Changing Skies

The Earth heard the Moon, but she didn't respond. She had a job to do and whether the Moon understood that or not didn't matter. And Alcmene...she meant well, but she would never understand the connection Ryeth had to growing things, to life and humans and Abnormals. She was in the sky, distant and barren - and while this saddened Ryeth, she also knew it meant her sister was colder than her and less understanding of things she could not grasp fully. Alcmene had made her view of the humans known perfectly well in the past and even if she had come down to help along with Ciro, that did not mean Ryeth's job was done.

And just because she chose to take every precaution in protecting those dear to her did not mean she didn't trust her siblings. It simply meant that some instincts and habits and duties ran too deep to be cast aside. Her job, her very purpose was to be a place of refuge in the empty universe for those upon her back. It was more than pride, more than fear that drove Ryeth but her very destiny in the grand scheme of the universe.

If the Moon could not understand that, did not want to be a part of it, then there was nothing the Earth could do to change her mind. It didn't mean she didn't take her sister's words into account, though, and slowly the land stopped moving so swiftly around the world, stopped straining to frantically to beat her brothers to their next striking place. No, Luna was right in some regard. She could trust Ciro and Pontus. They might have been rash and hasty at times, but even while she'd not been observing them, they'd taken care. She could see that now and she felt slightly ashamed for her own haste.

She stopped extending herself so far and a great deal of her essence returned to her body, but she didn't immediately settle, her very being flowing through the human body she'd taken until she found the tiny heartbeat in her middle. Ryeth touched her child then for the first time and a joy surged through her that drowned out everything else for a wonderful, blessed minute in time. Yes, this was worth living for, worth being careful for. That settled in her mind, she centered herself and her human body took a deep breath, eyes opening to observe the world that way again.

She had done what she could. All she would. Now it was up to her brothers to end this and she sent that along to them, gave them her consent for she felt they were holding back for her sake.
Neither of them answered, but both did send at least some sort of emotion back to let her know they got the message. They were so busy killing. It really took a lot out of a person!

It was two days later before a very exhausted Ciro landed on the balcony and pulled open the doors, walking inside. He flopped down onto the bed and sighed heavily, so very tired and so very, very in need of a bath. But, in his mind at least, the bath could wait till after he woke up...whenever that ended up being.

Sylvester felt everything quiet in his mind and finally flopped back onto his back. "Ughhh...sleeeeep..." He rolled over and around, groping about for Rachelle. "Pillow..." He grabbed onto her and pulled her close, putting his head on her stomach.
Ryethke had gone back to her room at some point in the two day massacre and she'd curled in on herself there, hibernating her body to escape the pain and the grief, much liked she'd done during the ice age. When she finally felt the Sun stop though and nothing but Pontus' cooling water over her skin, she knew it was over. The thought was one she could barely wrap her mind around and she didn't try to as Ciro entered the room.

She rose from her position on the bed, sitting up even as he flopped down. Her body came to his then, forgiving any anger she'd felt toward him before as she felt just how tired he was, something that exceeded even exhaustion. She watched his face as he started to drift off and her fingers carded through his hair and stroked his cheek. She felt tears fill her eyes, but they didn't fall and she curled as close to him as she could, wanting to sooth the residual fire that still seemed to burn within his veins.

I love you. She whispered it over their connection and to her brother she sent another message. I am proud of you. Thank you.

No matter how she might have felt about it in the beginning, Ryethke knew she was going to get up tomorrow - or in a few days - to a new world and it was thanks to her siblings and their wisdom and selfless care.

Rachelle was more than willing to act as a pillow as her own body craved, nay, demanded sleep and she yawned wide enough to feel like she'd split her jaw. A whine exited her throat and she had started to drift off, lying on the floor, before she'd even registered it. Her work was done. Sylvester's work was done and their puppies....would grow up in a safe world now. Of that she was sure as she fell into sleep, her hand resting protectively on her mate's head even as head rested over their offspring.
Heh...thanks... Was all she got from Pontus who was seeping himself through the crack in the door of Alcmene's room.

She'd get a wave of tired love from Ciro as he wrapped his sweaty arms around her and pulled her close. He really needed a bath...He yawned and sighed, keeping his eyes closed, so close to being unconscious already.

Sylvester yawned just as big before nuzzling her stomach. "You 16 puppies in be still for your mother...we need sleep...then when we wake up, you can roll around as much as you want..."
Ryethke smiled both at her brother and at her lover as she snuggled into Ciro, not caring how he smelled or how damp he was. He was HERE and everything was going to be fine now. No matter how much damage she had to fix when she got outside, no matter how panicked people were or how much work they had to do....they could begin again. And she'd do it with her siblings at her side. That was enough for Ryeth as she drifted into sleep.

Even dozing off, Rachelle could not help but smile at Sylvester's comment of sixteen puppies and she didn't bother to correct him, merely shaking her head as she drifted off completely.


The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months. The Earth healed and the people slowly started to get used to their new way of life. Their enemies were dead. The only ones left were the Abnormals, the mythologicals and the Normals who accepted both species aforementioned. For the first time in a millennia Ryethke was at peace, not hurting. least she had been.

As of this very moment, she was in more pain than she'd ever thought possible! And she'd been bloody tortured! The Fae screamed again, her head falling back, sweat rolling into her hair as her body strained. The males weren't allowed in the room, but both Rachelle and Alcmene were there and their presence comforted the Earth even in her agony. Stars above! If anyone had told her that giving birth was worse than being burned or whipped or....anything, she wouldn't have ever agreed to do this!

Not that she had much of a choice, but Ryeth wasn't thinking all that clearly at the moment.

Outside the room, five curious little puppies looked up at their father with wide eyes, their ears perked as they heard another cry from the Earth on the other side of the door. Only a few months old themselves they were fluffy and clumsy and only just learning to really talk, even in mental speech which was all they could do now as they were not able to shift. The one female of the group, Amelia, was in her father's lap, definitely the jewel of his eye with black fur like her mother and a star-white patch on side.

Daddy, what wong?

They knew Auntie Earth as a happy woman who loved to play with them. This yelling, it concerned them greatly. All four boys, all a mixture of gray and black fur, whined and growled and barked their agreement for the question, huddled around their father who could explain anything. Of this they had faith.

Sylvester licked his daughter's face gently. Well, once upon a time you five were in your mother's belly where you grew and grew until you were big enough to come out! And when you did, your mother sounded just about like that, only with more things like 'Silvester, I hate you because you're so mean to put these puppies inside of me!' He nipped at his daughter playfully and looked at his sons. And then POP! He nipped at Jamie. You all came tumbling out! That's what's happening with Ryethke right now. She's about to have human puppies.

Ciro was pacing back and forth, angry at not being able to be in the room and worried and and many other things! He sighed and just kept pacing...

Alcmene put a damp cloth on Ryethke's forehead, smirking. "Oh, come now, Ryethke. You've been through far worse than this. You're almost done, too. The harder you push, the sooner this will be over."
Amelia yipped happily, giggling at the same time in her father's mind as she tumbled backward in his arms, her tiny frame dwarfed against his war-form. Jamie nipped back at his father, a daredevil and Brandon started to scramble into Sylvester's lap, talking. Will da hoomin puppehs wook wike us?

Theodore, a quiet pup who was curled against Sylvester's leg, nipped at his sibling as Brandon used him as a step-stool to reach his target. Ow! Git off! he yelped and Andrew laughed and yipped, wanting to play now that his father's nips had gotten him riled up.

Ryeth glared at her sister, wanting badly to give Alcmene a piece of her mind. It didn't happen, though, as she pushed again, her body shaking with effort and her teeth gritted as she worked not to cry out again. When a small reprieve came, she let out a slight sob and Rachelle shushed her, sympathetic as she watched for the baby's head.

" goin'...ta KILL Ciro!" the Fae bit out, her accent heavy, as another contraction came and this time she did scream again, but it was the last push and Rachelle helped pull the infant's shoulders out, catching the baby as it slid easily the rest of the way. The baby was quickly encouraged to breathe and the umbilical cord cut. The first cries of an infant rent the air as Rachelle approached Alcmene with the baby, handing the small thing to the Moon so she could go back to help Ryeth, clean her up.

The Fae's eyes went to her sister immediately when Luna came over and her voice was faint, hopeful, fearful... " okay?"
He shifted down into his wolf form to play with his pups as they waited. No, the baby will look like a human baby. And there will only be one of them. Two at the most, but we're pretty sure it's only one.

Alcmene took the baby and took her over to a waiting blanket, wrapping her up and wiping off her face. She walked over, putting the baby in her mother's arms. "She is just fine. Just like her mother. Get some rest and I'll clean her up while you do."

Ciro tapped his foot. He head crying but he couldn't go in yet...and the sun wasn't known for being a patient one...
The puppies yipped and barked, excited as they clambered over their father's prone form, chatting to each other about what the baby would look like and how they were going to play with it and teach it EVERYTHING! And Jamie especially seemed interested in the baby as the crying started, his young ears alert and quivering before he looked back at his father.

Suppose make that sound?

Ryethke didn't know why she was suddenly crying softly, a smile on her face as she looked at her daughter. This wonderful little life had been inside her, had been part of her for so long and now she was here. The Fae brushed the reddened face of the infant with her fingertip, marveling at the soft skin and the small tufts of strawberry blond hair, still wet, but incredibly beautiful to the new mother's eyes.

The blue eyes that opened to look into hers captured Ryeth's heart immediately and she only looked away from the baby reluctantly to acknowledge her sister, smiling with emotion, grateful. "Thank you." she whispered and then looked toward Rachelle who was now cleaning her hands, a smile on her own face. The werewolfess knew what the Earth wanted even before Ryeth spoke.

"I'll get him."

Rachelle walked to the door and peeked her head out, giving Sylvester a smile, but giving Ciro a grin. "You have a daughter." she announced gently and then stood aside for him to enter.
Human babies can't express their needs like you can. They're much more helpless. They can't eat themselves or walk or anything. They rely completely on their parents, so they cry to let their parents know something's wrong. The baby just came out from it's nice, warm, dark home into the cold, dry, bright world. He stood up and gave each of his pups a lick or two. He looked up when Rachelle opened the door. He started wagging his tail but quickly looked down to make sure his kids weren't trying to run into the room.

"A daughter?" He hurried past Rachelle and into the room, right up to the side of the bed. "Ryethke..." He grinned at her, then looked down at the baby in her arms. "" He reached out, gently scooping his daughter up into his arms. He sat down in the chair by the bed and stared at the little bundle in his arms. "She's beautiful..."
All the puppies were staring up intently at their father, all but Jamie as he stared at the door. When his mother opened it, he quickly tried to make a dart for the door, something beyond curiosity drawing him. He'd gotten to the door, too, when his mother scooped him up and Jamie yelped sharply in protest, squirming in her grip.

Rachelle gave him a small smack on his rump in warning and he whined, but stopped struggling, looking toward the door again with longing. Rachelle watched her son for a long moment, but in the end, went toward Sylvester. "You can see the baby later." Turning her attention to her mate then, running her fingers through his fur lovingly. "The Earth is fine." she assured him and then looked at their pups. "Have they been good?"

Ryethke couldn't have been happier in that moment, seeing her Sun and their daughter together and she turned to her side carefully, reaching out to touch his hand and then the baby's head, loving already the feel of the fuzz underneath her hand. All the pain and the effort and the worry and the cramps and back aches and getting all was worth it now as she watched the infant and the Fae spoke softly, looking at Ciro with love in her eyes.

"I'd like to call her Aetherie." In myth, she was one of the nymph daughters of the sun. Considering their own origins, Ryeth thought it appropriate.
Better than usual. Sylvester said happily. He eyed Jamie. He knew that look. He looked up at his wife before shifting up into his human form as well. He scooped up the rest of the pups and looked at her. "The girl is what, a quarter fae?" He asked, glancing towards the room.

Ciro laughed happily and looked up. "Aetherie? I've always been partial to that name." He said teasingly, looking back down at his daughter. "Wow...she's so beautiful, Ryethke...." He looked over at her again, smiling. "I can't believe it...she's just...she's so beautiful..."
Rachelle looked at Sylvester with a puzzled expression for a fraction of a second before she understood what he was saying and she blinked down in surprise at her son, seeing that, yes, Jamie was still looking toward the door with a single-minded focus uncommon in puppies of his age. She looked back up at her mate and smiled just a little. "That's right." the werewolfess confirmed and then looked back down at the black and gray pup in her arms.

She debated for a moment before leaning over and kissing Sylvester's cheek. "I'll be only a moment."

Rachelle started for the door then, well aware of the sudden energy that ran through her son as she got closer to the goal he wanted.

Ryethke laughed softly and she rested her hand on Ciro's wrist, tearing her eyes away from Aetherie to smile at him. "She looks like you." And the baby did to the Fae, though, in time she would start to resemble Ryeth more in looks. Her temperament, though, would be her fathers and already she exuded a heat that was much like the Sun's own. Aetherie seemed content to look at her father, calm in his hold, but she started to wiggle, eyes looking around as soon as Rachelle walked into the room again.

The Fae noted it immediately and she frowned at the werewolfess, not angry, but confused to see the puppy in her arms. She was fine with Sylvester's children wanting to meet her own, but not right away and Rachelle had known that...

"I'm sorry, Ryeth, Ciro, but I wouldn't have brought him if it wasn't important." Rachelle said softly and Ryeth noted then that the pup was Jamie and he had only eyes for the bundle in Ciro's arms. She'd seen that look was the same look Sylvester gave her and the Fae found herself smiling softly, nodding her consent as Rachelle crouched beside Ciro's chair and let Jamie - holding him carefully - get closer to the baby.

The two young ones seemed to immediately quiet once they could see each other and Ryeth chuckled again, her eyes blinking tiredly, struggling to stay awake in this happy moment. "It would seem, Ciro, that you will have to deal with another mutt." she teased softly.
Sylvester nodded and decided to take the rest of their kids outside. Before he got peed on.

Ciro laughed softly. "Damn it..." He shifted Aetherie in his arms so Rachelle could put the pup in his lap if she wanted. "Oh well..." He smiled. "It's good to know she'll have a protector as loyal as Sylvester is to you, I suppose." He looked over at Ryethke and smiled. "You should get some sleep."

Alcmene walked over to stand behind Rachelle. "I need to finish cleaning off Aetherie, anyway." She said, looking down at the pup. She smiled and reached down, rubbing the boy's head gently. She took the girl from her father's arms and walked over to the table she had prepared with slightly warm water, a clean towel, and baby clothes and a nice, soft baby blanket. She started washing the child gently, letting Rachelle stay close with Jamie if she needed to.
Rachelle had followed Alcmene because as soon as Aetherie was out of Jamie's sight, the pup started whimpering and struggling to get out of his mother's hold. The werewolfess had rolled her eyes, smiling at both Ciro and Ryethke, but had gone over to appease her son. The two infants stayed perfectly happy while together and Rachelle pet Jamie's head fondly as she too watched the baby, marveling anew at the blessing of new life.

Ryeth watched them all, but knowing her daughter was in good hands, she stayed relaxed and looked to Ciro, grabbing his wrist and pulling slightly until he got the message and leaned toward her. She kissed him then, long and deep before sinking back into her pillows with a content sigh and a smile. Her fingers traced his face, her voice sleepy. "I love you."

And she had never been so happy.
"I love you too." He said with a smile, stroking her cheek gently. "You need to sleep now. Get some rest." He kissed her forehead and smiled. "I love you so much, Ryethke...Everything will be alright now..."

Alcmene glanced over at Jamie as she took care of the baby girl. Do you know what this means, Jamie? She is your fae. You are her werewolf. We know you will shift one day just like your parents. Because it wasn't a guarantee that any of the pups would be more than wolves, but they could tell Jamie would because of his connection to the baby. And one day, you will be strong enough to protect this little fae with the same strength that your father protects Ryethke. Do you understand how important that is?
Jamie looked at the Moon with wide, attentive eyes and though he was young, he believed he did understand as he whined softly in agreement. His eyes settled on Aetherie then and his tail wagged slowly, feeling happy just to look at her. He could feel her small mind within his own and though he didn't yet understand what her demanding emotions meant, he knew he soon would. And he'd try to meet every single one.

His fae. She was his little fae and he loved her. He always would.

Ryethke hmmed softly in agreement, but her eyes were already shutting, complete contentment and safety wrapping around her as she drifted off. Everything WAS going to be all right now. The world was at peace and healing, and her family was complete. All was right with the Earth and sky and it would be for many years to come.
