yet even this tattoo fails to impress when compared to her eyes, often been described as breathe taking. She possesses heterochromatic irises; her left iris is dark red in color while her right is icy blue. This can even be thought as an ironic representation of her split personalities.

      She is usually seen wearing a dress that has a Victorian feel to it. A black and red Lace Corset, an enchanting red petticoat with a black streak running in its middle with a layer of frills. The corset itself looked a darker shade of red while the laces were all black along with the sleeves of this dress along which a red string gently coiled itself. The only aspect that appeared to deviate from her clothing style were a pair of finger-less gauntlets that she adorned on her arms.

      Another interesting alteration to the usual "Victorian dress" was the inclusion of combat boots which the child wore instead of uncomfortable heels. Unlike usual boots, these were specifically customized by A.M.R.O in order to include a special mechanism that allowed her to fire her pistols while they remained bolstered.

      As far as expressions go it is not too hard to differentiate Rena from Rin, their look says it all. Rena is a bundle of joy always wearing jolly expressions with endless uncontrollable energy. Rin on the other hand is cold and has a somewhat of a stoic expression, rarely showing any emotions. However both personalities share a common intimidating factor which is the vibe of innocence that tends to send a very cryptic sense of unease.

    • X: Personality

      Due to a troubled past the personality or rather personalities of Reri have been rather complex and the only person who has been able to understand her completely is her partner. Reri has a strange case of split personality disorder which has divided her personalities in to two, namely Rena and Rin. This tends to make her extremely unpredictable often giving her an edge as her behavior and thinking patterns cannot be perceived. Though it is interesting to note that both Rena and Rin are aware of each other's existence and are even able to switch personalities at will and at times can even work this to their advantage by switching excessively hence working in a paradoxical harmony.

      When Rena has the dominant personality she is bursting with energy and her hyper and bubbly attitude is much akin to a small child. She is also very curious and once it is triggered she can't find solace until her curiosity is quenched. Another amusing trait is that no matter what the situation she will always retain a positive and cheerful attitude, possessing the ability to brighten a situation regardless of how grim it may appear. Another unique feature is she is extremely fond of annoying her partner, albeit in a cute childish manner, even utilizing her innocence to her advantage. Rena is also extremely attached to her partner to the point of unease when Angel is away. She is often seen as quite emotional and can get easily upset if teased. However one should not mistake her as frail as she has shown to use her innocence to her advantage, misleading her foes to their slaughter. Like her partner she too lacks a moral conscience when it comes to killing, in fact the pair tend to treat it as a game, a competition between them as to who slaughters how many. Her most dominant characteristic however is her love for her brother thus results in her being very protective of him and can get easily angered if someone insults and or hurts him.

      Rin is the second of the two personalities and when she is dominant it seems a completely different person has entered the fray. Unlike Rena who is jolly and cheerful Rin is cold and unforgiving. She is also the most mature of the lot, all her actions and thinking being quite rational and calculative, almost mechanical. To her results are what matters and how efficiently they can be accomplished. Unlike Rena she is not emotional in the least, believing it to be a weakness. She is usually seen behaving indifferent to almost everything and like her partner enjoys mocking and berating others. Rin is rather clever and like Rena she too utilizes her innocent and cute appearance to deceive others. Out of the two personalities she is the most sadistic and even though she doesn't consider killing a game she does seem to enjoy frightening her prey before ending them in a vicious manner. Also like her partner, Rin possesses an arrogance that could rival a king but with the grace and elegance of a swan. Like Rena, she doesn't trust anyone other than Angel and towards everyone beside him she is openly antagonistic. Her strangest characteristic is the fact she considers Angel to be the only person she both loves and hates. At times being quite protective while at other times behaving hostile, though for some reason her partner doesn't seem to mind and shows a sense of genuine affection and care, a fact that tends to irk the Poker faced Chrono. Rin has the habit of being straight forward and always addresses others by their last names or code, Angel is the only person whom she occasionally calls, "Old man" or "Pa".

    • XI: History

      Error: Information Not Found

    • XII: Other

      Rin has an obsession with pandas.
      Reri is considered to be the youngest member of the Chrono Asylums

Now that the formality is out of the way, I present to you all my pride and joy. A world hidden in the shadows forever locked in the Asylum's Conundrum.

Lose sanity to beat insanity

Spots are officially open and all sign ups are accepted. Any questions can be catered to me or Ryvver.

I welcome you all to a world where madness is freedom.
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Reactions: Fox of Hearts
And Ryvvy has joined the party!!! Hail Sub-GM!

Now we require more blood, fresh blood!
XODUS I mean Vonz. xP Hard to remember your new name. LOL!

Now I think of you as some German dude. HAHA

AND YES! I'm back. Let's wait for a new victim or two. ;) Totally can't wait to get the party started!
Why hello there, strangers I totally have never met.
Lol Limey! You are one smooth panda. ;) We're so glad you can join us from the beginning this time!

Trust us. It'll be wayyyy more fun. ;D
Oh yes! Limey will be there for the..... game. xD
So I heard this was where all the cool kids hung out.

Hello everyone! Ryver was pestering telling me about this roleplay and I have to say that I'm quite interested. Let me read up on everything and let it muddle around in my brain as I try to figure out a few character concepts and I'll get back to you with I come up with.
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Reactions: Fox of Hearts
Kirra! :D

Actually pestering is the correct word -ahem- anyway! Glad you can join the party. Be prepared for a thrilling, action-packed ride!
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Reactions: Rina
Ah new blood, delicious.

Thanks for showing interest =D and I can't wait to see what you come up with.
@Vonz I am interested, though I have bunch of questions, and I need to think about my characters. I notice that in one spot, you say the tattoo is on the back of the neck, but the four characters listed have their tattoos in assorted places.
What age are most people brought into the Academy? What if a child doesn't wish to join the Academy, or their parents don't wish to let them, but the child has the ability to use alchemy? What happens then? Are children in the Academy allowed contact with their parents if the parents aren't aware of AMRO? If a child accidentally uses alchemy without meaning to, and there is a death as a result, are they still marked for death by AMRO? How secret an organization is AMRO? Is anyone who finds out about alchemy put to death? Or are people aware of alchemy, but just consider it mostly a lost art and the tool of evil? Is alchemy an inherited ability? If so, dominant or recessive? Are siblings allowed to be on the same team? Can teams change in the future? What happens to the other member of a team if their partner is killed, or goes crazy and must be put down?

I'm pretty sure I want water manipulation and electric manipulation/machine empathy for mine, as that fits a pair of characters I can develop more. I'll finagle the details later.
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Alright questions! I love questions. Let's do this!!

1) the code can be any where (except under your skin or some cliché like in your eye) you wish. For Reri it is to the left side of her neck. It has to be "engraved in their skin"

2) A.M.R.O has a secret base where alchemists are taught to be Asylums. Here the age is relative. Usually children from a very young age are brought in and trained through various stages. The age at a person becomes and operational Asylum is 18. No younger.

However if an older candidate comes, say 25 who was a rogue alchemist and a.m.r.o found potential. They will also take him to the acadeny and give him a crash course over 2 years. This also depends on the person capacity to understand alchemy.

A.M.R.O is a world power hidden in the shadows. In essence rogues don't have a say. If a prospect is found A.M.R.O will pursue regardless. If the parents are unaware of alchemy, the child will be kidnapped by A.M.R.O. However this is assuming the child hasnt been kicked out, out of fear.

If the parents are alchemists and if amro comes to collect the child. They can chose to resist and die.

The child or prospect has no will or choice. The child is an alchemist hence a danger if his alchemical potential is deemed above average in which case amro takes custody and weaponizes the kid.

Once a child is in amro, contact with outside world is limited. It's only purpose is to act as a cover so society perceives you as normal. Contact with parents is usually only allowed in the case if the parent works for amro.

3) A.M.R.O is controlled by 12 chronos and they fall under the director. In essence these 12 are independent and the world falls under 12 territories which the Chronos protect. Due to this there are often conflicts between territories and even inside amro. Due to this amro does not care if an Asylum kills an Asylum. Digits can be replaced. However if taboo or forbidden means are used then death is on the spot.

If a child uses alchemy and accidentally or other wise kills an innocent bystander, a.m.r.o will probe the child's mind to understand his/her intentions. And if deemed a prospect they will incorporate the child within a.m.r.o.

To knowingly kill an innocent with alchemy puts you on amro's chopping block

4) A.M.R.O is very secretive, it's existence is known by a hand few of Government officials and by rogues alchemists and the world's elite who do not fall under amro. The only thing stopping these people from revealing amro's existence is the threat of amros immense power.

A.M.R.O is alchemy management and restriction. With that they will not silence someone if they find out about alchemy, however if the person poses a threat in what so any way, he/she will be silenced. Similarly not all rogues are marked for death, as long as compliance is met, amro will maintain a docile attitude.

For normal humans, alchemy is a mere myth, thanks to amro's efforts of control over the centuries.

Alchemy can be inherited and it can also appear out of the blue with no associtation to gene. Alchemy carried through the blood line is usually potent depending on the years or decades. Any alchemic family going beyond 400 years are referred to as old bloods. However most to all were wiped by amro. Now most alchemic families reach 200 years. However alchemic talent is not based on heritage.

The formation of a team is formed on the graduation day. Here compatibility is observed as the aim is to link sanity. If the siblings share a mental chemistry they will be allowed to become partners. However you do not choose your partner. It is chosen for you.

If a team mate is killed, his/her partner will begin the process to go insane ad the link between their sanity is severed. In this case termination is the only option.
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Hey Shy! Glad you can drop in. <3

Also adding to that, I remember this cropping up in our convo earlier: Why can't AMRO pretend to be a boarding school and invite the child to join the Academy?

xD I kinda wondered too.
To that question, it will be an unwarranted expense from amro. Using a charade of a boarding school means coming under scrutiny and alchemy is dangerous. They cannot risk something like that, not to mention what if the parents start prodding or wish to visit their child. Amro doesn't need to go through this. They take what they want when they want albeit discreetly.
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@Vonz okay, thank you. I notice Reri is younger than 18, but she seems like a special case. I do see that the youngest age for characters is 17; if they only become full-fledged Asylums at 18 then you might want to consider changing that. Regarding weapons, there are places in the world where open-carrying guns is acceptable. Will this be taken into account? Also, do dual weapons count as one item or two? IE, twin daggers, dual pistols.