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  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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"What's that? I can't seem to hear you over the sound of my own chewing. And this helmet."
Everyone's getting one.
You should too.
You're not cool unless you have them.
-tilts head completely to the side, and almost upside down.-
Don't you want a moustache too?..
Dividing by zero .. This man did it!
Three pumpkins chill out on a saturday afternoon, chumming it up as the wind creates a flow of cool air against their eyeless cores.

"Sup, man. How was your day?"
"Oh, it was alright. Yours?"
"Boring as all hell. I didn't do sh-OH MAN. Tim is back!"
"Oh, he is! Hey Tim!"
"Hey guys.."
"Tim, what's wrong?"
"Yeah, maan. You should be so fuckin' awesome. I heard you're next on the list, man."
"What list?.."
"The Headless Horseman's head count list! DUDDDE. YOU'RE GONNA BE HIS HEAD NEXT."
"Are you okay, Tim?.."
"...I just found out..S..Sally.. She's pregnant."
"Tim! That's so amazing! Congratulations!"
"I call dibs on Godfather."
"..I haven't seen her in a couple months because of work. It's..not my seed."
"Well, shit, Tim, way to bring down the atmosphere."

and scene.
"Whaff wong? Whaff dib I do?"
Darth Vader: Intergalactic tyrant, Enforcer of the Emperor's will, Master of the Dark Side AND He supports Coke-a-cola.

Can we bomb him again?
"Hey! Has anyone seen my cat? He's orange.. and not that big... and..
-looks at foot with goo on it.-
Oh... T______ T"
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