Camp Demigod (Better name coming!)

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Nikolai stirred in the bunk that he was in, he looked around and saw a canvas roof over his head. He propped himself up on his left elbow and saw a bedside table, he spotted a glass of water, some kind of bread, and a bit of gauze. He reached for the water and began chugging it, he looked around and then sat up in the bed his legs dangling over the side. He looked around and spotted a huge open wall, it had a view of the beach. He gripped the underside of the bed and got a bit panicked. The dream wasnt a dream, Eira was real, his mother was a Norse goddess, and he had really rode on the back of Valkyrie's horse to a summer camp. He put his hand over his face and dragged it down.

"What the hell is going on..." Nikolai said tiredly.

He grabbed the glass of water and downed the rest of it. He stood on shaky legs and walked to the view of the beach. There were other beds around his, some had people in them, burn marks, a few cuts and bruises on some, some with casts on. Nikolai looked around the space and recognized it to look like an old medical tent. Supported by wooden logs and the entire building made of walls of canvas tied, and sewn together. He made it to the view and leaned on the log to the left, he just sat there staring at the view the glass which previously contained water in his right hand. He listened to the roar of the water and the bustle of the camp, metal clanking against metal, a few grunts, the sounds wood and string creaking then a command and several mismatched thudding sounds.
( the sick bay is a building FYI)

Xavier walked in and saw the new demigod looking out the window. Walking up behind him but staying a few feet behind him just in case, he said, "good you're awake." He knew this boy's mother was a Norse goddess but he wasn't familiar with many of the Norse gods and goddesses. At least he wasn't another African or Japanese demigod, he had no idea who those kids parents were. He had made himself and expert on Greek, Roman and Egyptian mythology, but he wasn't a huge for of Norse.mhe liked the campers....well most of them...but he didn't know much about the actual mythology itself.

Nikolai turned around slowly keeping his balance on the log, he looked at the kid that was talking to him. He was tall, brown hair, looked decently built. Not exactly a threatening looking guy but he still seemed okay enough.

"I have allot of questions," Nikolai said standing up straight, "Most importantly though, Where the hell am I?"
Fenfir whistled at Haru-chan's explanation of -chan. Although he still had no idea why it was so important, but he went with it, if it was meant for friends, then he had no problem with calling her that at all. When Fenfir refocused on Haru-chan, She had told he dog to get Fenfir some food. " You did not have to do that, but I definitely will not refuse your generous gesture." he said with a grin.

Fenfir then looked back a saw Bjorn willingly turn himself in, but he could see that he was planing something, something that he wanted no part of what so ever. Fenfir then realized he had brought his sword with him into the mess hall. "Damn it" he said angrily, he English accent showing. "Will you please excuse my Haru-chan, I have to go and put this away." he said smiling awkwardly showing her Ragnorok.

Fenfir got up and walked away from his spot and walked out of the mess hall, and towards the armory. Fenfir had every right to keep his personal sword in his cabin, but he did not trust the boys to mess with it, so he kept in the armory, they're was a rack with his name on it, just like everyone else did if they requested for one, or so he thought, he simply asked for a place to put his weapons without it being used by anyone else and he was told to out it in an empty rack with his name on it, conveniently enough. Once he got to the arena he saw 2 demi-gods in the middle of a duel. Fenfir could not pass up the chance to see this, he father was the god of Duels. He immediately ran to one of the stands and took a seat, watching the battle with utmost interest.
"Calm down you're still weak, here eat this," Xavier said handing him a square of ambrosia. "I understand you have a ton of questions, we are at camp (insert name here, that we will come up with eventually), it is a training camp for children of immortals, some Greek, some Roman, some Egyptian, some Norse like you. For example I am the son of Aether, primordial god of upper air and light, although I am Roman Catholic which people find weird. Anyways maybe showing you around camp will answer a few question."

Bjorn sighed at the punishment, he hated the horses. Those damned things always freaked out when his snake came near so he had to keep the anaconda in the cabin which Dracul hated. He didnt really feel embarassed more focused on the fact of his new grand scheme "alright Angelo, i apologize for my tone" he said in a surprisingly respectful voice. His gaze was distant, distracted now. He patted Angelo on the back "till next time my friend" he murmured.

He turned and motioned at his snake "come Dracul" he said "its time to practice magic" he didnt feel very hungry today and decided to skip breakfast.
Haruko smiled and bowed politely as he got up to leave. She continued to eat her food until Inukami arrive with the extra plate and even a cup for Fenfir's tea. She beamed at the pup. "Thank you Inu-san. You are the most wonderful deity."

He set the plate down were Fenfir had been sitting and returned to his place beside his master. "Where did he go?" Inukami asked more wondering if he was coming back.

"He said he had to put away his sword and that he would return." She took another bite of her rice then looked at Inukami. Smiling she picked up a piece of fish with her chopsticks and held it out to the pup. "Say ahh" she teased as she held the food out for him.
Bjorn sighed at the punishment, he hated the horses. Those damned things always freaked out when his snake came near so he had to keep the anaconda in the cabin which Dracul hated. He didnt really feel embarassed more focused on the fact of his new grand scheme "alright Angelo, i apologize for my tone" he said in a surprisingly respectful voice. His gaze was distant, distracted now. He patted Angelo on the back "till next time my friend" he murmured.

He turned and motioned at his snake "come Dracul" he said "its time to practice magic" he didnt feel very hungry today and decided to skip breakfast.

Angelo didn't believe Bjorn one bit, he had known the boy for a while now and knew he was always up to trouble. He often wanted to kick the boy out of camp, but he knew he couldn't despite what the demigod though he wouldn't last long out in the real world with no magic protection. He often wondered why had started this camp all the trouble he went through, most godlings his age were off having fun while he managed a camp. Then as he always did he remembered that only the Greeks and Romans had camps so other demigods has no where to go for protection. He also wanted to unite all of the pantheons and prove they could get along, he was proof they could, with his father Greek/Roman and his mother Egyptian.
Nikolai took the square of what looked like pan bread, he bit off the end of it and realized how hungry he was when the food touched his tongue. He quickly scarfed down the rest, upon swallowing he felt immensely better. More rejuvenated, as if he'd been given some kind of drug. He looked to the boy and started following him.

"I know my mother's name, Freya, one of her Valkyries brought me here. I always knew I had relation to vikings, my middle name even means something in Norse but I didnt think I'd be the son of a goddess. How does that whole thing work? How did my dad land a goddess, the guy wasnt exactly a sought after type by most women."

Nikolai wondered how the guy could still be catholic after finding out he was a son of some Greek god. The metal cross on his neck seemed almost to be a mockery. He decided he wouldnt bring it up, since it was not something that he would want to pry at.
"Well the Norse.....especially the goddesses care the least about appearances, most of the other pantheons take I to consideration appearances, my gods and goddesses are actually quite shallow, but the main important thing for the Norse is strength. Anyways back to the tour, over there is the big house, that is where the head of camp Angelo stays he is a godling and is the son of Poseidon and Bast...,,it's complicated. Over there is the arena, then the forge and armory, arts and crafts area, arena, stables and the forest. There are monsters in there so stay away until you are trained. The silver cabin is the girl's cabin, we boys, or as I like to call myself men aren't allowed inside there. You know woman and all there lady stuff and hormones. The gold one is ours though, it is pretty cool we do a ton of fun stuff at night with the other guys, like-well I'll just let you see, mainly just guy stuff." Angelo told the boy breathless at the end. He opened the cabin door and entered with the boy letting him take in the view....and the smell, you put a bunch of guys in one house and it is bound to smell bad. "Don't worry after about a day you get used to the smell."

Nikolai coughed and then laughed a bit at the smell of the cabin, just like his old room. He walked inside and looked around, he read names on bunks then found his, Nikolai. Carved in the wood like it was predistined. He looked at his bunk and the trunk beneath it. He saw something hanging on the back wall, it looked like a Shashka. He used to have one until his dad sold it since he never really used it anyway. He drew it from the sheathe and marveled at the shiny steel blade, very familiar. He looked down at the handle and it still had the engraving Nikolai had made as a child. He marveled at it, apparently his mother had been watching him for some time. He took the belt strap and tied it to a beltloop on the left side of his jeans. He looked back at the other boy and shrugged.

"I guess Freya really does care for his kids," Nikolai said with a smirk, "So where can I learn more about my mother, or at least know what she does as a goddess?"

He walked outside and looked around for the rest of the camp, he couldnt see anyone really. So naturally he thought it suspicious that there were so few campers out and about during the day.

"And where the hell is everyone else?"
"Well we have a library I'm the big house, and there really aren't a lot of campers here, also you want me to show you the bathroom quick? Unless you already know what a real Roman bathhouse looks like," Xavier said with a grin. The bathhouse was awesome, after a long day it was nice to relax in the baths....until all the guys started splashing eachother, Angelo truly loved it here and never wanted to leave. "The Greeks and Romans have there one camp, I came here because not many demiprimordials go to either one, Egyptian and Norse demigods sometimes form small groups ranging anywhere from 2-50, but other demigods are pretty much on their own. Basically the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse pantheons are the big ones, the rest aren't as popular and this don't have many demigods."
Alex finished his breakfast and leaned back in his seat. He had been bored lately. Most of the people he knew were away or dead. He had no projects or anything. He took a sip from his cup and gargled the contents before letting it go down. Perhaps he would go spar. It had been awhile since he had had a good fight. He looked to the nearest person to him. "Wanna fight?" He said casually.

"And I come from the Norse one? I know Odin, and Thor, Loki, Barda, Sif, some others floating around in there but I've never heard of my own mother." He wanted to laugh at the fact that he didnt know his own mothers prowess, or the fact that she was a goddess. But it didnt seem appropriate so he simply kept following the guy.

"Whats your name, and what exactly do we do here? Just sit around?"

Nikolai was antsy, this place seemed too good to be true. But if they had people in an infirmary then there had to be somewhere to get injured. Not everyone just broke an arm or got a decent sized cut from horse play. He figured there was gonna be some catch to a new home, and a sword attached to his hip didnt bode well for what that catch might be.
Alex finished his breakfast and leaned back in his seat. He had been bored lately. Most of the people he knew were away or dead. He had no projects or anything. He took a sip from his cup and gargled the contents before letting it go down. Perhaps he would go spar. It had been awhile since he had had a good fight. He looked to the nearest person to him. "Wanna fight?" He said casually.

Devika looked toward the person who seemed to be speaking to her. He was quite tall and well built, and the way he'd asked that question made her know instinctively that he would have no qualms kicking her backside if he were truly inclined to. Still, the offer was nice.

"Do I want to fight? No, never. Will I fight if the situation calls for it? Of course. Am I going to fight you as you ask?" She gave him another once over, and then shrugged, shedding her brilliant patterned robe to reveal simple clothing underneath. It was more or less to protect her modesty- if the camp had been full of women she would have fought naked. Folding her robe and stepping out of her sandals, she started to roll her broad shoulders to warm them up.

"I suppose I could entertain you."
"And I come from the Norse one? I know Odin, and Thor, Loki, Barda, Sif, some others floating around in there but I've never heard of my own mother." He wanted to laugh at the fact that he didnt know his own mothers prowess, or the fact that she was a goddess. But it didnt seem appropriate so he simply kept following the guy.

"Whats your name, and what exactly do we do here? Just sit around?"

Nikolai was antsy, this place seemed too good to be true. But if they had people in an infirmary then there had to be somewhere to get injured. Not everyone just broke an arm or got a decent sized cut from horse play. He figured there was gonna be some catch to a new home, and a sword attached to his hip didnt bode well for what that catch might be.
"I'm Xavier, we train to fight monsters here. Basically it is just like a normal summer camp but with swordfight and stuff. Occasionally Angelo gives out a quest which three demigods go on, but not too often. So I'm assuming you know what a a roman bathhouse is then." Xavier told his new friend all at once.

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Alex took that as a yes. Though, it would not be a good idea to fight here. Lest they attract the punishment of Angelo. "Awesome. Though, we should probably take this to the training ground, yes? Also, I think I would like to put some armor on. You look like you hit hard." He smiled and rose from his chair. He slid it back into place.

Devika mock-pouted at him as he mentioned he wanted armor. "Oh, you're not fun. If your opponent hits hard, your skin must become harder! The only way to do that is to temper it properly." She started toward the training ground, flexing and warming her muscles as she walked. "If I promise not to break anything, will you take the armor off?"
Alex walked alongside her. He thought about what she had said. "That'sss a good point. It's just that dealing with broken bones is a bit- pain." Alex almost cursed. He was trying to stop that habit but it was a hard one to crack. He rolled his head around on his shoulders a bit. "Names Alex by the way. You?" He was trying to deduce what god she was a child of. Probably something african or Egyptian.
Whilst the others were busy socializing among themselves, Kyron walked among the trails around the camp with his great dane Jericho by his side. He enjoyed the silence, only accompanied by his dog. While the others seemed nice enough, he did not try to take the time to know them, he preferred being on his own. Besides, its not like they would spend time with a hot head like him. With a sigh he pulled out a granola bar and unwrapped it. As he ate, Jericho looked at it with his puppy eyes, even though the dog was taller than Kyron, who was already 6 foot five.

"Whattya want? Huh?" he said playfully to the dog who merely licked his chops and grunted. Kyron laughed and made the dog sit before tossing the piece of granola into the air, Jericho snapping it without hesitation. He chuckled and sat against a downed tree, entertaining himself with this for the time being.
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