Camp Demigod (Better name coming!)

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"Oh!" Haruko put her hand over her mouth. It was souly out of habit that she would greet someone in Japanese. She giggle some then dropped her hands putting them behind her back. By now she was use to having to explain things that was common for her. " 'Senpai' is someone who is older and that is more experienced." She looked over to Xavier then back to Nikolai.

"My name is Haruko-chan, but you can call me Haru-chan."
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"Yeah she is a Japanese demigod....the only Japanese demigod here, maybe in the world," Xavier said as the girl introduced herself. "This Nikolai son of......a Norse goddess....." He added. He had already told the Norse demigod he didn't really know Norse.
All of a the arena was the place to be, everyone was there. Devika and Alex had already showed up the the arena and seemed to ready then self for battle, this was gonna be good. Just them he remembered that he forgot to eat his breakfast, and left Haru-chan at the table. "Dammit." he mumbled under his breathe, he did not want to leave and miss the battles, but he also did not want to miss breakfast and leave Haru-chan hanging. Fenfir jumped of the stands and sprinted towards the Mess hall and ran towards Haru-chans table. By the time he reached it, it was already empty, and his food was left were he was originally sitting. It was a plate of bacon, pancakes and eggs, he grabbed the plate, a fork and knife some napkins, and ran back to the arena. It had only been 2 minutes by the time he got back to the arena with his food in hand, he sat in his seat and dug into his food.
"A Demigod.. Hm." She just kept smiling at the phrase. She had never been treated any differently than the gods and the phrase was not something that was used often. "Xavier-senpai, there are other's like me. Our parents do not allow us to dwell with humans for they fear it will taint us and turn us into Akuma." She thought for a moment then tilted her head to the side. "An Akuma is a demon."

Stepping back from them she clapped her hands together growing brighter. "Oh later I am practicing my dance. Will you watch it Xavier-senpai? It is lonely with only Inukami watching. Nikolai-san, you can come as well if you wish."
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"I'm not sure of I can, I might be busy in the sick bay," Xavier said to the Japanese demigod. Then to Nikolai he said, "let's head to the arena to find someone to train you, we'll see you later," he added to the female before turning back towards the arena. As they were walking he asked his new friend, "so any questions about camp?" He knew the boy would have some.

Nikolai was a bit weirded out by the whole experience of meeting a Japanese demigod. It lingered in his mind, how many different sets of gods were there. And did they all have kids? And if that chick wasnt even a demigod but something better, and being around humans tainted her. Turning her into a demon. The thought freaked him out.

"Yeah, lets find someone to teach me how to swing a sword around." Nikolai said chuckling. "How frequent are these quests? And around how many kids are here?"
"Eh about ten a year, they are more common in the summer though which currently we are in. There are about fifty campers not as many as the other camps but enough to have a camp, I think there are slightly more guys than girls though," Xavier told his new friend. "There might be a dual going on in which case we can go in the training room and work on your swordsmanship, it isn't nearly as big as the arena and is more of a workout room, but that's our only option. If a dual is going on I can teach you a few basics, I was originally going to be a swordsman, but then I switched to spear as I can control the air so I can make it go farther and be more accurate," he told the boy. He felt like he talked a lot around this boy, which he liked, as it pertained to the place he called home.

"Hai, hai" She replied and bowed to both of them again as they departed. "I will see you again."

She turned then and made her way into the girl's cabin where she found a few girls that were still lingering. She smiled and greeted them all as she made her way through to her area that had been cleared out for her. There wasn't a bed where she slept, but there was a stack of folded up sheets and what looked like a huge pillow.

Opening up her trunk she pulled out a new set of clothes to wear. They were more of a light tan with pastel clothed designs. She changed her clothes quickly wraping the fabric around her and tying it with a sash.

She stuffed her fans into her sash and tied her Kugo to her back. "All set" she chimed and grabbed a tie from her bag as she made her way back out to the camp.
"Oh don't worry. These are training bullets. At worst they'll give you the nastiest bruise." He tossed one to her. "Watch." He turned the weapon on himself and fired at his leg. His leg gave out from from under him and he fell over. "They still hurt like heck though." His voice had raised in pitch due to the pain. He rolled his pant leg up to reveal where the bullet had hit. It had not broken the skin. But it had left a big purple bruise. Why did I do that to myself before a fight? He thought.
Devika looked over the wound, shaking her head. "Still in all, the only training against a person with a gun is to not get shot. I have learned that lesson already, and there is not much to teach. I still have yet to work in physical combat against an opponent of superior strength." She sighed, pushing her hand through her hair.

"Either the ancients of the motherland don't get it on with humans, or all of my god-cousins are on another continent." There was a distinct lonliness to her voice. She rubbed her cheeks with her palms for a few moments, then cracked her knuckles.

"Enough seriousness. Let's get this underway."
"Sounds good to me," Nikolai said eager to go blow off some energy, that bread had really given him some uppityness. He looked back at the girl as she walked away, she seemed nice.

"So, not that I'm interested in the Haruko-Chan girl but whats the policy on dating other campers?" Nikolai said with a smile. He had always had a fair amount of luck with women. Never really got shot down. Just some kind of prowess he had in that regard.

"I get allot of luck with the ladies if you catch my drift" Nikolai said throwing a playful elbow nudge into Xaviers arm.
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"We can date them as long as they aren't our godly sibling....which is frowned upon. So what I'n hearing is there may be a few little legacies running around from you.....which is also frowned upon," Xavier said interested to see if there was a possibility this guy could have children out there somewhere. Angelo would not be happy, but if they were out there they were out there and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

Alex rolled his eyes. "By that logic the only training against a person with a sword is to not get stabbed." He smirked and assumed a fighting stance. Left leg forward, right leg back. His left hand stayed close to his hip where his knife was sheathed. His right hand held his gun low and pointed forward. He decided to be cautious. He did not yet know what his enemy weilded. "Since you're a girl I'll let you go first." He had made the mistake of doing this in his first fight when he arrived at camp. He noticed how it tended to annoy his female oppenents and distract them. He hoped it would work again.
"Ya dude that sounds pretty shitty, not gonna lie" he said "no offense but your fathers kind of a dickwad for making you into something you dont want to be but i guess having all that power would be kind of cool. At least theres something frightening about you, i admit that i do envy the fact that you can do that whole scary 'i can rip your head off' look, all i got is my dashing good looks" he said pushing his hair to the side dramatically.

He shrugged "Not really. I have a bit of magic, can shapeshift... ooh and i can do this really cool cold thing!" He said shutting his eyes and focusing. When he opened his eyes, the vibrant green ords had gone red and his skin had turned blue. Pale blue symbols and patterns traced over the dark blue skin, frost beginning to spread from his feet and expand outward along the ground like icy vines "its called jotun blood"
Haruko made her way down the path and into the woods as if on a casual walk, really she was looking for a place that didn't have anyone around. Of all the things she disliked it was people listening to her practice the Kugo. Abruptly she turned off the path and started to forge a new trail through the greenery. Pushing back brances as she walked she smiled as she saw a stream. "Water!"

Jumping from the treeline to the stream she landed in the water splashing water everwhere as she did. She laughed and chased around a few unexpecting fish for a while. It had been some time since she was able to play unsupervised and she would enjoy ever minute of it.
The whole thing said about Ares being a dickwad was the first thing that Kyron could agree with the guy, and he responded with a nod. "Cool or not its still a pain in the ass, and I think the intimidation factor was just a perk really."

He smirked when he talked about his good looks, and Kyron responded with a blunt reply of "debatable."

Then came the abilities, once he turned blue and began freezing his surroundings, he raised an impressed eyebrow. "Gotta say thats a new one. You could stand up to Khione with that little move. Im guessing it has to do with the whole 'frost giant' thing?"

At this point Kyron was willing for casual conversation, his posture relaxed as he leaned against the tree once more, listening to the trickster.
"Yup six of em," Nikolai said laughing a bit, he waited for Xavier's expression then laughed harder, "No way dude, I'm not the fathering type trust me. From what I know I dont have any kids."

Nikolai had a smile on his face, while it was close to what he meant he didnt mean he had kids. The thought always freaked him out, having a kid out there who didnt know who he was. But who wouldnt be freaked out by that fact, most teenagers couldnt imagine having kids.

"And I think dating my sister would be frowned upon even if we werent godly." Nikolai said in a grinning tone.
Xavier fiddled with his cross, he didn't agree with sex before marriage but apparently this guy did. Dismissing the thought he said, "well technically gods don't have DNA so theoretically your kids would turn out normal......sorry I'm kind of a nerd." He looked down ashamed, many people thought he was strange for knowing so much about how the immortals worked, but he was just curious so he asked when he had the chance.

"Debatable?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes at him "i'll have you know that my looks make me a great seducer of men and women" he said crossing his arms "but just between the two of us" he lowered his voice to a whisper and wrapped his hands around Dracul's head "the snake kind of creeps them out though. Not most peoples idea of a cuddly pet" he glanced at Kyron's dog.

He had led the blue slowly fade from his skin "yep. Im pretty short for a frost giant though" he sighed standing only at 5"9, he was strong but he wouldnt be able to take anyone down without a weapon "you know if everyone of my siblings can do this then im not gonna feel very special" he said.

Dracul slowly slithered up and wrapped around Bjorns upper body tightly, head resting on his shoulder and watching the dog curiously "so...did you hear about how i made the toilets explode in the girls bathroom today?"
Kyron could tell the kid had some spirit. What he lacked in physical strength, he made up for with his mind. He respected that. "If its any consolation, the snake is pretty damn cool to me. Go say hi Jericho."

In response, the dog took a couple steps forward and sniffed the snake curiously, his tail up in the air in his curious manner.

"Ah, I figured that would be you, let me guess, either you rigged the plumbing or set off a toilet bomb. Either way, you made a hell of a mess." Kyron said as Bjorn talked about the earlier incident. He decided it was a little awkward just standing here, so motioning him, he began to walk the trails again. "How long have you been here?"
"I appreciate that" he said patting Dracul on the head "i think hes pretty sweet but everyone hates him... it might have to do with the fact that i told everyone he was a man eater though" he laughed.

Dracul flicked his toung out curiously as he watched Jericho

"Ya i personally thought it was pretty funny till they all decided to slap me" he said rolling his eyes "those are 6 women i wont be getting some from anytime soon" Bjorn talked a big game but he really had never had sex before but liked to pretend he had something going for him. He walked beside him and thought "hmmm... maybe 6 or 7 years?"
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