Carnival of Myths and Make Believe

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"My pleasure" he said and walked back to his trailer where he changed back into a human again
Angie awoke, she always got up early to start up the carnival. Of course as she went down the steps her dad stopped her and gave her a task to do. He wanted a new suit. She gave him a smile and walked out of the house. With the sun slowly coming up she was sure the shops in town would be open soon, of course she had to ask Vergil to go with her. Dad's orders, always being very protective. She wondered around a bit setting things up, not realizing that she was getting close to Liam and Vergil.
Vergil put on his bowler hat and walked out of his trailer and leaned on it he still had a burn mark on his skin when liam burned him.
Angie made her way to Vergil's trailer. She saw him outside. "Hey!"
Liam walked around the Carnival and then saw Angie. He stopped and walked toward her "You're up early." He said as he was still in his form. "You going anywhere?" He asked.
Bobby Nickle watched from the area the act was happening in, flicking a lighter, trying to get a flame to spark, he was overjoyed when he finally got a bright, blue flame, and took a deep breath in and..... Set himself on fire. As soon as he was fully enveloped, he pranced out of the tent and away from the lion act, giggling and laughing as he skipped and jumped, sparks jumping of his skin. He sounded like a banshee, accompanied by crackling pork.
(ooc: I just go super confused but I'm going to fix this. Just work with me here.)

Angie realized Liam came from the side of her. In front of her was Vergil. "Well. I need to go shopping. My dad needs a new suit. Thanks to you." She pointed to Liam. "So Vergil. Are you ready to get going?" She said. She always had to have Vergil with her when she went out of the carnival.
"May I come?" He asked. He was about to say something else but stopped when he heard laughter "What is that?" He said and turned around and scanned the area and then looked at Vergil and Angie. "Who is that?" He asked again with a confused look on his face.
"Lets go dont see why your father needs a new suit though" he said leaning on his trailer
"That's probably just Bobby." Angie said commenting on the sounds. She made a smile to Liam. Then turned back to Vergil. "The suit is all burnt up." She giggled.
"Of course it is" he said shaking his head and laughing slightly
"You can come with us too." Angie asked Liam. "Oh, wait what's your name?" She said with her usual smile.
Bobby suddenly jumped out in front of the trio, still giggling to himself, the fire had died down now, and he looked like he'd fallen down the worlds sootiest chimney, his clothes were still intact though. " Hehhehe, hey guys! " He managed to say, as he fumbled for his lighter. " Im Bobby Nickle! I'm one of the new acts! Hehehe! " He flicked his lighter again, and set one of his hands on fire. Then he pulled out a flare gun, shot a few red-hot flares into his hands and started to juggle. " See? I can juggle! Promise! " He was still laughing like a schoolchild, and seemed sad when the fire went out.
Vergil lowed his hat covering his face again he usally did it when he went out of the carnival
Angie laughed, "I know you can juggle Bobby. I saw you, remember." She giggled with him.
He smiled as his body went back to normal, showing nothing but his gym shorts "I'm Liam, and I didn't mean to set him on fire I just thought he'd read the paper more thoroughly..and I.ll go change." He said as he jumped when Bobby out of nowhere and started juggling. He looked sad when the balls of flame went out. So Liam reached out his hand and set them on fire again and then tilted his head and shrugged and touched his head and a spark of fire came from his hand and set his entire body on fire "Sorry, couldn't resist." He said grinning at the fact that he always wanted to do that.
Bobbys eyes went wide with happiness when Liam showed he could set him self on fire too. You would have sworn he was on a kango hammer. " YesyesyesyesYES! We should totally do a act together sometime! " He then danced until the fire was out again, and then toddled off to get something to eat, then he came back with candy floss. Instead of eating it normally, he set the candy floss on fire, then munched on the gooey, yet fuzzy candy as he sat on a few logs.
Angie then turned back to Vergil. "Let's get going. I have to get back before we open." She said to him with a smile.
"Come on then and cotten candy on fire smells digusting never knew that" he said getting ready to leave