• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
One of the most adorable things int he world is watching my two nephews play together in giant boxes. It is just way cute.
Scheduled to spend time with my lovely coworkers and be friends and stuff for a bit. I'm the baby in the group but spending time with them is a real riot.
Short of waking up too early I was able to finish Al of "The sayings of Confucius" and I did not in anyway find him CONFUSING silly people and their puns!
Jinx linked me to this weird short horror story/movie compilation that I thought was going to be weird, but turned out to be freaking awesome.

Gonna watch the rest tonight.
I know I'm probably annoying with how often I talk about my Mini Fluff, but... >>; I just have to share this picture of him for my happiness thingy. It really brightens my mood every time I look at it. This may be a grizzly outfit instead of a panda one but omg it's adorbes.

Sometimes all it takes is a randomass comment somewhere to suddenly remind you of something really important and give you just the boost you need to take on the world!
I was paranoid about my little community sticking together, but with the move to Iwaku and almost everyone intact I'm confident we've got a chance to thrive and succeed. Also, I found out there was a little ice cream left. I love the little touches that make everything all the more perfect.
Pleasent morning. Not a bad day at work. Now I know when I need to meet up with the others for the Wlak on Sunday. Party preperations seem to be going well. Got the next several days off. YOGURT
Everything just went so kickass tonight, I feel like I bossed everything. Yay!
Doing well in my online classes so far. Some assignments for health & fitness will have to be incomplete due to circumstances, but I'll make up for it as I always do. My computer class, though... *drools like a nerd while she reads about AIs and making spreadsheets*
Cooked up a storm this evening. Everything I've tasted so far has been great.
I finished all of my homework and DIDN"T lose any of my rps like i thoguth i would. LIFE IS WICKED AWSOME.
Submitted my first flash fiction story to an online literary journal/magazine. Not sure if it will get published but hell, I'm happy I submitted.
I'm about to undergo the trail of a life time. Giving a speach about bullying ot little children in primary school. The only thing that makes this awesome.... I"M GONNA BE BIGGER THANT HEm! Naw i''m joking, is because i'md oign it with my GF and she's going to be alls uper happy because this is her major
I have a whole bunch of paints! :D
Boyfriend took care of the baby so I could sleep a couple of hours. Man it felt nice to be able to get some rest without having to worry about anything. x__x