Battle of the Demi-Gods

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Eli grunts in reply, lays down and puts the pillow over his head.
Eli grunts again and Darren walks out with Raven.
Darren hugs her, "You did good."
He grins and kisses her, "Sure! What do you wanna play?!"
"Yeah! That sounds fun!"
you hid I find you" she smiled then close her eyes and start counting "1...........5.............8...........10" she skep count
Darren hides in the bathttub int the bathroom.
Raven looks around the house but the bath room and Elis room. once it was bathroom or Elis room she choise the Bathroom. as looks around then walks in moving the cratens she Finds him "found you found you" she smiled then hugs him
Darren laughs, "Dang it!"
Darren starts counting. Eli senses Raven's energy looks under his bed, "What the fuck are you doing?"
she jumps and hits her head under his bed. "Ow~~~ I'm hiding from Darren he knows I'm scared of you so he would look here." she said in a (eited)
Eli rolls his eyes, "Whatever." He lays back on his bed and listens to his ipod.
Darren looks around then after a little bit he decides to look in Eli's room.
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