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just, breathe.

Every blink burned like black top in a california heat wave - she tried to refrain, honey colored orbs trained on the receptionist desk, which was several feet past the tips of her boots, which quietly smacked together in a low song of anticipation. She had been able to claim the west walls row of chairs as her own, considering she'd brought Phoebe in the early morning, and the lobby had been relatively empty. It remained as such so far, to her relief, though the idle sitting, allowing for the assault of hypothetical thoughts, was excruciating. Her long legs stretched across the chairs a tad awkwardly, her head pressed against the cool, off white wall behind her, arms heavy and folded onto her stomach. She exhaled through her nose, a silent release of pent up frustration, and allowed her eyes to close for just a moment.

"Miss Kissinger?"

The brunette sat up immediately, "What? Is she okay? Can I see her now?"

"I was only going to ask if you wanted some water. You haven't had anything since you came in this morning."

"No, I don't want anything. I just... need to see my friend. Can you at least tell me if she's alive?"

"No one has coded in the last couple hours, so I can assure you she is alive. To what extent, I just don't know. She was... not well, when she came in."

"Obviously," Ava pressed her hands to her face, breathing out heavily. The secretary left the brunette, who leaned back once again, swallowing the growing lump within her throat before closing her eyes again, though this time they stung with tears.

She felt personally responsible for Phoebe being in the hospital, whatever guy she was with did something to her because Ava wasn't adamant enough about not going to parties. In fact she didn't argue about it much at all -- she came here for change, she wanted to be different, loosen up a little like Phoebe wanted her to. They shouldn't have been there at all -- Ava couldn't even handle her own alcohol and hung out like a nerd in the kitchen most the night. She never flirted with anyone, or reciprocated any interest because she wasn't over the break up from home that sent her half way across the world. She sat on a counter and read the first harry potter book for the umpteenth time in her life until Phoebe was ready to go.

So much for doing something wild.

"Miss Kissinger?"

"I seriously don't want anything." She responded irritably, only opening her eyes when she regretted the tone she used.

"Oh? Not even to see your friend?"

Ava didn't hesitate, scooping up her few belongings, tossing her bag over her shoulder and closely following one of the nurses through the lobby doors, a back office and finally approaching a hallway marked with multiple rooms.

"Here you are." Gestured one nurse to door propped open, to which Ava pushed open immediately, poking her head in with the most reassuring smile she could offer. Which resulted in a sleepy, sad, stressed out quirk of her lips "Phoebe?"​

a flicker in the dark, a white spot on the eclipse of my heart.​

Dawn in Norway was carried on a particularly white sky that morning, the shivering oval shadow of the sun blotted out by thick clouds hovering over the entire city of Oslo. Dotted with the frost bitten wings of gulls like specks to the naked eye, but he could clearly see the details in their feathers. The leather of his jacket wrinkled at his elbows as they bent, pressed against his sides, unsurprisingly chilled hands sunk into the pockets of his slacks which hugged his hips. Every now and then he'd nod his head, wasted attempts to rid his eyes of the strands of hair brushing across his cheeks and obscuring his view of a relatively busy sidewalk. There wasn't really a time in the day where Oslo's streets weren't bustling -- they had busy mornings, hustling lunch hours, and a wild nightlife. The latter he was most familiar with.

Yet despite everyone else's raised levels of social anxiety, and how they felt the need to shove one another just to make it in line for coffee -- Leonce weaved in and out with grace, consistently untouched, never putting forth more effort than necessary. He moved at a leisurely pace that didn't match the busy morning, for his mind was in the clouds -- as always. More specifically, his thoughts revolved around the night prior, resting on a pair of particularly oceanic blue eyes that he had made his target from the moment she'd stepped into the room. It was a college party -- nothing particularly unique, same old drinks and bad pick up lines. But she held some uniqueness, her laugh a melodic clip among the cacophony of drunken young adults blathering on, a blip of pink in an otherwise dark room.

He would devote time to her and pretend it wouldn't end in a few hours. Revel in being treated as an average human of no particular uniqueness past his own traits that stood out to her. A night of his own fantasies, for he was surely one for the story books himself, but the tale of vampires got old. Though, as old as the tale was to him, humans would never grow accustomed, they would never understand what he was -- so he would leave her, assuming she would wake up alone and move on.

Not for a second did he anticipate having left more than a love bite on last night's stranger.

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still alive, but barely breathing.

Thirsty, no - parched would be more accurate. She was parched, thirsting for a glass of cool water to swallow down her dry throat through her equally dry lips. Her desire and need for the drink was enough to force herself up on her elbows despite feeling weak, stagnant even. The pull of the IV needle in her arm stopped her from sitting up completely, the tug had also cleared her foggy mind.

She was in a hospital room, a hospital bed. Panic began to rise in her chest. Why was she here, what was wrong with her? Her hands flew to her chest, the sudden fear giving her a pump of adrenaline. Just as quickly as the new found adrenaline came, it went once she concluded she was in no way injured. At least not mortally, except for the sore sensation on her neck.

Subconsciously, her slender fingers reached up to lightly brush against the purple bruise the bite had left against pale skin. She winced only a little at the touch of her own fingers before pulling them away. Phoebe vaguely remembered the night before, maybe she had one two many drinks, but she could not forget the man with the gaze that burned her very flesh underneath it. How could she forget him or the time they had spent together even if it was short?

He had ... he had ... bit her.

Her face crumpled into a frown, agonizingly slow, her recollection of the other night came to her in bits and pieces. She could hardly remember anything after the moment they were alone and her ... Had she passed out? The lack of answers left her frustrated with her memories, with her hazy head that began to ache almost as badly as her bruised, bitten neck.

She swallowed her saliva hoping to wet her throat and licked her cracking lips. Carefully, she began pulling he blankets off of her legs when a slight wave of nausea and weakness overcame her. She fell back onto the cushions of her bed and closed her eyes, breathing in the cool air-conditioned air. It was best to stay in bed for a while longer and wait for the weakness to pass. Her head rolled onto it's side, her deep blue eyes staring into the door willing for someone to come and explain a few things to her.

Her prayers had been answered.

It was Ava, the single most beautiful person, inside and out, she had the privilege of meeting and being friends with. The sight of the pretty blonde gave her enough energy to sit back up. Almost immediately did she notice the stress, tiredness and grief in her face and yet she still tried to smile. Phoebe couldn't help but smile genuinely, almost laughing, then feeling guilty. It was most definitely her fault that her friend was in such a condition.

"Before you ask, yes, I am alright." Phoebe told her, her voice coming out croaked. The surprise was written on her own face for a fleeting moment when hearing herself. Still, she managed to ignore it and go on. "No stolen kidneys, so that's something." She joked.

A smirk made it's way onto her face and she gestured the other girl over, patting a spot on the bed. Gracefully, she brushed away her pink hair off of her shoulders and leaned back into the bed, happy to have company. The pleasant company of a friend. Her eyes only caught the nurse after she laid back.

you can't chose what stays and what fades away.

Breathing in the toxic smoke of the cigarette between his fingers, Lincoln exhaled, the same smoke expelling from his lungs and floating in the air above his head. He watched the fumes swirl above his head and disperse with anxious eyes, if one looked there was a slight hint of annoyance too. Annoyance for having to be out, out on official business, working. And more than that he was irritated knowing there was a threat to his and many other's existence around.

He dropped his cigarette onto the concrete ground, feeling somewhat better after having a smoke. The relief it gave him was not everlasting, and would surely wear off soon. He squashed the bud of it with the arch of his foot and swiftly yet adroitly moved into the crowd of walking citizens following after another, Leo, if to be more precise. His keen eyes were locked on the other male, the other vampire.

Stuff of myths they were. And the coven wanted to keep it that way.

A playful smirk played onto his lips as he gained on him, making it to his heels in an instant, while avoiding the bodies of the crowd around them. With one last stride, he was in place beside the barely any taller bloodsucker, but clearly, in his humble opinion, younger. He inhaled the fresh, slightly body odor reeking air before speaking whimsically, greeting his friend.

"Hallo, Leo."

His smirk shifted into a small smile, still lighthearted and overly pleasant, it was a look that could kill. The most it ever did was mesmerize and trap, though. He wasn't using it for either of those purposes now, no, it naturally made it's way onto his lips. He was feeling rather mischievous rather than annoyed as he had earlier.

"I'm on my way to the hospital, out on official business," he told him, simply "starting conversation" with a very interesting subject, something that would just have to interest him. "Something about the possibility of a lovebite gone wrong."

Link's smile faded, this voice taking on a more serious tone. His sharp eyes looked to the man beside him and he slowed his pace just a fracture. "There may be a new fledging around." The corner of his mouth quirked.

He knew, of course he knew. Well, he assumed anyway. He had been there that night, though, he had not tagged along with Leo, he had come on his own as he so often did. It was always easy to find a warm body to keep you company at night within parties, especially the sleazy one's he tried to avoid. That night he had saw, Leo but his mind was more focused on a fair woman across the room.

There wasn't any others like him waltzing around the crowd that night, so he could only guess. His eyes narrowed at him for just a split second in time. Then he smiled once again his voice became less grave and more carefree.

"Care to join me?" Link inquired, shoving his hands into his leather jacket's pockets. "We're not far from the hospital at all, it would be nice to have some friendly company."

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"Good, we need all of our organs to pay for our college tuition."

Ava joked, though the amusement only barely reached her water lines -- her tired eyes held worry.

Following her friend's gesture, Ava circled the bed and finally settled her weight down alongside Phoebe's outstretched legs. She was always so awkward when it came to physical gestures -- did she hold her hand? Touch her leg? She opted for a couple light pats on the female's blanketed thigh, before dropping her hands, folded over one another, in her own lap. "Jokes aside, I'm glad you're okay. You might have rabies though," Her strained smile stretched into an even less genuine line as her eyes perused the bruise spread like a splattered, purple ink blot across Phoebe's otherwise flawless, pale skin. Guilt struck her again. "I -- you know -- I would have been more nazi about not drinking but, nothing was coming between you and john bender."

maybe now isn't the time for eighties references, Ava?

"I just, basically hid in the kitchen, you know me, I come for the food. I didn't know what to do, I'm... socially inept," She closed her eyes, still able to envision the messy layout of a neglected, crowded condo.

The deep, never ending thud of a bad song's base that just barely kept up with the subtle increase of her pulse. Smoke, pot, drinks, perfume, and pizza -- her nose visibly crinkled at the recollection, though she was brought back out of the party scene with the stronger scent of rubbing alcohol in the hospital room. Her eyelids, a faded lilac from last nights eye shadow, trembled as she started to open them again, this time losing a tear that slid down her cheek in a transparent, hot streak. She felt the anxiousness from when she couldn't find Phoebe last night strike her again, like a strangling -- hopelessness. Finding her rather limp, and furthermore abandoned in someone's room -- she exhaled, shakily. To see her now, chained up to monitors and poked with little tubes, it was upsetting yet, she felt relieved she was here instead of anywhere else. And with that relief came Ava's inevitable exhaustion, which shwed as her shoulders gradually began to fall with a hunch of her back. "I'm so sorry I didn't keep a better eye on you, and I'm sorry I'm crying, it's -- it's stupid, I-I'm just tired, and I'm hungry but hospital food is gross, and I smell like other people's bad decisions and vodka. Mostly just vodka."

She wiped at her cheek with her plum dyed, knitted sweater sleeve, "You're the one in the hospital bed and I'm crying like a big baby." Ava managed both a dry laugh and a question with another rub of her eyes. "Did they tell you anything? The nurses won't even talk to me, it's been hell sitting in the lobby without a word. I didn't want you to think you were alone in here." She put on her big girl smile again, blinking back the tired sting in her eyes.


"Is that so."


His mental state was entirely contrary in comparison to a tone that almost came off as innocent, though the not so subtle tightening of his defined jawline revealed Leonce knew exactly what Link's words were pertaining to. Or, more specifically, whom. They walked on, that familiar sensation of friend and foe emanating from Lincoln, and sticking to the young vampire's skin, a musky reminder he was constantly walking on thin ice with the lifestyle he pursued. Lincoln was justified in his wanting to prevent an overlapping of worlds that should never meet - he also, however, seemed the most empathetic to Lincoln's perspective, or therefore lack of, as he filled his nights with strangers and severed beginnings. Even though the revenant didn't voice much sympathy, he didn't act as a consistent obstacle in Leo's life. Just don't screw up was the rule.

The only rule.

To any other Norwegian in the city, Leonce was just a poetic stranger from out of town, a friend of a friend who's hosting the party, a college student from something university. Until he wasn't. Because now he might be the guy that caused a college girl's heart to stop beating. He wasn't a killer -- well, not on purpose. "Why do I get the feeling I don't actually have a choice in the matter?"

Naturally, they graced the sidewalks in half the time it would take a person to -- it went without need to say, this wasn't a time to be leisurely. As Oslo's general hospital building began to peek over high angled street lights, they came to a corner, and offered an obligatory pause at the cross walk for show. "I treated last night like any other night," He offered, not realizing until he said that out loud and licked his lips in reminiscence that the night prior was not like any other night. Because he could still taste her skin along the flesh of his bottom lip, sweet -- she, was sweet. Things had been just a little sweeter than usual. "I wasn't careless. Well -- anymore than usual."

Fledglings. They were unstable, emotionally, physically -- reactions were nearly always the same, what about my family, my hopes, my dreams, lots of tears, or at least there would be, if the anatomy of a living corpse would allow for such luxuries. Instead their kinds eyes just grew red, and puffy, the swollen effects after a good cry -- Leonce couldn't remember the time last when he had bawled his eyes out. He wouldn't wish this aftermath on anyone, to be dead -- truly dead, and live with it. They would want him to kill her -- he hesitated even when the little street signal flashed, encouraging the pair to cross the street to the hospital now. "I'm certain you're wrong," Though he bore little certainty to reassure either, the lack of certainty became more evident as they walked. "I haven't screwed up in the hundred years we've been in Scandinavia."


Phoebe smiled sympathetically, that previous guilt seeping back into her with a new found heaviness on her chest. She was sure that weight on her chest was more than guilt, it felt almost physical, but she ignored it, more focused on Ava than anything else. Ava who stayed the whole night awake in the widening room worried for her. Ava who blamed herself despite the fact that Phoebe was the one who had dragged her into the party in the first place. Because no matter who one looked at it, the only reason she laid in the bed she did now was because of herself.

However, Ava somehow made it her own fault, looking through different lenses on the situation. And now she was crying. Typical Ava Kissinger. Phoebe loved her though, she was lucky to have a friend like her and she knew it. Even though she often became frustrated with the blonde for her lack of bravery and venturesome, she was good, better than Phoebe herself. This, she never expressed a loud, to anyone it would perhaps come off pitiful, but true none the less.

"I think the doctors came in earlier, " Phoebe mumbled, her words slightly mushed together and her words hardly audible. Her eyes squinted as she thought back to the first time she awoke. Her head was even foggier then than it was now, but she had captured a few things her doctor had said. Things like heart attack, drug overdose, running the bloodwork. Overall, nothing she understood completely.

More than anything, she wanted to be out of the hospital. The harsh white lights that lit up the room only caused her foggy head to ache, and the smell of antiseptics, chloroform and multiple cleaning agents made her nose wrinkle. It was all simultaneously sterile, sad and sick.

Phoebe hated hospitals, it brought back bad memories.

The odor of it was ten times worse than usual, almost as if her senses had heighten in the time she had awoken. Somehow, she still managed to breathe the air in without choking. Her fingers dug themselves into the bed, feeling the need to busy and distract herself from it. She only needed a moment to think to answer Ava in full, the darker haired blonde deserved a good explanation. "Something about a heart attack, I
believe." Intuitively, she reached up and placed a hand against her chest where her heart lied, she could hardly feel the beats of the organ, though, that may have been because she was too much in an ill state to.

A sour look made it's way to her face, "They think I took drugs and overdosed ..." Had she? The sensation of feeling buzzed plagued her memory, highly intoxicated, maybe even high. Yet, there was no remembrance of ever taking any narcotics in her head. She tried to avoid the intake of drugs, she needed the few brain cells she had to get through college.

The only explanation was her "John Bender" as Ava had said. Part of her didn't want to believe it, after all, it could always have been something or someone else. Be as it may, it was highly unlikely. She offered another smile hoping that it was cheery, instead it was more forced than anything.

"Don't beat yourself up anymore, okay. It's not your fault," and it truly wasn't. "Besides, the doctor wants to run a few more test and then I can be discharged." Still, the idea of being poked and prodded again was not appealing, she rather leave now.


Lincoln involuntarily scoffed.

The brief smirk he held was replaced with a look of somberness. He could read him like a book and his words gave him very little comfort. He was just as concerned as he was when he saw the ambulance wheel away the pink-haired young woman. Worry that things wee about to go into a very sour direction and wouldn't be so easy to get back on course. Even now that heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach sat there, he was no longer irritated, just worried. Not so much as for the girl as he did his companion.

Link had eyes and he could see that he was emotionally invested, even if it was only by a miniature fracture it could still jeopardize everything. Emotions, the feelings, all of it were just a bomb waiting to go off. Humans and vampires alike had been destroyed by it more than once, and he had been a witness with front row seats too many times. He only hoped he was imagining what he saw, simply assuming it.

He would not assume that the woman couldn't have possibly turned, though. The hint of doubt in Leo was enough to make him sure their trip was necessary. No chances, they would take none. One mistake could ruin everything, sadly, this mistake wasn't even a small one. Maybe it would have been different if she simply died, but, nothing was ever that simple.

A sigh escaped through Link's lips and felt the urge for another cigarette but resisted. "Well, for her sake I do hope so." The only one who'd really paying the heavy consequence of the prior night would and was her. He sympathized her, but he quickly shrugged those feelings off because it was dangerous to be emotional.

Besides, Leo was probably feeling afraid enough for the both of them. "We all make mistakes once and a while." Link added few words of solace."But we also have to take responsibility for them as well," He added on a quieter note, confirming, yes, that if she did happen to be turned, he would have to take her out.

Focusing his eyes on hospital building in front of him, he crossed the street, not looking back to see Leo fall behind.

Link blinked once, pulling himself together before entering through the doors as if he was there to visit a sick friend and not to determine someone's demise. He made a straight beeline to the front desk and put on the best anxious smile he had that somehow still managed to be charming. The dimple in his right cheek only added to it.

"Hello," he greeted the nurse, immediately capturing her attention."We're here to visit a friend," A friend who's name he paused to recall. "Phoebe."Or so he believed, someone at the party had called her that at least. "She came in last night, a pink haired girl."

"Oh, just a moment." The nurse smiled bashfully before checking through the computer database. "Miss Phoebe Darcy?"

"That's the one."

"She's in room 508."

"Thank you," Link sent a wink and moved on to the elevators. Only once they were standing outside her door did he hesitate. Talking, he could hear talking, the voice of another person - woman. His cool blue orbs looked up recalling the friend who went rode along with her in the ambulance van, he hadn't got a good look at her. She could 'cause trouble.

He cursed underneath his breath, knocked on the door and opened it without waiting for an answer. "Sorry, to disturb you ladies." He stepped inside and paused near the entrance. "Oh?" His eyes locked on the sun-kissed blonde beauty. To say the least he felt a strong pull of attraction for the woman, enthralling she was but now was not the time, or any other time for that matter, to admire and fall for a woman.

So, he cleared his throat and pulled his eyes off of her onto the questioning blue eyes of the other. She too was beautiful but the magnetizing attraction he felt for her friend was not there. "Miss Phoebe Darcy?" His voice was kept soft and pleasant. "I ..." Her attention was no longer on him, in fact she looked passed him at his associate. While his eyes landed on her bruised neck instead.


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Of all the reactions the young vampire could have had, Leonce offered a smile -- well, his variation of a smile, which would be a shy, upward tug to the left corner of his lips. Behind the strands of raven colored locks that brushed across his eyelids, one would find a manifestation of bashfulness appear -- he had never followed up with a female, nor had he seen one for a second time. It was a cruel truth that he did not wear proudly as some foolish men did, though the guilt was diluted with his covens promise that it was better to exit their lives as if you hadn't ever been there. It was too dangerous -- attachments, promises, or even just being there to bid adieu the next morning. He longed for a warm morning with another heart, preferably a beating one -- but hesitation and lingering was the worst thing his kind could do. The prime consequence was coddled up in a hospital bed right before him, eyes like the sea drawing in his own orbs, like dying flames.

What would he say to her? That he was sorry for abandoning her without a word? He was, but likely it wouldn't do the situation much good. And likely, she had heard it before -- his smile fell. He remained ducked beneath the doorway, lingering beside his companion, eyes on the female with that attracted gloss they'd had the night before. She was darling, too much so to be bound in the wires and pathetically thin blankets of a medical room. "Are you... Feeling, alright? I heard you were taken in an ambulance after... the party."

He felt uncomfortable elaborating anymore, in front of her friend, or Lincoln. The vampire always kept an eye on Leo, but even he wasn't that aware of the goings on in his personal life. And he wanted to keep it that way, because of how disapproving the coven members were. Ducking beneath the doorway, he attempted to close a little more distance between himself and Phoebe -- that was when heard the increasing pitter patter of her unnamed friend's heart -- it seemed to consistently beat too fast, but right now it was even faster, she felt threatened by his proximity to her friend. He brought himself to a respectful halt, shifting his focus to the beat of Phoebe's heart -- or the lack of pulsation, might he describe. It fluttered slow, hard, not because of him, but due to the venom that was threatening to spread through her blood stream. He wouldn't wish it on anyone, the change, the insatiable hunger, the feeling of your own heart stopping without any say -- one pale hand came up to once again comb his locks back, revealing better his apologetic eyes. "I took things too far last night, I was careless, and I'm sorry."


Ava was surprised, to say the least -- he actually showed up, the unnamed charming of her friend's weekend. She could understand Phoebe's attraction -- she always liked the darker, brooding types, they had that untouchable mysteriousness that caught actually managed to keep her interested, just long enough to get hurt anyways. And while Ava lacked the same magnetization she definitely understood, caught in the bright, fluorescent lights compared to last nights shady apartment, he was revealed to be very beautiful. Though he didn't hold a candle to his accomplice in her opinion, of whom she did not remember seeing at the party. Their eyes met, briefly, and she admired him, but she was more concerned with this stranger getting too close to Phoebe again, and let her orbs fall on the closing space between them.

"She's not alright," She spoke up, though she sounded exhausted, too exhausted to properly express her disdain for him right now. She didn't even know him, but Ava didn't have to -- he would have to have a pretty intense story for her to excuse both hurting and leaving her best friend. Rubbing her sleepy eyes with her sweater sleeve, she elaborated, "Whatever you two shared nearly gave her a heart attack. You seem to be fine, though."

She said it as an observation, instead of a casual comment. To which Dimitri responded, "It's not... like that." Although it was, it wasn't, and considering he couldn't offer either of them any details, he just sort of awkwardly left it at that, looking lost which only intensified under Ava's disapproving squint. He looked to Lincoln, but he just had that you got yourself into this mess expression.

"Oh? Maybe you can enlighten me, you know, so I can make sure she isn't going to die as soon as she's discharged," feeling a little more awake, she shifted her body to face both males with the intention of awaiting a worthy explanation. It was then that her phone vibrated from within her pocket, when Ava answered it she seemed to be extremely sorry she did. "Mrs. Darcy! The hospital contacted you?" She mumbled about how she specifically told them not to under her breath, before pushing off the bed and signaling to Phoebe that she'd take care of it, as usual whilst leaving the room for the hallway, brushing past the second stranger and giving him a look as though she just couldn't make up her mind about all of this. As if somehow he understood that, unbeknownst to her, Lincoln did. "Everything's fine! Don't worry..."

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Phoebe was both relived and terrified by the absence of Ava. On one hand, she would be able to actually talk to him without the other girl preventing her to and answering in her place. He who she had yet to learn the name of, yet to know more about. He who actually came to see her despite leaving her alone the other night, he who was apologizing for it now. It was sort of unbelievable to her, so much so she had lost the ability to speak and just stared, which she recognized as an embarrassing thing.

Color rushed to her cheeks and she looked down at her slender legs. Instantly, she pulled the thin covers over herself, also embarrassed by her pathetic state as a patient. Now this was the reason she was terrified, she didn't trust herself to act appropriately in the situation without her best friend to supervise her. She had already started to act like a high school student with a crush and she barely knew the man, she had only met him the other night ... But she knew his eyes, they were the type that one could get lost in and she supposed she did.

Still, Phoebe kept her face straight and held her chin up, looking him square in his warm eyes with her cold blue ones. She would not become pudding no matter how beautiful he looked, no matter how sorry he may have been. She would not submit to her unreasonable feelings nor his charms, she would be cool as ice and strong. She was determined to be.

Her eyes wandered over to his companion, the brunette with a lighter shade, he was looking over his shoulder in the direction of Ava. Then, he pinched his nose and released a long breathy sigh. Who was he anyway? Her gaze darted back to the stranger from the other night for it was hard to not keep her eyes on him. "You shouldn't be here ..." Her voice sounded stronger, firmer than she felt. "You should go ..." This time, her voice was as weak as she felt.

The other man, the stranger's face looked almost sorry for a brief moment before the look she saw vanished as quickly as it came. "You think you can take it from here?" He lowered his voice, but it was more of a demand than an inquiry because he left the room soon after.

Phoebe was truly terrified and nervous now that she really was left alone with him. The panic hid behind her eyes, but beside that she appeared cool. Slowly, she sucked in a breath through her teeth and asked something she had wanted to ask for too long now. "Why are you here?"

Lincoln shut the door of the room behind him softly and leaned his back against it, blocking anyone from entering or exiting. He licked his bottom lip, crossing his arms over his chest and keeping an ear open, keeping quiet to listen to the conversation beyond the door. He didn't feel too much of a need to, most of it would surely be intimate, that he was sure of. The tension was clear between the two, it was especially rolling off the human, or used to be human, girl. He only wanted to be sure what truly needed to be said would be.

His fingers impatiently tapped against his arm, he itched for a cigarette. For the toxins to smooth his ragged nerves. Today a girl was going to be die and she would be killed a second time ... or she could be a part of their coven. The majority of vampires in their coven were much older, though. And she was just a young thing, they'd eat her alive, he was sure. Still, he wasn't so sure Leo had the guts to actually kill her.

Link looked way from the wall ahead of him and to the woman who was on the phone. He examined her carefully from his spot, not moving an inch. The young woman was incredibly beautiful, tall long legged, blonde. Someone he wouldn't mind sharing a lovebite with himself. But most importantly, she was close with Phoebe Darcy. That would obviously cause issues.

"I don't think we had the pleasure of formally greeting eachother yet." He smiled, dimple and all when she finished her phone call with Mrs. Darcy. It would be best to distract her her until Leo was done talking with the girl. And, if he was to be totally honest, he simply wanted to talk and know her if even only for a little bit, even if they would never see each other again. "I'm Lincoln, and who might you be?"

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