Camp of the Exiled [OPEN! Needs players!]

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Jack looked at the two females and motioned for them to follow him through the trees towards his and Willow's place. He made sure to take the nearest trail that was covered by the most vegitation so that they had less of a chance of being seen by whatever this horde was. Jack wasn't exactly sure he even knew what the horde was... He didn't want to find out either.

He reached a familiar stump and to the left was an overhang of vines, Willow was hopefully still sleeping peacefully on the other side. Jack moved the curtain of vines to the side and stepped in, "Come in." He smiled to the women following him and ushered them inside.
Hadriel nods at Zaroll has he flew off, despite the fact that he was a Reaper, she hoped he'd come back alright... For now she followed Jack as he had motioned her and Esper to do, taking note of the path they had taken incase she needed to take it again. When they arrived at the curtain of vines which the human moved aside, she folded up her wings as tightly as she could so the vines wouldn't get caught on them as she followed Esper inside somewhat hesitantly, she was curious, but a little nervous about what this new area might look like.
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Esper frowned, not really liking the way the Reaper was talking. She didn't really know what a Reaper was, not being well versed in the ranks of angels, but it mattered little to her. He clearly had a disregard for his own wellebeing.

"Don't get reckless. There are few enough survivors as is. If you die or get seriously wounded out there, the whole group will suffer for it." she scolded. That goes for you too, Vermillion. she added silently, sensing him out there in the wild. I shouldn't have to remind you what will happen to me if you get hurt.

Relax, her familliar purred. Black cats are supposed to be lucky. Esper was ignoring him. He was far too prideful for his own good.

Her, Hadriel and Jack dissapeared into the forest. The vegetation was thick and overgrown, but the human seemed to know where he was going. Despite the danger, Esper's eyes were on the floor.

There were all sorts of different plants, none that she recognised. But the Witch in her could see their essences - poisonous, nourishing, insect-repellant, dark essence, hardy. As she focused, to her they began to glow, their auras revealing what she needed to know about them.

Esper collected what she needed on the way. A chunk of strange bark, a tiny white flower with delicate petals, a collection of dark red leaves. By the time they reached the house, Esper was carrying a bundle of ingrediants.

She gave a small nod of appreciation and entered the room with Hadriel. "It is quite cozy in here. This must of been your home for quite some time?" she asked, kneeling down in the corner and being careful not to wake the other inhabitant.
With a flash, Esper was out the door.

What had I told you, Vermillion? she seethed, What did I JUST say? Her familliar didn't respond. She couldn't even detect his presence anymore, through the veil of pain.

The witch was holding her side as a sharp ache spread up her body like shooting vines. She veered to the side for a moment, but amazingly didn't slow her pace as she darted through the overgrown vegetation. Her eyes narrowed, a fiery determined look in her eyes. Esper gritted her teeth. Stupid, stupid stupid cat. You better be alive, I swear to god.

Travelling on foot wasn't getting her there first enough. A cut appeared across her cheek as if an invisible force had carved it into her skin. Esper wiped the blood away, grinding to a halt at the base of an ancient tree.

The branches curled upwards seemingly forever, large and fat enough to be walkways in themselves. Esper got a foot hold and started to climb, deciding the canopy would be quicker.

Even now, the smell of acrid black smoke drifted on the breeze.
Hadriel knew the smell of the horde, she was all too familiar with it, she didn't have a weapon but she had just enough energy to fly after Esper without another thought, she knew the witch wouldn't last too long if she didn't have someone to at least heal her.... She wished she had her blade, it would have at least given her something to defend herself with. As she was soaring through the trees she spotted Esper scaling a tree and dove towards a sturdy looking branch nearby "I can't let you go alone, even if I'm still recovering, you at least need a healer." she told her, gesturing towards the wounds Esper had already received, the cut on her arm had long since stopped bleeding but that didn't stop it from hurting and making her wince a little from the pain when she moved it.
Jack watched the women leave and looked down at his sister, whom he learned could sleep through just about everything. He watched them go with a confused expression but did not follow. He stayed with Willow. Usually when others ran off it meant danger and he certainly was not looking for something of that sort at the moment. He made sure the covering of the cave was secure before lighting an old lamp he had been given by another family. It was quite old but the only lighting they really had when it got dark. He picked up a weapon as well and waited patiently.

Amethyst blinked, barely registering the pain in her bottom as she landed on grass through a small opening in the trees. What had she just witnessed? Her mind couldn't seem to wrap around the destruction the horde had caused.

The dragon girl sat there, her eyes wide and mouth hanging open as she slowly registered that she wasn't dreaming-- the pain coursing up her spine proof of that-- and that she was no longer in the safe forests of her home. She blinked. Her eyes adjusting to the darkness, her pointed ears twitching slightly at the unfamiliar sounds.

She felt.. odd. In pain, definitely. But odd.

She finally moved as she looked down to find herself in a strange form. Her bright eyes widened more as her hands roamed over her new form. Her wings and tail were gone. She was soft and plushy, no scales, short claws, and wearing strange clothes. In an almost panic, she slid her hands over her face, feeling bits of her scales under her eyes. Panicked hands combed through fluffy soft fur growing from her head till she grasped her horns. A relieved breath escaped her lips as she body slowly relaxed. At least she had her horns...

"Ow..." In her relaxed state, the pain coursing up her spine intensified and she winced. She leaned forward, hoping the pain would soon ebb away.

Raven black hair flared out as she jerked her head around, hearing sounds of other beings nearby. Her kind was rarely seen, even in the supernatural world; living in their own communities on mountains and lands that float through the sky. Her body tensed once more as she scrabbled to stand, her fleshy hind-legs shaking before she stumbled forward. She was learning to walk again. At such a bad time too. She whimpered, wishing she knew how to go back into her majestic dragon form once more.
A being of spirit, I had named myself a god. God of hammers, for I am the essence of war-hammers and mallets alike. Being caught and sucked through the portal was my doom. This world cannot support a being of pure spirit, and I reverted to another form. A simple wood-and-metal hammer, lying among the weeds. It made me so powerless, as if I were no true god.

Then a creature came by, and sniffed me, and I entered into it. The great judge Vasara, trapped in this tiny pocket of flesh. At least it could move. I sensed fear, but the creature was easy to control. Still, I longed to manifest in my true form, and my host was both dumb and incapable.

As the rodent dashed through a clearing, Vasara saw more beings who had come through the portal. A couple of angels, a witch...someone unrecognizable. They were all trapped in this physical realm.

"One for Jack," the dark-haired woman whispered as her spear caught its target, "...and one for me." She called the rodents "bud-ears." They were descendants of rabbits and tasted just as good. "If he's not back by the time I have these cooked," Willow thought, "I'm not waiting for him." Her stomach was not that patient.

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

The change had been a strange one. Vasara felt it had somehow been complete. The new host had willingly taken Vasara into her, and the spirit was very pleased with the situation. As the woman slept, Vasara became familiar with its new life. But would this body support the true form of the spirit of hammers?

Willow awoke with a start and jumped from her cot. Her eyes looked at Jack with fear, confusion, and recognition. "There's a bud-ear for you on the-" she started to say, then was hurled back onto her cot as if by an invisible force.
'What...what is this feeling?' the voice echoed out of the black, coming from everywhere and no where all at the same time. 'Who am I...?' it asked, this time it was clear enough to be called 'female'. 'I am...I am Lupa. Yes. I've trained many over the course of my lifetimes. But this is different.' as it spoke, the voice grew more assured of itself. Light flooded into the darkness, chasing it away, and then took shape. Lupa blinked at the world around her, her eyes adjusting to the sunlight that assaulted her. She shifted, her hip dug into the ground painfully and she felt like she'd just been thrown under a herd of stampeding cows, everything hurt, especially her head. But, she thought, willing various limbs, I'm in one piece, which is better than I can say for most of those that probably got thrown in here. She sat up, taking stock of her surroundings, tall obelisks pierced the sky all around her, decayed and crumbling, nature reclaiming what is hers. "Of course I would get thrown into the human world. I've got to have to worst luck ever." she complained out loud, to no one in particular. She hauled herself to her feet, brushing herself off with an indignant air. Standing at 5'00", the female didn't cut a very imposing figure, especially without the typical matronly assets that goddesses usually had. Her hair was cut short, to keep it out of her face in a time when she trained the greatest champions of human history, and her eyes blue, shaped just a little more human than a canines eyes, and pale as a corpse, possibly from the shock of being thrown into the dead world of the humans. Touching her hair in a thoughtless nervous gesture, she looked around for signs of others that may have made it through without getting grated up on the cracked and broken pavement. The goddess wrinkled her nose, her opinion of human ingenuity wasn't very high.
Jack's eyes widened as he watched his sister get thrown back onto her cot. "Willow?!" He hurried over to her side and knelt down by the cot. Should he touch her? What had happened? Everything that had gone on that day was now spinning in quick circles making him dizzy. He decided to take her hand and hold onto it as she lay back. "Willow. Talk to me." He told her more firmly now.
The sky above was bright, different shades of gold and blue were painted across it. Only a few clouds, though more and more were rolling in. Piercing pale, crystal blue eyes fluttered open and stared as the clouds soared past. As much as she enjoyed the view, her brow furrowed as confusion began to take over. Her gaze fell from the sky towards the ground. There were people, different varieties of beings, though none of them looked conscious, or even alive for that matter.

She shuddered for a moment and got up, her long hair falling into place behind her. She was young, at least she looked it. Pale, slender, she looked relatively normal, almost human other than her pointed ears. Though she wore a long, concealing cloak that covered all but her face with the hood being down. There still wasn't movement from anyone around her. Did Anyone survive? What happened here?

Different thoughts and questions danced through her mind in a mass off confusion. Maybe there are some who are around here somewhere, and maybe more will awake soon. Quietly, she sat back down, pulling her large hood over her head, covering her face, letting her long hair fall out and waited for someone, anyone, making sure to stay on her guard.
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Willow continued to look at her brother with alarm. "It's coming up my arm," she whispered. At that, her right hand jerked and her palm began to shine. Her left hand, which Jack held, wobbled slightly.

One side was blocked. Vasara had hoped to manifest through both appendages. For now, the being must be satisfied with one.

Gradually, the shimmering that started at Willow's palm began to spread outward in two directions, a shimmering translucent shape of purples, greens, and oranges. It got to be about a foot and a half long before the lower end morphed into a thicker shape with one pointed side and one flat.

Vasara felt nearly alive. Now it was possible to see all around, not just through the eyes of the woman. True, she blocked the view in one direction, but it was a great improvement. Who was this other person in the room? Did it matter? "Swing it," Vasara urged, "swing it."

Willow was bewildered. What was happening? Where had that voice come from? She didn't think Jack had heard it. Slowly, Willow twisted her wrist. The shimmering hammer swung like a pendulum on the other side of the cot. She stretched out her fingers to let go, but it didn't fall. She shook her hand slightly. "It's stuck!" she said with frustration.

This was wrong. The angle was wrong. The woman was swinging it wrong. Vasara focused, then came to a realization. "It's upside-down," Vasara understood, confounded by its own mistake. It must be retracted and reformed.

Suddenly, the spirit-hammer vibrated briefly, then disappeared, sucked into Willow's hand. She looked at it, and there were no markings besides a scar from childhood. Willow gave Jack a sharp look, expecting him to explain or to tell her she had imagined the whole thing.
Esper whipped around to defend herself in time to realise it was the angel behind her. She relaxed, leaning back against the tree for a moment's respite.

"Thankyou Hadriel, I am glad for the company. But it is your wounds that concern me. Besides... these pains are not my own. Vermillion has gotten into trouble somewhere and he needs help."

Her body was wracked by a new wave of pain and she doubled over as if someone had socked her straight in the chest. Winded Esper staggered back. Her eyes met Hadriels for a moment, and then the witch was falling through the canopy.


Goudran smirked. There was a satisfying wet thunk as the cat's body curled around the tree trunk. The demon lowered his foot, flying over to his captive and picking it up by the scruff of it's neck. He shook it violently.

Was it dead? No, the thing appeared to be breathing. He couldn't tell if it was genuinely unconscious or not.

Well, whatever. It'd be nice to have some new playthings. Besides, the fire he'd set was encircling the clearing.

Goudran was no idiot. He'd heard the explosion. The brief moment of the screams of the desperate, a sound that rung out in his mind and stirred long lost memories. This cat - no, familliar - prooved it.

Someone had opened a portal to this human land... and souls were coming through. Supernaturals, he'd wager, those that had locked his kind here.

Goudran flew into the jet black smoke and his form melded into the darkness there, unseen. From here, some way away, he could see the tiny little figures moving about the clearing. Below him, among the flames, the ranks of his horde darted between the trees. They were his eyes and he was their master... though times had changed since long ago. Things were different, here.

Welcome to my world. Goudran thought. Now what will you do?
Hadriel was about to respond to what Esper said before she suddenly double over, meeting her eyes for a split second before tumbling through the canopy... Without another thought she dove down after her ignoring the pain of the wound in her arm being re-opened as she did so, she managed to catch the witch with her good arm, her wings spread out, slowing their descent to the ground far below just enough for it to become harmless to them. They landed with a thud and Hadriel carefully put Esper down on the ground and used her now free arm to hold the wound on her arm; it was bleeding again. Then she glanced at Esper again making sure and real injury hadn't hurt her "You... alright?" she asked looking worried once more...
nievk was on the ground. his chest looked as if it was bleeding out, his arm was briused, and he had blood coming down his right sie of his face.

he looked up with yellow eyes and woundered where he was. nivek tried to get up but the pain in his chest made it nierly imposible. nivek laid on the ground looking around trying to find out where he was but he didnt reconise anything.

nivek tried to speak. "h-he..ll...oo?" he tried to ask for help but the pain didnt allow him at that moment.
At that time, a powerful vampire and an equally powerful lycan caught the unmistakable metallic scent of fresh blood and awoke from their slumber, which had been induced by the rough landing. Victor Markov, son of Sorin and heir to the throne of the vampire kingdom looked around as did Leon, son of Lucian and next in line for alpha of the wolves of the woods. People wondered how the two got along so well when they were on opposing sides in a bloody feud between two of the oldest races. In truth, the two had met on the field of battle and faced each other in mortal combat only to find that they were of equal strength and formed a battle bond. To this day the two have fought side by side.
"You smell that?" Victor asked
"Indeed I do, my friend." Leon replied as he got to his feet. "Our true enemy is more persistent and stubborn than we are. What do you say to a little show of our power?"
"You took the words right out of my mouth, Leon. You sly old wolf." Victor said as he also arose and drew his blade while Leon transformed. Leon's bones shattered and reformed themselves, his organs grew and shifted their positions, his muscles grew and moved to accommodate the new bone structures, his teeth sharpened and became longer, claws replaced his fingernails and toenails, his skin was torn asunder and replaced by a pelt of pitch black fur. Once his transformation was complete, he let out a primal howl at the full moon, which only empowered him and made him stronger.
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nivek tried to roll over so his wolf would heal him but it did so slowly so he couldnt do much but crawl. he sawa rock big enough to lean on so nivek crawled slowly but surly to the rock trying to get a better look spot then on the ground as he slowly healed.
Alex clung to the back of the dragon familiar's neck, sharp pain jarring in his head, through his torso and down his right leg. It was moment he was in his own world and the next, he was in a completely different realm with barely any memory of what happened. The only thing he remembered was falling from an incredible hight, and painfully hitting a few tree branches during his free fall. He remembered lying in the dirt, blinking in and out of reality, the excruciating pain pushing his willpower to its very limits. It was nearly two hours before Jade, his familiar, finally found him a torn and bloody mess. She was able to heal the minor wounds, but Alex refused to let her waste energy on healing his broken ribs and leg. They had been traveling on foot for an hour, searching their surroundings. It wasn't long before Jade picked up the faint scent of a battle...
nivek dint know what was going on or why hes here he started to think. 'ok new place new teritory so there must be something here right so let see what happens when i howel' nivek tought to him self then as he took a breath his eyes turned yellow and he gave a loud omega howel. calling or chalanging any whos neer.
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