Can You Hear Me? - OOC/Sign Up [Closed]

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Oh...that. I used to know what that was actually called, but I forgot.
Yeah, Egregores aren't sophisticated enough to program another Egregore.
The havoc a Netrunner could wreak with a self-replicating program, though...
Name: Taylor Crest
Age: 26
Gender: Male

Taylor is 6' tall and of a muscular -- but not bodybuilder-type -- build; as in, he's obviously muscular, but it's more lean than bulgy. He has a large tattoo (or several tattoos just attached to each other -- he always changes the story) that starts on his back in the form of a spiral burst; from there, tendrils slide and knot their way around his body, down his legs and arms.

Personality: Taylor is very confident, almost arrogant. He's a huge flirt and doesn't seem to take anything seriously, as he's constantly joking and laughing. His sense of personal space is a bit different than most people's. He usually seems to be in an upbeat mood, and tries to remain optimistic with a touch of realistic. He can be serious, deadly serious, when he needs to be, but it's only when he needs to be. He has a save-the-world attitude, and thus is always sticking his head into trouble, trying to help people (ranging from innocent "let me help you carry that" to "I'll beat the living daylights out of that ass"). Despite his somewhat self-centered attitude (which comes off as worse than it actually is) he's actually very caring; he strongly believes in the potential good in the world and tries to bring it out.

Taylor was born with chromesthesia, but it had never bothered him, until he got the Angel implant. The implant strongly affects his chromesthesia; after use, he'll start to show signs of other kinds of synesthesia and possibly small hallucinations, worsening with continued use. After extended use, the synesthesia gets worse, mixing up his senses and making him unable to be aware of anything. The hallucinations get worse, also, which just makes him completely unable to tell what's real and not. During these times, he's irrational, paranoid, and likely to lash out because of that.

Augmentations: His love for augmentation shows: his hair is able to change colour at will (though it's not a quick process, and the length effects the time), his palms are embedded with a holographic projector in each that is Gridlinked, his bones are reinforced, and more practically, his lungs have been 'repaired' to allow him to breathe better due to a childhood illness restricting his lung capacity. He plans on getting more, but has yet to decide what.

Implant: Angel

- [Interface]
- [Search]
- [Follow]
- [Command]

Weaponry: Only a small, yet sharp pocket knife with a serrated edge on the blunt side. Like him, it's a little flamboyantly coloured.

Biography: As a child, Taylor had the boring nuclear family; both parents, an older brother, average house and income and lifestyle. Even as a kid, it bothered him; he always had a need for adventure and thrills. However, he came down with severe bronchitis as a child, and the disease damaged his lungs so he was unable to breathe well. His lungs were repaired, and he fell in love with the idea of augmentations. As a child, that life-saving augmentation made him feel like a superhero, like he was invincible. Combined with his reckless abandon, he found himself getting hurt a lot.

As he grew, he tamed a bit, but still found himself lusting after thrills. His teenage years were full of Raptor races, stupid dares, and broken bones, leading to him getting his bones reinforced via augmentation. Once he graduated high school, he found himself calming down a little more. He still loved adventure, but was less likely to seek out the stupid things he did as a teenager. At the age of 20, he decided to get the Angel implant, but as the side effects started to show, he used it less and less, afraid of having an 'episode'. This spurred his decision to go to college. His goal is a doctorate in neuroscience, so he can research how to fix the effects of the implant. After that, he doesn't have any goals.

Other Notes: Currently employed as a pharmacy technician in order to help pay his tuition.

Sorry I didn't get it up last night, was stuck on the bio. ^^;
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Looks good-accepted!
I should have the IC up tonight.
It's up.

Just so you guys know, the story isn't entirely puzzles. That's only the Omnipotent's plan, and there will be sub-arcs that will deviate you from your original purpose occasionally.

The slanted effect with the chapter title was accidental, but I think it actually looks pretty good so I'm leaving it.
While I did find it amusing, @Nocturne997 that Viktor tried to literally climb the Arch, you can actually take an elevator to get inside the top of the Arch. Not to mention you'd be kicked out by security personnel as soon as you tried to scale the building, heh.
All right, I can change that. I thought it would make a good joke that he always does things the hard way. But okay.
@Rainjay can you post? I'd like to have everyone moving to the top of the Arch before I make a GM post. I don't want this to sit still for too long, though.
I'll try to get a post up tonight or tomorrow, but I'm ill and not feeling very well. Just kind of sitting around feeling very eugghh.
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Fair; I'd just rather not have this bog down.
I'll try to get a post out today, but I'm busier than usual so it might be tonight or tomorrow instead.
Alright, got a GM post up.

I outlined the first puzzle with less subtlety than most of the rest will have. I'd like to introduce the style of puzzles before I throw difficult ones without much direction.
Alright - I should be able to get a post up tomorrow afternoon.
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I'll get up a post tonight at some point.
So - obviously enough - I couldn't get a post up. While I was at least thinking about what I would post, a question came up. Are we the only ones on the top of the arch? Or are we still trying to navigate through some tourists?
Any of them with an eye for Augmented Reality technology would notice that their Interfaces read the image of the eyes as a type of antiquated image file, one of the earliest used with Sites, hence the symbol's entirely 2D appearance. Such a file was regarded with dislike by those who remember the early times when it was used, as they would often "piggyback" onto an interface and show up like sunspots at random times. It was a tactic used for advertising until most countries passed laws that officially restricted invasive-advertising. It was a curious choice of file for a being like the Omnipotent.

For purposes of description in my next post, I'm referring to this as a "cupcake" file, i.e., a next-stage development of the "cookie." I hope that's OK. :)
Excellent post, Zarko!
That methodical way of thinking through both the ethical and practical problems of the characters' situation is exactly what I want to encourage.
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