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I'm not sure if anyone has pointed this out yet or not. (If they have, sorry, please ignore this. XD)

On my iPhone 5, when I'm using Iwaku, there is a bug that happens often for me, at least once a day, but sometimes much more often than that. I'll be typing something on a thread, group, PM, or anywhere where you can type and my screen will just freeze up for several seconds. The app will then crash and when I re-load, everything I typed is gone. :(
I can't seem to change my personal details in regards to showing my online status. I checked that I no longer wanted people to know when I'm online and see what I'm doing and saved the changes, but nothing has changed and everyone can still see those things. >.> It's getting irritating, but I know the forum was just updated so I'm bringing it to your attention in hopes it can be fixed.

Thanks so much for all you do!
Currently recieving no notifications what so ever .-. really frustrating as I was checking Iwaku for awhile and getting nothing and then I decided to go check the individual threads and there were replies. I also know a lot of people are facing this issue.​
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