Change one word in the above sentence

  • Thread starter Klutzy Ninja Kitty
  • Start date
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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When angry Sen catches you shipping Hana with some hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong ship, you baka head!
When angry Sen catches you shipping Hana with some literally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong ship, you baka head!
When angry Sen catches you shipping Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong ship, you baka head!
When angry Sen catches you shipping Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong ship, you silly baka head!
When angry Sen catches you shipping Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong moe ship, you silly baka head!
When angry Sen catches you shipping Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong un-moe ship, you silly baka head!
When angry Sen catches you shipping Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super un-moe ship, you silly baka head!
Ok guys??? o_o

When angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super un-moe ship, you silly baka head!
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Ok guys??? o_o

When angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super un-moe ship, you silly billy baka head!
When angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super un-moe ship, you silly billy baka dunder head!
When angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super un-moe ship, you silly billy baka dunder head!
When cutely angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super un-moe ship, you silly billy baka dunder head!
When cutely angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super moe ship, you silly billy baka dunder head!
When kawaii angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super moe ship, you silly billy baka dunder head!
When super kawaii angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super moe ship, you silly billy baka dunder head!
When super kawaii angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super moe ship, you silly billy baka dunder ball!
When super kawaii angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super moe ship, you silly billy baka waka dunder ball!
When super kawaii angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super moe ship, you silly billy baka waka naka dunder ball!
When super kawaii angry Sen catches you shipping clueless Hana with some cliterally hot waifbandos once again, you're shipping the wrong super moe ship, you silly billy baka waka naka taka dunder ball!
Resetting the sentence. :)

This year for Halloween I dressed as a pumpkin.
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