Changing Skies

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Ryethke had grinned at Emily, chirping a good morning back before the other woman left and then turned her attention back to the males....and the waffles. She loved them plain just as Sylvester did. Munching on one happily, she spoke with her mouth full, not something she did often, but she was excited and because she knew they were safe at the moment, every single plant in the vicinity was blooming like crazy - though, in a controlled way. Nothing had sprung up out of the ground yet and that included trees.

"I've had mead before. I never got to drink a lot, though, because the Sidhe were afraid I'd lose control over my fire." They hadn't been at all concerned about her losing control of the earth. They'd had many people there who could have stopped her at that point in time. She smiled at her teacher, wondering a bit at his blush, but chalking it up to the fact that he was probably aware that she and Sylvester knew what he and Emily were to each other. Aiden didn't seem to be very good about expressing the more tender emotions around other people, though, and that made him awkward sometimes.

Ryeth glanced at her werewolf when he sat down and started eating like a proper human. He was also wearing pants and he hadn't greeted her this morning. The Fae frowned, tilting her head and reaching out to rub his head gently. "Something wrong, Syl?"
He nuzzled into her hand. "Sorry. Waffles." He smiled at her. "I was focused. I was helping." He nodded happily and bit into his waffle again. "Aiden and..." he swallowed. "Emily were busy last night. They need waffles."

Aiden blushed furiously and kept his back to them. "Shut up, Sylvester."

Emily popped back into the kitchen and glanced around. She walked over and put her forehead against Aiden's shoulder, then went to put more bottles down. She smiled over at Ryethke, wiping her forehead on the back of her wrist. "Well, the Steelies have a terrakenetic an' shit, so..." she shrugged. "You can drink. Honestly, I mean, we say it's for intelligence reports, but mostly we sit around and drink and tell stories."

Ciro walked through the door, carrying a sleepy Alcmene in his arms. "Oh! Waffles!" He walked right over to the table and sat down, letting his sister stay in his lap while picked one up to eat it. "Good morning, everyone!" He said in his usual cheerful tone.

Alcmene groaned and curled up more, brushing her hair down into her face to block out the light. "Nnn...waffle..." She reached out and picked one up, starting to nom on it. It was a half moon, or just about one anyway, or maybe just past one. The week prior had been...well...interesting...with her running about doing what she wanted, interrupting things...Ryethke would have found all of her underwear on the lawn, Aiden would have found his firewood constantly soaking wet and the lock to his bedroom door broken...Ciro seemed to take it in stride and try to keep her at home, but...she found ways to cause mischief....she was down from that now, though, and in her 'judging' phase. She eyed everyone, but curled back up into her twin's lap to eat her waffle. She was angry she was awake, but not doing anything about it.

Ryethke nodded at Emily, but was busy trying not to giggle at everyone's enthusiasm for the waffles. Really, it was funny the way they all seemed to love them so much. Or maybe she was just in a particularly good mood. The Fae blinked at that thought, absentmindedly scratching Sylvester's head still as she contemplated whether or not she was really to blame for why she found everything so....happy this morning.

She came to the conclusion that this might be true and glanced at the window to gauge just how true it might be. Dark brown eyes widened momentarily and Ryeth stood up calmly, flashing everyone a smile before darting toward the door. She stopped on the porch and groaned, glaring at the distant forest....that was slowly creeping closer. "No, no, go back!" she mumbled under her breath and stretched out her hand, eyes flashing gold before she folded her arms, leaning back and continuing to frown as the trees slowly retreated, reluctant. The Fae gave a snort and turned back to the house, making her way back to the kitchen and to her seat.

Ryeth blew the loose strands of her red hair out of her face and grabbed another waffle, ignoring any looks she might be getting. Okay, so she needed to tone down on the excitement a little... The Fae risked a glance up and her dark brown eyes met Ciro's before she glanced at Alcmene, concern flitting across her face. "She gonna be okay?"
When Ciro's gaze met hers, he winked and smiled. "Oh yeah. It's just that when we're home, she's noturnal. So she's just sleepy right now. And it's the half moon, so she's...she's...kinda judgy..." He shrugged and looked down at his sister, then back up quickly to avoid her death glare. He grinned. "She'll be fiiiine..."

"It's the rest of us we worry about." Emily said with a smirk, leaning on the counter and staring at the mead. She thought about opening a bottle now but decided against it. She moved over to help Aiden cook instead. "But really, I mean, it's's just another one of her phases..."

"You all know I can hear you, right?" Her voice dripped with malice and hatred. She curled up a little more and took a bite of her waffle.

"Ooooooooh-kaaay...time to put the moon to bed." He stood up and hurried upstairs to one of the empty rooms.

Syl snickered and licked his fingers. "She's funny..."
Ryeth found herself agreeing with Sylvester and grinned, looking after the way the two siblings had gone. She found that a small smile still stayed on her lips long after it should have and quickly looked away from the stairs, trying to find something else to focus on. She'd found herself doing that more and more lately; just...looking at the Sun. And it wasn't even because of her power. No, her power enjoyed being near Ciro, but despite him and Luna it was growing less satisfied by the day with only their presence. It wanted the Ocean. Ryethke, though....she just wanted to be near Ciro.

It was a unnerving thing to discover about herself and that day she'd not gone for training despite the need for it. The revelation that she had a crush - the first one she'd ever had in her life - had been a startling one and she'd not known how to face the male without blushing scarlet....which she'd still done the next day...

The Fae sighed, pushing the thoughts away for now just like she pushed the plate of waffles away, full. Her eyes sought the window. She couldn't wait to talk to Sionn.
Lucky for her, the sun was oblivious. He just thought she might have stayed outside a little too long and had a sunburn...

Around noon, he was sitting on Aiden's couch, watching TV idly. He usually didn't watch it...there was always such a terrible glare on it...

Sylvester was lounging on the stairs in his human form, wanting to be close to Alcmene but not away from the excitement. He liked it when other people came over. There were always so many new smells! And now he could brag that he was Gaia's General and the head of all the werewolves...shove that in some werewolf faces...He knew no other lycans were coming today, but still. He had a lot to brag about. "There's a car coming."

Aiden, who was squinting at the tv and sighing, stood up. "Sure. Hey, Ciro, dimmer switch..."

"Huh? Oh...s*** that what it is?" He hadn't realized he was glowing...he dimmed himself down to a normal human level of giving off light and smiled. "Oh...well I'll be..." He shrugged and settled back down on the couch, able to enjoy the tv now.

Emily shook her head with a laugh and looked over at Ryethke. "Sometimes the sun isn't so bright, huh?" She asked just to tease Ciro.
Ryeth laughed before she could stop herself and promptly went red again. Clearing her throat and avoiding Ciro's eyes - not that she thought he was looking at her, but still - got up from the floor with an uncanny grace that just seemed to be growing day by day. Well, that is until she sparred with Emily. Then she felt like a waddling goose out of water. It was ridiculous how fast she could learn things with her power, but give her something that only required her body in a lethal way and she grew clueless. Completely frustrating.

The Fae dismissed the unwelcome memories those thoughts stirred up - too many landings in the dirt - and headed for the door, knowing Sylvester would be right on her heels. She stepped out on to the front porch and watched with a growing smile as the car stopped and the first person to exit was her friend. Sionn dropped her bag in the dirt by the car and the two women met in the yard, hugging each other and Sionn, with her greater height, lifting the Fae off the ground and spinning her once before setting her down again.

"There yeh be, yeh wee savage!"

"Good to see yeh, too, Sionn."

The Normal grinned wider and looked up toward Sylvester, waving a greeting. "I see yer still runnin' with the wolves."

"Yep. Nevae leave home without one." the Fae quipped back and then looked around Sionn at the others exiting the car, curious. Sionn, snorted, noticing and turned her body to better introduce her group. "The other guys have alreadah met them, but Ke, these are my team-mates. Ichiro Tachibana is a Terr'okenetic and our language an' eenformation expert. Max Carter controls electricitah an' is our computer tech guy." Sionn pointed to the black-haired, black eyed, forty year old Japanese man who appeared to be the quietest and calmest of the group and then at the brown-haired, hazel-eyed, eighteen year old American who appeared much more friendly and vibrant respectively.

Ryeth nodded to each of them in acknowledgement and Sionn continued, pointing to the other two females. The first was a blond with blue eyes, around twenty-six years with a haughty attitude that was apparent even without speech. "That be Trisha Howard. She's a Pyrokenetic an' our behst combat fighter."

"An' that be Anya Kozlov, our wind-bender an' "everythin' under the sun" doctor. She's pretty good, too." Sionn gave the blond with blue streaks in her hair a smile and Anya, a half-elf of about twenty-one years - or at least that is how she appeared - with gray eyes and defined features, smiled back and waved her fingers in greeting. Sionn looked back at Ryeth, her voice quiet. "She be mute, so dinnae ask her anythin' that ain't a yes or no question. I know yeh dinnae know sign language an' that be the way she communicates."

As Ryeth nodded her understanding, Sionn slung an arm around her shoulder and addressed her team. "And this, everahone, is Ryethke."
"And this is Emily!" She said, walking out the door. "And this is mead!" She held it up a bit, grinning. She enjoyed drinking maybe a little too much. And it probably had something to do with her blood bending abilities and cheating at drinking games. Probably. "Alcmene's asleep upstairs though, so...don't get too rowdy."

Aiden walked out and grabbed some of the bags for people, smiling. "She's in the third room upstairs, but all other rooms are up for grabs. And she'll be awake tonight,'s a half moon, so...tread carefully if that's the room you want." He said, turning and starting to help them with their bags.

Ciro heaved himself out of his chair and walked out to help as well, smiling brightly at everyone. "Hello! How was the drive? Not too bad, I trust!"

Sylvester stayed close to Ryethke, standing tall and proud, even if he had to wear pants. He wanted to show off just in stature that he was something important now. Though, he did say hi to everyone. He was trying to be on his best behavior.
Ichiro smiled a warm greeting at Ciro, coming over to clap him on the shoulder lightly, in an almost fatherly manner. "The drive was long, but it teaches patience. It's good for the young ones." He gave a wink as Max passed him, grumbling under his breath as he followed Aiden inside with the bags. The Japanese man shook his head at his younger teammate and looked back up at the Sun.

"The earth tells me you are happy these days and your sister, too, most of the time. I am glad to hear it. For too long now the Sun and Moon have been restless."

Ryeth watched everyone with the wide eyes of a child, smiling when she was greeted and giggling every time she looked at Sylvester. It was so tempting to poke his chest and see if it deflated... The Fae resisted with supreme effort, knowing he'd pout if she did and then he'd get irritated because his dignified self would be ruined. No, instead she followed all the women back into the house, all of them migrating to the kitchen, talking together and starting to pour drinks with Emily quite happily.

The Fae managed to snag Sionn before her friend could have a drink, knowing she'd get very little that was intelligent out of the Scottish Normal if she let her have the mead first. "I need to talk to you!" It was whisper in the rainbow-haired woman's ear and Sionn raised a brow, but smiled and followed Ryethke out of the room and into the dining area.

"All right then, what be wrong?"
Ciro smiled and returned the shoulder-clapping gesture. "Yes, we are, actually. We've found another piece of the puzzle." He glanced over at Ryethke as she walked inside. "Gaia has awoken." He looked at Ichiro and grinned. "We're just waiting on Pontus, now...I'm eager to see what shape he shows up in. But, it's nice having that...stabilizing factor. The earth that sits between us. You know how it goes." He said, kinda waving a hand.

{No secrets...} Sylvester said, putting his hand to Ryethke's back as he saw her whispering to the Normal. {What's going on?}
Ichiro nodded slowly as only older, wise people can do and a smile crinkled at his eyes. "I do understand." The Japanese man glanced at the door and than back at Ciro before looking off into the distance, speaking softly as was his nature. "It is the Moon and the Earth who are still restless, though. You, Sun, seem quite content." The Terrakenetic seemed to nod to himself with a smile before starting toward the house, knowing perfectly well Ciro could hear him.

"Pontus may be the last missing piece to complete the whole puzzle, but something tells me he is only a small corner attachment for you. You've already found your missing piece."

Ryeth jumped a little at Sylvester's touch, having almost forgotten he was there. She looked up, gazing at him upside down and smiled reassuringly, though, her body seemed jittery with nerves. {It's nothing bad, my Mutt. It's just...not something I feel I can talk to the others about yet. You have to keep it a secret between us, okay?} When she didn't receive a negative, the Fae looked back at Sionn and took a deep breath before speaking softly.

"I think...I have a crush...and I dinnae know what ta do about it."

Sionn's grin could have split her face. "It's the blond, ain't it?"

Ryeth went red and that was all the confirmation the Scottish woman needed as she chuckled.
Ciro tilted his head and turned to look at Ichiro. He had his missing piece? Well, he had Alcmene, sure...and honestly, Pontus, wherever he was, didn't effect him at all. He was the sun. The only thing he needed....was....the earth....who revolved around him...he turned his eyes towards the front door, so many things clicking into place and very suddenly. "" He smiled a little. "Yeah," He ran a hand through his hair. He hadn't even thought about it before, but it was so obvious to him now! The ocean needed the moon and the moon needed the sun, but the sun needed the earth for without it, he had no purpose...sure he could give light to the moon but without the earth...

Without Ryethke...

He had no purpose...

{YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON CIRO?!} The bond tethering the werewolf to his fae vibrated with excitement, laughter, and a teasing air he didn't quite know how to put into words. {HAAAA!! You have a crush on Ciiiiiro! You have a crush on Ciiiiiro! Haha! Who revolves around who, huh?!?!} Yeah, that last bit didn't make sense, but...hey...he was a wolf...She was just lucky he wasn't saying it in a way others could understand...
Ichiro only chuckled at the suddenly flustered Sun. Not many got to see that, but the older Japanese man was not one for unnecessary ribbing and he'd made his point. Every Terrakenetic in the vicinity knew the Earth had woken. It was like music exploding over their senses every time they connected to their own power. They controlled little areas of earth, but Ryethke was the Earth and being near her was to know her moods, to be effected by them, it was to almost know her mind. And for a wise Terrakenetic like Ichiro, it wasn't hard to figure out that the pure happiness, the excitement that occurred when she came near the Sun was not merely appreciation for his light and warmth.

And now, even if Ciro did not fully realize what it was that was developing, the seed for knowledge had been planted and that was enough. The man turned his black eyes back to the sun-child as he got to the porch. "Are you coming, Great Sun? Emily will surely give all the women the mead unless we are present and I for one need a drink."

{Sylvester, shut it!! I am not the only one who understands Wolf Tongue!!} Ryethke pushed her elbow back into his stomach - he was that much taller than her - glaring up at him with an expression that was more exasperated than angry and definitely flushed. She looked away again, folding her arms self-consciously across her stomach and Sionn who had been giggling, cleared her throat and reached out, taking her hand and pulling it away from her body, holding it comfortingly.

"Ke, bairn, this is normal. Crushes be normal an' as far as they go, he ain't a bad choice."

A growl sprang up in the Fae's throat without her even meaning for it to at the appreciation in the Normal's voice and Sionn held up a placating hand. "Sorry, sorry. He be yer Sun." The rainbow-haired woman shook her head, looking at her smaller friend with fondness. "Ke, this ain't anythin' ta be ashamed about, yeh know that, right?"

Ryeth sighed. "I just dinnae understand why I like him...THIS WAY. We dinnae even know each other!"

"The heart ain't run by the mind, wee savage."

Ryeth frowned, not liking that answer. In fact, she'd not liked any of the answers since she and Sionn had begun this quiet conversation two minutes before. It meant that something was happening that she couldn't control - again - and she didn't even know if Ciro would EVER feel the same way and what if it got worse?! The Fae opened her mouth to retort again, deny perhaps that this was happening the way Sionn said, but a voice stopped her.

"So this is the Sidhe you've been telling us about, Sionn?"

Ryeth felt her skin prickle unpleasantly at the sound of the new voice entering the conversation and she turned her head quickly from her friend to see one of the blonds approaching, coming through the dining room doors like she owned the place, seemingly uncaring that she'd interrupted a private conversation. She was tall and gorgeous to be completely honest, but her blue eyes were cold-fire, judging and the Fae found herself on guard even as Sionn rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Have yeh grown bored seh quickly, Trish?"

Trisha raised a perfectly shaped brow, ignoring the question entirely as if Sionn had not spoken, her blue eyes giving Ryeth a once over quickly. She completely ignored the werewolf as if he didn't exist. "Hmm. I always thought a Sidhe would be more...impressive."

Sionn frowned, suddenly looking irritated. "Trish, you need to leave. Ke is-"

"Sadly disappointing, it seems." She smile condescendingly. Trisha had always looked down on Sionn for being a Normal, as if that was something the Scottish woman could control and now she smirked at the teammate she'd never really accepted, daring her to even think about doing anything to get her to leave, knowing very well that Sionn couldn't. "You are a Pyro as well, Sidhe?"

By this point, Ryeth was silently seething, but she tried to smile politely, pressing back against Sylvester and simply answered the question. "Yes."
Aiden started following with a smirk. "I have never seen a problem with pleasantly drunk women, Ichiro." He said, walking inside with him. He started thinking about what he said though. Ryethke liked him? Did he like her back? Was that why he glowed a little brighter when she was around? He did need her...who else would he give his warmth to? Who else would he brighten just with his presence? There was a connection there. A strong one. And it made sense. She needed him and he needed her and....something was wrong. The Earth wasn't happy. Why wasn't the Earth happy? Why wasn't he there to brighten her up when she was feeling dark and dim?!

Sylvester growled at the insolent, well-groomed woman in front of them. He shifted up to his war form and stood behind Ryethke, but didn't pull her into him. She needed to stand proud and for herself...but he'd gladly answer the order of 'sic her' if it was muttered. He'd rip the tiny little thing into bite sized pieces.

Before he could act, however, Ciro walked in and put a firm hand on Trisha's shoulder. "Trisha, do you need to be reminded of your manners?" He asked in quite the commanding voice. Not big and booming or anything, but firm and no-nonsense, not bright and sunny like he usually was during the day. "What have we all been trying to teach you about picking fights, little ember? Pick ones you can win...not ones that are going to knock you on your ass."

Emily was grinning extatically as she watched the exchange, holding onto a bottle of mead she had claimed for herself. Ooohhhh! This was getting really good!! She LOVED it when they came over!!

Aiden, who had wanted to see Trisha get her ass kicked for a while, stood behind Emily and took her bottle from her so he could take a drink from it. Yeah. Maybe they should wake up Alcmene and let her, half moon...hell no....
Trisha seemed to almost jump at Ciro's sudden presence, like she was slightly afraid of him and Ryeth found herself hiding a grin...that was until the arrogant blond seemed to gather herself and scoffed, shrugging Ciro's hand off her shoulder and looking at the Fae mockingly. "Knock me on my ass? THAT little thing? She hasn't even completed basic training! Though, I suppose that would be Aiden's fault. He never was good with younger students. I pity you, dear."

Ryeth had been proud of herself. She was being good. The earth wasn't shaking, no thorny vines were coming up to strangle the woman in front of her and she hadn't taken advantage of the VERY impressive werewolf at her back. She was being GOOD. She was staying in CONTROL. She was....okay, now she was pissed. This Pyro could insult her, but her family? Hell no. An ominous noise seemed to rumble through the house as Ryeth's dark brown eyes turned even darker, seeping black.

"What did you say?"

The blond waved her hand, but her eyes glinted, knowing she'd gotten a rise despite the best intentions of those gathering in the room. Trisha's teammates only watched her with exasperated expressions, knowing Trisha far too well and knowing they couldn't get her to leave her prey even if they tried. Sionn, for her part, was angry this was happening at all, that Trisha had chosen her friend as her target, but she knew RYETH well enough to understand that the red-head would not appreciate someone interfering with a fight she'd now claimed as her own with just those soft-spoken words alone.

"Aiden isn't known for having the brightest of students. It's not your fault if you can't hold your own yet."

"Is that a challenge?" The Fae's voice could have been carved from ice, and if she'd had fur, it would have been bristling in a thousand directions.

Trisha smirked. "Only if you accept, dear."
Aiden let out a small laugh. "My students have all exceeded you, Trisha." He said, her comment not bothering him at all. "And none of mine have died yet." That little sentence had a barb at the end, but he just took a drink of his mead. "What's your count, Trisha? Of students of yours who've died? Lasts I heard it was two..."

Ciro snorted. "Three." He looked over Trisha's head at Ryethke. "Rye, she isn't worth your time. Leave it alone. Let it wallow in it's own misplaced self-worth." He said, moving away from the girl to take the bottle of honey wine from Aiden. He took a drink and handed it back.

Sylvester smirked and bared his teeth at the girl, letting some drool drip out for effect. Then he, too, turned away and shifted down to his human form. He had chosen pants with an especially stretchy waistband, so...they were kinda more like shorts now, but he was still decent. Hulk descent. He took the bottle when it was passed around and took a drink.

Emily let out a giggle suddenly and clapped her hand over her mouth. This was delicious. She took the bottle from the werewolf, took a drink, and passed it along to one of the others who hadn't gotten any yet. This was going to be so good!
Ryeth stayed quiet for what seemed like a long time, staring at Trisha, truly debating what her teammates had said. Yes, in some ways it would have been wiser to just walk away from the arrogant, blond Pyro and yes, this was about pride, the Fae could admit that. But that's not what made up her mind. No, it was the insult to her own, to her FAMILY. She could have walked away from an insult to herself, had done so many times even as a child - the Earth was forgiving - but not this time. Not when this woman had come into HER home and insulted HER people with the intention of hurting them with her words.

No, she wouldn't let that pass.

"I accept." She said it quietly, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear. Trisha smirked in triumph, casting Aiden a look that said 'now we'll see who's students don't measure up'. "Very good. Fire only, little Sidhe, and no weapons."

Ryeth nodded back, her face tight, fists clenching tightly and then uncurling at her sides. "No killing. This isn't a fight to the death."

The blond scoffed, starting to walk out of the room like a self-satisfied cat and toward the door that would lead them outside. "Just what do you think I am, ReRe?"

The Fae gritted her teeth at the name, but didn't react more than that, simply answering the question as she followed, trusting everyone else was going to do the same whether she invited them or not. "I think you are a self-righteous b**** who enjoys hurting people because you feel like dirt yourself. I think you'd use any excuse to get back at Aiden for an imaginary slight." Ryeth smirked as she and Trisha finally halted on the dirt-covered sparring ground in the backyard. "I'm just taking wise precautions."

Sionn, who had followed close behind her friend, frowned, muttering under her breath. "Yer gonna need 'em." She approached Ryeth with her arms folded, apparently not happy if her hissing voice was anything to go by. "Ke, dinnae do this! She's our combat eexpert! Yeh cannae beat her yet!"

The Fae nodded, pulling her shirt up over her head, a tank top underneath. Better not to burn more clothing than she had to, right? She spoke through curtains of red hair that had come out of the pony-tail., pushing the wild mess back. "Mostly likely not."

"Then WHY in heaven eebove are yeh doin' this!?"

Black eyes looked into blue, stubborn and yet wise, too. "Because, Sionn, they're my family. They're all I have and that makes me far more deadly than Trisha will ever realize. This isn't about beating her, it's about gaining respect."

Sionn sighed, giving up. "Wee'll I hope yeh like tastin' dirt."

The Fae grinned cheekily. "Always."
Aiden walked up and gently nudged the Normal out of the way. "I don't have any doubt in you. And honestly, chaos does well against her." He said, his voice low. "Just let lose. Channel the fire inside yourself and know that it will do what you command it."

Emily ran up next. "And remember all those rules about fighting I taught you? I want you to forget every single one of them. Ok, not every single one, but all of the clean fighting ones. Throw dirt in her eyes if you have to. And remember, if either of you starts bleeding, I can stop it before it gets too bad." She nodded and grinned. "And over all, kick her ass. It's fun to watch." She hurried back, pulling Aiden away with her as far as she could.

Aiden stayed fairly close, mostly as damage control. He folded his arms and planted his feet, watching the two of them. If things got out of hand with everyone's fire, he could stop it.

Ciro glanced up towards the window where his sister was sleeping. Maybe she was really, really dead asleep...he could hope, anyway...
Ryeth found herself relaxing, smiling even as Emily and Aiden gave her advice, encouragement. It was nice to know they believed in her. She nodded at them, but didn't speak as they walked away, focusing instead on her opponent. Trisha didn't look like she wanted to speak, though, already down to her own tank-top and shorts and the two women stayed motionless for a long minute before some unspoken signal seemed to ignite between them and they engaged.

The fight had started with only two rules. The first was that only fire-gifts were to be used and the second rule was that they couldn't do anything damaging enough to be life-threatening. Other than that, all was fair game. Trisha hadn't hesitated and neither had Ryeth, both females feeling they were fighting for something and both irritated with the other.

It didn't take long, however, for the Fae to know she was grossly outmatched no matter how angry she might be or how noble her cause. She really hadn't expected to be the better in this fight anyway, though, so the fact that she wasn't didn't shock her.

Ryeth groaned as she hit the ground hard. Again. She used her arms to push herself up and back to her knees, wiping the blood from her mouth with the back of a dusty hand, tasting iron and grit, and smearing both brown and red over her cheek as her dark brown eyes glared at the smirking Trisha. The woman held her hands on her hips, a brow raised.

"Done yet, princess?"

Ryeth smiled, the expression more like a grimace as she stubbornly worked her way to her feet, her body aching, but her spirit far beyond cowed. Her earth power strained inside her, furious and wanting to lash out, but she held it in check with an iron will and a great deal of learned control, not letting even a tendril seep out. Ciro and Alcmene would be proud.

"Not hardly." She said it sarcastically. Ryeth might have only been combat fighting for two weeks with Emily and she might not even remotely be ready to beat Trisha, but the Fae was stubborn and the two women once again engaged. Fire flared around their hands and arms, doing no harm to the other's skin, but burning clothes aplenty and leaving bruises with the intensity of their strikes.
Ciro was actually very proud. He moved closer to watch, the heat of the flames not bothering him in the slightest. He could feel his sister starting to wake up, but she was doing fine so far. He willed her back to sleep, letting her know everything was ok, and kept watching the fight.

Emily was yelling from the sidelines, something about a specific technique or something, but half of it was 'rip her ******* head off!' and things of that nature. And laughter. She was enjoying herself quite a bit apparently.

Aiden watched calmly, almost the polar opposite of his girlfriend. He stood as still as a stone, watching Ryethke's techniques and making mental notes on things she needed to improve upon.

Syl was back on the porch, drinking with everyone else. He had taken bets already and was prepared to lose money, but he knew Ryethke had heart and Trish, well...she had the anger part down...