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[fieldbox='Rayne Walker, purple']
Rayne didn't pay much attention to her surroundings as her focus was maintained on the bloody wound and the loud thumping that echoed through her ears. The dryness in her mouth soon caught her attention but she found herself not caring. As the cut was bandaged she grew sad? A little annoyed even. There was the smallest part of her that wanted to reach forward and rip the band-aid off, just to see the blood, make it's scent stronger and more prominent in her nose.

"What the fuck..." She muttered as she found herself snapping back to reality and out of that fucked up trance that held her with a firm, choking grip. Looking away almost embarrassed she let her gaze drop to the floor as she walked out of the large living space. Shutting the sliding door behind her she walked to the edge of the property and clenched her jaw as she leaned against a half wall and gazed off towards the city. Pulling out her cigarettes she lit one and exhaled as the sun set. Dare she say she was afraid? It would be a lie if she disagreed with that thought. Rayne knew she lived in a world of fantasy and magic but that last thing she was expecting was for the farfetched, strung out things of folklore to be true. She had yet to witness something insane, but then again she was a direct decendant of an ancient Greek goddess. Her thoughts made no sense as she repeated them in her mind and shook her head. 'The farfetched and strung out?' Who was she trying to kid? Was she hoping that some form of denial would help her ignore the mess she had gotten herself into? She scoffed. She could willingly change her shape to that of a different species, there wasn't much more out there to be shocked by. "Stupid." She muttered. The only shocking thing was how these creatures of fantasy managed to hide for millenia.

Flicking her cigarette over the wall she walked back to the large apartment. The goddesses had snuck away and everyone was left to eachother once again. Rayne personally wasn't in a mood to socialize any more. Sighing heavily she made her way up to the room she had claimed. It seemed no one had joined her in the room just yet. That wasn't something she was going to complain about. Taking her bag off the bed she rummaged through it and found her stash. Sitting at the table in the room she rolled herself a small joint. If anything she was hoping it would let her mind wander away from the curse. After changing into a more comfortable set of clothing, Rayne placed the joint behind her ear and walked downstairs in sweats and a large t-shirt. She smoked her spliff alone and as if on cue someone called out that there was food. She grinned brightly and stupidly as she grew excited in her current state. "Aww yeah, I'm SO down for some food." wandering into the kitchen she grabbed herself a bowl and made for her room.

After her food was done and the bowl was put aside she lounged on her bed. She called her mother to say goodnight and give her an update on what was happening, who was here and who she had met thus far. With the phone call over and the sun fully set Rayne decided she would try to sleep. Her high was slowly fading which made it the perfect moment to grab some z's.

Throughout the night she grew restless, images flashed behind her eyes in a nightmarish manner. Disorienting and disturbing sounds coupled with the imagery startled her awake in the middle of the night. As she sprung up in bed she was drenched in a cold sweat, sheets jumbled and hanging half off the bed. She looked around in the dark room. It seemed someone had taken residence in the room with her. Before she could try and see who it was she grew nauseous, her stomach churning and rumbling. She groaned softly and stood up. Nothing had tasted bad from the food, could there have been something in it that she didn't pay attention to? Stepping out of the room she stumbled towards the bathroom.

Half-way down the hall her stomach reacted again, she clenched at her shirt and picked up the pace. She felt the bile beginning to rise in her esophagus. That was enough of a sign for her to run for the bathroom. Bursting through the door she gripped the toilet and flung the lid open. Vomit spewed from her mouth as she coughed. An exhale escaped her as she looked away from the toilet. "...fuck." She muttered in a coarse voice. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she used her clean hand to push some hair back and out of her face. Her body was quick to lurch forward, more chunks flying from her mouth. A disturbed groan escaped her. Spitting into the toilet bowl Rayne hurled once more, the splashing was loud a few more dry heaves came from the young woman and soon she felt her body was done rejecting whatever it was that was upsetting her.

Standing up it took a moment for Rayne to realize that the lights in the bathroom were off. Flicking them on she hissed at the brightness that consumed the room and was quick to cover her eyes. Slowly she blinked and allowed some light into her eyes as they adjusted to the brightness of the small room. Turning the faucet on Rayne washed her hands and face. Taking a sip of water she swooshed it around in her mouth but stopped as soon as she heard a crack. The taste of blood was quick to tease her tongue as she spit the water out of her mouth. Something clattered around in the sink and Rayne watched it bounce around before grabbing it. Looking at what she held in her hands her mouth fell open eyes growing wide. "What the..." The taste of blood returned to her mouth as she spat it out in the sink. Looking at her reflection in the mirror she saw her slightly blood stained lips and leaned in as close as she could get. Pulling her lip up she looked at what she assumed was the cause of all this blood. In place of her human canine another was pushing it's way through. Blood surrounded the tooth that was quickly forcing it's way into position. It was a lot sharper than any of her other teeth and it was a little longer. Running her tongue over the front of her teeth she sucked back and spat into the sink as more blood came from her mouth. 'What is going on?' She questioned to herself. Looking back up at her reflection after turning the faucet off she raised her lip again. The new addition had found itself perfectly fitting in place. Flushing the toilet and cleaning up any of her remaining mess Rayne left the bathroom and flicked the light off.

A fang?! How the hell did that even make sense? And why was it just one? What did it even mean? She'd have to call her mother, unless she was able to speak with Hekate. Perhaps she could ask if she would be allowed to speak to her grandmother.

As sleep was coming to take her, Rayne jumped from her bed again. This time it wasn't from feeling nauseous, it wasn't from nightmares. It was from a ruckus that pierced her ears so deeply, a sound that was so deafening and terrifying that she would be shocked if no one else was awakened by it. Her ears were now ringing. Sitting in her bed she groaned and rubbed her eyes, 'Why? Why now? Who was this? What did they want? What time was it?' Too many questions only caused a headache as the raven haired woman shook her head.

Would she have time for coffee?

"Yo, get up. The Hulk is smashing our house." She muttered towards whoever was in the other bed.

Rayne didn't bother changing she just got up and walked out. Rubbing her eyes a yawn escaped her. She found herself looking up at the large, hulking man in the hall eyebrows arched, eyes wide but still sleepy. This man was the cause of all the ruckus? He was the one yelling at them to wake-up? She wasn't going to argue with him. Nobody should choose to argue with him. Shuffling passed the man she went straight to the kitchen to start some coffee. She waited in the kitchen for the coffee to finish brewing before grabbing herself a mug and practically filling it to the brim. Taking the first sip she smiled but her little moment was cut extremely short as movement caught her attention, ringing loud and clear in her ears.

Rayne followed outside dressed in her tracks and large tee from the night before. The coffee mug was in hand as she looked around the large grounds that had appeared out of nowhere. She didn't even have the slightest clue that something to this caliber was hiding just behind the large building they were all now calling home. The large man was quick to catch everyone's attention. Sipping at her coffee Rayne then clenched her jaw. Everyday? This is what they would be dealing with every goddamn day? Rayne was so over gym class, she didn't want to do this every morning. Rolling her eyes she took a gulp of her coffee and set down the mug. "Can we atleast stretch before we start?" She asked, her eyes squinting slightly as the sun was coming up.
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Ai Mei
| Interaction: N/A |
| Mentioned: Donovan, Kira, Artemis |
| Outfit |

She accepted the cup from Nic gratefully. The man was strangely calming, Ai could almost take a nap right there on that counter. She definitely enjoyed her time talking to Nic. He took away any anxiety or anger that she'd previously harbored because of the goddesses. She'd managed to stop stress eating and put the crisps away. Soon Nic excused himself, Ai gave him a smile and waved him off. "Anytime you want to drink tea with someone..." Ai gave the offer as he left, then she soon slunk off herself. After a few brief conversations she made herself comfortable in a bed. She played around with light a little until she could fall asleep.

The next morning a loud voice had her up. Ai jolted up, a brown ponytail swinging behind her. She rubbed her eyes and tried to get to some awareness. This was not what she signed up for, in fact she didn't sign up for anything. She was just pushed into it by some sort of practical joke via her annoying brother. She loudly groaned and sort of drug herself to the bathroom in only a tank top and pajama pants (Kira had both of their things brought to the house). She dragged a bag in their and begun to brush her teeth. After she finished she went downstairs, she used the pot of coffee Rayne had made to make herself some coffee. She frowned at it momentarily, it definitely wasn't Starbucks. Emi would say something like "For. The. Love. Of Gawd. Ai. If it's not Starbucks, then why are you drinking it?" Ai added some cream and sugar and she didn't mind it. It actually ended up tasting okay.
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[fieldbox="Hercules, Green, Solid"]

His Aunt's could deal with the stragglers, the ones who couldn't get moving without their morning coffee or a shower. They were far less pleasant than him after all but far less likely to break them in half for their ignorance. It was when one of the 'students' spoke up that he turned his eyes to them. A defiant looking girl with deep eyes and he cocked his head with a bemused grin. He took a moment to look over the few students that were out on the green, one girl was already jogging around the track, which was a good sign, at least they wouldn't all ignore him. "Oh of course, then maybe you could get a shower and some coffee a bit of breakfast and shall we say a bit of reading time? We wouldn't want to push you, would we? Oh that is exactly what we're trying to do. Do you think for a moment a hydra would say 'yeah no worries take all the time you need'? Do you think the gorgons will say 'no I get it I need coffee before a fight too please help yourself'? Are you lot so delusional you think you have the opportunity to take it easy? You are here because if you stayed where you were you would die. It's that simple, you think you were the only children of the gods? No. There were hundreds, thousands. There's only you dozen now. Why? The others were killed. We didn't just bring you here to get you to save the world, we brought you here because otherwise you'd die. You few were lucky, we got to you in time. You think this place will stop them? Don't be so naive, you want to live? You have to fight and survive, so no sweetpea you don't get to stretch you get to run and if you aren't all running in the next five seconds you'll all be here through lunch too." He shook his head and clapped his hands again, moving behind the teens to usher them along, his aunts hadn't told him this lot would be such a lazy bunch, their mortal lives had been too relaxed. He was going to have to replan his entire training course at this rate, lock up the coffee, cold water showers, maybe he'd ask his dad to let Pegasus come help him with the training, that horse was just as tough and he hadn't seen a mortal or monster alive that didn't flinch when the winged horse bowed its head and charged them.


[fieldbox="Nic, Gold, Solid"]

He'd had a rather good night, quite chuffed he'd made a friend, a cute friend with the biggest eyes he'd ever seen in his life. Tea, any time sounded great and certainly something he'd take her up on when he had the chance.

For now though he was chilly and he was dazed and some big figure was yelling at him about monsters he'd only read about in books. The fog finally cleared a little and he brushed himself down and stood up, glancing around he noticed there wasn't that many people actually running, though by the tone of the voice from the muscle man it was probably a good idea to start running. "Alright, alright I got it." He uttered with a flippant flap of one of his hands, briefly stretching he yawned and shook himself as awake as he was likely to get before noon. Then at a casual pace he began to jog, no sense in winding up the help, especially if he was right. Nic liked a quiet life and even if that meant he had to jog and daydream a while he'd do it just to avoid having to concentrate on someone's words.

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