Blorbs: Game Thread

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Resume, Restart, Resurge?

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:: Aid Koka's leftward mining.
:: Keep making axe heads. Once three are made, switch to hammer heads.
:: Attempt to craft a lock pick from sticks and twigs in nearby tree.
:: Continue to gather sticks
:: If enough are gathered, begin building a small hut/house on this side of the water

Shit remains locked; the wooden lockpicks were ineffectual and splinter into useless waste.
:: Build other brace
:: Create rudimentary stone armor

:: Carry stone bricks back up to the surface.
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::lobotomize Zed with Pickaxe <3

::Make the floor Jorick, Koka, and I level with where Gwazi is standing
:: Break wooden pickaxe head off into two torches through the power of Blorb magic.
:: Place them both side by side on the wall.
:: Use some stone block to make stone pickaxe head on remaining handle.

Probably gonna take 2 turns to do, but I'm okay with this.
:: If I cannot make more tools, then take what I have up to the tree fort. Else make axes.
:: start making a wall for entrance to the tunnel.
:: Cross the water and gather some rocks from the mine
:: Fashion rope out of seaweed.
:: Continue to gather sticks from the tree.
:: Toss the sticks I do gather down to Pastor Choi.
:: Dry seaweed into strips for people to eat.
:: head down to join main group (Jorick and others... Til I have a minute to read through and figure out what I should be doing. Tonight I hope lol)
:: Grabs the sticks tossed down
:: Fashions them into two axes
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