Battle Of the Demi-Gods

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Jay raised a hand to his face, rubbing his forehead, "If you intend to play mind or word games, you should play with someone unlike I. If you don't wish to share your name it's fine." He looked her square in the eye, not showing an ounce of any emotion, "After all, it is just a name. If you'd like..." He paused, then took a few steps closer to her, "I could come up with my own name for you." He drew nearer, step by step, "Perhaps something to do with books. A name that recommends intelligence" He continued to stare at her as she wrote in her book, "Or perhaps one regarding the color of your hair. Odd how much that affects a name. Perhaps something like Raven." By then he stood directly in front of her, so close that the heat of his breath and the faint aroma of the rose could be smelt. His red eyes still stared directly into her own. Then, without hesitation, he reached down and tried to grab the book from her hands, curious to see what was so fascinating about the parchment. Though it seemed a foolish attempt. I should have put in the effort to learn how to read... he thought vainly to himself.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Elise..." She continued scribbling on the page, feeling sympathy for the woman but not bothering to look up at the man speaking until he was uncomfortably close. She glanced up but didn't move her head back. "I like my name. I suppose, you can call me what you please for now. I did ask your last name, Jay. Are you not willing to answer as well?" She says nothing else until he makes a grab for her book. "Hey, don't touch that!" Amice yells at him, suddenly yanking the book to her chest and knocking herself backwards off the boulder. Hurrying to stand back up, she shoots the boy a glare. "Don't take what doesn't belong to you."
"If she dosen't want to give us her name then she dosen't want to" she said walking over to the young bookworm and brushing off dirt from her outfit. "Being told that shes a demi-god must be a lot to take in...besides...turst is earned."
The tiger makes his way over to Amice and nuzzles up against her. Elise giggled "he likes you" she said.
"Don't take what doesn't belong to you..." Jay repeated the words, finding some value in them, "It's a little late for someone to tell me that." He said under his breath. He turned away from the two girls, walking forwards a few steps before stopping, "I can call you anything I want eh?" He pondered that for a moment, "Alright Book.....person." He struggled to think of a name, his tone much too serious for what he was saying, "If in fact what's in that book is such a secret that you can't show, I'll respect that. As for your other belongings..." He looked towards the blackened tree, "Well, I guess they're safe too." He felt some degree, oddly enough, of sympathy after hearing the girl learned she was a demi-god. Demi-god. The question still persisted in his mind of the unknown word. He turned to Elise, "You keep speaking of demi-gods, yet I've scarcely even heard the term god in my life, let alone have a solid understanding of what even that is. What is this term you speak of?" He looked to her, his eyes showing slight, barely noticeable traces of curiosity

Name: Alice
Age: 16
Height: 5'1
Personality: sweet and kind but she is bio-polor! mode sings are going to happen!

"I'm WHAT" she yelled at her ganmother. her father pasted away when she was little and now she lives with her ganmother or nana as she calls her. "MY mother is..... Oh Death by hades" MY MOTHER IS PERSEPHONE?!?!?!? wait that means oh Death by hades, my secound father is HADES! oh hades. ok need to stop that hades thing now. "Nana how can that be and also is that why I like pomegranate seeds? because if thats it i can't believe that" "maybe dear, but in hand here this is what you need and this is where you must go! hurry time is not on your side." her nana pushed her out of thir home. "alright nana i'm going ill see you soon i hope" adn with that she left quckly as she can to where ever she was need.
He was never afraid of the dark and no one knew why. Perhaps it was because it welcomed him more than anyone else had. Perhaps it was because the dark had saved him more times than once. All that Lyle knew was that the darkest parts of the world were the most welcoming, and Lyle was content with that.

Lyle would finds himself wherever shadows thrive and wherever the sun cannot reach. He hides within the shadows of the tallest trees of the forest, sleeps deep within caves where even the animals don't dare to go, and thrives in the places where sight is an impossibility.

Lyle was the child of Erebus; the god of darkness and shadows. However, this doesn't inherently render him to be edgy or cryptic. He is in his early twenties and due to the status of his father in the pantheon, he has reasonable influence over his father's domain.


Lyle watched a bear as it slept. It was new to these parts of the woods and sought his cave as a place of refuge. It was pregnant and was ready to deliver from what Lyle could see. The bear lied on its side as a new cycle of life was beginning and Lyle, doing as darkness should, kept the bear hidden with his shade. It is one of darkness's greatest abilities to keep things hidden.

Lyle kept the family safe until the three new cubs were old enough to walk. Even Lyle's patience wears and the mother was slowly sensing the cave's hospitality fading. The mother bear, ready to depart out of fear of deepening darkness, took her cubs and left Lyle's cave empty once more.

That was how Lyle preferred things.
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