Celestial Avians

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"No. Just having a chat about the lunch duty well be given tomorrow. I overheard some of the staff chatting about it before service started."

Sen leaned back. "You'll look real nice in a hair net either way." She grinned somewhat, "Though your customer service desperately needs some work there. And who says I was rescuing really?" she lifted her brow, "I think they are more than capable to handle themselves."

Rao smiled gratefully at Shai' ahn's friend. She could take care of herself, but the girl's care made her feel welcome. "Cooking isn't that bad." Rao shrugged. She had done plenty of chores over the years and kitchen duty was by far one of the easiest. She almost liked drying dishes. It was relaxing.

"Well if you guys want to sit somewhere, I'll tag along. I've got no appetite here;"

Rao scanned the cafeteria. She spotted an empty table near a corner. "How about there?" She inclined her head towards the table. "If you want to talk about... you know, girl stuff." She put as much Oooh, cooties! into her voice as possible.

Orestes grimaced visably at the sarcasm in the girl's voice. So much for welcome wagoning. "I...dont mind." He said trying to sound convincing. "Shai, you want to go with them that would...yeah." He stood up and gave a courtly bow to her. "I think that I'll excuse myself." Then he turned back towards his recent friends. "Sorry guys. I really tried to get them over here. Seems that, whats her name at least is intent on...ya know being as unfriendly to me as possible." He sighed and sat down. Then leaned back relaxing. "What do ya guys wanna do?"
"Sorry guys. I really tried to get them over here. Seems that, whats her name at least is intent on...ya know being as unfriendly to me as possible." He sighed and sat down. Then leaned back relaxing. "What do ya guys wanna do?"

Cael set the folded crane on the table. "I have yet to see my dormitory. Perhaps we could explore our rooms?" The backpack he carried wasn't heavy, but he would rather not carry it with him all day.
"Hm, ya. You know I havent heard a single thing about my own room." He stood up and waited for his friends to follow. "I wonder who my room mate will be?"
Rimm watched as Sen stood to rescue Shai' and Rao from there male "friend" in the lot. He stood as well, dumping the contents of his tray into the wastebasket and walking over towards the little table that held the dirty trays. With a loud 'CLANK' it bounced off the other thin metallic sheets and Rimm turned to watch Sen's one-woman rescue squad. Thinking back he gently chuckled at her comment:

"Well you are truly the noble hero for us all then Rimm,"
she winked, "We'll have to find you a princess to rescue at one point, just to even it all out."

A shake of his head caused another low chuckle to escape his throat and he began to walk over to the girly trio as Orestes chose to turn from the snarky remarks Sen was giving, and sit back with his own allies. Meeting toe to toe with the newest member, Rao, he smirked towards her slightly before turning towards the male trio for a moment. "Hey Sen did you wanna talk later?" he inclined a hidden secret behind his words hoping she would catch his drift. Unsure if they all wanted to continue to form a plan on the curious demeanor going on here or save it for another time. He would have said something pertaining to some dumb subject to make it look like he was asking about extra curricular activities as not to be suspicious, but he didn't wanna sound too retarded. Fingers lightly twirling a piece of string in his front pockets, his shoulders hunched slightly as he looked down at the girls with questioning eyes.
She didn't trust this guy as far as she could throw him and that wouldn't be far. With his gung-ho show he put on pulling into the parking lot earlier, with his snarky tongue prior and picking on the newest boys which she did see the one sitting with him, the knot her stomach only intensified. He was a rat and she was not about to get suckered into his little web.

"How about there? If you want to talk about... you know, girl stuff."

Rosy lips pulled apart into a bright grin to Rao as she nodded, "You know us girls, it's all hush hush." she looked over the other two guys, not really trusting them either but they didn't seem to be as two faced as their leader.

Her lips turned up some with him trying to sound like he was saddened by the lack of them sticking around, as she curbed her tongue from pointing out the fact that he had made such an entrance prior. She wouldn't of course make Rao or Shai' come away if they didn't want too but she was not sticking around the greaseball.

Her attention swivelled upwards upon hearing him calling her name, in truth she hadn't heard him come up from behind, which had her scold herself silently. She didn't mean to ignore him in the least but she had been more than hell bent to get over here, to start becoming the cold hearted one as it were.

"Hey Sen did you wanna talk later?"

Rubbing her palm against the back of her neck, Sen considered him carefully not to seem too eager in continuing on their prior conversation. "Yes please," she stopped to think about saying about meeting up before she nodded firmly to herself, "Find me later?" she might not have trusted him completely yet either but she certainly didn't feel like he was about to peel back his skin revealing that he was the monster that hid under beds.

Giving a slight wave to the boys table in her way of at least excusing themselves properly, Sen turned to look at Rao; as she began to at least make the exit away. "Now with this girly stuff, there will be no nail polish on me." she chided with a grin before she extended her hand towards the girl, "Haven't been properly introduced though, I think I'm building a fair reputation of being the cold shoulder one;" she chuckled knowing that she was being rather rude to well Orestes; before she turned some to see if Shai' was coming along on her own free will. "Name's Sen, Shai's roommate. And soon evil bee with an itch who shall be famous through this school." She teased her tongue poking out to rest on her lip.

Pressing her fingers to her brow, her sigh came past her lips slowly. When did she suddenly become the social butterfly, did this school really make that much of a difference or was it simply the fact that it had been two years since her past school days that she was eager enough internally to try and make more of an effort outwards? The hell if she knew.
Aiden let Orestes do the talking when they met the girls, though he gave them smiles, mismatched eyes crinkling in warmth. They seemed nice. It was too bad the pale-haired one seemed to dislike Orestes so much-- he'd have liked to hang out with them more. "My roommate hasn't arrived yet, last I checked," he said, following Cael and Orestes. "Moving in was the first thing I did. But Orestes, first your ex-fiance and now this girl-- how come every girl you seem to know here has something against you? That's talent, man." Aiden raised an eyebrow at the other boy, his tone joking but curious.
Orestes shrugged his shoulders and then tossed the leftovers from lunch into the bin, tray and all. "I donno Aiden. I have a way with some and a diff with others. The girls are tough though. That's one thing they got in common ya know. Man though. I wonder if my pal Joey Fatone wouldve had a better time with the platinum skirt. As for Dusty, or as she was better known DD...she's always thought she was better than everyone . Even her own parents."
Shai wasn't going to wait for a second calling. She stood up with her tray to follow Sen, stepping up to her side to nudge her back, "So, you've met him before?"

But Rimm had stepped up to catch Sen's attention first. "Hey Sen did you wanna talk later?"

"Yes please, find me later?"

Shai's thoughts about Sen's connection to Orestes changed when she noticed this little response with Rimm. Sen's obviously met a lot of people while she was stuck in Cameron and Tashanne's room.

"Now with this girly stuff, there will be no nail polish on me."

Shai followed with her tray as Sen introduced herself to Rao. Shai decided to grab a 'to-go' box from the buffet area and place her food inside. She was still hungry, but it was a lot. She should have gotten the salad she wanted in the first place, but she's never really sampled American food... Nevertheless, the plate was enough to feed her for three days. So, since there was a mini fridge in the room, she figured she could save what she didn't eat for later. She quietly followed Sen and Rao with her food.

The clock read 1:45 PM in the cafeteria. Time just seemed to fly by.

Elsewhere Ophelia sat in her office. It occured to her at the time that she did not say where her office was. So she left it to track down the wayward student. She again began to jog in the halls until she left the rooms behind. Then she walked briskly to the cafeteria. The doors were open still and as she entered she scanned the room for Shai. She spotted her by sen. But she also became aware of Orestes. "Zo he made it. Hmph goot for him." She said quietly. Then she walked in casually up to the group of girls. "Ahmm. If you voult please. I'd like to speak vith Ms. Shaiahn."

Orestes was walking out now when he heard and bumped into Ophelia. "Yo! What the f-ah hell. Its you. Why are you here?"
"Vat? Oh, zo ve meet again."
"Yeah, why here?"
"Vhy indeed." Orestes stared at her nearly fixated then shook his head. "What ever..." he turned and left her muttering, "old bat." She shooed him on and then refocused on shai. "Vhere vas I?"
Rubbing a slow circle to the hangman's ball in her neck, Sen had slipped into her seat at the table with actually little remaining words. Her mind was working overtime only creating many more questions to come bubbling forth to the surface. </SPAN>

The day have been more eventful than she was thinking it could ever be. Meeting her fair share of others – pleasant or not- and seeing how many countless others; she was somehow keeping a rather unusual content smile from touching her lips.
"So you've met him before?" she had heard Shai' ask her that before Rimm came up, but she hadn't responded. In fact with how quick her mind was working, it was amazing she even recalled it. Letting her flick of a gaze turn to that of the long haired woman, lips had parted to make a final address to it with little avail.</SPAN>
Hearing the doors swing open with a gust of power, eyes swung around to see the noisy return of the teacher that had been a thorn in her side before. Knitting her brows, she couldn't help but silently wonder if this teacher was bi-polar with how prompt and swift her emotions flailed around. Watching her stride calmly towards them, she laid her arms around on the table to cradle her chin barely giving the woman much to acknowledge. She held no respect for this one and it wouldn't be hard to see that. Though she was ignoring her, Sen was listening. She knew it was not her place to say anything to stop Shai' from going, it would only be with Shai' gave her some sort of look or plea that she would step in. She was not about to go stepping on her friends toes. </SPAN>

Though the scene only continued to get far more interesting as the greaseball and the teacher shared some rather odd words. That alone make her resolution not to trust either of them that much more solid. </SPAN>

Nudging Shai', Sen smiled casually to her; "We'll chat later alright?" her way of making sure that Shai' knew she wasn't about to feed her to the dogs but also had more than her fair share of faith in the girl. She would explain things to her later but now she knew that this looming woman was waiting on her roomie.</SPAN>

She kept her lips tight and pressed not to say anything that would in turn fall back against either Rao or Shai', Sen made a grunting noise as if to say she was bored of the teacher's presence. Though she was really tempted to be snarky with a comment about where was she.</SPAN>
After her little group finally decided on a place to sit, Rao with her tray and Shai with her takeout box, she really wanted to know all that had happened between Sen and the two guys she's acquainted with; if she'd learned more about the tattoos from them; but, just when she was about to question her roomie, someone familiar stepped up.

"Ahmm. If you voult please. I'd like to speak vith Ms. Shai'ahn."

It was like she stumped her toe - suddenly reminding herself of the scene in the hallway and the meeting she'd absentmindedly agreed to. She was taught to never disrespect her elders and to always stand by her word, and although she really wanted to crawl back into another corner - recalling the claw marks still apparent in her shoulder - she was curious... Curious enough to use some of the bit of courage she'd gain from Sen's vibrant personality to actually stand up from her chair, grabbing her box.

She felt a nudge against her side. Sen smiled casually to her, "We'll chat later, alright?"

"Yea...okay," her voice still sounded mousy, but her eyes were calm in their new found state.

She figured if she was going to learn anything about what's going on, she might as well go to one of the sources of the matter. If that meant stepping into a lion's den, so be it. It was worth it, wasn't it? She just might learn something that can help her new friends as well.

Stepping away from the others, she followed the instructor where she lead, trying to quickly list her mirage of questions she'd hoped the woman could, or would, answer.
Ophelia walked with the same determination she had when they met. But this time her body remained lax. It was a short trip to the dorms. But they wouldn't stop there. Ophelia proceeded into a tall corridor going up stairs and up and up. All in silence. Ophelia suddenly turned through a door on the fifth floor. The hall way was really the same but high up. Then she ducked into a room for dancing with two accoustic walls, a windowed wall and a mirrored wall. She stood there for a moment in the quiet fiddling with the needle of a record. The music started. Tchaikofsky again. She closed her eyes with Shai being...somewhere and let the music take her.

The crescendo, allegroes, Andantes. She took a seat at a desk in the room and waited for shai to enter, seemingly lost in her record.
Rao turned to the girl beside her. "Sen, right? I'm Raonaid. Do you think Shai'ahn will be okay?" After the first meeting, Raonaid was surprised to find that the woman had developed a gentler tone. Maybe she had missed snack time earlier. The thought made her shake with silent laughter. "I think she'll be fine." she decided. "Do you two know each other? From, you know, not here?" The students were all so varied, at least for a private school in a secluded place.
She was less than pleased to watch Shai' go, but it wasn't like she had a right to say that Shai' shouldn't. She was not her mother nor was she looking to be, but she was a friend. She had to trust Shai and that she could handle herself.

Rubbing the cusp of her bangs out of her face allowing her blue eyes to lock on Rao, she nodded to say that she had gotten her name right. "Well..." she looked towards the door the teacher and Shai' went, "I think so, but its still a little edgy."

Leaning back she stretched lazily before she returned her focus to Rao. "Do you two know each other? From, you know, not here?"

"Nope. Just met this morning actually,"
Sen grinned delicately, "Shai's from South Korea and originally I am from up north, but well things happen and look where we are." she considered Rao some; "How'd ya'll meet Shai this morning anyways, if I might ask Rao?" she was curious to hear it from the other girl, not that she didn't believe Shai, but it was nice to have validation.
Ophelia walked with the same determination she had when they met. But this time her body remained lax. It was a short trip to the dorms. But they wouldn't stop there. Ophelia proceeded into a tall corridor going up stairs and up and up. All in silence. Ophelia suddenly turned through a door on the fifth floor. The hall way was really the same but high up. Then she ducked into a room for dancing with two accoustic walls, a windowed wall and a mirrored wall. She stood there for a moment in the quiet fiddling with the needle of a record. The music started. Tchaikofsky again. She closed her eyes with Shai being...somewhere and let the music take her.

The crescendo, allegroes, Andantes. She took a seat at a desk in the room and waited for shai to enter, seemingly lost in her record.

Completely silent in her march, Shai followed the instructor up a row of stairs that just seem to go on forever. The woman's steps were well conditioned for she had reached the door and started to play classical music by the time Shai had reached her destination. The room was a dance studio, something Shai would never had though was up there. It was rather interesting to see that this school had some extracurricular activities in The Arts, and the idea of learning about what was available caught Shai's interest. But recalling what the woman has mentioned to her about her voice ability, she thought it to be strange that this instructor - who spoke about the girl's choir - escorted her to a dance studio...

Shai crossed the room to quietly stand in the middle of the room, waiting for the woman to explain herself. Shai had questions, but it was considered disrespectful for a youth to speak before an elder...especially one with a higher status. Even though her bracers vibrated lightly - nerves - Shai stood solid in place, twisting a strain of her long hair in between her fingers.
Ophelia finally opened her eyes, a meer milimeter wide. This was her yoga in a way. It kept her...tethered. With the last cord of the song over there was a scratchy silence. She hummed a tune for a bar the straightened tall. "Tchaikovsky. A brilliant man he vas. Don't you zink so?" She leaned forward rather informally. "Take a zeat Shai'ahn. Zis iz not an interrogation." She openef a drawer and pulled out a manilla folder and read through it to herself. "Zinks are quite zafe here in ze room dear. Now. No interuptions you vill zing for me, A flat minor. Understand?" Ophelia looked at Shai quite plainly and with quite a bit of severity.
"Tchaikovsky. A brilliant man he vas. Don't you zink so?"

"Um...yes, he was." Suri's nervousness was still tolerable due to her higher interest in figuring out this woman's intentions.

"Shai'ahn, zis iz not an interrogation." Miss. Ophealia opened a drawer and pulled out a manila folder and read through it to herself. "Zinks are quite zafe here in ze room dear. Now. No interruptions - you vill zing for me, A flat minor. Understand?"

Shai shook her head... This was a major problem - she wasn't ever suppose to sing, not to anyone; her father's words.

"I...I don't sing anymore...," she stammered, dropping her eyes. "It's too - dangerous...," she whispered. She knew this woman knew things about her, but that didn't make it safe to break her promises, or place others in danger.
"How'd ya'll meet Shai this morning anyways, if I might ask Rao?"

"She rescued some pencils that rolled under a door. It sounds ridiculous, I know." Raonaid absently clasped her left wrist in her other hand, running her thumb under her bracelet and against the scars that edged her tattoo. They still itched sometimes, but it was getting less and less. At least she didn't have to wear bandages. "Up north where?" she asked.
Eamon woke up suddenly, the first sight coming to his eyes the star-speckled ceiling above him. The strangeness of the room's decoration made him wonder where he was for a moment before he remembered that he had recently arrived at this new place, this school. Evidently he had drifted off to sleep, and from the faint light streaming in through the windows above his bed and the long shadows it cast across the room, it was now well past noon.

Realizing he had slept the whole morning away up here in his dorm, Eamon sprang out of bed. He was still the only person in the room, which he took to mean he either wasn't going to have a roommate or that they hadn't arrived yet. Taking time only to tousle his hair a little to make sure it wouldn't be obvious he had been sleeping, he made his way out of the dorm room and into the hall. All the doors to the other rooms in this wing were shut and he couldn't hear anyone stirring nearby. It looked like everyone was somewhere else right now, either getting familiar with the campus or else starting to get settled in themselves. Feeling a little hungry, Eamon decided he would look for some food. At a school as nice as this, surely they would have something better than the run of the mill grub that could barely be considered food he was used to eating in other places.

Navigating the school was proving to be a challenge, though. It was so huge, for one thing. There were passages branching off from other passages every few feet, and stairways that went up and down to who knew where. Eventually, however, Eamon found his way to the building that served as a cafeteria. He went through the line and filled his tray with with things that turned out to be fairly standard, but at least seemed to be of pretty good quality if a bit plain. After that, he then faced the challenge of deciding where to sit. Most juvie halls were like cliquish prisons, with the 'inmates' forming groups pretty quickly to establish reputation and to keep themselves from becoming lone targets. He didn't know how things worked here, but he guessed since it was a school it was probably different.

There was a group of girls and guys who all looked about his age at one of the nearby tables. Eamon almost considered joining them just so he wouldn't be the odd man out, but then thought better of it. They would probably want to know where he had come from, and he didn't feel like explaining his checkered past to anyone right now.

Deciding he would just sit alone for now, Eamon made his way to a table where no one else was sitting. If it turned out someone saw that he was by himself and wanted to mess with him, he was confident he could handle himself and deal with whatever anyone might throw at him, even if it so happened that they were literally throwing things at him.