Changing Skies

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Rachelle ears came forward and her tail started to wag even as she barked a soft laugh, looking back at her own fur and then tilting her head, silver eyes dancing at Sylvester. Hmm, it sounds like you're describing someone specific. she teased, moving to brush her fur against his, her back under his chest and her tail sliding past his chin before she darted away. She yipped over her shoulder, a challenge, but a playful one.

I think I want a wolf with white and gray fur. Someone who knows the human world, protective, smart....

Her voice contained an invitation, but also as smirk. If you can catch me, I might just let you be that wolf. With a laugh, she sprang away.
He was suddenly very, very glad for all the running he did with Ryethke. It had helped him with his agility quite a bit. He took off running after her, barking happily before settling in and really giving it his all in chasing her. And he was going to catch her, too. It didn't matter to him if he died of exhaustion soon after. He was going to catch her. And he was going to do it himself with no help from The Earth or humans or wolves or anything.

And he did, though not immediately. He toyed with her for a little bit once he found out he could catch up but when he felt himself getting tired, he reached out and bit the scruff of her neck, dragging her to the ground playfully.
Rachelle yelped in surprise and then in laughter, happy as she rolled and then came to her feet again, fur bristling at every angle and her mouth open, legs set apart and tail high. She stared at Sylvester then, not moving for a long minute before relaxing, letting her black fur lay flat and her ears come forward as she approached him, tail lowering, wagging. And then she did something she'd not done to any wolf in two years.

She licked under his chin, submitting to him, before her head butted gently into his chest and she stayed there growling softly in her throat, quite happy. I've been waiting a long time for you. she confided to him, content.

Ryethke woke from her place on the Sun's chest and looked around, seeing Alcmene with Pontus, both of them nearby and no danger around. Her sleep had been peaceful for the first time in a month, but something had woken her...something good.

Sylvester was happy in a way she'd never felt before and Ryethke found herself smiling, overjoyed for him. She'd told him he'd find a mate....
Sylvester was trying to spare Ryethke the details but having Rachelle submit to him caught him off guard and that little snippet of emotion seemed out and along their tether.

So have I. He admitted, rubbing his chin against her head.

Ciro yawned and looked at Ryethke, waking up from his own little nap when he felt her stirring. "What's up?"
Rachelle let out a sigh, a happy sound, but she pulled her head away from Sylvester after a moment gave him a sheepish type of smile, even as a wolf. I should tell my pack, get them ready for another alpha. And you should tell yours, make sure they are safe and ready to travel in the morning. My pack and I spotted humans moving this way earlier today. They won't be upon us until tomorrow afternoon, but we must be gone before then.

She hated to get back into business, but being a leader had that downfall.

Ryeth smiled a little at Ciro, running her hand back through his hair lovingly as she shook her own head, her red hair falling into her eyes, now holding twigs and all manner of leaves. Seawater hadn't helped any...

"Nothing bad. I think Syl's found a mate. That's all." she whispered to him.
"Oh, well, good for him." He smiled. "We need to find you somewhere you can wash off..." He reached up, picking some twigs out of her hair. "Why don't you keep it braided? You'll get less stuff in it...I think you just like having me brush it out for you." He teased, poking her forehead gently.

Sylvester nodded and nuzzled the side of her head. You should travel with us, though. Your pack has met me, they know who I am. But you need to be introduced to my pack. He was pretty sure Ryethke probably knew her, being the earth and all. And maybe Alcmene. But she was important enough to him that he also wanted to tell the Sun and the Sea...
Ryeth smiled, catching his finger and kissing the tip before she let it go again, eyeing her hair with a grimace as it hung over one eye. "Well, there is that, of course, but you did braid it once, remember?" She grinned, cheeky. "It didn't last long." It never did. The Earth was wild, unable to be tamed and it seemed her hair had embodied that. The Fae sat up slightly, straddling his waist, now a bit more awake as the ground started to whisper to her and the connection to the wolves came to life at the back of her mind.

She poked Ciro on the chest, raising a brow at him. "Besides, SOMEONE won't let me cut it..."

Rachelle's ears went back thoughtfully and she finally nodded in a very human-like way, smiling with fangs at her new mate. You are right and our pack and more easily protect the Four if we are with them.

The black wolf sent her nose to the sky then and let out a howl, her mind connecting back to the pack through the gray, calling them, telling them their new location. Rachelle bumped her head against Sylvester's side then, a smile in her voice then. Lead the way, my mate.
Ciro smirked and glanced over when he heard a howl. He looked back at Ryethke. "Alright, fine. But you can't cut it too short, ok?"

Sylvester huffed a little and nodded. He didn't really want to go back around other people right now. He wanted to spend some more alone time with Rachelle. Though, he figured that could happen later. Better to do when she's in heat anyway, right? He stretched before shifting up to his human form, where he stretched again. "Come on then."
Ryethke laughed in triumph and kissed him soundly on the lips as reward for his compliance, loving that she could do that now, that he would let her. It made her heart sing every single time and her power practically purred, the happiest it had ever been that she could remember. At this rate the world would be back to normal in a couple of days. She sat back quickly then and scrambled off his lap, reaching back to pull him up with her, though, she was too light and small to actually make him get up if he didn't want to. "Come on, we're gonna have guests."

She cast her mind to Pontus and Alcmene, waking them gently. Brother, sister, we have someone coming and they bring news.

Rachelle followed Sylvester's example, shifting to her human form as well, stretching unashamedly when she gained her feet. Her black hair spilled down her back, sleek as raven's wing and her silver eyes were the same, but her skin was smooth and pale and she was at least six inches shorter than Sylvester. Still, she walked with the confidence of a pack leader as she started toward the place she could feel the Four.

"They won't be alarmed by our state of undress, will they?"
Ciro watched her try and force him up with an amused expression on his face before he finally sat up and stood, helping her up. "Who are we expecting? Sylvester and his mate?"

Alcmene yawned and grumbled, curling up against Pontus's wet chest.

Pontus sat up, pulling her into his lap. He yawned himself and looked around. "Who's Sylvester? Your lupine?"

"He has a mate..." She rubbed her eyes and put her chin on Pontus's shoulder, looking over at Ryethke. "They're coming?" Ugh. It was so bright out...

Sylvester looked her up and down before putting his arm around her waist and holding her close to his side. "They always complain that I don't wear pants. Ryethke understands. Aiden complained the most, but he isn't here, so...I think we're ok. Ciro might complain, but I don't care what The Sun thinks."
Ryethke nodded at Ciro, Pontus and Alcmene, answering their questions at once as she looked toward the woods, eyes narrowed slightly as something further out than the trees alerted her that something wasn't right. Crouching, she touched the ground with her fingers and closed her eyes, feeling the grass whisper to her, words of caution and danger. Humans were coming and despite what the pack thought, they were much closer than they should be. Not dangerously so yet, but close.

The Fae stood up again, a frown on her face, but she turned back to the others calmly. "We'll have to leave soon. There are humans coming."

Rachelle laughed at him, kissing his cheek before she pulled away and started to run through the trees, heading to the Four. Their pack soon caught up and seeing her form, all of them shifted up to their human forms. It was strange sight to behold; so many naked people running together but when they emerged from the trees, all they got from the Earth was a grin of welcome.
"Humans? What kind of humans? Normals or Abnormals?" Of course, some part of the question was answered. Technically. He looked up and saw Sylvester and the others emerge from the trees. "...I'm going to assume these aren't the humans you were talking about..." Was all the poor Sun could think to say.

Luna looked up and smiled. She stood and walked up, letting her wings out and spreading them in a large stretch. "Hello..."

That....was a lot...of werewolves...Pontus stood up and ran his fingers through his soaking wet hair. He walked up to stand beside Alcmene. She was so beautiful...

Sylvester puffed his chest out a bit as he saw Ryethke's smile. He grinned. "This is Rachelle and her pack. Rachelle...this is Ryethke, Luna, Pontus, and Ciro. The Earth, Moon, Sea, and Sun. They are my pack."
"Normals and no, they aren't." Ryethke answered absently, smiling, already striding forward to meet the pack coming out of the trees. She hugged Sylvester tight once she was in range and still holding him around the waist, looked to Rachelle. The two held eyes for a long moment and a wordless understanding passed between gray eyes and silver ones so that the werewolfess nodded, a smile coming to her face.

"I am honored to meet you, Gaia." She turned her head to the others and smiled at them in turn, reserving the biggest grin for Alcmene, recognizing the Moon immediately as her natural light called to tall the wolves despite the sun being out in the sky. "It is a pleasure to meet you all, but I am afraid we can't stay."

Ryeth nodded, letting go of Sylvester and hardly paying attention to the fact that most the werewolves were staying close to her, some even close enough so that she touched their heads as they lowered them to be scratched or brushing her fingers against their shoulders affectionately. It was second-nature. "I know. The land has warned me. There is a safe place not far from here."

Rachelle frowned, her eyes flickering as she thought and then she tilted her head, shaking her head. "I do not think you are right, Gaia. My pack and I know of no such place."

Now it was Ryeth's turn to frown. "Your pack does not guard the Sojorn Sidhe?"

Silver eyes went wide and the werewolves all shifted, looking nervous, but Rachelle answered truthfully, knowing she couldn't lie to the Earth and definitely not to the Moon who stood nearby. "Gaia, the Sidhe in this territory were killed just last month. Their mounds have been destroyed."

The Fae stared at the she-wolf, feeling like the air had been sucked out of her lungs.
Luna frowned and sighed, shaking her head. That wasn't good. She looked over at Ryethke. "How many Normals are coming?"

Pontus stretched and smirked, stepping forward. "Then maybe it's time for me to be useful again? There's a cave to the North."

"No. No caves."

"Is the big bad sun afraid of the dark?"

Ciro grit his teeth and moved forward to wrap his arms around Ryethke. "No caves."

"Then I'd like to see you able to protect your sisters again."

His muscles flexed as he fought the urge to punch the sea in the mouth again.

Sylvester, who had hugged Ryethke back, let go of her when she wanted him to and put his arm back around Rachelle. "A cave wouldn't be a bad idea. It's that or fight them. I think Luna has a very valid question in that respect."
She heard their voices as if through a fog and Ryethke struggled to breathe past the pressure in her chest. Her power was building under her skin as the fury within her bubbled up to a boiling point and if it hadn't been for Ciro, his arms coming around her, she didn't know what she would have done. As soon as the Sun's power swept over her, though, she felt the subtle tremble of the earth - something no one would notice unless paying attention - subside and she took a deep, shuddering breath. Her mind came into sharp focus then and the anger surged through her blood, more controlled now, but bringing with it fire that danced across her arms, harming the Sun not a bit.

She turned burning gold eyes on Alcmene, a simmering anger in their depths, but not directed at her sister a she answered her question. "I couldn't count them all. Some ride in army vehicles, though. I think they are part of the group that captured us."

Ryeth gives a grim smile to her brother, shaking her head. "Thank you for the offer, Pontus, but if I spend another moment in darkness I will kill someone." She means it, too.

When Rachelle feels the Earth's eyes on her, she resists the urge to back away, pressing into Sylvester's side instead as the wolves behind her whimper softly. It is not stupid to be afraid of the Four when they are angry and the wolves can feel it coming from the Fae in waves.

"Rachelle, where is the nearest Network Hub?"

Silver eyes blink in surprise, but the answer is swift. "About twenty miles from here, by the sea. We can take you."

Ryethke nods and looks at the others, for the first time, making a decision for them. She usually does not, but this time... "That's where we are going."
Ciro nodded, tightening his grip on her when he felt the flames. She was actually about to snap, wasn't she? Huh. That was new...

Pontus sighed and turned, walking back to into the surf. "I'll meet you there. You guys have fun." Before anyone could answer, he disappeared into the waves, melding into them and taking off.

Alcmene frowned as she watched him leave. Well, that wasn't...ugh...She was so tired and didn't want to walk herself! She stomped a foot and turned back around to the werewolves and her brother and sister.

Sylvester shifted up into his war form and kept Rachelle close into his side. He felt her fear, but didn't feel it himself. He knew what Ryethke could do, sure, but he wasn't afraid of her. Not really, anyway. "Then...we go..." He managed, his voice a gravely sort of growl.

Getting to the Network had actually been relatively easy....once they convinced the Sun to ride on a werewolf. THAT had taken forever, but the journey itself had only been a few hours. A few uncomfortable hours for the Moon, but Ryeth had woven a 'blanket' of sorts for her out of grass and leaves to shade her from most of the rays of light from the sun overhead. Still, they were all grateful to see the estate on the cliffside. It belonged to a 'rich family', but in reality was one of the Network Hubs that housed Abnormals. There were secret tunnels in the cliffside and under the earth when they needed to hide, but otherwise, they were free to roam the mansion.

Those in charge were thoroughly shocked to see a pack of war-shifted werewolves, the Sun, the Moon and the Earth at their doorstep, but word had gotten round and briefing was actually very quick. Probably because said group was exhausted and glared through the whole thing with fraying patience, but hey, they were briefed.

After getting rooms all on the same level and for the Sun, Earth and Moon rooms with balconies that overlooked the sea - everyone showered and changed into new clothes provided for them. Meals were served to their rooms. Sylvester and Rachelle took their own, something Ryeth gave her blessing on with a wink in her wolf's direction. Alcmene took her own, everyone knowing Pontus would probably join her, the werewolves divided the remaining two amongst themselves and Ciro and Ryeth shared one.

The Fae was now on the balcony, looking over the water with her arms crossed and anger still churning her heart. The shower had cleaned her and the scissors and brush provided had seen her hair smoothed out and cut to her mid-back. The food had revived her, but her focus was elsewhere and she didn't know how to call her mind back to the present, to relax at this point as scenes kept playing over in her head.
The ocean kept throwing waves against the cliff side until one finally splashed onto her balcony. Pontus rose from it, eyes narrowed, brushing himself off and glaring back down the cliff. Well. That was annoyingly high. He turned and looked at Ryethke, folding his arms. "You're angry. You're very slow to anger. Why are you so angry now? Moodiness is my territory." He said, somewhat jokingly. He was known for being gentle and calm and relaxing one minute and stormy and horrible and deadly the next...

Ciro walked out onto the balcony in a pair of jeans and nothing else, rubbing a towel over his hair. He looked up at Ryethke and frowned when he saw Pontus. "You made it..."

Pontus narrowed his eyes right back at Ciro. "It was a chore, to be sure."

"I'd imagine it was...."
"Boys, play nice."

Ryeth cast them both a 'look' before turning her attention back to the water and then turning her head completely, she looked at the land beyond, seeing familiar mist starting to roll in from the hills. She knew this land, had grown up here, but somehow it felt distant when she reached out to touch it now. The Fae had to wonder if that was her doing, if she was keeping her distance from this place for fear of what she might discover.

Pontus wanted to know why she was angry and Ryethke realized then that...she hadn't told them. She hadn't told anyone. The only one who knows is the Moon and her sister is discrete. She wouldn't have told them. Sylvester and Ciro both know that Ryeth suffered nightmares but she'd never told them what they were about. Her brown-gold eyes looked again at the two males now and the Fae took a steadying breath as she turned back to them and leaned back against the rail, arms still crossed as she looked at the stone at her feet.

"I am angry, brother, because I am home....but it is not the home I remember. My family...the Sidhe I lived with were killed, all of them, because of what I was. I watched them burn as a new weapon was released on them and I was able to do nothing. I didn't know how at that point."

Her fists are clenched and Ryeth didn't care that her nails were starting to bite into her skin as her voice grew dark and angry, fire starting to lick in thin waves across her skin. "Now I come back and find that they are still killing my people. They have always been killing my people. Those who care about the earth, who live with me in peace....and now I am not weak anymore." She looked up at them again, eyes dancing with fury. "Now I could crush them all if I pleased and it's taking every ounce of control I have to wait."
He wanted to put a hand on her, to tell her it would be ok, but she was sort of on fire so he stayed back. "I've known your patience, Gaia, even if you forget it. I know your fury too. And you know mine." The waves below started crashing louder, higher as the surf swelled. "Why have you not released that fury upon them yet?"

"Because she has patience." He said, narrowing his eyes. He put his hand on Ryethke's back. "Soon, Ryethke...we'll be able to end all of this soon. I have something brewing to knock out their communications..."

Alcmene walked out and leaned against the railing of her balcony, looking across at the Earth, Sun, and Sea. She sighed, the sun setting. She liked the feeling of the cooling air, watching her brother as he started showing signs of fatigue. It was time. And she knew it was time. But she wouldn't say anything. Not yet.