Black Flags and Cannon Blasts

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"Tsk, Skylar you little..." Kyria's ear stung a bit from the bullet, though luckily her tougher sea kappian skin protected her from any damage. Of course, most bullets would pierce her, but not very far into her body. As the others reacted with alarm, Kyria let the incident go, as the Captain took over the situation.

"Hmm, Skylar... Skyyylaarrrr.... here it is, hm... lower anesthesia dosage a bit in future... mwahahaha!" This last part, Kyria was muttering to herself as she resumed her nonchalant atmosphere, the pocket book that rested next to her was filled with writing native to her colony. It contained various medical observations and notes about all her patients, which at this time, consisted solely of her crew mates. She was the only one on this ship that could read it, so Kyria wasn't worried about prying eyes. Tossing it to the secured basket near her area, she sat up cross legged, tail slowly waving behind her in anticipation for the soon to start extravaganza.
A hearty laugh roared out of Saethos' throat as Kaila offered her end of the bet. Accepting her offer to drink, Saethos took a swig from the water skin. The taste of rum swishing into his mouth made him feel much better, but it did not fit his cravings. After handing it back and removing his arm form her shoulders he said rather loudly, "Make it three and you're on!" Truth be told he was just having some good fun, he didn't expect her to actually pay up, though he figured she probably would. In all honesty it made no real difference who won the bet, it was just good fun to be had between crew mates.

Meanwhile, Kyria was busy muttering to herself. Now, the crew had a lot of hands, even an ogre, but Kyria was the only one that scared Saethos. Maybe it was because of her race and age, but really it was the way she spoke. Maybe they were jokes, but they were risks Saethos did not want to take. Turning his attention back towards Kaila Saethos voiced once more, "The winds feel favorable, today."
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[fieldbox=Shiro Kukuri, blue, solid]

Shiro was rocking back the legs of her chair, twirling her pistol in her hands. Occasionally she would hear a groan from one of the slaves, or the creak of the boat as it moved along the waves. The sounds were nothing to her anymore. At first, it made her uneasy, for fear of being bombarded by an anxious slave, or the boat would fall apart if it were to hit against a large wave.

The brim of her hat was bent across her face, hiding the naked bodies from her view. They had no choice but the strip them coming on board. Rumor had it, they would use their loinclothes to strangle the handlers, and Shiro didnt have that on her agenda today. She had no intention of putting down another rough male or sobbing female yelling about her child vomiting uncontrollably. Seasickness was common among them, and even if Shiro could do something, chances are she wouldnt. Her only job was to keep these worms under control until they reached land.

Shiro had to stay under the ship, so judging the time until they touched down was hardly something she could do. It was cold and stuffy under the ship, and the smell and uncomfortable living conditions made her itch to go topship and breathe in the salt air. Someway, the starchy and thick sea air calmed her nerves. For now, however, she would have to deal with the B.O. and vomit smell under the ship.

"Aye, why the hell not?" Kaila loved games and hell she figured even if she didn't go ahead and honour her side of the bet, Saethos would simply buy the drinks and she could steal one from him. It wasn't like she hadn't before, and he was a pretty good sport. It was why her occasional generous bursts to share her rum came forth, like now. She took the skin back and put it on her belt before letting out a chuckle, clearly still amused by the chaos the gun shot had caused. She wasn't too worried herself, what was the fun when there was no excitement?

"Mhm, they sure do," she said, standing up on her tiptoes and sniffing the air. A grin came over her face. "The smell of salt and blood." She licked her lips, her blue eyes shining as she looked in the direction their target was. "I can' wait. There better be lotsa sparklies in there. And drink!" That was all she really cared about for the moment, although... "A parrot! Y'know, this ship needs a parrot! I shudda brought my bro Avarell along..." She huffed a little at the missed opportunity.
You can't stop a cannonball, but you can slow it down. This was Capt'n Sid's thought as he heard Franz angry whisper. The man had ears like a bat, he needed them with this rowdy bunch. He didn't care much that Franz had seen through his little trick since now his form of revenge would result in, at worst Skylar's injury, instead of thoughtless murder. As Kyria, well, it could be worse. Skylar deserved some punishment anyway and he couldn't make her stay on deck because of some 'important documents' that were apparently onboard he had told her to steal. "You are correct in your assumption Miss Cat, however there are still two guard ships that may see us. Now hoist the flag! Full speed ahead Mistress Julia! Prepare for battle crew!" The captain said this with increasing valor, at the end unsheathing one of his two cutlasses and pointed at the merchant vessel. His sea-green eyes sparkled, oh how he loved these moments! However, deep within the bowls of his soul, there was a drop of dread. He was about as aware that the boat contained their new cook as he was of the danger that was under the ship.
[fieldbox=Shiro Kukuri, blue, solid]
Shiro was spinning her pistol between her fingers when a crew member came stumbling down the splintered steps, his face red and sweating.
"All hands on deck, Kukuri!"
He waved a meaty hand, and she cursed. Just what they needed. They were full of slaves and precious cargo, the last thing they needed were to be invaded.

Getting up from her seat, Kukuri took two steps at a time, bounding up the steps. If the slaves knew what was good for them, they wouldnt dare move a damned muscle. Once up on the deck, she breathed in the salt air, and allowed the sun to shine down on her. Shiro's muscles were sore from being down in one position for so long, and she had to sheild her eyes from the sudden burst of sunlight. It felt nice, however, to finally feel some heat on her skin.

Shiro had little time to savor the moment, seeing the large ship barreling torward them. With a loud curse, she hopping up onto one of the rope ladders that led up to the crows nest.
"Sully! Whats the status report?"
The bearded lookout looked over the lip of the nest, his eyes wide with panic.
"Coming Starboard, Kukuri!"
WIthout missing a beat, the crew members rushed to their respected positions. She was First Mate, and the Captain was steering the ship, allowing her to shout the orders and supervise. The ship was coming at them at an alarmingly fast rate, easily noticable across the waves. The salt water splashed against her face and made her skin feel sticky, but it was a familiar feeling that boosted her confidence.

Shiro placed her hand on her hip, where her lance rested. They were probably going to be boarded, but there was no way they would get past her. Not without a fight, anyway.

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Skylar looked down at the crew as they ran about on the deck. It was quite amusing to see such a sight and made her chuckle. Skylar watched as the flag was raised and her eyes seemed to darken like they always did before a battle. Jumping off the ropes, Skylar landed on bended knees on the deck. She stood up and ran to the front of the boat where she slowly climbed to the tip of it. Once there, she carefully stood up until she stood tall. Skylar didn't fear this action or the fact that she could fall in at any time. She had practiced that procedure enough times to be able to save herself if she were to fall off. With a smirk, Skylar unsheathed her sword and raised it to the sky as if saying she was proud to be a pirate. Being the thief she was, Skylar planned to steal while the others fought but would fight if needed. That's how she always did it and it always worked. They would soon realize afterwards that they had been robbed and Skylar would just laugh in amuseent as she pictured their faces.
A parrot? Kaila said the silliest things sometimes. "Haha, Old man Johnsons got a bird, close enough I say!" Saethos adjusted the axe handle that lay rested on his shoulder, the weight of the lumbering axe was slightly uncomfortable. It may not have put much strain on his body but the wooden handle was certainly not crafted to rest on a mans shoulder. The fact that she was excited for combat was very unnerving to Saethos, in combat she was scary. Franz was scary, Gorgath was scary, hell, most people aboard were scary. Though he never showed fear it was not by choice, he just didn't know how to show fear. The smile on his face was damn near permanent, almost nothing could tear it off of him.

For now it was time to prepare for battle. His axe was already held over his shoulder so all that was left was his mental preparation. Shedding blood was not among Saethos' favorite tasks but he didn't mind earning his cut of the plunder, he had to pull his own weight after all. "The smell of blood is less appealing to me, but the reward is what I find delicious." Saethos got his cut of drinks, then he got his cut of doubloons which he spent on food and more drinks.
Kaila stuck her bottom lip out, pouting like a child before she elbowed Saethos, not even too gentle about. Why would she be? They were pirates after all! Besides, it wasn't as if she never had before, and even if she hadn't, Kaila would've probably thought it was a lovely friendly habit to establish. She crossed her arms over her chest, still pouting before she pushed a braid away from her face. "I want me own birdie," she informed him with a grin. "He's gonna be all green, an' some yellow too, an' I'm gonna call him Avocado!" It was a rather silly thing to say indeed but a woman could have dreams!

She smirked a little at his comment about the blood. "Awwie, don' be scared, Kaila'll keep the big baddies away from ya!" She snickered before poking at him once more. "'Sides, t'ain't 'til ya spill the blood that y'can get any sparklies or rum, y'know?" She liked both the means and the ends.​
The drop of uneasiness had turned into a cloud. It floated upward as Sid walked back to the wheel. He leaned back on the railing and watched his first mate's steering carefully, like he had when she was first learning how to sail the Crow. The cloud floated up his throat and out his mouth. "Do you feel uneasy in some way?" He blurted out. However they were nearing the merchant ship and he didn't have time for her to respond. The Captain took the wheel and the ship was slowed to a stop adjacent to the other vessel.

"Evening! I don't think we need much of a introduction here. I'm afraid you will be raided unless you relinquish half your cargo and the very important documents you apparently have!" Captain Sid spoke in a cheery manner, straitening the strange rainbow feather pinned to his hat. He waited for their response, and found it rather odd.

None of the merchant vessel's crew had any idea what he was talking about. Indeed they had valuable cargo but none of them were informed of any 'important documents.' Eyes shifted to the captain, who had a oddly nervous look on his face. "Errr... Lies! We give 'em our cargo, then they sink us! Typical pirates!" He yelled, which seemed to be enough for most of the crew. "Ye'll not get a single coin from us!"

Sid sighed. "As you wish. Crew, you may attack at will."
A smirk played at Skylar's lips as they approached the merchant ship. They soon slowed to a stop beside it and Skylar's eyes immediately fell on the Captain of the merchant ship, her eyes becoming cold. She could tell by the look of his face that he was hiding something, and she knew what. At her Captain's Commands, Skylar leaped off of the ship from where she had been standing and landed on the floor of the merchant ship. She dodged the crew, leaving them to the others and headed straight to the Captain. Upon reaching him, Skylar pointed her gun at his head, her smirk still there. "Either you give me the Documents or you die. The choice is yours." She told him, loading the gun with a soft click. Skylar wasn't joking. She wasn't afraid to kill anyone and it showed in her eyes every time she threatened someone.
"...What the hell is that kid thinking?!" Franz reeled backwards and all but yelled, eyes widened in shock at Sky whom was already far and in the middle of the hornets' nest, merely moments after the captain had given his word to attack; the man himself had barely moved a muscle! And yet there she was, thinking herself the leading girl of this little play at sea or what have you.

"Hey!" he shouted at the thief without any clear abandon. After all, it wasn't as if anyone on that ship had bothered to start doing anything, it seemed. The situation produced from where Sky was pointing her gun at the moment brought with it a tension you could cut with a knife - and one that can be destroyed at any moment. "...Shouldn't you be pointing that thing somewhere - oh, I don't know - they can't actually touch you?! You know, the reason they made those in the first place?!" he barked all the way across the gap like some mad member of the audience. She was a nimbly quick little thing, he'd give her that, but a single bullet could slice through the air faster than any person or monkey could move around. Amateur, he cursed under a breath. Quickly, he moved towards where the oldest buccaneer among them stood without turning away from the rival ship, expending a single glance on the fearsome-looking pirate. Might as well light the first matchstick before he'd have to deal with a co-worker's casualty on day one. Horrible stuff, he'd known.

"...Let's get started on the fireworks already, old man. Tell me..." he made a quick turn of the head to check on Rhamaton once to make sure he wasn't talking to an already deceased member of the crew, and looked back at the merchant vessel. His hands were raring for some work, perhaps catching a first blood to make up for the explosive start of the day earlier. "...Tell me what I need to do, since I haven't touched a cannon since I had to do away with one of those blasted mountain dragon babies."
Karui waited until the rest of the crew had boarded and the merchant vessel's attention had been drawn towards them before she boarded herself. She swiftly climbed the larger boat's rigging, arriving in the nest, where she found a man aiming a musket-type weapon at the other of the two children of her crew. She drew her knife, and made quick, precise attacks on the back of each of this man's knees, accompanying them with her muttering "Stab" every time she hit. After a couple of stabs to each, the man's ligaments failed and he collapsed, his rifle plummeting to the deck below.
Rhamaton gave Franz a half grin, shrugging Marethyu off of his shoulder so the bird could fly up to its roost among the masts and sails. "I'll teach ye a thing er two, Ogre." Rhamaton said to Franz before pulling himself up. Before he began to walk, he took a swig from his flask of rum before returning it to the folds of his jacket. After his drink was back in the proper spot, he slowly made his way below deck to the cannons, his peg leg and cane making their signature thunk thunk noises against the wood of the boat. His old bones forced him to walk at a pace that would likely be agonizing for the much younger man behind him. Knowing Franz, it wouldn't surprise the old man if his crew mate threw him out of the way before they reached their destination. Once they reached the cannons, Rhamaton flipped open two of the gunports on the side of the ship before pushing a cannon in front of one, waving for Franz to push another cannon over to the other. He also had Franz grab the supply of cannonballs and gunpowder sacks.

Without another word, Rhamaton dropped one of the sacks of gunpowder into the barrel of the cannon, grabbing the nearby ramrod to push the explosive sack into its proper spot in the barrel. Once it was in far enough, Rhamaton grabbed for a cannonball. What he grabbed was two cannonballs linked together by a chain. "This'll take out their sails, ye see." Rhamaton said as he dropped the iron round shot into the cannon, pushing that down with the ramrod as well. "The chain makes 'em swing about when they catch on somefin. Takes out the masts nice 'n good, and a ship that can't move is good as sunk." With that, he pushed the end of the cannon out of the gunport, aiming the end of it at the enemy's sails. He then sprinkled a bit of gunpowder on the touch-hole at the top of the cannon. The powder at the touch-hole would be lit, which would explode, making the sack of powder explode, ejecting the round shot out the barrel and at the enemy sails with lethal force.

He grabbed the botefeux from the nearby wall and lit the end of it before unscrewing his hook from his hand and screwing on the botefeux in its place. He was prepared to light the cannon, but he spotted The Cat atop the enemy's mast. "Damn that girl! That mast needs ta come down 'n she's on the damned thing!" He swung the botefeux in frustration, almost absentmindedly lighting the ship on fire. After seeing that he could've burned the ship down, he grabbed his cane and decided to keep an eye on what was now on the end of his arm in place of his trusty hook. "Load up that other cannon, would ya boy?" He asked Franz, hoping he had payed enough attention to see how to load the cannon. He figured that he probably had, it was a rather simple process.
Well, the buccaneer wouldn't be far from being right. Franz was getting annoyed whilst he was following Rhamaton down to the cannons, but not because of the reasons you might think. Instead, he was annoyed at the fact that the rest of his clothes and his gear was still back in his room, and he was about to blow some body parts off in nothing but his dirty white shirt and pants. But of course, seeing as somebody on the opposite ship was already yelping about the holes in the back of their knees, he hurried on after the old man without a change in course.

"...Gah, that's especially messy for a pair of balls." said Franz rather gauche as Rhamaton explained the chained ones. "...For them, I mean." he finished, watching at the man's side as he pushed one end of the cannon's barrel out a gun port with surprising ease. When Rhamaton exclaimed in surprise, Franz joined him in taking a peep at the battle that was starting to brew outside. "Oh, so that's where that came from!" he announced without any emotion in particular at the sight of the stabby little information broker. Before he could get another word in, the fire at the end of Rhamaton's one arm swished in a potentially dangerous arc, prompting him to cry out a little as he reeled backwards.

"Hey, watch it with that thing, old man! We're supposed to light that ship on fire!" he pointed out the gun port. He watched the older man's movement carefully as Rhamaton grabbed for his cane, apparently calmed down, and straightened himself when Rhamaton turned to him.

"Alright! I'll fill their boat with holes on my end. Keep a watch for when the little crow leaves her nest, and fire when she does!" Franz told Rhamaton, but he never meant for it to sound like an order. He turned away to grab at some balls (sic) with which to drown the enemy under thick water (sic). Carefully following Rhamaton's instructions, Franz himself felt he could do a good job. However, he actually did not push the gunpowder sack in as far as he should, despite a man with his strength of arms. "Which of the balls should I take?" asked Franz to Rhamaton, again, with an unbelievable lack of grace.
A laugh burst out of Saethos' mouth when Kaila responded. He wasn't scared, it was just that the others were scary! Wait, that made no sense. The thought of that paradox made his laugh all the more hearty. Genuine amusement flowing through his body, making him want to drink even more. She'd very likely allow him to drink more of her rum, but he'd hold back for now. An impaired mind right now was not what the crew needed. "I keep my sharps so I can get my shines!" The shines were, of course, the payment he received as his cut.

Before he knew it, Saethos found the pirate ship in boarding distance of the target. The seemed to be denying any accusations of their cargo, but Saethos cared very little for such things. Falling off of his shoulder, the weight of his axe shifted into his palm as he was ready to do his job. As ready as he was, Sky was the first to make a move. Rambunctious and a good way to get yourself killed, but she was nimble and if the captain trusted her so did Saethos. For now, he'd simply watch her back, she was not his responsibility.

Boarding the enemy ship, Saethos shouted aloud with his deep voice, "Listen lads! Should ye live, we celebrate with drinks! You'll have earned it!" As he finished his shout, one he'd made before nearly every fight he had, he was rudely interrupted by a crew member of the merchant ship. What a twat, attacking a man who was talking! He'd have to be punished! The sword strike that came his way proved to be hard to dodge and grazed his side ever so lightly, just enough to draw blood. Though it did sting a little, he showed no pain and still smiled, not the smile of a man who loves combat, but the smile of a man who had forgotten how to frown long ago, drowning the thought of unhappiness in an ocean of ale. His counter attack was swift, lifting his lumbering axe and swinging it with force that would have been impressive if not for his large size, wedging the blade deep into the rip cage of his attacker. Drawing blood was not among Saethos' favorite tasks, but this was self defense! Not to mention he'd surely have to stay alive in order to repair the ship as he was the only carpenter. Granted he could recruit the help of others, but he usually chose not to unless absolutely necessary.

For now Saethos stood near the edge of the ship, he wanted to act as a crowd control and above all with a weapon as clunky as an axe he desperately wanted to keep his back to the edge of the battle, it was not an easy weapon to navigate. The rest of the crew would have to do most of the assaulting for now, the man dressed in green was not anxious to kill another man. He'd much rather have manned the cannons and have Franz in his position, but there was nothing he could do now.
Julia watched her captain speak, keeping an eye on the crew. Her heart was pounding loudly out of excitement and her hands are itching to draw out her sword but she held back, remembering her place. She isn't a murderer anymore but a first mate, a dignified first mate of a crazy crew.

As she stands beside her captain, the nimble little Sky made its move and pointed a gun towards the captain, making her mutter under her breath "Reckless kid..." Julia also saw how swift Karui was with her knife, earning a smile from her. "seems like the crew has improved from our last fight" she said to herself, watching them very closely as her mismatched eyes glimmered.

She loves watching the crew fight, assessing their weaknesses and strengths. All the information she gathers from their movements are locked inside her head, prepared to be unleashed once a mutiny rises, which she hopes will never happen.

Julia knew that she can help them with the battle but it looks like they don't need it. Besides, she would rather watch than get her clothes soaked in blood. True that she loves bathing in blood but washing of clothes always frustrates her. She decided that it's best for her to splatter blood only when necessary.

"Captain, what are these very important documents you're looking for if I may ask? Also, may I remind you that our gun powder is running low? Perhaps the merchant ship can spare us a few barrels?"

Kaila found that she couldn't give a care about documents or any of those other frivolities. There was an opposing ship, there were sailor, there was her sword. It was a very simple equation in her not so humble opinion. Throwing her fiery hair over her shoulder, she giggled as she boarded the enemy ship. "I'm livin', an' I'm winnin' the bet Sae, y'better be gettin' me more than a few drinks!" Her sword was out, sharp as ever as Kaila bounded off toward the nearest assailant, a mad grin on her face as she sliced at the sailor who tried to defend himself.

"Aww, don't wanna die easily?" she asked as he brought up a pistol from his belt to shoot at her. She grabbed at the offending weapon with her hand before slicing at his wrist, snickering as she watched the blood spurt from his hand. She then shoved the pistol in his mouth before kicking him in the gut, causing him to stumble and fall to the floor. "Be a good laddie an' stay still, alrighty?" She stuck out her lip as she wondered exactly how to kill him. Decisions, decisions! The poor sailor was thankfully spared as Kaila felt a stinging pain to her side as a lanky sort of fellow sliced her with a sword

"Ehh, that ain't nice!" she complained. "Ruinin' me fun like that!" She slashed out at the fellow, her pout gone and replace with a grin as they crossed swords. The sound of the clang of her sword among the many was like music to Kaila's ears; the pain in her side and the wet feeling of blood only making her feel even more elated. She would regret in later perhaps, once she was out of a drunken stupor, but not right now! In fact, she was busy singing as she finally sliced the man's throat before turning to the younger one who she had been facing at first.

"Now lucky ducky I'm inna good mood now," she told him with a giggle before plunging her sword into his chest. She did wonder if maybe she should have just used the gun instead. Hmm... She grabbed it and stuck it under her belt, still easily ignoring the tinge in her side.​
Sky watched the man as he trembled on the spot. "Well?" She growled. The man nodded quickly and led her down the stairs. Sky glanced back at everyone dealing with the crew, then followed. Below, she found herself in what she guessed was the man's office. Sky kept her gun pointed at him as he rummaged through drawers. She let her gaze glide over the portraits of the small room but was given her punishment. She had glanced at the Captain just before he shot a pistol at her. Sky, being as she was, dodged the bullet just before it hit her, only managing to scratch her ear. The bang echoed in her ears but Skylar ignored it. She darted to him and kicked the gun out of his hands. Tripping him, she pinned him to the ground with the pistol positioned between his eyes. "Dumb move." She smirked, noticing the drawer he unlocked had files in it. Special files. Without a care, Sky shot the man and stood up.

Looking through the files, she soon found the documents she was looking for. With a triumphant grin, Skylar tucked them under her arm and ran up the stairs onto the deck. Skylar dashed past fighting crew members, dodging the attacks. She soon found herself on the side of the boat. Leaping up onto the Crow, Skylar casually walked up to her captain, purposely blocking the First Mate's view.
"As you asked." She simply said, sliding the documents to him.
[fieldbox=Shiro Kukuri, blue, solid]


Shiro cursed. Their ship was going to go down, and the precious cargo underneath would surely die, if that havent already. She cursed again, hanging onto the ropes and hoisting herself up into the Crows Nest. The boat rocked violently as each canonball burst its way into the side of the ship. There was already blood in the water, however, she showed no sympathy.

She pulled her pistol off of her hip and fired off a few rounds into the writhing mass below her. There were already people boarding, and she could hardly tell where her own crew was. They were dropping like flies. They didnt have the proper ammunition or equipment to properly fight off these Pirates.

She stayed in the Crows Nest, unsure of what to do. She would surely die with the ship, if they didnt pull a sword through her heart or a bullet in her brain. Would drowning be so bad? No. Why was she thinking about her death now? She wasnt dead.

With a loud scream, she jumped from the Nest and landed on the deck, her lance ready and high to fight.

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