Balloons (A Five Nights At Freddy's RP)

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Bonnie: *stares at Xander* bruh I'm 12, I don't think guys are hot yet, and who cares if I go after him or you Connie

(Imma just leave this here >.>)
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Connie: But wouldn't the challenge of getting him be much more fun than murdering an innocent girl? You were one once, just a bit younger.
Xander: Bonnie, we share the same favorite color. I think that overrules what Connie is saying right now.
Xander: Bonnie, we share the same favorite color. I think that overrules what Connie is saying right now.
Connie: Really? Really? You're gonna pull that shit? You're lucky none of this knowledge will carry over to my other self in the IC thread, otherwise I might snap your neck myself. You're no better than your grandfather, douchebag.
Bonnie: *Holds Connie back in the ball pit* woah hakuna your tatas, *stares at Xander again* And what does the color purple have to do with anything?! Do you think I asked to be purple?! Maybe I wanted to be blue or pink or even friggin Rainbow!
Connie: Really? Really? You're gonna pull that shit? You're lucky none of this knowledge will carry over to my other self in the IC thread, otherwise I might snap your neck myself. You're no better than your grandfather, douchebag.
Xander: For...saying we have the same favorite color? Why you so angry about that? ;^_^ OH WAIT, I see whats going on here. It must be 'that time of month'. *hears Bonnie not falling for his plan* Hehe, okay Imma go hide in my office now.
Bonnie: Oh no you dont you son of a butt you're joining me in the ball pit too *yanks xander into the ball pit*
Xander: For...saying we have the same favorite color? Why you so angry about that? ;^_^ OH WAIT, I see whats going on here. It must be 'that time of month'. *hears Bonnie not falling for his plan* Hehe, okay Imma go hide in my office now.
Connie: Trust me, if I was menstruating right now you'd already be lying in a spreading puddle of your own blood.
EDIT: and a bit of mine, now that I think of it.



I'm pissed mainly because you're saying that a mutual favorite color is reason enough for Bonnie to choose sparing your scumbag life over mine. God, you're just unbearable.
Trainbrain16 said:
"Hey, Ari?" she hollered. "You wanna earn your free pie tonight? Do me a favor and fix the goddamned A/C in this building! I'm freezing in here! My nipples are so hard I could key Xander's car with them!"
Omg lol that was so inapropro for a kid's joint
Not all of them >.> there are still five very impressionable minds inside that pizzeria
Something else I just thought of, I think Anna seriously needs a hug as well. Again, one that Connie would be happy to provide once she actually knows what's going on.
Just so you guys know i am working on my first post, itll be up tonight
Not all of them >.> there are still five very impressionable minds inside that pizzeria
Well... Connie doesn't know that. Nobody alive aside from Xander 'Narci-asshole' Summers knows that.
Sweet another person to terrorize oops I mean make friends with . . . wait no I definitely mean terrorize lol
Shhh Bonnie does not need hugs, she gives them . . . passive aggressively . . .
Heading to bed. Its like 1:40 here. XD
Shhh Bonnie does not need hugs, she gives them . . . passive aggressively . . .
Connie: Bonnie might not, but Skylar does. You said it yourself. Come over here and let me at least try to hug you, you little spook.
Nuuuuuuu the scary lady finally caught on TT^TT *runs away through a wall*
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