Barren Earth

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Saros Mabry

"Don't be so overdramatic," Saros ran a hand through his hands, double checking the various straps that connected both their mounts and her saddles. The first time he had attempted to saddle his own equipment had ended in near tears when he had tried to mount. The martingale hadn't been tightened far enough, and when he had managed to swing his body up, the whole saddle had tipped sideways, yet one foot had remained tangled in the stirrup, so while the rest of his mass collapsed in a heap on the group, his left foot was strung above him, hopelessly stuck, and horse spooked.

Shep hadn't quite let him off the hook so easily, teasing the boy until his ears turned pink, and his body seemed to emanate heat in his humiliation.

"Hold onto the reins, alright? But keep them loose or else the bit will dig into her mouth. I'll lead you around in a few circles to ease you into the riding, but try not to be too stiff. Move along with the horse; If you try and keep your body too stiff you'll be super sore tomorrow." It was the one instance where it was just better to go with the flow.

He would grudgingly admit that so far, Thea had been far more graceful and collected than his first time attempting to ride a horse. Reaching for the reins on his own horse, Saros began slowly, strides short and measured, cerulean cesspools trained on Thea just in case she startled or fell.

"See? It isn't as bad as you expected it, right?" Saros couldn't help the grin that seemed to flit across his face like a shadow as he gripped Orion's dark mane, pushing himself off with his legs in an elusive, practiced flourish. "Your life is in my hands, you say?" Tapping his feet against the animal's flank, his fingers held the reins loosely, wrists slackened, before he clicked his tongue, both horses beginning to pick up their pace, easing from a walk into a rougher trot. He could feel their warmth radiating from their massive bodies, his legs hugging Orion's sides, the firmness of his body underneath him like a steady promise. Always there for him. Over the years, his body had grown so accustomed to Orion's strides, memorized every quirk, and the horse's large chestnut toned eyes held a deep sense of unspoken trust. One that spoke of an irreplaceable bond that had formed throughout the years.

@Elle Joyner
There were quite a lot of instructions, and not the sort she fully understood. All in all, it was a little like fixing the radiator. She was out of her comfort zone and at least initially, she wasn't remotely fond of the feeling.

But as she took his advice to heart and softened her posture, she found herself sinking more comfortably into the saddle, found herself concentrating more readily on the motions of the animal beneath her. She could feel every jolt of the heavy footfall, every ripple of thick muscle... Slowly, her lip twitched up into a smile as she glanced down to Saros.

"Maybe I'm dramatic... But would you have me any other way? You have to admit, I've made life more interesting." As if it were a cue, in the distance the sound of an explosion rocked the earth. With a shriek, the horse reared up and clutching tight, Thea managed only just not to fly backwards to the dirt.

Hoof touching the ground again, anxiously pawing and stirring dust up around them as Thea swung round to look back at camp, "Saros... What... Look!"

In a steady stream of black spirals, smoke rose above the campground and in the distance, screams and frantic voices echoed across to them.
Saros Mabry

He could see her relaxing into her saddle, her movements more fluid and slightly more natural, her body swaying in time to the rocking of the horse. He had to, albeit, grudgingly, admit that Thea was a fast learner. In the short while she had been here, she had integrated herself quickly and efficiently, far better than he had when he first ventured in. Perched upon such a massive beast held a distinct level of trust. Essentially, he was placing his life in the hands of an animal he couldn't always understand, just as the animal was placing its trust in an animal that steered and controlled its movements. But that was the beauty of the relationship between rider and steed. Not everything in life had to be understood for it to flow smoothly.

Just about to roll his eyes at her next statement, their tranquil outing was severed by the rocking of the Earth, her mare rearing, nearly bucking Thea off. Thick tendrils of smoke could be seen rising above the camp, Orion snorting beneath him as the bit dug into his mouth, Saros's hands reaching for the rope between him and Thea's steed, whatever previous serene feature had been on his face dissipated.

They needed to get the horses.

Spurring Orion into action, with Thea still forcibly stuck behind, he moved towards the paddock, most of the horses already had a bridle on, which meant some purchase for scrabbling riders. Opening the gates, he let the herd stampede through, the earth vibrating with hoofbeats as the poor undergrowth was trampled, long gaits stretching towards the direction of the camp.

"We need to get to the camp," Saros managed out as he tapped Orion's sides, pulling his mane as the stallion threw his head in protest before galloping after the rest of the horses.

The center of the camp had been decimated, and he halted right before his tent, scrambling in to grab all he could to stuff in his medicinal bag before mounting, "just focus on staying mounted," he threw at Thea, distracted with the carnage before them. All around, chaos surrounded them, campers screaming, others grabbing at the horses in an attempt to mount them. There was no time to be upset, and with reaching fingers, Saros grabbed at an elderly woman with burn marks and charcoal painted across her left side, tucking the old lady onto his horse, underneath his own body in case another attack were to happen. Thea would have to stay tethered to his horse until they reached a safe destination, part of him nervous she wouldn't be able to control her mare or follow them back.

@Elle Joyner


Her heart hammered against her ribs in violent percussion, her mind swimming around thoughts that had her trapped somewhere between panic and an inordinate desire to help. She felt useless before, when she couldn't even repair a simple generator, but now? What would she do in such a dire situation...? Saros gave her little time to ponder - they were off before she had a chance to think and she was a little glad for that...

But when they arrived, finally, at camp, all thoughts of her own usefulness fled at the devastating sight. There were bodies strew about, injured crying out for aid and all Thea could think... could pray was that it was only injuries, but true enough, there was a stillness to some of the forms that suggested otherwise. It shattered her - broke every ounce of entitlement, of her self-centered nature. She didn't want to help. She needed to ... desperately.

Saros worked through the crowd, helping an older lady up onto his horse and Thea took the moment of pause to act. Swinging down from the saddle, she raced into the chaos, her elbow cupped over her mouth and nose to keep out the cloying black smoke. In the center, where the destruction was the worst, there was an eerie silence... like the eye of a storm. There were more bodies than she wanted to count, prone and helpless, the ground painted rusty red and black from char. Carefully, she picked her way along, moving with purpose, with urgency.

Somehow, in the thick of it, she knew she needed to keep going and finally, persistence paid it's course. The groan was soft, barely heard above the blood pounding in her ears, and with a gasp, she spun towards it to find a man pinned beneath a small pile of rubble. Moving swiftly, leaping over an upturned bench, she skidded down beside him, and as he turned towards her, she swallowed a lump in her throat, hands hovering over his broken form with a shake of her head, "It's okay... We... we're gonna get you outta here. It's alright."

"There was... there was a bomb. In one of the crates... we... we were moving it and it... it just went off. Katie. My... my Katie... she... is she okay?"

"...I don't know." Blinking, Thea shook her head, "I don't know who that is. But we're gonna take care of you, so we can find her... okay?"

The man groaned, and shaking his head, his face screwed up in a grimace, "Don't waste your time. I don't think there's much you can do. I... I can't feel my legs, Miss."

"Probably just pinned..." Thea answered, weakly, but the man shook his head.

"That's about three hundred pounds of rubble there, Miss. Please... just..." He winced again, and Thea reached for his hand, squeezing it gently, "Just stay with me a minute, more?"

Shaking her head, Thea looked past him, through the smoke, through the dark, empty smoke, "Someone! Anyone! Help us!" Squeezing his hand again, she looked down at him, "I'm not going anywhere, Sir... Just hang on."