Chaos Rising OOC

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It's fine ^^ I should be able to post the thread this week sometime. And you're accepted Obligium!


James Ramussen


James has dyedred hair and dark blue eyes, he can normally be seen in colourful clothing, his signature look being a blue shirt and red skinny jeans. He wears three bracelets on his right arm at all times. He has snake bites and a nose ring. Is around 5'8 and weighs 145 pounds.

James is very quiet and secluded. He doesn't like to open up to anyone, for he is afraid they will hate them for who he is. When he does make a friend, he will talk for hours upon hours, telling outrageous stories of his father in the military to his favorite books. He Iis friendly and kind when you catch him at the right time.

He gives up easily, very easily. He's afraid of everything and can be considered a coward. Despite what his father has taught him he is this way.

James grew up in a middle class family, being raised only by his mother. At the age of twelve, his father was sent into war and did not come back. And since then, James became quiet and so did his mother. The next few years was spent in quiet. His mother went on and he went on.

Whenever he graduated, he moved into his own apartment and never came out unless it was for college, or if someone from highschool wanted to meet up. And thats what he exactly did when a friend called him and asked if he wanted to go on a trip around america.


To be announced (If you want your ccharacter to be with James, just ask. I don't mind.)

-His father's pocket knife
-The Mortal Instruments; City of Glass
-A couple changes of clothes
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Yay!! And I have a couple alternate characters for later in the rp, to sort of balance out what happens, so no worries, everyone!
Also just to let you know that I updated my character, just needed some tweaking.
I, myself am not sure about relationships so I guess he's just friends with everyone.
Not sure about my character as well, he'll probably be friends with everyone and maybe develop a relationship later on the roleplay if that's okay.
Same. I'm going to assume that he's friends with anyone, but if anyone wants to go for any kind of relationship, that's fine by me.
Not sure about my character as well, he'll probably be friends with everyone and maybe develop a relationship later on the roleplay if that's okay.

I'll probably do that. Unless someone really wants James to be in a relationship with their character.
My charrie will also hop onto the bandwagon of being friends with everyone :3
I'm sure James would be easy to spot. After all, dyed red hair.
Just a head's up- I'm away without internet connection until Tuesday evening. Just so you know.
Alright ^^ Tomorrow, I will post again, and on Tuesday, you can just catch up with everything.
I'm back! Going to check on the posts while I eat, and hopefully post shortly.
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. If I have time tonight, I'll post, but it'll be most likely tomorrow.
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