Breath of Fresh Air

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Mr. Jenkins was familiar with the motion and gently pulled Noah back when he tried to walk closer. "Ain't no worries. We'd love to watch."

Noah smiled and nodded. "He's doing a great job," he said softly.

Soot blew a soft breath of ash. But having gotten used to Nel, he'd started to watch the boy's cues. His voice was calm, and he was lifting the treat up to reward Soot for his hunting skills. The dragon's fluff lay relaxed against him. And, as Nel had been training him to, he lay his head on the ground and opened his jaws to receive the treat in his mouth.

"Wow," Noah murmured. He scratched Chaital's cheek and beamed. "That's a neat trick. Maybe we should teach you that!"

Chaital gave a soft chuff or two as though she was laughing. She knew how to take treats gently even without laying her head down, but her human seemed excited, so maybe she'd indulge him. Besides, maybe it meant she would get more treats.

Noah sat down on the grass to watch Soot from a distance. "It's nice to meet you, Nel," he called softly. "I'm Noah. And you've probably met Grandpa Jenkins and Jasper, right?"
"Thank you, Soot," Nel said softly when he rested his head down, grateful for the dragon's willingness to follow direction, and to be kind in not flashing his teeth anywhere near Nel's hands. He tossed the treat to the dragon with a careful lob, and let him finish chomping and swallowing before moving again to set the stick very gently aside. They had gotten past the point, he was sure, that Soot thought he would be hit with such a thing, but Nel was always careful not to move in his direction too quickly, just in case.

"It's more a mutually agreed upon behavior than a trick," Nel corrected with a gentle smile as he stood back up. "He gets his treat without me coming too close, and I get to keep all my fingers." Cats and dogs learned tricks. Soot was a smart dragon with an individual personality, who learned behaviors that kept both him and nearby humans safe and happy.

"It's nice to meet you, Noah," He said as Soot raised his head again, reaching out slowly and carefully to rest a hand on the dragon's muzzle to soothe him. When they had that point of contact between them, he turned his head enough to actually look at them. "You must be the one who brought Chaital home. Thank you." He hadn't gotten to greet her personally, yet, and was clearly happy she was back, but he was perfectly capable of keeping that pushed down for now so Soot wouldn't be bothered by any excitement.

Jasper was quiet and still, smiling a little at the way Chaital seemed so amused by Noah's excitement, but wondered if the younger man would be calm enough to be involved in introducing Soot to people. He hoped Noah wouldn't be hurt if Nel said no. "He's the one that spotted the flock."

Nel made a thoughtful sound, eyes drifting away as he remembered each of the new additions to the Dragonry. "It's good that you found them. They're all still in relatively good health, and haven't been aggressive yet." He shook his head a little to regain focus on Soot, thumb stroking slowly and soothingly over the dragon's scales where his hand was cupped loosely under his jaw, and just gave them a smile. "Thank you for sitting still. It still makes Soot nervous, when people move too quickly."

He turned again to look at the dragon, unafraid despite being so close to Soot's fangs, and looked him calmly in the eyes. "Our friends would like to say hello. Is that all right, Soot? I can send them away if you're not ready, but it's all right to be nervous. No one will hurt you, and I'll be right here if you want me, or I can stand further away. Guide me where you want me to stand." For a dragon kept and confined by people, Nel had found it was good to turn the tables and allow them to direct him when it was safe to do so, after they had learned to gently push against his chest with just their head or muzzle. He would move wherever Soot wanted him to if he didn't want to be 'surrounded' by two people, or he would stay standing right where he was if the dragon wanted him close.

Jasper watched with a familiar sort of quiet awe at the way the young man treated dragons even more like people than he or Lily did. He was sure Soot was hanging on every word.
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Noah beamed, delighted that sitting down had been the best approach to pick. "Of course," he replied softly.

Chaital, like Nel, was excited to greet her old friend but recognized that Soot would do better with calm attitudes at the moment. She lowered her body to the ground and folded her wings, calling with a soft chittering sound to ask permission to approach.

It had been a while since Soot had interacted with other dragons. He understood the basics now, thanks to Nel and some of the calmer dragons, but was still confused by certain body language. This was no exception. He blinked and hesitantly glanced at Nel, tilting his head in a quizzical way.

Noah smiled gently. "She wants to say hi, Soot. Can she come say hi?"

Soot glanced briefly at Noah, intrigued by his tone, but he didn't know him yet. He turned back to Nel for confirmation that Chaital's posture was indeed an invitation to approach. He didn't bother directing him with his muzzle. By this time, the boy knew instinctively where to stand to make Soot the most comfortable.

The dragons's gaze also traveled once or twice back to Jasper. The boy was even more soft-spoken than Noah or Nel, and there was something in his voice he vaguely recognized.
Nel paid attention more to Soot's body language than Chaital's, recognizing the sounds she made and what she wanted just from what he could see in his peripheral. "It's all right," he said with a nod, confirming for Soot that Noah was right. "She's making herself small, to show you she's not a threat. She'll come to us, okay? One at a time." He wouldn't let Soot be overwhelmed by too many greetings at once, and if the dragon was done after saying hello to only one or two of them, he would let him go.

Nel only briefly gave Soot his back as he moved just a couple of steps away, turning to give the dragon his profile both for his own safety and so Soot would know he could still have Nel's attention. "Hello, Chaital," he said warmly, and when he held out his arms to her it was slowly still so Soot wouldn't think Nel was trying to threaten her, or that he was trying to protect himself. "Will you come see me?"

He let her approach on her own, let her get up and walk the distance between them to press into his embrace as much or as little as she wanted to. He curled one arm underneath her muzzle, stroking along her neck with his free hand. "Welcome home, my friend," he said softly, pressing their heads together and squeezing his eyes shut against a swell of emotion both overjoyed and pained at once. "I missed you." He was so, so sorry for the loss she had suffered, but that much had been expressed before she left. For now, he would just be grateful she had returned, and let her come to him if she wished for a partner in mourning. She had Noah now, too, and Nel accepted with no hard feelings that she would need him much less because of it.

When Chaital decided she was done with the embrace, he let her go easily, not making any attempts to stop her or to press for his own urge to hold her close. He took a couple steps back instead, and shifted a little closer to Soot so he would be near and in sight but leave them plenty of room to greet each other. "All right, Chaital. Go slowly, please. Soot is still new to time with other dragons."

He let them handle learning each other's scents without physically interfering, only murmured soft, soothing words for Soot, or little instructions or explanations when the dragon seemed lost or nervous in the exchange. They had been learning with other dragons gradually, the calmest Nel could find for now, and Soot was learning quickly and instinctively which behaviors and postures were appropriate for greeting, which were good and bad. When they were done and Chaital drew slowly away to give him space, Nel stepped closer to Soot again and held out a hand palm up, smiling happily when Soot set his chin there without prompting.

"You did so well." He reassured, stroking gently over the side of Soot's muzzle with his other hand, not touching the top as if he were trying to hold the dragon's mouth closed. For Soot, every movement he made was carefully calculated for the dragon's comfort. "Thank you for trying so hard. Would it be all right to try greeting our human friends now?"

"I can try first." Jasper volunteered, not wanting Noah to jump up at the chance. He took one small step forward to indicate the same for Soot, but kept his hands in plain view and didn't try to come any closer without permission.

Nel nodded, turning back to Soot again. "This is my friend, Jasper. He would like to say hello, if that's all right. It's all right to be nervous," he reassured again, glancing back at Jasper with a little smile. "He's a little nervous, too. But if you're gentle with him, he'll be gentle with you. All right?"
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All of Noah's excited energy gave way to rapturous awe. He sat quietly the entire time, barely even moving or blinking for fear he might miss something. There was something about dragons learning how to interact with each other that held him spellbound. Maybe it was the idea that if he watched their interactions, he could learn a few tricks to use himself.

It was all Chaital could do not to lurch at Nel and curl around him like she normally would. But she didn't want to startle Soot, so instead she calmly walked over, pressed against Nel as much as she could without hurting him, and closed her eyes with a rumble deeper than even Noah had heard before. She'd missed Nel, too, and planned to visit him more often when she could.

Then she patiently and slowly greeted Soot. He picked up on more cues than she would have expected, and though he glanced to Nel a few times for guidance, he at least had the basics down.

Once Chaital had gone back to sit beside Noah, Soot laid his muzzle delicately in Nel's hands. He trusted him. Then Nel mentioned greeting human friends. Soot glanced up the hill to where Jasper had taken only a single step forward. That seemed fairly odd, as far as he'd seen humans move - at least until Nel explained Jasper was nervous, too.

Soot knew exactly how Jasper felt. And he didn't want him to be afraid. So he mirrored the boy's actions very slowly and precisely. He took one small step forward, paused, and glanced at Jasper to make sure he still seemed okay.

Noah grinned and held his breath.
As Soot moved forward, Nel stepped out of the way and just smiled helplessly at his taking the initiative, knowing the dragon's speed and posture meant he wasn't trying to go on the attack as he advanced. "Thank you for going slowly, Soot," he praised. "Jasper is a good friend. A safe friend. If you see him and I'm not around, it's all right to say hello on your own."

Jasper managed a little smile through the nervous flutter in his chest, both because he didn't want to do anything to startle Soot and because he didn't want the dragon lunging at him if he did. "I might smell a little like wood dust and sweat, but I promise it's not that bad."

He moved forward more himself so Soot didn't have to get closer to the others, reaching the bottom of the hill at a carefully measured pace and with both hands held out a bit in front of him, palms up towards the sky to be the least amount threatening as possible. He let Soot smell his hands first, then opened them a bit and kept them down so the dragon could move closer to his chest, doing his best not to try and pull away. When he'd been properly scented, Soot shifted back again, and Jasper looked on with no small amount of awe when the dragon let him gently cup his hands under his chin.

"There we are," he said softly, stroking his thumbs over Soot's bottom jaw since he didn't want to move his hands enough to actually pet him and make anyone nervous. "I'm not so bad, hm?"

Nel gave a little chuckle from off to Soot's side, where the dragon could see him without turning his head. "As long as Naga isn't here."

Jasper gave a soft, exasperated sigh in response. "If she just wouldn't scream when anything happens, it would be fine. . ." It was probably best she not meet Soot unless Jasper himself was holding her.
Once he'd gotten close to Jasper and scented him, Soot felt relaxed enough to lay his head in his hands like he normally did with Nel. Jasper's hands were just as warm and gentle. But Soot noticed they had a very slight, very subtle quiver to them compared to Nel's. Maybe Jasper was still a little nervous.

Nel often petted Soot's scales when Soot was agitated, but Soot knew he couldn't really use his paws and claws the same way with a human. His tongue would have to suffice. He very, very slowly stuck his tongue out and gave Jasper's hair a lick.

Noah stifled a gasp and tugged on Mr. Jenkin's sleeve. "Grandpa."

"Eeyup. I see 'em," Mr. Jenkins replied with a warm smile.
It was really, really not relaxing to have such a large creature's fang-filled mouth come closer to his face, but Soot wasn't being aggressive so Jasper didn't try to shield himself or back away. When Soot licked his hair, he sputtered out a little laugh, both in relief and in honest amusement, and something in the tense way he held himself uncoiled.

"Gee, thanks," He managed dryly, turning his head a little away from the newest gross, wet tongue to try and groom him. Despite the exasperation, he was smiling still. If Soot was having trouble just meeting new people, trying to lick him had to be a big improvement, right? "That's all right. I needed a shower anyway. . ."

Nel was smiling at him from a few feet away, barely contained, overwhelming joy in his expression. "Good, good, that's very kind of you, Soot." He praised, keeping his voice and body language carefully calm. "Thank you for treating Jasper so gently."

Jasper managed a little laugh, very gently patting the side of Soot's muzzle to show him it was okay. "Lily's gonna be so jealous." She was going to be upset she missed it all while she was at work.
"You've done such a great job helping Soot," Noah complimented quietly. "He's so gentle now. Has he met your dragon? What's your dragon like?" he added.

Soot was somewhat enamored with the way Jasper's body language changed. He wasn't nervous now; was that because of him? He tumbled happily and poofed out his fluff just a bit.

He started up the hill towards the other three, but he paused and glanced back at Nel, just to make sure it was okay to go greet them as well.
"Mine?" Nel parroted, a bit more shy and hesitant now that he was conversing normally rather than instructing and directing for Soot's benefit. "No, no, I have no dragon bonded to me. It's probably better that way."

Jasper laughed softly at the way Soot puffed up, both in amusement and relief. He was feeling much better now, it seemed, and Jasper was happy for that. "Nel's an every dragon kind of man. He's not tied down to just one, but I've never met a person so well liked by them all."

Nel flushed just a little at their combined praise, but smiled and nodded for Soot when he looked back, gesturing towards the others though he stayed where he was for now. "It's all right. Be very gentle. If you're comfortable, Noah, please stay sitting, or else stand very slowly. Getting up too quickly might make him nervous again. You're doing so well, Soot. Thank you for saying hello to our friends so nicely."
Noah's expression softened. "Ah. I'm sorry to hear that. I just kind of figured, with you loving dragons as much as I do . . ." He cleared his throat and shrugged. "Maybe you'll meet one some day."

He nodded and stayed sitting down at Nel's suggestion. He stretched his arms out slowly, offering his hands palms up for the dragon to sniff. "Hey, Soot. Want to take a sniff? I'm glad to meet you."

Soot blew a breath of ash for a moment as he sneezed. Then he shook his head and came over fully, sniffing at both Noah and Mr. Jenkins with a gently swishing tail. They, too, like Nel and Jasper, were gentle and quiet. Soot was beginning to suspect that most humans were far nicer than those who had kept him in a basement.

Noah giggled when Soot sniffed his hands and blew a warm breath across them. While he knew dragon teeth were sharp enough to make someone lose a limb even on accident, he had yet to comprehend that fact fully and didn't have a true fear of it happening.
"Th- That's quite all right," Nel insisted with a little shake of his head, expression a bit sheepish. "I'm just happy to be here with them, doing what I can. And . . . I wouldn't want to make anyone jealous. . ." He'd had no schooling as a dragon behavioralist, after all, and the Dragonry hadn't had any real reason to benefit from letting him stay when one of their dragons had carried him there as a sick child. Dragons just liked him, and he didn't want any to bond with him only to feel jealous when he spent his time with other dragons all the time. He was just happy he got to help the dragons that needed him, and got to stay in a place so full of life. People were what he was still getting used to.

Jasper was a little nervous himself at Soot being so near to Mr. Jenkins, and to Noah in such a vulnerable position, but despite what he'd been through, once a person could get past the fear and trauma, it seemed he was a very good dragon. Jasper was sure he would have setbacks and accidents and incidents, but it was all a part of healing. So long as no one lost any limbs, hopefully it would all turn out all right for Soot.
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"Fair enough," Noah told Nel with a smile. "Oh, hey! Do you maybe want to hang out sometime and talk about dragons and things? I'm really new to dragons. I could use a teacher or two."

Mr. Jenkins, meanwhile, took one careful step towards Soot. "Soot," he said gently, "Might I have a chance to pet you?"

Soot slowly swiveled his head over and tilted it. Then he carefully stretched his neck out until his snout booped against the old man's weathered hand.

"Ah," Mr. Jenkins murmured, his voice smooth and soft like honey. "There's a good lad. You're very gentle, aren't you? Yes, indeed."

His voice was calming. Soot rumbled happily and closed his eyes. Then he lowered himself all the way onto the grass, folding his wings in with a deep sigh.
"Me?" Nel asked, as if he hadn't heard. "Oh, I - I would be happy to help with what I can." He said it with clear hesitance, but talking about dragons was one of the very few times he had confidence in everything he said.

Jasper gave a little laugh, glancing back at Nel with his arms crossed. "Nel's our expert that doesn't like to say he's an expert. He knows more than half the people here."

"I wouldn't say that. . ."

Jasper would've pointed out that he'd just said that two seconds ago, but was busy watching with bated breath as Soot went up to Mr. Jenkins. When the interaction went on all but flawlessly, though, his shoulders slumped with a big, relieved sigh. He wasn't sure what he would have done if Soot had tried to hurt the older man, but he was sure it would've been something that got his own bones broken.

"Thank heavens," Nel murmured almost breathlessly behind him, a hand pressed to his chest as his expression melted into something touched and relieved. "I was so worried he would never trust anyone again." Soot was relaxing completely, and he'd never done that in front of other people before. Suddenly the dragon's potential future was filling with so much more hope.
Noah nodded. "How about sometime tomorrow? We could meet at Grandpa Jenkins' house, or I could meet up with you somewhere. Wherever works," he added.

He glanced over with a gentle expression when Soot all but melted into the ground. "Aww. Look at him. He's so relaxed."

Soot chuffed a few times and bumped his head into Mr. Jenkin's hand, asking for more pets. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he finally got up and gave Jasper's hair another lick before returning to Nel's side.

"That was so cool to see," Noah said softly. "Thanks for letting us all come with to see this, Nel!"
"So soon," Nel commented with a little smile, pleased by Noah's enthusiasm. "I can come see you around midday, after I've seen to some morning errands. It'll give Chaital and I a chance to reunite properly." He turned his smile on her then, knowingly. It hadn't been hard to tell that she was holding back, given how she used to wrap her body around his and nuzzle him when she said hello, and he was so proud of her for being so considerate to Soot and holding back. He would let her greet him however she liked when the more skittish dragon wasn't around.

"Thank you for letting him practice with you." Nel shot back, light and good natured, and gave Mr. Jenkins a little wave. "It was good to see you. I should go and take Soot to relax for a while." He gave the dark dragon a chin scratch wHe he came over, staying still and calm, and gestured towards the stick resting on the ground. "Come on, then, Soot. You've done so well today. Let's pick this up and find you a good place to bask in the sun, Hm?"

"See y' around, Nel." Jasper said with a wave over his shoulder as they moved apart, and turned back towards the others with something very pleased just under the small smile on his face. It was always good to see a scared dragon doing well. "We should get Boulder that walk now."
Chaital rumbled and flapped her wings, eyes glittering. She was very eager to reunite with Nel - as well as several other humans and dragons in the Dragonry.

"Sounds like a plan. I think I'll be at Grandpa Jenkins' house around then," Noah explained. "And you're welcome! I'm always happy to help." He waved and smiled as Soot and Nel made their way off into the distance. Then he turned to Jasper. "Speaking of that walk - Jasper, do you want to ride on Chaital with me? We can practice some dragon riding. And Chaital can practice not letting us fall off!"

Chaital made a chuffing sound that sounded like laughing and lightly slapped Noah's head with her tail, which made Noah giggle.
Jasper waved goodbye to Nel, but gave Noah an incredulous look as they walked back up the hill. "If you think I'm going to ride bareback on a dragon that doesn't really know me, with a rider who's never actually ridden anything, you're insane."

He shook his head and fought down a shocked sort laugh. "I don't even know if Chaital wants you riding before you get that saddle. It's a lot easier to fall off if there's no handholds."
"I know that. That's the point of training," Noah explained with a grin. "I figure if I'm ever in a situation where I don't have a saddle, it'll be important to know how to ride bareback. Plus, if I learn this way first, the saddle will be easier. Right, Chaital?"

The dragon had to admit it was a rather smart idea, especially considering the circumstances around her rider's death. She huffed and lay on the ground, extending a wing so it was easier for Noah to get on.

"What, you want to try that now?" Noah asked. He blinked and glanced at Jasper. "That's what she's saying, right?"

Mr. Jenkins chuckled. "You can walk with me on the ground, Jasper. Ol' Boulder only lets people ride him on special occasions now, anyway."
Jasper made a face again when Chaital settled down and stepped away to be closer to Mr. Jenkins. "I will gladly stay on the ground, thank you." he said with a shake of his head, and gave a little chuckle. "If you think I would even consider trying to climb onto Boulder's back, Papa J, you're a little crazy, too." The thought had never and would never cross his mind. "Lily's the one that likes to sit with him like he couldn't crush her legs if he rolled wrong."

But, much like Nel, Lily's bright and sunny attitude did a lot to endear dragons to her, as well. Boulder, at least, tolerated her more than he did Jasper.

"Let's just walk." He said with a sigh, glancing back at Noah. "Don't die, kid. Lily'd be real mad if she came back and found out I'd let you fall to your doom."