Battle of the Demi-Gods

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Eli goes into his room and slams his door.
Eli plops onto his bed.
He shrugs, "Shouldnt be long." he pauses and thinks, then says, "Did you run off after saying sorry?"
Darren sighs, "That made Eli even madder when you ran off..."
Darren shrugs, "Honestly, I dont know..."
ok i am going to say sorry and not run away" she syarts to walk but stops "Darre come wi me please im scared"
He nods and grabs her hand.
she walks with him read to do nying now that he was here she can maybe fa the world with him
Darren opens Eli's door, "Eli?'
"What?" he ask in a harsh voice.
Raven got scared again and wanted to run. "i can do this no no you cant" she siad in her head but then she felt his head again and didnt know what to do
Darren gave her hand a light squeeze, to show he is there for her.
Eli was growing impatient. He scowls at both of them, "WHAT?"
Raven jumped and hide behind Darren "i cant do it Darren he scary" she whispers
Darren looks at her, "Dont worry you can do it" he whispers back.
Eli grunts growing very impatient, "If you came here just to annoy me it is working."
"Ok but is he gets even more mad get ready to teleport us out of here" she whispers to him
she breath in then said "Eli I'm sorry for everything I said before I didn't mean to and I just want so say sorry so for give me please"
Eli raises an eyebrow then he sighs, "Fine... whatever... But next time you should THINK before you say something like that."
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