Breath of Fresh Air

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Axle, certainly, was inwardly panicking. If the riders couldn't find a suitable replacement in time, he wouldn't be able to count on Upper Floaten's government to come up with a solution in a timely manner. He'd have to take things into his own hands. Maybe even get involved with certain rings and gangs if he really needed to get things moving.

But when he arrived at Malia's office, he took a deep breath, relaxed his shoulders, and lifted his head up. Outwardly he seemed relaxed again. And as this was a business matter, he switched to his slightly more formal personality. "Good afternoon, Miss Malia," he greeted. "We're here to ask your dragon riders to seek out a few more backup crystals. Due to an . . . egregious oversight on the part of Upper Floaten, we're running on the only backup crystal we have. And it's beginning to splinter."

He cleared his throat and nodded. "I understand the area the crystals come from can be a bit treacherous. But I'm more than prepared to compensate both you and your riders if you're willing to oblige."
Malia was quiet for a moment, only giving a sort of acknowledging hum as she inspected the crystal, running her hands over its broken surface and holding it up to the nearest light source as if seeking out its impurities. She would have to have an expert look at it, if they couldn't get anyone in to see the larger crystal it had broken off of.

"'A bit treacherous," she said finally, with a little huff that was both laughter and derision in equal measure. "A bit of an understatement, but you can rest assured, Mr. Harn, that I want your city falling on my head as much as you want it dropping from under your feet." After a moment, she set the crystal down atop her desk and started opening drawers to pull out paper and pen. "Miss Leforge."

Lily jumped a little at being addressed so suddenly, but stepped forward none the same. "Yes?"

"We'll need a message sent on to the Upper city's security forces to be sure they are made aware of the issue, and require an immediate response as to what action they are or are not taking. Our scouts will be busy checking for damage and scattering to all the nearest cities to see if they have any large crystals that can be bartered for, so we'll need someone to carry that message posthaste. I take it by your presence here that you are up for the job."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Jasper was frowning, about to protest, but only a glance from Malia stopped him.

"Take a breathe, Marelis." She said, firm and unyielding but not unkind, a motherly sort of sternness in her voice. "It's a risk to go in the dark, and one I wouldn't ask of you. If you're amenable to it, Lily, I'll have you stay in some of the empty quarters here tonight, and in the morning I'll get you a scout uniform to borrow. It and a letter of permission on official stationary will allow you entrance to the riders' headquarters, where your message can be delivered and a response returned as quickly as possible."

He pressed his lips together in a thin line, both cowed and reassured, and just bent to scoop Naga up so she wouldn't chew on anything she shouldn't. "And if their riders won't respond, and ours are busy with damage control?"

Malia drew her eyes away from her letter, finally, to straighten to her full height and give him her attention. "There are always others, unofficially speaking. Times such as these may require assistance from those outside the Dragonry, or outside the city itself." She offered him a small, reassuring sort of smile, and pushed a lock of hair back behind her ear to begin writing again. "It won't do to panic now, Jasper. Best to wait until we have a better idea of what's going on."
Chaital gave a soft rumble, shuffling her wings a bit. Clearly Lily had Infernus to fly with. But if the journey was at all treacherous, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a second experienced dragon with.

"I think Chaital would like to help too, if she's permitted," Mr. Harn said once he'd noticed her anxious movements. He turned back to Malia and bowed. "Thank you earnestly for your assistance. You've got my pipe phone number I assume, so feel free to call sometime tomorrow and let me know how much I owe you. Or whenever you're able to call." He stood up and shrugged. "You can also send a message at your convenience. Whatever works better for you. Is there anything else I can help with while I'm here?"
Malia looked at Chaital, something almost sad in her eyes for just a moment before she let out a breath in a long sigh. "I know you do," She said gently, sympathetically. "But your new rider isn't ready for this yet. You would have to have another, temporarily, or have someone else come with you both." She considered offering Nel, but wasn't sure he would be useful for checking on structural issues.

After a pause, she gave her head a little shake to put the matter aside for a moment, and went back to writing again. "I would prefer your assistance to your money, Mr. Harn," she said as her pen continued to move. "Having someone in Upper Floaten with your connections - or any connections at all - and a rational amount of concern for the city will likely be very useful. If you have the time tomorrow, I would have you visit again and detail to me exactly what will happen if the backup crystal shatters completely."

Jasper made a face and tried not to think about it, just turning to take Lily's hand again. "We should go tell the others."

"Room 27 is open." Malia informed distractedly as she folded and set aside one letter and started on the next. "You know where to go. Tana will be up late in the office if you need anything before morning."

Jasper only nodded, pausing to see if Axle would stay or follow, and turned to leave with Lily in tow. "Come on, Chaital. Nothing we can do tonight, so let's go back to Noah, okay?"
Axle blinked. She would prefer having his assistance to his money? That was a new one. Especially amidst some of the dragon riders he already knew. "Oh," he managed to reply at last. "Well, yes, certainly. I'd be more than agreeable to that. What time shall I be by?" It didn't take long to arrange a time, and he nodded. "Marvelous. In that case, I shall be back tomorrow. Do have a good night."

Chaital made some disgruntled noises and swished her tail. She wouldn't take another rider unless she absolutely had to for an emergency's sake. But at the same, she was terrified to fly higher than a few feet with Noah - and yet she didn't want to leave him behind. Maybe Infernus and Lily would be all right handling the message delivery on their own.

She finally huffed and followed the group out. Then she stopped beside them and lowered one wing, offering them all a ride back home.

"Ah. Thank you, Chaital," Mr. Harn murmured, climbing up carefully onto her back. He glanced down and offered his hand. "Anyone else?"
Jasper looked back at Chaital when she stopped, and for a moment considered saying no. But Lily was worried, and in her nice clothes, and he knew they would have time to walk in the cool evening air on their way to her room later on, so eventually he gave in.

"Thank you, Chaital," Lily said gratefully, reaching up to invite the dragon's head down and give her a cuddle and a kiss before climbing up. "Don't worry, girl. You'll be back to working soon, I'm sure of it." She knew it was difficult for a dragon so used to doing one thing to suddenly not be able to do it anymore.

Jasper was last to get up, sitting sideways so Naga could sit in his lap and not have to walk or fly next to them. She could sense the tension in the air and pressed close to his chest with no complaints and no biting.

"Mal's more interested than getting things done than getting paid," he said as Chaital started to walk, Axle's earlier surprise not having been lost on him. "Only reason she took your donations is 'cause this places needs 'em."

Lily nodded along, offering a little smile despite being worried still. "She works really hard to make sure the dragons and the people here have everything they need. She's really nice, I promise!"

Jasper gave a little huff of laughter. "She can also be scary as shit, though, so don't let that fool you."
As Chaital headed off at a gentle walk, Axle chuckled a bit and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's not that her personality scares me - I mean, perhaps it does. A little. It's just until now, I thought the best things I had to offer people were my status and wealth. To hear that someone would rather have something else instead is just . . . very unusual. Even if it is information."

He blinked and nodded. "Which reminds me - I ought to write her a detailed report on what I know so far and what I saw, and who I could get ahold of. Then the meeting with her presumably will go much more quickly. She strikes me as the sort you wouldn't want to waste the time of."

Eventually, the group made their way back to the old house. Chaital caught Noah's scent and let out a calling sound, her ear fins perking forward. Then she saw him run out of the house and rumbled.

"Hey, guys! Welcome back!" Noah called, waving a hand. Pumpkin flew behind him, squeaking excitedly. "How'd the meeting go? Is everything going to be okay?"
"She's a tough lady," Lily said with a smile, clearly a bit amused by Malia's effect on the man.

"Kinda what you might expect from someone running a sanctuary for beasts taller than a lot of houses, armed with giant claws and teeth to match," Jasper said with a shrug. "After dealing with that, people are far less intimidating." And Malia wasn't the kind to back down because someone with money or power thought they could push her around. She cared little for those sorts of things, and it had thrown many a person who felt themselves important for a loop to be treated just like the common folk.

"She'll want you to say it all out loud," he added after a thoughtful pause, just to be sure Axle was prepared, "but writing it down is still probably a good idea, for reminders later."

When they were back to the house, he winced a little at Chaital's call and just slid down to the ground with a little thump, setting Naga down and turning back to help Lily to her feet as well.

"Ummm, yes, and no," She responded as they walked over, reaching out to greet Infernus with both hands when he wandered over to see them, having waited patiently in their absence. "Malia says not to panic, but we still don't know all that's going on."

Jasper shrugged a little, not wanting to scare Noah but not wanting to lie to him either. He settled for just saying what he did know. "She's gonna send Lily off with a letter to Upper Floaten tomorrow, requesting information, I think. We'll know a little more after that, probably. Until then, the scouts are just gonna be pretty busy making sure nothing is in disrepair. . . Come on, let's go inside and try to relax a little.
Axle tilted his head. "Oh? Interesting. I would've thought it easier to read a report versus talking to someone. But I would be glad to tell her everything in person. It'll be nice talking to someone new."

Noah ran up to Chaital and launched himself forward, and she responded by thrusting her muzzle forward to catch him on the bridge of her nose, squinting her eyes and rumbling happily. Noah grinned and patted Chaital's forehead before glancing back at Jasper and Lily. "Malia's the leader of the dragon riders, right? So if she's not worried, I'm not."

"Clearly," Mr. Harn said, laughing and sliding off Chaital's side. He nodded to the dragon and smiled. "Thank you for the ride."

Chaital chuffed in reply and smiled.

Eventually, the group made their way inside. Grandpa Jenkins had already made a pot of tea and some small sandwiches to snack on. He ushered everyone toward the table and then held up a rolled up paper. "So Noah an' I been thinkin'," he began.

"Ohhhh no," Axle teased, chuckling.

Grandpa Jenkins rolled out the paper across the table. There were sketches of a few additions to the home. "Well, seein' as how we're gonna have more people here more often, figured we might want to build on some new additions."
Jasper made a so-so gesture with his hand and shrugged at Noah's declaration. "Sorta? She runs the Dragonry, which doesn't technically have authority over the riders even though it houses most of them, and I think she used to be a rider of some sort before she came here, so a lot of people just look at her to organize everyone." Like a leader for all things dragon, he supposed, but an unofficial one. He really didn't know much about her past, but it wasn't his business to ask about it. Suffice to say she had a lot of influence and not a lot of care for what the actual authorities were saying if she thought there was a better way to be doing things.

He also wouldn't say she wasn't worried, but he left that part silent.

Lily was a bit more chipper as they made their way inside, gushing gratefully over a hot cup of tea and following eagerly to see the paper Mr. Jenkins spread out. "Oooh, it would be nice to have some upgrades around here!"

"Sounds expensive." Jasper said at first, without really thinking, then after considering the Harn's fortune just frowned after and corrected himself. "Sounds like a lot of work."

Lily rolled her eyes at him, good naturedly. "Relax, Mr. Grumpy Face, you're a smith, not an architect." She gave Mr. Jenkins a mock-serious sort of look, free hand propped on her hip and chin tipped up. "You ignore him, Mr. Jenkins. If you need any help with anything, you can always ask us."
Noah burst out laughing when Jasper said the project would be expensive. "Well, duh. We're adding on an entire new room! Maybe two. Anyway, we wanted to show you guys first and see if anyone had any suggestions or anything you wanted to add."

"Ah, building plans, eh?" Mr. Harn asked. He leaned over to take a look and smiled. "These look great. I notice you've made plenty of room for beds in the loft above the dragon area."

"Well, yeah! Then we can sleep by the dragons!" Noah explained happily.

"Very nice."

Chaital rumbled her approval through the open front door.

Noah's eyes sparkled. "So what do you think, Jasper and Lily? Anything you both want to add? We've already got a dragon area, a sleeping loft, and an attached workshop!"
Jasper raised an eyebrow at Noah's laughter. "Jokes on you, bigshot. My dragons sleep inside. I hope you enjoy your open air loft in the middle of winter."

Lily gave him a little smack on the shoulder for the mockery, but was laughing a little anyway. She only stopped when Noah addressed them for input, blinking owlishly at him. "Wha- me?" She waved her hands back and forth in front of her, trying to dismiss the idea. "I don't really think that's something for me to decide, I - I don't live here!" And as much as she liked spending time with Noah, and Mr. Jenkins, and getting to be near Infernus for longer, she did like sleeping in her own home, where all her things were. It would be fun to sleep over some time, though, she thought. A dragon loft would be neat.

Outside, Infernus gave a few little amused chuffs, nudging Chaital's wing with his tail and watching her with amusement. He loved his Lily and would eat anything that tried to hurt her, but he was used to being away from her for long periods at a time. Chaital was very clingy with her rider.

Jasper rubbed his arm with a little glare, though it didnt hold much heat. "I've already gotten beat up once today, thank you. If you're gonna have a room that's upstairs at all, you might want to consider a door to a small balcony with a set of external stairs or something." Knowing Noah and his infatuation with Chaital, he wouldn't put it past the boy to try climbing out the window to get to her faster. "What's the workshop for? You gonna be makin' saddles here?"
"Yeah, I know that! But I figured with Infernus visiting a lot, he might like a place to sleep that's a bit more roomy. And other dragon riders who come to the Dragonry might want a place to stay that's a little quieter than the stables," Noah explained with a smile. "But I love your idea about adding the balcony and stairs! That'd be great."

Then he scoffed at Lily and shrugged. "I know. But it's nice to get outside opinions. Especially since you're probably gonna visit a lot."

Chaital chuffed back and playfully swatted a wing at him. She couldn't help being a little clingy to her new rider. He was inexperienced, and clearly needed protecting. But playing with Infernus did seem fun . . . so she finally left the doorway and dropped into a play bow, swishing her tail and grunting the way an alligator might, inviting Infernus to play fight.

"The workshop's definitely gonna be for saddles. Mostly for repairing and making Chaital's," Noah explained. "There might be times we can't go to Upper Floaten for supplies we need, so I thought it'd be nice to have some here. You're welcome to use the workshop too, if you like! Any time."
Jasper made a thoughtful sound and shrugged his shoulders at the idea of using Noah's workshop. "I don't work with leather super often, but maybe some day. Until then, you can always commission me if you want fancy buckles made or something." They were a simple enough project, compared to what he normally did, though more delicate than his usual projects as well.

Lily smiled at the idea of them working together, and of Mr. Jenkins home becoming a place for riders to rest, at times, encouraging more company for him. "All right, Mr. Jenkins," she said with one hand on her hip and the other on his arm, standing as tall as her slight stature allowed, "you let me know if he bullies you into doing what he wants just 'cause he's footin' the bill and I'll come smack some sense into 'im!"

Jasper only laughed at her comical posturing, giving his head a shake at the idea of Lily beating up anyone, let alone her friend. "I thought that was my job?"

Infernus only looked at Chaital, at first, caught off guard by the sudden invitation, then gave another amused chuff and crouched a bit with his wings slightly out, tail lashing back and forth in anticipation. He didn't often find dragons of the correct size and temperament for playing with, and was usually working with Lily until he was tired, so he was ready with an eager rumble to tumble away from the shelter with her so they didn't break it and wrestle with another dragon his size.
Noah scoffed and pretended to look offended. "Ugh! How dare you! I would never bully someone without good reason," he announced, straining the haughty tone in his voice.

Axle snickered. ". . . You sound like Mr. Nosdack."

He and his son exchanged glances, and then burst out laughing.

Mr. Jenkins smiled, glad the group was slowly but surely relaxing. "Ya two trouble makers. So! Who's all stayin' the night tonight, eh?"


Chaital's eyes dilated, and she pounced, slamming into Infernus and trying to push him down a nearby hill for the same reason. If they were going to tussle, it shouldn't be near the delicate old mill house.
Lily had no idea who they were talking about, but the sight and sound of them laughing together had her laughing too. When she could stop, she wiped at her eyes and gave Mr. Jenkins a smile, uncertain. "I'll have to be up early tomorrow to get ready, so Malia was going to put me up in one of the rooms for riders that no one's staying in right now. I should probably use it just so she knows where to find me."

Jasper gave a little shrug, idly nudging Nobu with a foot when the dragon wandered over to see him. "I'll stay, so I can walk her there." Infernus would have done just fine, but he knew Lily was nervous and wanted to take the chance to talk to her as they walked back. He was in desperate need of a new shirt, but he would be fine having one fold arm for a while. Besides, he could already hear the frankly terrifying sound of Infernus and Chaital running off and colliding with each other outside, until it faded away down the hill. He didn't want to stop them from playing, if it was still going on when Lily needed to go to bed.
"Want me to come with, too?" Noah asked hopefully. "It'd be neat to see the rooms where riders stay! Plus then I'll know where it is if I'm ever needed. And also I can get my goodbyes in before Lily goes on the special delivery flight tomorrow." He jumped and glanced over to the window as the very ground shook. ". . . What the fuck?"

"Language, Noah," his father chided, still laughing a bit. "Sounds like two big dragons play fighting. I'd guess Infernus and Chaital."

Noah's eyes widened. "Dragons play fight? How close do you think I could get to watch them safely?"

Mr. Harn sighed gently and ruffled Noah's hair. "Too bad you don't have your balcony yet. For now, I'd advise a very, very safe distance. Maybe some binoculars. Does anyone here happen to have a pair on them?"
Lily laughed at Noah's sudden potty mouth, having grown used to hearing much worse from others but amused by it coming from someone who lived up in the rich, high class city. "I'm so used to hearing them roll around that if its not right next to me I almost don't notice! Fern doesn't get to play super often, so it's nice that he and Chaital get along." She thought for a moment, then bounced over with a grin and took his hand to pull him towards the door. "Come on! I'll make sure you don't get too close!"

"Curiosity killed the cat," Jasper muttered to himself, then just got to his feet to go and get himself another ice pack. "I'm just gonna stay here and put my entire head in the freezer." If his jaw hadn't ached before it sure did now. He was going to stay inside where it was safe, thank you, with the dragons small enough that they only endangered his life when playing if they happened to get under his feet.
Noah's face lit up in delight, and he followed after Lily at once. "Whoa, really?! Sick! Bye, Father!"

Mr. Harn smiled and waved. "Bye! Be careful, you two. Have a good time." Once they'd run outside, he turned his attention back to Jasper. "Now, as to your jaw - would you like me to get some ice jelly for you? Nothing better for sore muscles and bones."

On the hill, Noah's eyes glittered, and the wind tossed his already messy hair over his eyes. "So how often do dragons play like this?" he asked, turning towards Lily. "I'm glad they're having so much fun!"

Chaital let out a playful roar and playfully nipped at Infernus, although her jaws never intended to make contact. She swished her tail and swatted him with one wing.
"Some what now?" Jasper responded absentmindedly as he fished an ice pack out of the freezer and pressed it to his skin, hissing at the initial rush of cold on abused skin. After a pause to adjust and stop wincing, he glanced at Mr. Jenkins, then shrugged and looked at Axle again. "I don't know. . . You don't have to go to any trouble for me. I can tough it out." As long as he had been on his own, and as much as he had gotten used to doing in working at his grandfather's side, help from others wasn't something he was very used to accepting.

Lily only flashed them a grin as she pulled Noah out by the hand, and kept a hold of him when they were out as if physically leashing him so he couldn't go too close. "Maybe not as often as dogs," she mused as they got to the top of the small hill where they could look down on the dragons from a safe distance, "but dragons still like to play! Sometimes they lose that instinct in favor of territorial disputes, but nobody owns territory here so I think they get along better than they would if they met in the wild."

Infernus shook his head with a huff at the way Chaital's wing hit him, turning enough to slap his tail at her and then twisting to face her in a play bow again - very much like a dog, Lily thought, if only his claws weren't carving furrows in the grass as thick as her wrist. They crashed together, butted heads, and tumbled into the grass scrabbling to come out on top, but never hard enough to injure each other, and never using their claws or teeth as deadly weapons. Some light gnawing was all right with their scales, as long as they didn't bite fully down, but Lily thought it was better that they just didn't do it at all.
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