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I will sit in front of you as you sleep and suck in your breath each time you exhale, slowly stealing away your very, fragile, helpless soul.
Why, yes. My underwear DOES match my hat!
Yeah this is a cool costume, red LEDs blind me most of the time though.
Emperor's balls, I'm so smug I just boned twin Sisters of Battle.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?"

Yay pop cult classic.
"I'm going to beat the crap out of that crappy singer, let me just get on stage"
"I'mma...fall asleep here...and when I wake up, I shall have a tanned ass."
Why yes, my hair IS made of birds. Thank you for noticing. <3
Pew pew pew pew pew

Lol not even looking at what I'm shooting at.

Pew pew.
Codex Astartes you say?

Why have that when you can have the best parties in the galaxy?
What? They DIDN'T steal our frisby? Are you telling me I did this shit for NOTHING?
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